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Satoru Iwata Has Passed Away

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Source: https://twitter.com/kaorin1211/status/620519235173789696
This fucking rainbow starts and ends on Nintendo

Fuck, I can't take this.

skull kid

I wanted to write something to express how sad this is, but all I can think of are the happy moments, laughs and interesting insights that Iwata-san shared with us during all these years. Thank you for all of your hard work, you will be missed and never forgotten.
Farewell Iwata-san.
On a positive note, it's lovely seeing different developers and industry figures putting aside their differences to pay tribute to such a wonderful contributor to the medium.


I'm not crying but more like giving a big salute to the man for his dedication of entire life to computer entertainment industry. Looking OP is enough to see the influence and contribution of this legendary man.


I will miss watching Mr. Iwata in his directs and I will miss his general enthusiasm when it comes to gaming. Nintendo, and gaming in general will be diminished by this loss.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Originally Posted by edbrat

I was at E3 a few years back getting into a lift to go from the biz level down to ground floor - Nintendo's E3 analyst briefing had just finished and as I got in I saw Iwata stood in the lift with (I think) Bill Trinnen. Just before the doors closed an analyst and his pal got in but obviously failed to notice Iwata stood there at the back. This guy then started sounding off about Nintendo's strategy, calling out Iwata and saying what he thought Nintendo should do and how a load of stuff at the briefing was all wrong etc etc.

By now a hush had descended on the lift and I cast a sidelong glance to Iwata wondering if he was going to pipe up and humiliate this guy. Stupid thought ;) He was just stood there with Bill and they were both grinning like kids as this guy kept on. Finally the guy thought something must be up as the rest of us in the lift were now grinning like crazy looking at him, wondering if he would notice who was in the lift with him. Finally he did, turning around and looking at Iwata wide-eyed obviously thinking "shit wtf have I just done here omg".

Iwata just grinned even harder (as if that was possible) and patted him on the arm and made perfectly clear through his expression that everything was cool. The rest of us just cracked up and walked off one anecdote richer about what a lovely man Iwata was.

It is so rare that we get a senior exec with his demeanour, sincerity and genuine passion for his work. I really hope one part of his legacy is that we will see more people like him rising to the top. RIP Satoru Iwata, you really did a great job.

Great story.....BRAVO....BRAVO!

Thanks for sharing.

That was an awesome story, thanks for that!
Seeing all this GAF logo talk makes me think of Apple and that they did really great when Steve Jobs passed away. Wonder if Nintendo will do something similar. Hmm..


Didn't think I would cry. Then I watched the Wii U unboxing and read Itoi's tribute. So strange. A hero of mine in many ways.


I was genuinely shocked when I read the topic of this thread this morning. I read about him being ill some time ago but I did not expect this at all :(

It is indeed a sad day for gamers and my thoughts go out to his family and friends.

Rest in peace and thanks for everything you brought to this industry.


Seeing all this GAF logo talk makes me think of Apple and that they did really great when Steve Jobs passed away. Wonder if Nintendo will do something similar. Hmm..

All of their social media channels have the same message:

In remembrance of Mr. Satoru Iwata, Nintendo will not be posting on our social media channels today.

Besides that, I'm guessing they won't be changing their website. But the message on social media and the day of silence is enough, I feel.


Neo Member
Thank you Mr. Iwata. For everything you have done for the industry. I think it's safe to say that the members of GAF, and the gaming community as a whole, walk around with a heavy heart today.
I believe whatever I could have said about Iwata's passing has already been said in this thread. His loss will felt in Nintendo for a long time and it will hard not to see him leading Nintendo into the future.

I'm not a artist but I wanted to share my thoughts about him and I did in a couple videos I wanted to share with everyone. One is about his passing and why it has affected the fan base so much and other in talking about the game dev he was and the impact he had in almost all the Nintendo games we know about.



Nintendo Directs will never be the same again.


I can't believe Iwata died. He was a true legend and kind and wonderful man. Rest in peace. May his legacy live on in the games we play.


Canadians burned my passport
Didn't get a chance to post until now but I am overcome with sadness at this news.

He was a great man and we are all left poorer in spirit without him.

RIP Iwata


Unconfirmed Member
岩田 聡 - 真のインスピレーション, 親友




I'm probably going to avoid work today and just play my Wii U.

It's difficult to describe why I'm this sad; I think it's because the Nintendo Directs and the Iwata Asks were clearly designed for us, the fans, and it was clear he took such joy in his work. One always got the sense, too, that he was a good man--a genuinely kind man. I can imagine, for example, Miyamoto going nuts with rage at someone, Iwata stepping in, and calming the situation.

This hits me hard, too, because the last vestiges of my video game interests are revitalized this generation with the Wii U, a system that flopped commercially, of course, but one that, not unlike the Dreamcast, has some of the very best games ever created on it. It's the gaming system I associate with joy--not just happiness. It's the one that makes me feel most like a child again.

Rest in peace, Mr. Iwata. You will be missed. Folks around here will be grieving for quite a time. It's a testament to your memory that this fickle, rapidly moving subculture has slowed down to recognize your contributions to their lives.


A hero of mine as well.

Technical mind, leader's heart, and a creator. I've always envied his mix of stoicism and humor.

A deep loss for the community, he is one of gaming's greatest.


No more drops, no more bombs, no more megatons, no more Iwata Asks, no more Directs...

Such a great, invaluable loss. :(


Felt quite sad yesterday, now Itoi's words got me again. Damn, my patients shouldn't be seeing me all teary-eyed, heh.

Also, can I get a ribbon on my avatar??


I don't know if this has been posted yet, too many pages to check, but Itoi's response broke me:

Sakurai's and Itoi's response really slayed me as these are the folk whom I felt Iwata was very close to. Sakurai was literally given the keys to the kingdom for the Smash games, and Itoi's just had so much support over the years. Itoi has such a way with words.

The way he led HAL from the front to rise from the ashes of bankruptcy is as good as any programming feat he's done.

RIP Iwata, and I'll continue to try and understand :(


He was a legend. That was it's so hard. You always thought he will live forever. Like Michael Jackson and Robin Williams and my mom, these people always take proud with their work, always smile. They are a monument, you never ever think they can be taken down.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm contemplating calling Reggie to see if there is a more formal way to pay my respects, but perhaps they are taking the day off?
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