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Devil's Third Retail Build Single Player Impressions



Looks like they are holding off on a full review till the mutiiplayer is up and running so they have an expansive write up on the single player and it looks like it is confriming what we suspected about the game.

The melee is designed to be simple and, ultimately, a vehicle for gory and stylised death moves. Using standard swords or limited use weapons that are lying around - a favourite of ours is the sledgehammer - you can dish out light or heavy attacks with X and Y, while blocking and evading with the L button. You can also charge the 'Enbaku Gauge', a limited time power up that makes you faster and more powerful for a brief period. It sort of works but is painfully lacking in fluidity, while the transition from melee to gunplay is awkward at best. Fiddling with settings makes it easier to effectively lock onto an enemy, ignoring the wonky camera to land hits more frequently. It feels particularly rough, though, and as a result becomes awkward and frustrating button mashing.

The sad thing is that, actually, the combat - melee and gunplay - could be enjoyable, but the concept is betrayed by shoddy technical execution. A key sinner is the woefully erratic framerate, which dives in outside areas or in the presence of explosions, while ticking along bearably in less intensive sections. Even when performance is tolerable the animation, transitions and general gameplay are scruffy and frustrating, making us feel like we're battling the mechanics in addition to hopelessly dim enemies.

We still have a little way to go in the campaign, but so far it's been a messy, frustrating experience. There's a place in the world for dumb and linear action games that try to recreate an '80s action movie vibe - our complaints aren't about the superficiality of the experience. We enjoy some mindless fun, but it still needs to be well designed, polished and a pleasure to play. We don't feel like a modern day bad-ass Dolph Lundgren when playing Devil's Third - it doesn't draw us in. We feel like an irritated gamer who realises they could do something more productive with their time.

Anyway, there is much more at the jump above to read.


Neo Member
The game is already in reviewer's hands? Doesn't it seem really early considering it comes out in late August?


As bad as expected. I am still shocked some people can look at this and think it looks like a good game.



Interesting that European writers already have had access to the game so early, considering its release late August.

Sad to hear the issues from the previews. Was looking forward to this. I'm still going to give it a go of course, and maybe the multiplayer's customisation and wackiness will add that little extra, but not sounding like a very polished experience so far.


Not surprising :( I never understood how people were looking forward to this with high expectations when the footage has always looked incredibly poor.


Not surprising :( I never understood how people were looking forward to this with high expectations when the footage has always looked incredibly poor.
Because no one has played the game, and Itagaki is behind it. The game always looked rough but that wasn't enough for me to pass it off as bad. Everyone wants the game to be good, or OK


Videogamer's preview: http://www.videogamer.com/wiiu/devils_third/preview-3910.html

"Devil's Third is shaping up to be one of the worst games Nintendo has ever published."

The game is already in reviewer's hands? Doesn't it seem really early considering it comes out in late August?

we've been given codes at the beginning of july. Multiplayer isn't active yet, though. There's another embargo on reviews, don't expect them till a much later date


Gold Member


I have finished the game, and will have a review up for embargo. Not doing a preview, but it I will say that it is terrible. There's nothing redeeming about it at all; none of the grace and fluidity in the combat we've seen in NG. The gunplay is terrible. The bosses are cheap and uniformly awful.

It is a bad, bad game.


El Capitan Todd
Quoting myself from the other topic. Don't blame on me.

Will your preview have a lot of MP info? Or do we have to wait longer. Looking forward to what you have to say

nope, multiplayer info will come later.

oh man oh man oh man
a few more confirmations of this and i'll be in hype country

It seems I'll be a voice outside the chorus.

Oh, I missed this. Is very nice to read this, it makes me have good hopes for the game. Especially knowing that you don't usually overhype things.

And I still don't want. But my impressions are mine, even if it seems I'm alone in this.

I honestly disagree about the gameplay feeling. the passage from first peson to third person is fluid and smooth and the combo you can set up switching instantly from shooting to slide against the enemies to close the gap and slice them with a melee attack is pretty satisfyng

My preview (unfortunately only in Italian, but hopefully Google Translate can give you a hand somehow, in case you are interested) is here.
I won't lie: i did NOT like what i've played, at all.
Despite being a diehard and longtime fan of Itagaki (Ninja Gaiden is in my heart), Devil's Third is unfortunately a real nasty mess, with tons of problems pretty much everywhere.
Honestly, i did not understand nor approve NoA's ostracism towards the game... until i got my hands on it. It's seriously that bad, yes.

I'll post a little recap of my preview later on, sorry but i have zero time now. :/

EDIT: you can see two gameplay vids from the second mission on page 2, we captured those ourselves.

I absolutely respect your opinion, and it's also validated from many others. but I still confirm that I really enjoyed the 8/9 hours long single player campaing, I've noticed a bad framerate only in loading new areas and never during combat section, I appreciated the difficulty level don't finding it frustrating (nor even the "one lethla move" of the bosses), I loved Ivan as a character.

Yes, visually the game has some horrible part, as you mention, early-Xbox360-like level of quality.


Well Hayashi couldn't carry the production from the shadows this time so it's no surprise the whole game is crashing and burning.


I'm sure that there are people who'll enjoy this game.

I mean, there are people who supposedly enjoy Sonic 2006 and love the argue online about how it's not a bad game and really actually pretty good.


I have finished the game, and will have a review up for embargo. Not doing a preview, but it I will say that it is terrible. There's nothing redeeming about it at all; none of the grace and fluidity in the combat we've seen in NG. The gunplay is terrible. The bosses are cheap and uniformly awful.

It is a bad, bad game.


The camera quickly jerking every time you melee hit someone gives me a headache. What the hell Itagaki.


The game is already in reviewer's hands? Doesn't it seem really early considering it comes out in late August?

Nintendo always have their games reviewed a few weeks early, its a practice they get no credit for and one the whole industry should follow. Day 1 embargoes and such are deceitful and serve no purpose other than to trick people into buying bad/problematic games.


I'd never buy a game with this protagonist regardless, but it looks like utter shite on top of that. Wonder how this happens?
In terms of Nintendo struggle FPS games, on a scale from Far Cry Vengence to Red Steel 1, where does this land?
I actually adore Red Steel haha
There is going to be a backlash over certain parts of this game (specifically the cutscenes) that I think would be better for NOA to just drop it and walk away.


I can honestly say that AT LEAST Jane Doe and the final boss were pretty good, imho.

How many boss fights are there anyway? I was really hoping that it would at least feature great one on one battles in the boss encounters, like NG did. But instead it sounds like that's no going to be the case. The footage I saw of the first boss looks like an absolute joke. What happened... :(


So basically NOA chose not to publish a terrible game (that rumours had stated was terrible)....got a backlash from gamers for not wanting to publish the terrible game...

...and now they'll be slated for publishing a terrible game which they didn't want to publish... if they publish it.
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