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Zombi - Pure Survival Horror is coming to PS4, Xbox One and PC [ZombiU Port]

IKR? Makes me wonder who many people are downplaying the issues in regards to problems in games.

because it could have been an issue with the xbox. It wouldnt be the first time its happened with a game. Not sure if you are aware, but when u click on a tile, it goes to a screen that just shows a picture of the game, while it loads or something, and thats where it was happening. I was launching the game at 98% because I just wanted to play...this could have been the issue, the game could be the issue, the xbox could be the issue. I just dont know
I'm actually reminded why I never finished ZombiU. Game breaking, progress halting bug in the

Hopefully nothing of the sort this time around.
How long is this game? Is it the type of game that warrants multiple playthroughs?

Probably 15 hours average if you're not blazing through it. It only warrants multiple playthroughs if you really enjoyed the gameplay/atmosphere, similar to most survival horror games. Did you replay any RE/SH games? If yes, then you may want to replay this.

There are multiple endings but really REALLY not worth trying to get them all, without spoiling anything.

I hope Wii U-less people are digging this and I hope the experience translates well without the Gamepad. This and Alien: Isolation top anything survival horror wise from last gen consoles off the top of my head.


i feel like the only person having almost no issues. I am on xbox one, the only things that have happened to me so far

-game kept crashing when I would click on the tile to launch it. Had to try to about 6 times when I initially started the game.

-it dipped to a very low fps for 2 seconds, then I never saw it dip again.

"almost no issues" Are you kidding me? What you just described are very big issues, and definitely putting me off from buying it, so I thank you for that lol.
"almost no issues" Are you kidding me? What you just described are very big issues, and definitely putting me off from buying it, so I thank you for that lol.

2 seconds of frame rate drop? Must not play a lot of console games then huh?

And with the crashing, I am the only person ive seen with the crashes. And I explained it more up above
because it could have been an issue with the xbox. It wouldnt be the first time its happened with a game. Not sure if you are aware, but when u click on a tile, it goes to a screen that just shows a picture of the game, while it loads or something, and thats where it was happening. I was launching the game at 98% because I just wanted to play...this could have been the issue, the game could be the issue, the xbox could be the issue. I just dont know

Whether or not the issue lies between the game or the console, it isn't something to be brushed under the table so easily.


Here's some shots @ 1440p with Reshade Framework enabling Lens Dirt and AO:




AO is a bit glitchy though, seems to be related to FOV. Also, performance is significantly reduced with Reshade's AO on, even at this resolution. Going to see if Inspector flags are compatible here.


is your goal in this thread just to bash everything that isnt the Wii U version? All of your posts seem to have a common theme so far

It's pretty much an objective statement. The ports lack so many things from the original game while adding only relatively minor things. Subjectively, one can obviously choose to not care about any of the missing features and thus prefer these small additions in the ports but the original is, objectively, still the best and most complete version of this game.


It's pretty much an objective statement. The ports lack so many things from the original game while adding only relatively minor things. Subjectively, one can obviously choose to not care about any of the missing features and thus prefer these small additions in the ports but the original is, objectively, still the best and most complete version of this game.

To claim that much higher resolution and 60 fps is only "marginal" is a little disingenuous, no? It makes a world of difference to me.
... but the original is, objectively, still the best and most complete version of this game.

I don't think most people are arguing that, and for the price I think the quality of the port is relative. It seems fairly competent, considering the relatively small team working on it.

For me, it means I don't have to buy a Wii U to play it. If I think it's the best game ever, I would consider getting the definitive (original)version.

I bought a GameCube just to play RE4, many months after it came out.


2 seconds of frame rate drop? Must not play a lot of console games then huh?

And with the crashing, I am the only person ive seen with the crashes. And I explained it more up above
Yes, you're right. The game sounds like a fantastic port. All those problems are totally acceptable, I don't know what I was thinking. With you being the only person in the world that we've seen with this strange occurrence, we will just chalk to up to a faulty Xbox. Thanks for saving me $20!


To claim that much higher resolution and 60 fps is only "marginal" is a little disingenuous, no? It makes a world of difference to me.

Considering what is missing it is really marginal.
It's kinda like all the WiiU ports in 2012, it was marginally prettier but ran worse in some cases and had missing features.
I don't think anyone cared about these at the time.
And the price is actually higher than you would find on WiiU new, it's not really a good deal.
To claim that much higher resolution and 60 fps is only "marginal" is a little disingenuous, no? It makes a world of difference to me.

The PC version with mods (Reshade) is almost equal with the Wii-U version, IMO. Also, I'm not bent out of shape on the lack of the gamepad either like some are. I own the Wii-U version, and I'm glad to stick to one screen with m/kb controls. The frame rate on PC alone dwarfs all other versions.
Yes, you're right. The game sounds like a fantastic port. All those problems are totally acceptable, I don't know what I was thinking. With you being the only person in the world that we've seen with this strange occurrence, we will just chalk to up to a faulty Xbox. Thanks for saving me $20!

you seem to have a gaming PC and PS4 by looking at your previous posts...so I am not too sure why problems with the xbox version would put you off from buying it


To claim that much higher resolution and 60 fps is only "marginal" is a little disingenuous, no? It makes a world of difference to me.

I said minor and yes, I mean it since it is entirely related to presentation while the missing stuff consists of two very big gameplay components (multiplayer mode and online stuff). Also, if you read the whole post, you'll see that I said that you can obviously prefer these minor visual enhancements over the missing gameplay features but that then is subjective preference and not an objective assessment which was my whole point. :)


Considering what is missing it is really marginal.
It's kinda like all the WiiU ports in 2012, it was marginally prettier but ran worse in some cases and had missing features.
I don't think anyone cared about these at the time.
And the price is actually higher than you would find on WiiU new, it's not really a good deal.

So a port that runs considerably better and at much higher framerate and resolution is kind of like WiiU ports that actually ran worse? Ok...?

I said minor and yes, I mean it since it is entirely related to presentation while the missing stuff consists of two very big gameplay components (multiplayer mode and online stuff). Also, if you read the whole post, you'll see that I said that you can obviously prefer these minor visual enhancements over the missing gameplay features but that then is subjective preference and not an objective assessment which was my whole point. :)

I've read the whole post. My point is that much higher resolution and 60 fps is not minor. In fact, I could very much argue that the missing gameplay elements are minor, but you can subjectively say they have more impact on the gameplay than 60 fps, I guess.

That the game looks better and runs better (and, consequently, plays better) on PC is pretty much an objective statement.


The PC version with mods (Reshade) is almost equal with the Wii-U version, IMO. Also, I'm not bent out of shape on the lack of the gamepad either like some are. I own the Wii-U version, and I'm glad to stick to one screen with m/kb controls. The frame rate on PC alone dwarfs all other versions.

Lol, what a world.

Ubi really didn't give one shit about this title.


PC version here. Rock solid 144fps at 1080p using a gtx 970. So smooth. Zero stutter (a first for Ubisoft.) Looks exactly like the original but at a superior resolution, with superior framerate and instant load times. Only thing I can see missing is the dirt filter.


It's pretty much an objective statement. The ports lack so many things from the original game while adding only relatively minor things. Subjectively, one can obviously choose to not care about any of the missing features and thus prefer these small additions in the ports but the original is, objectively, still the best and most complete version of this game.

WEll, for some of us it will be the only way to play the game. Sorry, I'm not buying a Wii U just for this game (Though I do think having your inventory on the game pad sounds a lot neater than their on screen compromise). hell, I'm only considering it cause it's 20 bux and it seems like it may be a good time killer for between now and Mad Max (though New Vegas is doing ok for that but I would rather not overkill myself on Fallout before 4 comes out). Or worse if I decide Mad Max isn't worth it and still need soimething to kill the time before Fallout 4.
I'm so fucking torn. I was planning to buy Wii U for this game and Project Zero, then the port came along and fucked up my decisions...


Got the steam PC version, both it and uplay work without any issue.
Framerate is butter smooth, loadings are quick, controls are ok with controller.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I'm shocked Ubisoft is only charging $20 for this. SHOCKED.

I may pick it up, even if it isn't the best port simply because it came to PC and I've been meaning to check it out.


Unconfirmed Member
If the Ps4/XBOne version are really 720p, then they are clearly the worse version of the game. I find that hard to believe. Is it confirmed?
Here's some shots @ 1440p with Reshade Framework enabling Lens Dirt and AO:




AO is a bit glitchy though, seems to be related to FOV. Also, performance is significantly reduced with Reshade's AO on, even at this resolution. Going to see if Inspector flags are compatible here.

How much is performance affected by using Reshade's AO? I mean I'm going to be getting almost 150fps with i7 4960K and gtx970 without Reshade anyway.


I really am curious how the game is going to work and maintain the same charm. I hope it does, and I hope people enjoy it, but to me it's really sad that the WiiU has done so poorly and so one of my favorite gaming experiences of the generation has basically turned into a niche game on a niche system.

I do think that people who own a WiiU or are considering getting one play the game on that platform.

Do I have anything to compare that to? No. BUT! Standing up in a dark room with headphones in playing ZombiU with the gamepad and all of the tension and interactivity that that controller is responsible for is really one of the greatest survival horror experiences of my life.

I realize others may not feel this way.

Either way, check the game out. It's for sure a cool experience, and if it functions well in this new version, then it's definitely worth your time.

I own a WiiU and ZombiU was the first game I bought and I stopped playing after less than an hour and I LOVE horror and survival horror games.

I just hate the tablet controller. I have some nasty hand cramps when I play with it for a bit that I don't get with anything else no matter how much I play. This was really surprising to me because before getting the console I thought I would really enjoy the tablet, but the ergonomics just aren't there for me.

I play everything I can with the pro controller and outside a few Nintendo games I unfortunately don't play anything else that forces me to use the tablet.

I'm not trolling or anything. Eventually I'll grab Zombi for the PS4 and give it a real chance.

Right now I'm really concerned about Fatal Frame. I fucking love the series and since the game was announced I'm hoping for a US release but I fear that the tablet may ruin the game for me and that's a shame because the FF series feels like it was specially designed for the WiiU considering it's ghost camera mechanic. :-(


Getting a game with so much stripped out of it (feature wise and graphics wise), when it seems like there is no reason (cheap port to try and make back more money after they spent years developing this project and for different systems in this case), welcome to the world primarily focused Nintendo hardware owners live/lived in when it comes to third party games that might show up. This is the BS that happens or happened with us. Imagine this across multiple games though with clearly BS excuses/lies to explain/spin it. At least they aren't trying to charge you full price for this. They could have easily done that as they've done it in the past.

I still don't get removing the lighting, etc. Those gave the game a very unique look. Is it perhaps because those things were easier to implement with the Wii U hardware? Given that lightening has been one of the standouts when it comes to graphics in Wii U games. Could the Wii U hardware simply have made these things possible without a performance hit and thus causing the removal of them on this new version?

Also while the game could be done without the touch screen it added a level of tension that this version seems to be clearly lacking.

This has made me want to replay my copy though. Haven't touched it in a long time. I don't see how anyone can look at this situation objectively and not come to the conclusion the Wii U version is the fully featured version. So much is removed from this new version on several fronts.
WEll, for some of us it will be the only way to play the game. Sorry, I'm not buying a Wii U just for this game (Though I do think having your inventory on the game pad sounds a lot neater than their on screen compromise). hell, I'm only considering it cause it's 20 bux and it seems like it may be a good time killer for between now and Mad Max (though New Vegas is doing ok for that but I would rather not overkill myself on Fallout before 4 comes out). Or worse if I decide Mad Max isn't worth it and still need soimething to kill the time before Fallout 4.

I think he is more criticizing the port for being a poor representation of the game, rather than it being on another console.


is your goal in this thread just to bash everything that isnt the Wii U version? All of your posts seem to have a common theme so far

Seems to be the trend to bash this game in to oblivion.

Which si a shame if we have any hope for this game to have long legs despite porting issues.


I got to a part in the Wii U version where a horde was assaulting my base. I died several times trying to get out the door since it would respawn me with practically nothing. OH plus my old characters would of course becomes zombies so that didn't help either.

After the horde finally died off I was so frustrated with the game I never went back.

I'm considering trying again though on the PC port.


All right, what is the gameplay? Is this open world? Is it just a first person shooter/combat focused? Is there crafting or survival type gameplay? Is it pretty story based or quest based?

I'm just curious cause all I know about it is I heard it was good and people bemoaning that since it was on Wii U only at the time it was going to fail even though it was good. But I don't know what at all to expect or if this is something I might like.


A bit of advice for those new to the game.

There is no need to repeatedly bash zombies with the bat. Shove in the back knocks them over allowing for an immediate finishing blow.
All right, what is the gameplay? Is this open world? Is it just a first person shooter/combat focused? Is there crafting or survival type gameplay? Is it pretty story based or quest based?

I'm just curious cause all I know about it is I heard it was good and people bemoaning that since it was on Wii U only at the time it was going to fail even though it was good. But I don't know what at all to expect or if this is something I might like.

It's a first person combat horror game, with a focus on plot. You go through the story trying to survive the trials they give you. It's hard, fun, and scary at many parts. You can go back to previously explored areas, So it's kind of open world. but there isn't much of a reason to.


Seems to be the trend to bash this game in to oblivion.

Which si a shame if we have any hope for this game to have long legs despite porting issues.

If it's a poor port then it shouldn't have legs. The quality of the port should determine its life. Especially if people know what is in the original and what is missing. It's not wrong to point out the negatives a port is missing. Poorly developed or ported games shouldn't find success.


Meh, the only redeeming feature of this game was the multiplayer. Without that it's just generic zombie game #9729
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