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Empire: "John Landis says Disney is releasing Theatrical Star Wars cuts"

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Heh. You should use the Despecializeds. That'd be funny.

(not really, but kinda)

But yeah, that's pretty interesting. They want that doc restored (probably because they absolutely plan on including it in a future home video/digital release) but they won't give over the original effects footage? Either they're withholding (which doesn't make sense as they're specifically wanting hi-res versions of that stuff for their release) or they simply don't have it.

It seems more plausible that they just don't have it, because it'd be weird to deny you the materials you need to do the job they're asking you to do if they already had those materials available.


Heh. You should use the Despecializeds. That'd be funny.

(not really, but kinda)

But yeah, that's pretty interesting. They want that doc restored (probably because they absolutely plan on including it in a future home video/digital release) but they won't give over the original effects footage? Either they're withholding (which doesn't make sense as they're specifically wanting hi-res versions of that stuff for their release) or they simply don't have it.

It seems more plausible that they just don't have it.

Yea, it's very strange. Those shots are the biggest payoff of the entire doc imo.
Well, they're not having you guys restore that doc for nothing. SOMETHING's gonna get released with that as a bonus feature. And if it actually was the theatrical editions, you'd think they'd have no problem sending you that material if they had it.

This whole thing is just weird and annoying, isn't it?
I'm imagining a nefarious and ingenious scheme where they gradually revert Special Edition changes every few years and re-release them as "Almost Theatrical", "Really Close to Theatrical", and "Basically the Same as Theatrical Except This One Thing", and finally "The Real Theatrical Editions" in order to make us buy the original trilogy again at least 4 times before we finally get what we want.

They'll probably charge a couple of arms and a leg for the Ultra HD Blu-ray releases too.


Well, they're not having you guys restore that doc for nothing. SOMETHING's gonna get released with that as a bonus feature. And if it actually was the theatrical editions, you'd think they'd have no problem sending you that material if they had it.

This whole thing is just weird and annoying, isn't it?

Exactly. But I'm low on the totem pole, I don't have any real inside info. I just know I don't have the footage in my hands lol. But God would I love to get my hands on 4K transfers of those original shots, just to look at them and savor them and work with them before anybody else does MUAHAHAHAHA.
I'd be happy if they would just take out "Jedi Rocks" which is embarrassingly horrible and the Han meets Jabba scene from A New Hope which has awful cg and fan wank boba fett looking at the screen.

The dream would be a set one day where you could switch between versions on the fly to see the changes.
What do you mean exactly? It wasn't true? Is there any article about that?

Not specifically, but (and this depends on a person being spoiled, which a lot of people aren't) you can roughly trace the development of this film's story through early spoiler reports to the spoilers we know now, and there are concepts in there that Michael Arndt was working on (and Kasdan has acknowledged those ideas were viable, they just never figured out how to work them into a plot correctly), and Arndt got those ideas from Lucas' original story notes.

Not a lot of what Lucas' contributed got through Arndt, and then Kasdan/Abrams untouched. Kennedy's said as much. But Lucas' "they threw out my story" isn't exactly accurate, either. They tossed out a fair number of details - but I believe Simon Kinberg and Lawrence Kasdan have both recently said there are still ideas from Lucas' original notes that were being mined for this film. Characters and characterizations might have gotten ditched. But the underlying story is still somewhat intact. You have to piece that together across multiple interviews and articles, but it seems to be the case.

All that said - I don't know that if this went to arbitration that he'd get a Story by credit. He might get one anyway, who knows. Leigh Brackett got a credit for The Empire Strikes Back and none of her ideas actually made it into the film. But Lucas wanted to credit her and give her family those residuals, so he did it. Maybe Abrams will decide he wants "story by George Lucas" on his film whether or not much of his story actually survived.


The Holiday Special that fans deserve. I wonder how many copies it would sell compare to the special editions

The whole thing is weird and annoying.

Like, even if you take it at face value, this story is three people removed from anyone involved with Lucasfilm (which is crazy since one of those people is George Lucas, but that's the world we live in now). So basically, best case scenario, it's an old guy casually bringing up a detail he remembered from a conversation he had awhile ago with another old guy who apparently doesn't give a shit about what's going on at a company he doesn't really deal with anymore.

Bobby Roberts bringing the goods. Bah humbug Empire! :(

- J - D -

He really meant it in 95!


(I know there was the dvd version, but that was practically a shitty laserdisc rip)


Add me to the chorus of people who would buy this on Blu. I hope it happens before the latest film is out.

I was saying this as soon as Episode VII was announced, but I gave up on it a few months ago as I assume it would have been announced by now. Though I guess they could announce it within the next two weeks and still release it end of November, but that's cutting it too close I think.


Neo Member
from the discussion in the Star Wars OT in community side:

Disney can't just put out Lucasfilm product without Lucasfilm involvement. They own Lucasfilm, yeah, but Lucasfilm would still have to actually provide them the product before they could distribute it.

Lucasfilm apparently did not restore the original theatrical versions. The 4K versions reportedly are some sort of "split the difference" version, where some changes are reverted to original form, and other changes are left alone (or further revised). This information was revealed essentially on accident by Devin Faraci, who assumed the 4K versions would be the basis of the digital releases on iTunes, and wrote up an article without actually checking to see if those versions were in fact what got released, and then had to mea culpa afterwards and explain how/why he fucked the story up.

Now, it's entirely possible Lucasfilm could, if they wanted, alter this 4K remaster to look exactly like the theatricals. But they'd have to actually do that first, and they're likely not going to spend the money to do that after having just spent the money to get these things remastered in the first place.

So either Landis heard Lucas wrong, or Lucas misinterpreted what Landis was asking, or Lucas simply doesn't really know what's up (he also previously said Kasdan/Abrams threw out all his story ideas when it turns out that's not actually the case, either) and is just kinda guessing.

The whole thing is weird and annoying.

Like, even if you take it at face value, this story is three people removed from anyone involved with Lucasfilm (which is crazy since one of those people is George Lucas, but that's the world we live in now). So basically, best case scenario, it's an old guy casually bringing up a detail he remembered from a conversation he had awhile ago with another old guy who apparently doesn't give a shit about what's going on at a company he doesn't really deal with anymore.

I'm pretty sure the 4K version from Reliance was in progress before the sale to Disney, at least in part as a basis for the 3D versions. It also seems crazy to me that when Lucasfilm became part of Disney that they didn't merge their film archives (the props archive stayed with George Lucas), not least because corporations hate waste.

We know there has been significant restructuring at LFL since the Disney take over, evidenced by the total dismantling of Lucasarts, so I'd be shocked if they didn't restructure the rest of LFL's assets as aggressively. It also makes business sense: why utilise LFL's resources, which are best used to generate new content, to preserve their old content. Especially when you have a world class asset protection department to do just that. Maybe I'm being hopelessly simplistic.

There are plenty of sources out there for a perfect original cut. There is at least one private restoration using only original prints (that's at least 2 generations away from the negative) that blows even the video we've seen from the 4K version away. What could be done with better sources is quite exciting.

We know Lucas kept everything he shot in the archives from the documentaries and articles about the creation of the Special Edition. That was the last hurrah of old school analogue restoration and was, because of this, horribly expensive. It is easier and cheaper by far now. It would still be expensive, in terms of workflow, for a (relatively) small company like LFL to carry out, but for Disney with a whole department dedicated to just this sort of work not so much. Especially as it would guarantee the continuing existence of that asset in perpetuity.

As to the when: there is a pretty big anniversary in 2017.


Exactly. But I'm low on the totem pole, I don't have any real inside info. I just know I don't have the footage in my hands lol. But God would I love to get my hands on 4K transfers of those original shots, just to look at them and savor them and work with them before anybody else does MUAHAHAHAHA.

Some fans are working on 4k scans of old 35mm theatrical prints for the OT. Can't remember if they're using prints from the original run, the '80s rereleases, or a combination. Either way, it looks great so far and blows the current Blu-ray transfers out of the water. If you're desperate, maybe you can talk to them about getting copies. They post updates on the originaltrilogy.com forums.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
I'd buy the theatrical cuts on Blu-ray the day they'll be released. It's a shame it took Disney to step in for us to finally get them.


Dreams do come true if we demand them enough

A Deadpool Movie (which i thought never would see the light of day)
Resident Evil Remake 2

All i need now is Dredd 2 (but a good one)
And these theatrical cuts

Hell i'd even buy a complete box set if i had to to get my hands on them, in good quality, you know like that blade runner set with all the different editions.


Is it possible to use complete scans of the theatrical cuts still? It'd be kinda lame if they tried to piece things together, from different sources to try and get as close as possible.


I thought they already released the thetrical cuts on dvd a while ago.


http://www.prillaman.net/starwarsdvdreview-trilogy_le.html said:
That brings us to the spring of 2006, when we started hearing some curious rumors online. Lucas had plans to release a special "limited edition" set of discs of the trilogy that would have the original edits of the films. It became official in May 2006, but it only took a couple weeks for fans to find out that there was a catch. Or two, or three. First, the movies were being released individually as two-discs sets, with each set containing the "Special Edition" movie disc previously released in the 2004 boxed set along with a "bonus" disc containing the original version. That meant fans who already had the boxed set would have to buy the SE discs a second time. The other two catches were even more egregious: not only was the audio just a Dolby Digital 2.0 copy of the stereo tracks from the 1993 Definitive Edition, but the video was a non-anamorphic transfer also taken from those 1993 LaserDiscs. I doubt many people would have complained if Lucasfilm had elected to skip the massive digital clean-up restoration done by Lowry Digital for the 2004 discs, but to not even strike a modern anamorphic transfer was considered an outrage by many. After all, it's been years since studios could reasonably expect to release widescreen movies on DVD without anamorphic transfers, so seeing Lucas (the man who helped create THX to make sure movies were presented as faithfully as possible both in theaters and in homes) try it was pretty appalling.
Also the DVD theatrical cuts had residual images when things move too fast, and pixelated, jagged edges on anything that had oblique lines.


Is it possible to use complete scans of the theatrical cuts still? It'd be kinda lame if they tried to piece things together, from different sources to try and get as close as possible.

Easily. There are still prints around. They'd need a clean up but if they put the work in it can be done.

And they'd make a shit load of money from it.
I honestly think the furore surrounding the Star Wars Special Editions would never have existed if the boxsets also included the original theatrical cuts from the start. Some of the technical changes/cleanups are actually quite good. No one kicks up a stink about the Blade Runner Final Cut because every other version is packaged with it (never mind that it is most people's preferred version). It's the principle that the filmmaker would actively deny access to the original cut which ruffles people's feathers, and rightly so.

Of course, the preferred Special Editions would be some form of interactive blu-ray where you could turn on/off the changes you wanted. Custom Special Editions.


I'd be happy if they would just take out "Jedi Rocks" which is embarrassingly horrible and the Han meets Jabba scene from A New Hope which has awful cg and fan wank boba fett looking at the screen.

The dream would be a set one day where you could switch between versions on the fly to see the changes.

Don't forget its completely and totally redundant dialogue. And why de-escalate from "dead or alive" to "okay see ya later"?


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Well Disney doesn't get distribution rights for the SW films from Fox (except A New Hope) until 2020, so I'm taking this news with a grain of salt.
Well Disney doesn't get distribution rights for the SW films from Fox (except A New Hope) until 2020, so I'm taking this news with a grain of salt.
They already struck some deal with Fox on distribution otherwise there wouldn't be a digital version already out there. Fox just hold the distribution rights for Star Wars (1977).
I like the remastered version except the extended music number in jabbas palace

The first Star Wars trilogy I owned was VHS Special Edition, and most of the changes/"upgrades" I was fine with. I had never seen/heard the yub nub shit before, and I was so glad they got rid of that - the replacement isn't nearly as offensive and actually added some cool imagery as well.


Here's the entirety of what Devin learned, and how he ended up having to cough a bunch of it up because he didn't check the iTunes versions before writing up the story.

That's basically it.

Something I learned recently about the entertainment enthusiast press - sometimes (often, actually) they will report on stories and never actually email/call all (or any) of the relevant people. I heard from a poster here that they'd been told by a manager that they were going to start taking pre-sales for The Force Awakens in mid-October. Later, I sent a bunch of emails to theater managers asking when they'd been told pre-sales would go live. I got responses from two theaters in my own state, and one from Texas, all with the exact same date. So I posted it up on Facebook, and it got picked up by more than a few websites.

None of those websites actually called to verify anything. In fact, one of them mentioned that they thought about calling Lucasfilm/Disney, but decided against it because they were pretty sure they'd get a no comment. But they never then called any theaters, or theater representatives (or even messaged me, the guy they kept quoting) themselves. Most of them simply rolled with the assumption some sneaky mole from the inside smuggled out valuable information to a guy they knew, and the whole clandestine affair just miraculously became a story. Because that's how people just naturally believe this shit gets out. It couldn't possibly be that someone simply asked questions and got answers from multiple people.

So far as I can tell, Empire reported on a thing Landis said Lucas said "awhile ago" - but nobody following up on the story has attempted to contact Lucas, or Lucasfilm, or Disney. Even if it's nothing but a "no comment."

Hopefully someone at one of the trades will pick up on what Empire's reporting, and at least take the step to contact someone (either the company who did the restoration, or Lucasfilm/Disney themselves, or even Fox, for that matter) to find out what's the truth behind this statement.

Disney really should debunk this if it's not true then, its just going to piss off and annoy a lot of people when they find out. There's no benefit to keeping it a secret unless they really are planning something.


Aren't there some stellar fan cuts, that use an mix of the new and old versions and dial back every bullshit that has been added that isn't a mere "visual enhancement"?
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