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Jim Sterling is being threatened by Digital Homicide devs with doxxing

Surprised Digital Homicide are threatening Jim when they now know how big his Saint's Row dildo-bat is. Jim could royally fuck 'em up with that bad boy.
The Romine brothers creep slowly towards the front door, bearing socket-wrenches and rusty pipes, with thin beige pantyhose shoddily disguising their faces.

"You ready?" inquires one of the brothers. "Never been more ready in my life." the other replies.

With a forceful kick, the door hinges fly backwards, sending the door tumbling into the darkness of the home. As the brothers stroll in, they begin to notice the house's condition. Dark, quiet, perhaps empty.

"Where are you!?" they shout in unison.

With startling echo, Jim Fucking Sterling Son replies from the balcony "I'm over here you big horses ass, come and get me before I call the police!"

Jim skitters away down the upstairs hallway, Romine brothers in chase. As they begin rushing up the stairs, a sharp surge of pain stabs through the brother's feet. "Christmas Ornaments!" They exclaim in pain. After powering through the shattered glass, they reach the top of the stairs, only to fly backwards from the ice sitting on the top step.

Jim, safety hidden behind a door, remarks to himself "This is my house, I have to defend it."

The brothers stumble to door. As they reach their hands to the door knob, the scarring heat swells through their palms, and they scream in pain. Behind the door, they can hear a conversation.
"Who is it?"
"It's me, Snakes. I got the stuff."
"Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here."
"All right, Johnny, but what about my money?"
"What money?"
"Acey said you had some dough for me."
"That a fact? How much do I owe ya?"
"Acey said 10%."

The conversation pauses.

"Too bad Acey ain't in charge no more."
"What do ya mean?"
"He's upstairs takin' a bath. He'll call you when he gets out."

"Hey, I tell ya what I'm gonna give you, Snakes.
I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump your guts full of lead!"

"All right, Johnny, I'm sorry. I'm goin'!"

"1... 2... 10!"
Gunfire rings through the house with incredible volume.
The brothers, frightened by the noises, dash down the broken glass stairs, sliding and falling down them from the patch of ice, and run out into the front lawn where the police are waiting to capture them.

Jim, in unison with the television's audio, yells to the brothers, "Keep the change, ya filthy animal!"

The police officers begin talking to the brothers as the handcuffs are slapped onto their wrists. "Hey, you know we've been looking for you two guys for a long time. You guys are always flipping assets and changing your development name whenever you make something new, now we know each and every game you guys have made."

One of the brothers, not to be discouraged, shouts confidently back at the officer. "Yeah. But remember, we're Digital Homicide. The Digital Homicide. D-I-G-I"
The other brother, defeated, yells back. "Shut up!"


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Thank you for the support. I was pretty creeped out last night, I've woken up this morning and more fucking *angry* than anything else. Angry at the sheer incompetent cowardice, the insulting belief this would scare me into silence. Just...

They better pray I don't get a concrete connection between this blog and whoever they are. I will see to it the legal system crushes them into dust.

I don't have solid proof it's Digital Homicide yet, which is why I've chosen my words carefully. I know DH was behind the "Jim Flips The Bird" Tumblr because the twitter associated with that blog (now deleted) exposed itself as one of DH's sockpuppet companies. The fact this blog is written in the exact same style and is positioned as a "sequel" to that previous blog points entirely to DH, but I would never act without solid proof.

As soon as I get that, there will be a reckoning.

For the guy saying I'm "doxxing" Digital Homicide, no. They exposed *themselves* as the ones behind the original anonymous attacks on me, and as far as using their real names go, it's a matter of public information. I never used their names until *they* started using their names. At this point, it's like naming Dan Paladin when talking The Behemoth. It's not hidden info that the individual has forbidden the use of.

Wikipedia has deigned to add an entire subchapter on the Digital Homicide saga if you would like to know more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Sterling#Digital_Homicide

Thank you again, guys. I'm not very happy, but this thread cheered me up.

Glad you're feeling well Jim and thanks for sharing the link, it is a .. fascinating .. read for the lack of a better alternative.
Wait a minute. You're real surname is not actually Sterling but Stanton? My whole world has been turned upside down here. I need a moment.



This is almost definitely illegal, right? Why the hell are making it so obvious it's them publicly stalking and posting his public information?

It's not like they have anything resembling a fanbase or defense force.

IIRC address and names are public information anyway? In the US at least.


It's weird because this genuinely leaves me speechless. Best of luck Jim, all I can say really. I can't wrap my head around all of this. It's too idiotic...


Thank you for the support. I was pretty creeped out last night, I've woken up this morning and more fucking *angry* than anything else. Angry at the sheer incompetent cowardice, the insulting belief this would scare me into silence. Just...

They better pray I don't get a concrete connection between this blog and whoever they are. I will see to it the legal system crushes them into dust.

I don't have solid proof it's Digital Homicide yet, which is why I've chosen my words carefully. I know DH was behind the "Jim Flips The Bird" Tumblr because the twitter associated with that blog (now deleted) exposed itself as one of DH's sockpuppet companies. The fact this blog is written in the exact same style and is positioned as a "sequel" to that previous blog points entirely to DH, but I would never act without solid proof.

As soon as I get that, there will be a reckoning.

For the guy saying I'm "doxxing" Digital Homicide, no. They exposed *themselves* as the ones behind the original anonymous attacks on me, and as far as using their real names go, it's a matter of public information. I never used their names until *they* started using their names. At this point, it's like naming Dan Paladin when talking The Behemoth. It's not hidden info that the individual has forbidden the use of.

Wikipedia has deigned to add an entire subchapter on the Digital Homicide saga if you would like to know more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Sterling#Digital_Homicide

Thank you again, guys. I'm not very happy, but this thread cheered me up.

stay up brotha
I had no idea Jim Sterling was an alias :O .

Those disgusting cockroaches who haven't given the industry anything of worth, in contrast to your much needed pro-consumer presence in...what feels like.... a sea of far too pro-company games journalists.

...just fucking yuck. Awful people (if they turn out to be the culprits).


Thank you for the support. I was pretty creeped out last night, I've woken up this morning and more fucking *angry* than anything else. Angry at the sheer incompetent cowardice, the insulting belief this would scare me into silence. Just...

They better pray I don't get a concrete connection between this blog and whoever they are. I will see to it the legal system crushes them into dust.

I don't have solid proof it's Digital Homicide yet, which is why I've chosen my words carefully. I know DH was behind the "Jim Flips The Bird" Tumblr because the twitter associated with that blog (now deleted) exposed itself as one of DH's sockpuppet companies. The fact this blog is written in the exact same style and is positioned as a "sequel" to that previous blog points entirely to DH, but I would never act without solid proof.

As soon as I get that, there will be a reckoning.

For the guy saying I'm "doxxing" Digital Homicide, no. They exposed *themselves* as the ones behind the original anonymous attacks on me, and as far as using their real names go, it's a matter of public information. I never used their names until *they* started using their names. At this point, it's like naming Dan Paladin when talking The Behemoth. It's not hidden info that the individual has forbidden the use of.

Wikipedia has deigned to add an entire subchapter on the Digital Homicide saga if you would like to know more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Sterling#Digital_Homicide

Thank you again, guys. I'm not very happy, but this thread cheered me up.

I didn't know this happened to you Jim. You have my support.
Indie has nothing to do with the quality of one's work.

You do understand that Indie means developers that develop and raise money entirely on their own a majority of the time without an external publisher on board, right? Hence a shorten term for Independant.

It has nothing to do with the quality or budget of a game. That is only distinction between Indie and AAA, basically developers who handling their own dev costs and publishing versus large corporate funded projects such as EA, Activision, Square, Capcom, etc.

Indie is not a subset term under a small umbrella of games determined by small budgets or low quality. Even large multi-million dollar projects such as Star Citizen technically qualify as indie on the basis that it's independently published without a large company funding it's development.
Even The Witcher series qualifies as indie games since they're independently published and developed by CDPR


Whenever I hear of that duo plotting something again ...
No, really, judging by their level of villainous (in)competence shown before they most likely just end up doxxing themselves.


When has ever fathering children been a sign of maturity?

Funny related fact:
On the phone with Sterling, the Digital Homicide dev tried to put it up as one. It was like, in the first minute of the call.
Something like, I'm paraphrasing:
Jim: "Oh? I didn't expect an adult."
DH Guy: "Yeah. I'm a grown man with kids."
Jim: "...Oh dear."

Handy Fake

To be honest though, I think anything that happens now regarding doxxing is going to put DH right up shit creek. They'll be at least accessories (and easily proven), if not entirely culpable.
Funny related fact:
On the phone with Sterling, the Digital Homicide dev tried to put it up as one. It was like, in the first minute of the call.
Something like, I'm paraphrasing:
Jim: "Oh? I didn't expect an adult."
DH Guy: "Yeah. I'm a grown man with kids."
Jim: "...Oh dear."

From memory that and what Jim said about the dildo size made me laugh a lot.


Funny related fact:
On the phone with Sterling, the Digital Homicide dev tried to put it up as one. It was like, in the first minute of the call.
Something like, I'm paraphrasing:
Jim: "Oh? I didn't expect an adult."
DH Guy: "Yeah. I'm a grown man with kids."
Jim: "...Oh dear."

I don't really follow Jim but I listened to that interview and it was mind blowing. the DH Guy is a lunatic.


Wait a minute. You're real surname is not actually Sterling but Stanton? My whole world has been turned upside down here. I need a moment.

Interesting fact, the great british pound used to be referred to as the pound Stanton. They renamed it in honour of Jim fucking Sterling son once he left our great isle. Jim, not wanting to be reminided of his proud ancestry of colonialism, slavery and potatoes, subsequenlty changed his name to Stanton, as a kind of global "fuck you", to the British empire that spawned him.

Of course, none of this is true, but it provides a reasonable explanation as to why his name is different. Plausible even. Likely.


The hell is wrong with these people? All I can think is they're trying some form of messed up P.R. to lure in people who get off on this kind of thing. The gameplay sure isn't the draw.

Best sleep with the dildo bat next to you, Jim.


The hell is wrong with these people? All I can think is they're trying some form of messed up P.R. to lure in people who get off on this kind of thing. The gameplay sure isn't the draw.

Best sleep with the dildo bat next to you, Jim.

I think they will have to leave their house to do that. Something tells me that would be a major hurdle for them.
Doxxing in general should be a crime, It is unacceptable

I know its not really their obligation to or anything,
but I hope Valve just flat out removes their games
from steam, as far as im concerned this is a threat
and a much more serious one compared to that guy
who tweeted he was going to kill Gabe Newell


Purchasing games and requesting refunds on Steam - does his have a negative effect on the developer either financially or perhaps enough refunds, and Valve would reconsider their ability to publish on Steam?
If DH's doxing is anything like thier game development, Jim probably shouldn't be too worried

At first I thought this but then when it comes to scheming and conniving I am not sure what level some people will go to. Again if they spent this much effort learning games making skills then maybe they could create a
decent game.

Heh. Good point. I just want the headline "respected video game critic fends off crazies from the internet with dildo bat".

Jim Saw, a Dildo Bat and the asset flippers . Now that would make for a story.


If DH's doxing is anything like thier game development, Jim probably shouldn't be too worried

Wow. Lol.

It really is baffling though. When I went to game development studies, our instructors told us the first day that you have to separate criticism of your game or work from criticism of you as a person. Never take things personally.

We had a lot of drop-outs from people who couldn't handle being told "this sucks" or who got defensive when criticized harshly.

... A part of me wonders if Digital Homicide is made up of a group of those drop-outs.


Neo Member
Thank you for the support. I was pretty creeped out last night, I've woken up this morning and more fucking *angry* than anything else. Angry at the sheer incompetent cowardice, the insulting belief this would scare me into silence. Just...

They better pray I don't get a concrete connection between this blog and whoever they are. I will see to it the legal system crushes them into dust.

I don't have solid proof it's Digital Homicide yet, which is why I've chosen my words carefully. I know DH was behind the "Jim Flips The Bird" Tumblr because the twitter associated with that blog (now deleted) exposed itself as one of DH's sockpuppet companies. The fact this blog is written in the exact same style and is positioned as a "sequel" to that previous blog points entirely to DH, but I would never act without solid proof.

As soon as I get that, there will be a reckoning.

For the guy saying I'm "doxxing" Digital Homicide, no. They exposed *themselves* as the ones behind the original anonymous attacks on me, and as far as using their real names go, it's a matter of public information. I never used their names until *they* started using their names. At this point, it's like naming Dan Paladin when talking The Behemoth. It's not hidden info that the individual has forbidden the use of.

Wikipedia has deigned to add an entire subchapter on the Digital Homicide saga if you would like to know more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Sterling#Digital_Homicide

Thank you again, guys. I'm not very happy, but this thread cheered me up.

Hi Jim it's good to know that you will be using the law against those clowns and I would absolutely do the same in your situation.


Not heard much about this beef DH has with Jim until this thread... wow.

Stay safe Jim.

edit: just read over that wiki link as well. 20 games in just over a year? o_O Stealing a name from a Scottish Developer and creating many different alias' to post games on Steam. Even if not against the rules, I'd say that is some exploiting Valves systems to 'try' and screw people over and they should be shut down from ever using Steam to sell games again.

Just smh.
Cant steam take out these Digital Homicide freaks ?

they should be blacklisted from releasing any more games on greenlight what horrible devs.

Stay strong jim


Junior Member
It's sad, pathetic and disgusting that people still get threatened over having a fucking opinion. These guys need to get arrested.
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