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LGBTQIA+ | OT7 | ~First comes love, then comes marriage~

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I also sort of recommend Chihayafuru. It isn't a fantastic show, but I find Karuta itself interesting. Season 1 was really enjoyable to me. I think the quality kind of tanked in Season 2 though.

Be warned about Utena.

1. It is an old show. Might be hard to find it....
2. It is a weird show.
3. It is the sort of show that I feel warrants a rewatch. But it is also like 39 episodes, which is a bunch of time.


1. Nope.... easy to find.
1) Noted 2) Ex-cell-lent!

Get into Little Witch Academia
Saw it. Incredibly cute. First episode is great while the second suffers from characters that rely a little too much on their...very obvious personality trait (no plural intended). It is primarily for children, though, but still a breath of fresh air in contrast. I wouldn't turn down a third episode at all. I kept looking for a panty shot or some inappropriate angle and I found myself thinking "isn't it sad I'm even thinking this?"


irresponsible vagina leak
Saw it. Incredibly cute. First episode is great while the second suffers from characters that rely a little too much on their...very obvious personality trait (no plural intended). It is primarily for children, though, but still a breath of fresh air in contrast. I wouldn't turn down a third episode at all. I kept looking for a panty shot or some inappropriate angle and I found myself thinking "isn't it sad I'm even thinking this?"
Majokko Shimai no Yoyo to Nene
Fan service kept to the minimum and beautiful.


It, like Cowboy Bebop, is one of those anime that is mind-blowing when you're 16 years old.

As an adult, though, all you notice is the poor writing, aimless characterization, and avalanche of cliches.

Everything that people like about these shows comes down to their strong direction/soundtrack. That's it.

come at me otakuuuuuuuus

I'm kind of avoiding anything to do with Ghost in the Shell for a similar reason. I really liked it when I was 15, and I'm fine with thinking of it primarily through how I appreciated it then, instead of going and mercilessly gutting my nostalgia. The soundtrack still is good, though; even if it can't be listened to without being reminded of Origa's death.


Remember that Asian hunk in the sweatshorts someone posted? I found more!



Anime was indeed a mistake IMHO. It's one of the mediums with the absolute worst crap to gold ratio (and I'm not sure I've seen the gold in person). I didn't like it as a teenager and I doubt that'll change as an adult.


Finebros is that ripoff of VH1's I Love the 80s/90s etc, Big In '04/'05 etc. where fun commentators are shown something from pop culture and asked to verbalize their reaction on camera


Final Fantasy XV hands down has the best gameplay animations of any game to date so that's one thing it's aced before it's even out


irresponsible vagina leak
The moment I wasn't looking forward to. Taking the before picture as I'm about to start working out today since the flu is not too bad anymore. >.<
The moment I wasn't looking forward to. Taking the before picture as I'm about to start working out today since the flu is not too bad anymore. >.<
:O You're on a good path, buddy. It always seems especially daunting at the start, but before long the progress starts rolling in. Best of luck starting out. If I may give any piece of advice, it's to keep trucking and never give up.


Speaking of, today I finished my first week doing the Nerd Fitness routine :] It's a pretty meaningless achievement by itself, but the fact that I'm sticking to it is a good thing, since I'm so averse to working out, lol. I haven't taken any "before" pics, but I'm still in time. Maybe tomorrow.


irresponsible vagina leak
:O You're on a good path, buddy. It always seems especially daunting at the start, but before long the progress starts rolling in. Best of luck starting out. If I may give any piece of advice, it's to keep trucking and never give up.

It certainly has been a hard path. The thing is to not stop the work out to keep the body in the shape you have which has always been my issue all these years. I managed to lose 50 pounds in high school when I had a gym membership and after that I kinda slowed down til I stopped working out and gained the weight back and more with the years then lost 60 pounds and you know the story continues.

Its a matter of finding a decent balance to not get tired of the workout routine (Use music, change routines from time to time despite doing the same thing except changing order) and diet (You can eat a bit of everything but count your calories to not exceed the limit). I'm not sure if I'm gonna try again the 1500 calories cause while it works usually my family doesn't cooperate with me when it comes to cooking and I may have to either adjust the calories intake to a higher number or cook things myself to meet the numbers.

Also whenever I get down instead of sleeping my ass off maybe I should sweat it off on the threadmill I have in my room at the moment. It should be interesting since I'll have someone pushing me this time to work out even when that person is not in the right place to be talking about weight loss. xD
The moment I wasn't looking forward to. Taking the before picture as I'm about to start working out today since the flu is not too bad anymore. >.<

Congrats on your first steps towards better fitness.

When it gets tough remember that as you stick with it, it'll eventually turn from a chore to a routine that you'll feel incomplete without partaking in.



I was thinking I might encounter some pushback considering years ago Death Note was always sold to me as amazing and one of the best of the genre. It popped up as recommended today and I figured it was a sure bet but I was sadly disappointed.

Why does the Death God even care that he's caught eating an apple, compelled to search for hidden cameras for Light despite his neutral position in the grand scheme?

Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away remain unbothered.

I'll check out Utena. I tried looking for Ping Pong but there was only some live-action thing. I gave Gurren Laggan a shot but the fanservice, homophobia (one of the brothers threatens to murder an effeminate guy for flirting), and a small tribe shames a girl into wearing a robe because she's considered lewd even though the guys are equally half naked.

Maybe I'm too uptight these days. >.<

If you are interested in taking suggestions, Monster is far and away to this day one of the best anime/manga (because the anime is pretty much a panel by panel remake of the manga) in existence. Imo anyway. Really anything by Naoki Urasawa is worth a look. 20th Century Boys is also fantastic at least. Anyhoo, Monster has a sort of cat and mouse chase aspect to it (only mention this since Death Note has that too-but it's done quite differently here) but it's a very well done thriller. Admittedly, it has a slow start but it's quite well made overall. There's also like 76 episodes? It's a long'un but it has a complete plot and there isn't any filler either.

Basically it's about a brilliant Japanese brain surgeon (named Tenma) in Germany, who is disillusioned by hospital politics and attempts to retain his humanity/compassion for others while on the hunt for the man who, in a way, framed him for murder. To give you a brief idea of the setting, it takes place shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall. It begins off innocently enough-he starts to see people in the hospital upset that their loved ones died because "high-ranking" clients who arrived after their family members got preference for treatment-even over less serious needs-over their loved ones who desperately needed attention. Especially since less experienced doctors handled their procedures that resulted in their death.

Having witnessed this, he is faced with a dilemma. The mayor of the city and a little boy (Johan) come in. Johan came in before and has a bullet wound to the head. Tenma is one of the only ones capable of handling this boy's surgery but the hospital director wants him to take care of the mayor, who is suffering from a relatively minor wound in comparison. He ends up defying his director's orders and performs the surgery to save the boy's life. Only for the mayor to die and for the director to demote him. He decries about the cruelty of this (while maintaining he did the right thing to help the person who needed him more) in Johan's room -while the kid is seemingly unconscious and recovering. And shortly thereafter the director (who is the father of his now ex girlfriend, Eva-she breaks up with him after he defies her father's order-she has her own arc) and the doctor who got the promotion that he was going to be promised are found dead.

Shortly after that Tenma is given the promotion and the kids who came in (Johan has a twin-a sister- who wasn't injured but certainly seemed catatonic) disappear. A few years down the line an Inspector (Runge) starts to believe that Tenma was responsible for those deaths and decides to investigate the matter. Around this exact same time, our doctor receives a visit from an eternally grateful patient of his who seems to be more than he lets on to be....the coinciding of these events spurs Tenma to chase down the man (or Monster-ba-dum-tish) whose life he had saved all those years ago in an effort to clear his own name. And it spurs the rest of the plot from there.

That's a brief synopsis of how the series starts but I'd rather not say too much more. I tried to even avoid the dirty details of some of it's opening but that gives you a brief idea of what you're going to be going into. It's really quite maturely handled, suspensful and fantastic all around. I know they were going to do an American movie adaption of it but that's been in hiatus last I heard for a while now.

Also, I wouldn't really use Netflix's anime as a sign of what good anime exist. They used to have a few decent series on there years and years ago but most of it isn't that great now. That said I also haven't watched much of any anime at all in a long while (read: Years) outside of whatever movies Makato Shinkai releases (cause Satoshi Kon is dead ; . ;) and idk? Attack on Titan a while back? I want to find something interesting but I'm not really aware of any good recent series.


irresponsible vagina leak
Congrats on your first steps towards better fitness.

When it gets tough remember that as you stick with it, it'll eventually turn from a chore to a routine that you'll feel incomplete without partaking in.

That and that is all for a healthier life.
Plus I bet I would look sexy as hell with 60-80 pounds off

I may not like the fact that I gotta work out at home but once I get a job (whenever that happens) I may be able to join a gym and get more in the groove and use more tools to get in shape. Also I think talking about it here might help me whenever I start stopping the work out to get some lashings from some users here or friends on FB.


The moment I wasn't looking forward to. Taking the before picture as I'm about to start working out today since the flu is not too bad anymore. >.<

Speaking of, today I finished my first week doing the Nerd Fitness routine :] It's a pretty meaningless achievement by itself, but the fact that I'm sticking to it is a good thing, since I'm so averse to working out, lol. I haven't taken any "before" pics, but I'm still in time. Maybe tomorrow.
Congrats! Please keep going, the results will be very awarding, in every way ;)


Gold Member
maybe I should sweat it off on the threadmill
Just some advice: skip the treadmill. Most of us are inclined to spend most of our day indoors, myself included. It really does make a difference walking/jogging/running outside versus indoors. Save the treadmill for bad weather (though in the summer, running in the rain is amazing).
It certainly has been a hard path. The thing is to not stop the work out to keep the body in the shape you have which has always been my issue all these years. I managed to lose 50 pounds in high school when I had a gym membership and after that I kinda slowed down til I stopped working out and gained the weight back and more with the years then lost 60 pounds and you know the story continues.

Its a matter of finding a decent balance to not get tired of the workout routine (Use music, change routines from time to time despite doing the same thing except changing order) and diet (You can eat a bit of everything but count your calories to not exceed the limit). I'm not sure if I'm gonna try again the 1500 calories cause while it works usually my family doesn't cooperate with me when it comes to cooking and I may have to either adjust the calories intake to a higher number or cook things myself to meet the numbers.

Also whenever I get down instead of sleeping my ass off maybe I should sweat it off on the threadmill I have in my room at the moment. It should be interesting since I'll have someone pushing me this time to work out even when that person is not in the right place to be talking about weight loss. xD
Exactly, you have to teach yourself to enjoy it. Whether it's doing something fun for cardio (dancing, cycling, hiking), taking up a sport, or just really getting into the mood with music like you said. It really helps keep your head looking at fitness/diet as a positive thing rather than something to dread.

I failed tons of times when I first started at 280 lbs. I would workout for a day or two, then eat something bad and feel bad about myself and quit. Happened over and over. At one point I was just fed up with it and decided to push forward even when things didn't go well.

Whenever someone asks me what advice I can give them starting out, it's just as I said. Never give up and keep going. No matter how much you mess up or the how badly the world seems to be against you (such as with you and your family not being supportive with the diet). Keep on going.

Just some advice: skip the treadmill. Most of us are inclined to spend most of our day indoors, myself included. It really does make a difference walking/jogging/running outside versus indoors. Save the treadmill for bad weather (though in the summer, running in the rain is amazing).
Ehh, my advice is do what you ENJOY doing as that is what is going to keep you doing it. Some people actually enjoy being on cardio machines. I prefer using them sometimes as when I'm not quite in the mood to do cardio I can just whip out some Hearthstone or a comic and distract myself through it.

That said, most people will find themselves enjoying the outdoors more.


irresponsible vagina leak
Congrats! Please keep going, the results will be very awarding, in every way ;)

Just some advice: skip the treadmill. Most of us are inclined to spend most of our day indoors, myself included. It really does make a difference walking/jogging/running outside versus indoors. Save the treadmill for bad weather (though in the summer, running in the rain is amazing).

Exactly, you have to teach yourself to enjoy it. Whether it's doing something fun for cardio (dancing, cycling, hiking), taking up a sport, or just really getting into the mood with music like you said. It really helps keep your head looking at fitness/diet as a positive thing rather than something to dread.

I failed tons of times when I first started at 280 lbs. I would workout for a day or two, then eat something bad and feel bad about myself and quit. Happened over and over. At one point I was just fed up with it and decided to push forward even when things didn't go well.

Whenever someone asks me what advice I can give them starting out, it's just as I said. Never give up and keep going. No matter how much you mess up or the how badly the world seems to be against you (such as with you and your family not being supportive with the diet). Keep on going.

Thanks a bunch guys.


It, like Cowboy Bebop, is one of those anime that is mind-blowing when you're 16 years old.

As an adult, though, all you notice is the poor writing, aimless characterization, and avalanche of cliches.

Everything that people like about these shows comes down to their strong direction/soundtrack. That's it.

come at me otakuuuuuuuus

Lol, cowboy bebop only good for 16 year olds?
Good don't be another headless man in grindr. lol
Nothing wrong with a torso guy. (Y)


and good luck on your workout too! i've been fluctuating after holiday but i'm getting back into the groove.


gym related
we are on whatsapp level now with gym guy!

all that's left is him to offer to massage me at the gym after i do him.


If you are interested in taking suggestions, Monster is far and away to this day one of the best anime/manga (because the anime is pretty much a panel by panel remake of the manga) in existence. Imo anyway. Really anything by Naoki Urasawa is worth a look. 20th Century Boys is also fantastic at least. Anyhoo, Monster has a sort of cat and mouse chase aspect to it (only mention this since Death Note has that too-but it's done quite differently here) but it's a very well done thriller. Admittedly, it has a slow start but it's quite well made overall. There's also like 76 episodes? It's a long'un but it has a complete plot and there isn't any filler either.

YES thank you. More people need to read/watch Monster. If Mumei was around he would give us a brief essay on why its so awesome :p.
Shit, Grindr just rekindled some internal fury of mine I had long forgotten. "Sorry im bad at communicating"

I mean what


Like, the fuck does that mean? I can only assume it means Grindr is basically your first foray into social interaction, in which case yeah, just about anyone's social prowess is going to seem magic compared to that.


Neo Member
Am I wrong for thinking that Death Note is an interesting idea mired by endless exposition, dumb secondary characters, and a very inadequately designed game of "chess"? I feel like the characters don't earn any victories, hurdles are easily solved and the one woman smart enough to solve the puzzle is easily thwarted by an implausible song-and-dance that appeals to her vanity? "She's a woman, after all"/"You're young and beautiful"

Does it get any better after episode 8?

The manga is much better


If you are interested in taking suggestions, Monster is far and away to this day one of the best anime/manga (because the anime is pretty much a panel by panel remake of the manga) in existence. Imo anyway. Really anything by Naoki Urasawa is worth a look. 20th Century Boys is also fantastic at least. Anyhoo, Monster has a sort of cat and mouse chase aspect to it (only mention this since Death Note has that too-but it's done quite differently here) but it's a very well done thriller. Admittedly, it has a slow start but it's quite well made overall. There's also like 76 episodes? It's a long'un but it has a complete plot and there isn't any filler either.
Oh wow, thank you for this write up. Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I was asleep. I'll definitely look into this too. Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions!
The manga is much better
That's what I've read while looking for more up-to-date opinions, but I've never been much of a manga-ite.
Remember that Asian hunk in the sweatshorts someone posted? I found more!



Shit, Grindr just rekindled some internal fury of mine I had long forgotten. "Sorry im bad at communicating"

I mean what


Like, the fuck does that mean? I can only assume it means Grindr is basically your first foray into social interaction, in which case yeah, just about anyone's social prowess is going to seem magic compared to that.

"Sorry, I'm apathetic and self-absorbed"

*Decoded by someone apathetic and self-absorbed


And by "definitely look into this" you mean "will definitely watch it," right?
Of course! The synopsis had me hooked already (and I'm not just saying that). I'm deciding how I should divide my time between Ping Pong, Utena and Monster but it seems Utena and Monster might get priority. Utena for the aforementioned artsy weirdness and Monster for the dark dramatic thriller aspect. They might be a good back-and-forth pairing.
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