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Lionhead Studios and Press Play closed. Fable legends cancelled.

Legends must be really bad or something, since it seemed like a perfect game for MS's new 'universal game' strategy, with XBone and PC players sharing and caring in joyous harmony.
Canning the whole studio instead of letting it live/die on the success/failure of legends is a really extreme decision.


Terrible news, really sorry to hear so many lost their jobs. I'm not familiar with Press Play, but in the case of Lionhead, it seems like Microsoft set them to the task of driving Fable into the ground, and then killed the studio when it was done. Just bad management from Microsoft. (Fable 3 was put out well before it should have been.)

Fable 1 and 2 were also put out well before they should have, as evidenced by Fable 1 getting an actual "complete" version in a re-release and Fable 2 being just as hacked together, with an ending where the last fight is you
literally press one button.

Lionhead released games that, to their credit, did a lot of experimentation, but most of that experimentation ultimately hurt the games themselves because it had that "Molydeux" flair.


But why not just have them work on a brand new tent pole IP instead? It's not like Lionhead Studios doesn't have some legacy behind it. If salaries were an issue, they could have just downsized and even re-hired.

I don´t have time to get into it, but there are a bunch of financial reasons to shut down an entire company even if you end up re-hiring some of them for a different company later on.

Cheeper than shrinking down a company.
Even like 5 hours ago, they didn't seem to know.



He did a very poor job at quoting miyamoto :p


Sorry to read these news. I hope the employees get some other positions at Microsoft and they don't lose their jobs.
Thank god Rare has such classic IPs, otherwise they'd probably be shuttered as well. So depressping.

Rare has garnered financial success with most of their titles on Xbox including Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, Viva Pinatas, Kinect Sports, Rare Replay, and Killer Instinct.

Lionhead seemed to struggle since Fable 2, though Fable 3 was also a financial success Im pretty sure.


Fable would have made for a great Zelda-style open world game, especially if you focused on the Good/Evil aspects where one's actions truly effected the land. Also, keep the art direction more defined and less flamboyant. Lastly, keep the stupid humour at a minimum. You don't have to keep Peter's wacky legacy going here.

I don't understand how this IP lacked vision. Rip Lionhead.


I hate to say it but I feel the exact same. There was a time where both Halo and Fable were 2 of my favorite IP's in gaming.

No hyperbole but it feels like to me MS has been killing the entire Xbox Brand for me this generation. The Xbone barely even feels like an "Xbox" to me and the entire brand is something Im losing serious interest in due to stuff like how Fable and Halo have been handled

I was a huge fan of the 360, but my One right now is strictly used for the exclusives it gets. Still a fan of halo and interested to see how Gears is. interested in QB and ReCore. Other than that my gaming time is done elsewhere and moves like this don't inspire confidence.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
It's hard to be a microsoft gaming studios
I played a decent amount of the Fable Legends beta and I thought that it had the potential to be the best Fable game. I am really surprised that they would cancel it.
Rare has garnered financial success with most of their titles on Xbox including Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, Viva Pinatas, Kinect Sports, Rare Replay, and Killer Instinct.

Lionhead seemed to struggle since Fable 2, though Fable 3 was also a financial success Im pretty sure.

Killer Instinct wasn't really a Rare developed game, was it? And I thought the Viva Pinata games didn't sell so hot.


All the free to plays on XBox are getting culled

Gigantic, in jeopardy
phantom dust cancelled and closed down
fable legends cancelled and closed down.

Free to play is never exciting so....

"These changes are taking effect as Microsoft Studios continues to focus its investment and development on the games and franchises that fans find most exciting and want to play."

Make sense. There is tens of free to play games i could play right now on these consoles and not one of them do i find enticing.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Legends must be really bad or something, since it seemed like a perfect game for MS's new 'universal game' strategy, with XBone and PC players sharing and caring in joyous harmony.
Canning the whole studio instead of letting it live/die on the success/failure of legends is a really extreme decision.

I'm guessing the NDA for the beta is null and void now. It was a very bad game IMO.


Fable 1 and 2 were also put out well before they should have, as evidenced by Fable 1 getting an actual "complete" version in a re-release and Fable 2 being just as hacked together, with an ending where you
literally press one button.

Lionhead released games that, to their credit, did a lot of experimentation, but most of that experimentation ultimately hurt the games themselves because it had that "Molydeux" flair.

I bought Fable 2 at release and felt the last third of the game was absolutely terrible, never played Fable 3 because of that and I can't imagine it being THAT much worse.


This is extra weird considering their (surprisingly not fake this time) dedication to PC+Xbox One games. This was one of if not the first game announced to do that, right?

Can't say this bodes well for the health of Microsoft's 1st party development as a whole, though. Fable was still a lot bigger than nearly everything coming in 2016.

I mean, a mainline fable, yeah. This was a spinoff that should have come out like a year or two ago

I bought Fable 2 at release and felt the last third of the game was absolutely terrible, never played Fable 3 because of that and I can't imagine it being THAT much worse.

Even the first game did'nt really know how to end itself IMO. Still really liked it.
Microsoft and Xbox management are "more committed to gaming and Xbox than ever before"

*Has Twisted Pixel go independent, closes Lionhead, closes Press Play*

Seems they are getting rid of smaller and more outlying studios and focusing their internal efforts on Gears, Halo, Forza.

Looks like they see more value in utilizing outside developers to help bolster their other owned IP catalogue (KI, Crackdown, Scaleboune, QB, ect)

Rare being the only outlier left. and well, Mojang is Minecraft is Mojang.
I have an xbox and love it.....but the way the brand has been shifting, my xbox now feels like a glorified top box akin to my Nvidia Shield.....just a little more power. 3rd party, dying franchises and no exclusives.

Yeah I'm not sure we are going to ever got an Xbox like the glory days of 360 were. When Fable was doing very well, Halo was high quality and huge seller, 3rd party games were on fire on the console, etc. The main thing stuff like what happened here with Lionhead makes me angry about is the utter loss of identity. Fable was PART of the Xbox brand for me. And the way its been just driven into the ground it an utter shame.

This one burns pretty good :-(


Legends was pretty shitty. Maybe it was the concept itselt with screams Don Mattrick which is why it sucked.

That being said the game was not out yet, and it screamed bomba all over it.

Call me an ass but someone has to take the blame for this being shitty.
Sadly I agree. I don't think it was a terrible game, but it wasn't good. The game had some serious design flaws that were going to keep it from becoming even remotely popular. I tried to get into the game multiple times, and gave it a shot with each new mahor update, but I knew that it's issues were never going to be fixable.

Let's not forget, the game was long delayed, and was recently delayed from the Fall to this Spring. Based on my time with the game I'd say it still wasn't ready for launch, and MS probably had to make the choice between delaying it again, putting out a product that was doomed to fail, or cut their losses and move on. After making the decision to axe the game they would either have to let Lionhead start something new, or disband the studio. After multiple disappointing or failed projects they probably didn't want to fund a new Lionhead project. It's unfortunate to be sure, but it really doesn't surprise me all that much.


They will not leave the videogame industry, but they will focus on PC gaming and will try to take the piece of the pie off Steam's plate.

MS is like the dog in UP that gets excitedly distracted by Squirrels. Only the dog is a snail so by the time it gets distracted its already too late.


Felium Defensor
Omg all these recent tweets man...wow. They literally pulled the fucking rug from under their feet, this is fucked!


That sudden, ouch.

So much for a blue sky sunny day.

Would be feeling a bit nervous at other Microsoft studios.
I believe this was the article that discussed Microsoft's issues when attempting to implant their management style onto studios they've acquired in the past and why it failed to work:


"From the inside the studio's gates, too, the changes to Rare introduced by Microsoft tampered with the recipe of the company's success, leaving teams feeling disorientated, and even downcast.

"The changes were imperceptible at first, but became increasingly rapid as time went on," says Phil Tossell. Hired by Hollis in 1997, he cut his teeth on Diddy Kong Racing before working as lead engineer on Dinosaur Planet (which later became Starfox Adventures). He was present at the company through the Microsoft acquisition, and was promoted to Director of Gameplay in 2009 when he oversaw development of Kinect Sports. "For me personally, the atmosphere became much more stifling and a lot more stressful," he says. "There was an overall feeling that you weren't really in control of what you were doing and that you weren't really trusted either.

"There was also a gradual introduction of certain Microsoft behaviours that crept into the way we did things: lots more meetings, performance reviews and far more regard for your position within the company," he said. "While these weren't necessarily good or bad per se, they began to erode the traditional Rare culture and way of doing things. Many of the people who'd been there a long time found these changes extremely hard to accept.""


I believe there were other articles with a similar theme. MS management and decision-making are probably a big culprit here, but the obituary will be written for Lionhead soon enough.


Was The Movies just a huge commercial flop? I've seen people on here talk about it, but other than that, I've never seen it, never seen it on sale, never even heard people acknowledge the game. How did a seemingly well-received game go completely under the radar?
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