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Quantum Break PC is a mess (non-native render, badly optimized, overpriced, etc)


None of these are true though.
You don't have to alt tab to exit and it doesn't run at sub 30fps on low settings on a 980Ti.


I am running it maxed on 1080p on my 980 ti and it runs butter smooth so far. Game is way overpriced for what it is but it is not a bad game imo.


how the fuck can they justify this?

They think people are thirsty for an exclusive game that doesn't have to compete with Steam, GMG, and other discount sellers' pricing.

It's the long term strategy. I'm just surprised they are baring it out before even getting a foothold.


It's not UWP's fault, obviously. These are rushed and/or underfunded ports. UWP compounds the issue because it means that the community can't provide fixes.

Unfortunately UWP is a big part of the problem here. Look at the uneven frame timing. Every time the game drops below the 16.6ms (60fps) target UWP immediately halves the refresh rate to 33.3ms and skips all other frames (on a 60hz display). This is a UWP problem and can't be changed so even going from 60 fps down to 59 fps means that the game is being rendered in 30 fps for a very short time. This constant switching is very annoying.


If you wait too long, it won't be a free upgrade anymore. It's only free for a year.

That's definitely an option, though I'm fairly certain you'll like it more than 8.1. :p

Why am I not surprised to see you shilling Windows 10 in a thread about a bad port in the Windows 10 store. Are you just so entirely incapable of being critical when it comes to Microsoft that you fail to see how ridiculous this is in the context of this thread? Maybe consider not doing that.



Ok I thought that the other thread proved otherwise though.


This game deserved better!


All I'm reading is a 980, no Ti.

Also the guy is using an AMD cpu, so yeah. That's the bottleneck and that's why changing graphical settings doesn't improve his framerate.

All I'm reading is a 980, no Ti.

Also the guy is using an AMD cpu, so yeah. That's the bottleneck and that's why changing graphical settings doesn't improve his framerate.

Ahh well that clears it up more.
So is a Ti able to handle this any better?
Has anyone dared to try and run this at 4k yet?
Microsoft is botching these ports on purpose at this point, so it forces people to buy the Xbox One. It was their plan all along guys!

Killer Instinct on PC is great though. Also I don't think people here know they can move the mouse down the screen to show the taskbar.
Why am I not surprised to see you shilling Windows 10 in a thread about a bad port in the Windows 10 store. Are you just so entirely incapable of being critical when it comes to Microsoft that you fail to see how ridiculous this is in the context of this thread? Maybe consider not doing that.

Along the same lines, why am I not surprised to see you jumping on yet another opportunity to trash anything Microsoft.

I was offering helpful advice. Give it a rest.


What the hell? How can Microsoft keep fucking up these PC ports?!? At this point it's almost unbelievable....shits weird man.

All I'm reading is a 980, no Ti.

Also the guy is using an AMD cpu, so yeah. That's the bottleneck and that's why changing graphical settings doesn't improve his framerate.

AMD CPU is supposed to get a huge boost from DX12 game though.
But well, I guess AMD gonna AMD.

Killer Instinct on PC is great though. Also I don't think people here know they can move the mouse down the screen to show the taskbar.

KI is the only DX11 game that perform well despite the issue with higher than 60hz monitors.
Games with DX12, not really.


I just don't understand how a company that makes all of their money from selling PC software, can't manage to port games over to PCs. I know this is an over-simplification, but you'd think they would get it right eventually.


What the hell? How can Microsoft keep fucking up these PC ports?!? At this point it's almost unbelievable....shits weird man.

Because as much as they say otherwise, Microsoft doesn't actually care about PC gaming. All they care about is trying to get you into their walled garden. If they can do that through PC games, so much the better, as they can cripple a competitor. Business 101.


Along the same lines, why am I not surprised to see you jumping on yet another opportunity to trash anything Microsoft.

I was offering helpful advice. Give it a rest.

Please show me where I'm trashing MS in this thread. On the contrary once been reading through it only to see you informing people they should upgrade to Windows 10 in a thread about a flagship Win 10 store game that is a poor PC port and somehow I'm the one acting irrationally? Yea sure ok dude. Nobody is falling for your bullshit.


ki's game logic is tied to he monitor refresh rate. it's unplayable at anything other than 60hz.

gears has massive performance issues.

minecraft's uwp version doesn't support any minecraft mods.
KI come on the fix is like two clicks.

Gears - flat out should perform a lot better. Unacceptable.

Minecraft - never played the game on any system so I cannot comment.
Please show me where I'm trashing MS in this thread. On the contrary once been reading through it only to see you extolling the virtues of Windows 10 in a thread about a glagship Win 10 store game that is a poor PC port and somehow I'm the one acting irrationally? Yea sure ok dude. Nobody is falling for your bullshit.

I'm not interested in being sucked into your negativity. Go bother someone else.
As someone who has been on a media blackout and decided to finally watch some vids, this game doesn't look that great. Not nearly what I remember it looking like when I watched one of the gameplay reveals a year ago.
I'm so disappointed in MS and Remedy. What an awful port.

I was looking forward to this game too. And it's not like QB is gonna be a huge seller on XB1. Why the hell would you ruin any chances of decent sales on the PC version with a half-assed shitty port like this?
It sounds like the entire UWP things was a sudden change of strategy on Microsoft's part, filtered down from the top with an order to " make it work, now." The implementation so far has been undercooked and underwhelming. Which is a shame, since they had to know that they had zero margin for fuck-ups after the Xbox live for PC fiasco.

Quantum Break sounds like a great and technically impressive game on the Xbox One, but the negative feedback from the PC version is threatening to negate any positive feelings. Hate to think that will be lost because of Microsoft half-assing it with a last minute PC port.

The lesson: Do this shit right, or don't do it at all.


I'm not interested in being sucked into your negativity. Go bother someone else.

So basically "oh shit he's right he hasn't said anything negative about MS in this thread. I better criticize him for being a negative nancy and bail before I make more of an idiot out of myself." Probably a good call. Ciao.


Remember to keep things in perspective. The last time Microsoft tried to enter the PC space they tried to make us pay for a P2P online connection.



Killer Instinct on PC is great though. Also I don't think people here know they can move the mouse down the screen to show the taskbar.
Not if you have a 144hz monitor like me and the game runs at an insane speed that can only be fixed by manually locking my refresh rate to 60hz before booting up KI and then setting it back to 144hz when I'm done. Lol.


Because as much as they say otherwise, Microsoft doesn't actually care about PC gaming. All they care about is trying to get you into their walled garden. If they can do that through PC games, so much the better, as they can cripple a competitor. Business 101.

I mean you may be right, but this isn't the type of strategy that will successfully sell Xbones or UWP games, rather it will simply alienate more potential customers. No PC gamers are selling their PC's for Xbones based on exclusives, and no PC gamer with a vast Steam library is going to be willing to get too deep into the Microsoft PC ecosystem if this is what they're taught to expect early on. If this is Business 101, then someone's failing.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Remember to keep things in perspective. The last time Microsoft tried to enter the PC space they tried to make us pay for a P2P online connection.


I'd say the difference between launch era GFWL and the UWP represents a lateral move overall. They each have their own reasons for being awful platforms.
Thank you Phil Spencer, I guess...

Hopefully they'll sort this out soon.

One would hope they're aware of all of these issues and are working on them. Obviously, the changes to UWP mentioned at Build won't have made their way into the app platform this quickly, so this game was bound to suffer.
The game's €69.99 in Sweden too.
This is roughly a 60% price hike compared to PC games on disc, and 75% compared to the games I've bought digitally from GMG. Had to do a double take because 75% sounds so ridiculous, but no, it's accurate.

Didn't really need another reason to forget that UWP exists, but bam there it is.
One would hope they're aware of all of these issues and are working on them. Obviously, the changes to UWP mentioned at Build won't have made their way into the app platform this quickly, so this game was bound to suffer.
Yep, we just need to be patient while they fix these things. It's not like they set the release schedule and tested the product prior to release. Surely they wouldn't treat consumers that way.

Maybe they'll fix everything else a few months after next /////build////


The poor performance of the port itself is on the developer not MS until we have proof showing otherwise. However, the push for their new format complicates things as they prevent community fixes for these poor ports. As such the onus is on them to ensure the UWP games perform well and provide the options PC gamers expect in order to mitigate the need for such fixes.

So far that hasn't happened with any of their UWP games as each has had some bizarre or crippling technical issue upon release. So while the fault for the poor port lies with the developer one has to ask why MS has approved the shoddy ports for sale as flagship entries for their new platform presumably knowing that they have issues?

I'd say the difference between launch era GFWL and the UWP represents a lateral move overall. They each have their own reasons for being awful platforms.

Agreed they are both similarly seriously flawed platforms for very different reasons but the parallels are indeed easy to see in the end results we have so far.


Remember to keep things in perspective. The last time Microsoft tried to enter the PC space they tried to make us pay for a P2P online connection.

Well there is the price disparity to make up for it

The poor performance of the port itself is on the developer not MS until we have proof showing otherwise. However, the push for their new format complicates things as they prevent community fixes for these poor ports. As such the onus is on them to ensure the UWP games perform well and provide the options PC gamers expect in order to mitigate the need for such fixes.

So far that hasn't happened with any of their UWP games as each has had some bizarre or crippling technical issue upon release. So while the fault for the poor port lies with the developer one has to ask why MS has approved the shoddy ports for sale as flagship entries for their new platform presumably knowing that they have issues?

Exactly these ports all seem rushed. They really needed to make a good impression with all the cynicism beforehand.

I mean it's not as if MS have botched first impressions before...


I feel that it will be hard for MS to fix this glorious UWP/WinStore launch now so I'm kinda expecting them to stop supporting the whole thing in about two years from now. Wait, I'm having a deja vu...

No shit. Avoid at all costs, lest anyone learns anything from their shitacular gfwl experience.


Not making excuses for MS or Remedy, but in one of the other threads, someone from Remedy made a comment about them working on the PC version up until the last minute. I personally think that the reason for the issues is that it was a late decision to have the game on PC. We did not hear about the game coming to PC until very early this year, who knows internally how long they were working on the PC version, but Remedy's past suggest that there PC ports are very good and I just think that this was coming in way too hot and someone at MS said "push it through".

On a related note, been playing the game on Xbox One and the game is just great. There are some inconsistencies here and there in the visuals, but the good/great stuff highly outweigh the negative things. At times the game looks just stunning and other not so much, but the amount I played I would say the entire package so far is pretty outstanding. Great lighting, special effect like I have never seen before in a game and incredible animation/character models and so far great game play. Hopefully things get ironed out on the PC version as I plan a second play through making different decisions when I play through the PC version.
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