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Days Gone (Sony Bend, UE4) - E3 2016 Gameplay Walkthrough


Are people seriously sour on this? The gameplay demo was so intense.

Hopefully the infinite ammo and the main character being able to just run past the zombie horde unscathed is just for demo purposes, but I agree. Give it a survival horror aspect where when you encounter a zombie horde, you must make the best use of your environment and ammunition to escape and I'm sold.


Was wondering who put this game out. Thought it was naughty dog at first.

SIE Bend Studio makers of Syphon Filter
This looked really good. Before I get super hyped I just need confirmation that it is more survival oriented. I think it will be and a lot of this was just for demo purposes but I want them to say it.

Clear implication that scavenging will play a role, hopefully it's the same for finding ammo.


Hopefully the infinite ammo and the main character being able to just run past the zombie horde unscathed is just for demo purposes, but I agree. Give it a survival horror aspect where when you encounter a zombie horde, you must make the best use of your environment and ammunition to escape and I'm sold.

Im pretty sure thats the route it will be taking.


This was the most disappointing part of Sony's conference for me. I was hoping for something a little less serious and gritty. It just looks too much like TLOU.

Hopefully it demos better in the future.

it looks very different compared to TLOU because it has hordes of zombies that you have to kill. From gameplay perspective, there is a huge difference.


Hordes looked nice, but the whole thing fell flat for me. Just don't care about more zombie games, and Left4Dead style hordes aren't really that interesting to me.
Hopefully Bend can differentiate it enough from TLOU in the coming months to put those concerns to bed - it is a bit odd that both this and God of War had strong TLOU vibes, but man - that number of NPCs in an open world that looks like that is a fucking remarkable tech feat. If for nothing else, major props to bend for that.

Was wondering who put this game out. Thought it was naughty dog at first.

SIE Bend Studio makers of Syphon Filter

It's right in the thread title?
What zombie games is everybody talking about? Lol, am I missing something? Left 4 dead and Dead Rising never came to Ps4 did they? I'm not even trying to be a jack ass, I legit have not played any zombie games similar to this. I don't see the TLOU being similar at all, that game was usually slow paced and stealthy If anything. Don't remember having to kill hordes of zombies at any point. I played the walking dead games and those are nothing close to this.

The reaction to this game is so confusing to me. I don't really see TLOU comparisons except for that both games are post apocalyptic... But I mean okay? Bend is a great studio with a great track record so I'm very excited to see more!


i fully expect the game to be 40$, it's like State of decay but improved graphics

the animation is horrible, a lot like Dayz
What zombie games is everybody talking about? Lol, am I missing something? Left 4 dead and Dead Rising never came to Ps4 did they? I'm not even trying to be a jack ass, I legit have not played any zombie games similar to this. I don't see the TLOU being similar at all, that game was usually slow paced and stealthy If anything. Don't remember having to kill hordes of zombies at any point. I played the walking dead games and those are nothing close to this.

The reaction to this game is so confusing to me. I don't really see TLOU comparisons except for that both games are post apocalyptic... But I mean okay? Bend is a great studio with a great track record so I'm very excited to see more!
IIRC Dead Rising 2 did come to PS3 at a later date. There was also Dead Nation and can't forget all the zombie shit in COD


Was really not liking it at first, it just looked like less interesting The Last of Us.

But once the large group of zombies appeared I was interested. Give me a hard mode with leass ammo and having to rely more on the environment and I'm in
IIRC Dead Rising 2 did come to PS3 at a later date. There was also Dead Nation and can't forget all the zombie shit in COD

I missed that, seems like it was ages ago though. As for dead nation, this open world game seems to have a bit more depth and scope than a top down arcade shooter. Same for a bonus mode in an annual FPS.


I thought the reveal of the horde was cool until he kept stopping to shoot them instead of just running. The infinite ammo and the fact that they would get right up to his face and not really do anything just took me right out of it. With the sheer amount of enemies on screen you shouldn't be playing this like Dead Rising if you want me to take it serious.
Game is weird in that it seems to make the TLoU IP redundant. I mean not only are they the same genre they look pretty much identical. I do not understand the logic behind it. They should have just made it a spin off.


My first thought during the trailer was Last of Us spin off.

Disappointing as a "new IP" when it's so derivative with american midwestern zombie shooter game.

Good point, why can't a game like this ever be set in Europe? France, Spain, Italy, Germany etc. There is so much variety available.

Props to Zombi U for taking place in the UK.
Game looks ok, but the demo was too scripted for it to work perfectly on stage.

Dude had infinite ammo, zeds made zero effort to attack when character was right in front, explosions placed right in front of obvious locations...

Not only that, but do the zeds die in a single shot or something? That gun had a pretty low rate of fire and they were dropping like flies with non vital shots or head shots.

Idk, lots of questions to be answered. Should have stopped shooting after he saw 100+ zeds running after him and just ran.


Just what we all asked, MORE ZAMBIES!

Game looks good and technically is very impressive but the positives stop there. Won't be picking this up on day one but at one point after some price drop.


I think the difference between this and something like the last of us is that this will be a little faster paced. Those zombies were moving much quicker than anything at all in the last of us.


I think the difference between this and something like the last of us is that this will be a little faster paced. Those zombies were moving much quicker than anything at all in the last of us.

Which is funny when the run animation for the biker was akin to someone running who has just shit themselves.
Just watched sony bend talking about this game in Geoff youtube show.

Keys points I got from the video:
* Game is heavily story focused single player only Action/Adventure survival game experience like of Last of Us in some ways
* Bike (focuses on bike culture) is really important in the game and he never leaves which is crafted and built by the player
* Set in Pacific High desert harsh volcanic place with caves etc,,
* Open world sandbox style game that can be fully explorable
* Has Dynamic day/night cycle and weather system
* Has RPG (crafting) elements and changes gameplay based on that, so player needs to understand the tools and environment
* World is dangerous compared to other zombie games out there as they say zombies try to kill everything that moves especially at night
* Game has been in development for 3+ years, but still its in early development as they just only finished core mechanics/ideas of the game and not ready yet

Everything sounds great to me.
ahhh I get it now...Have to see the whole thing, but Shu’s Panic description makes sense. Looks like the zombies play a more important role and you will be running away from them a lot.
I don't understand the comparisons with TLOU. I mean, Days Gone is set in an open world, TLOU is not. Days gone has hordes of zombies while TLOU focus on stealth and slow paced gameplay. Naugthy Dog has close to 300 employees. Last time I checked Bend studio had about a 100.
And it is not like we have any zombie survival third person open world game on Ps4.
It must be harsh for a not so big development team like this to finally reveal their game and see a bunch of spoiled people nitpicking on it. I hope this only happens on gaf.
Loved the way that the zombies don't just stand there and wait for you to split them in half with some kind of silly weapon.
Keep up the good work Bend. I'm sure the game will be great.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
I was really really hoping they would have ended with a live demo of Spiderman instead of this.

This while it looked pretty and it was kinda cool to see that first wave of fast zombies, it got boring really really fast.
The thing I dig about this is (if the trailer is any indication) this isn't going to be resource management survival horror. Either ammo is infinite (unlikely) or it's not scarce. As simple as it was.......mowing down that wave of zombies was gnarly

Even if the tone is super serious, an over the top action-focused open world game could be some solid shit
I thought this looked pretty awful to be honest. The shooting had no impact whatsoever and the hoard of zombies wasn't intimidating at all. He even casually jogs past one of them later on in the demo.

I'll check out some more footage when it drops as I like the setting, hopefully they improve the gunplay, but I'm not excited or optimistic about this yet.

Looks like direct to DVD sequel to Last of Us

Man, I hate to shit on things that people work so hard on...but this got me. Perfect description based on what we've seen so far.


needs 2 extra inches
Does anyone else feel the presentation was rushed and out of place? It was weird to come out and say "here's an onstage demo for a game we showed a trailer of 30 mins ago!"

My bet is the segment was supposed to discuss Neo, but Sony got word of Scorpio being revealed at E3, decided to release that statement from a few days ago, and rushed to find a replacement.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
My first thought during the trailer was Last of Us spin off.

Good point, why can't a game like this ever be set in Europe? France, Spain, Italy, Germany etc. There is so much variety available.

Props to Zombi U for taking place in the UK.

Not enough readily available guns?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Does anyone else feel the presentation was rushed and out of place? It was weird to come out and say "here's an onstage demo for a game we showed a trailer of 30 mins ago!"

My bet is the segment was supposed to discuss Neo, but Sony got word of Scorpio being revealed at E3, decided to release that statement from a few days ago, and rushed to find a replacement.

I don't think you know how these things are set up. They had a live orchestra playing accompanying music to most everything all night, a ton of projection and special effects going on. Its not something you just shove in there a couple days before hand because of something the competitor did. This feels like a few E3's ago where everyone was saying Sony did a 180 on their DRM policy after hearing MS went all in earlier. This kind of stuff is really hard to change last minute considering everything else going on live in this conference.
I just puked a little. What a waste of talent.

Waste of talent ? Bend is not forced to do this, they wanted to make this and its has been in development for 3+ years and still not quite there according to them as they finished core ideas recently. Its a new IP and plays with the strengths of Last of Us using story focused single player game but in a open world (not multiplayer focused like others been doing). Hopefully their next demo shows the gameplay they are targeting properly.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
We have guns, just barely anyone has one.

That was the point of my comment lol There are nearly as many guns in the US as there are people so its a lot more believable to be searching some random house and finding several and ammunition.

Edit: I also realized its a zombie game so its not the most realistic but I've heard developers and even authors in other mediums use this reasoning.
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