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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Then this is her best case scenario


As a person born and raised in WV, this is painfully true. Especially depressing because my state went for Bill in 1996 and used to be one of the most reliable democratic votes in the country.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
It has what I feel like are the ingredient for a successful scandal:
(1) it's a specific incident
(2) but that confirms what we already "knew"/suspected about the person

Just calling Trump a thin-skinned bully (even though true) isn't as powerful as having a specific example to point to

Yep, look at Rubot in the debate.


Reason.com asked 10 conservative & libertarian legal experts if SCOTUS is a good reason to vote for Trump.

I like this response from Alan Gura:

Donald Trump has effectively identified the horrific prospect of Hillary Clinton appointing at least one and perhaps several Supreme Court justices, to say nothing of the lower courts. But shall we entrust that task to an insecure lunatic, a fascist caudillo, an autarkist, a proud ignoramous and conspiracy theorist, the aspiring leader of a "Workers' Party" who plays footsie with racists and anti-Semites and might well be a Russian agent? I have no illusions about what Hillary would do to the federal bench. Sad! But there is something deeply contradictory about the notion of electing a power-hungry strongman on the theory that he'll appoint judges that respect and enforce constitutional limits on government. Did Hugo Chavez appoint great judges? Did Putin, Mussolini, or Erdogan? Would it have mattered had they sort-of kinda suggested that they would?

As much as I care about the courts, worrying about jurisprudential doctrine is a luxury for people living under basically free and stable governments, for people who have access to food and toilet paper. And absolutely nothing in Trump's history suggests that he'd honor his proposed judge list or otherwise pick decent judges, while each of his proclamations indicates that the Supreme Court would be among the least of our concerns under his regime. True, the Trump gamble—that he'd be a figurehead who'd delegate authority to responsible people, or be resisted by the bureaucracy and media (or, laughably, by that stiffest-spined creature, the Republican Congress), while hewing to a judicial selection principle anathema to his personal brand—might pay off. Should Trump win, I'd at least delight in Hillary's loss, and fervently hope that he'd prove me wrong on every count. But I wouldn't bet my country on it.

It's interesting to see how intelligent conservatives are dealing with Trump.
It's interesting to see how intelligent conservatives are dealing with Trump.

What fucking reality are these people living in;
since there is now a powerful Marxist wing of her party which she will need to placate.

That Timothy Sandefur guy sounds decently well-adjusted at least. But then they finish strong with this;

Many of the people who will vote in this election were not even born when Justice Kennedy, the swing justice, was appointed.

I mean... he was appointed on 2/3/88, which means anyone under 28. That is literally the block with the lowest turnout EVERY election.


This is a totally serious tweet:

David Martosko
David Martosko‏ @dmartosko

Not sure why @realDonaldTrump was using silverware to eat KFC . I flew with him in May, KFC was served, he ate at least 5 pcs. w/ his hands


I have no doubt Trump is seeing these same polls and absolutely steaming. I wonder what his campaign is going to do to counter this sizable drop. Can Trump be even angrier and incoherent? If he was smart he would apologize and move past the Khan story. I predict he's going to try his best to stop talking about them and double down on his Hillary is the devil rhetoric instead.


42-44 does seem to be Trump's ceiling, he doesn't seem to be able to break past it.

I can't wait until November when we can say good riddance to the ignorant, hatemongering, loathsome orange ball of insecurity.


This is a totally serious tweet:

David Martosko
David Martosko‏ @dmartosko

Not sure why @realDonaldTrump was using silverware to eat KFC . I flew with him in May, KFC was served, he ate at least 5 pcs. w/ his hands

Dude lies about the way he eats chicken? Pathological isn't even enough to describe him LMAO
So no presidential candidate ahead in the polls 30 days before the election has ever lost.

Can't be a coincidence. Getting ready for the "I lost Florida but Breitbart had me ahead! FRAUD!" defense.

I guess Trump has answered whether or not he'll ever concede.

It's certainly a very weird time to announce the partnership.
Goddammit, now I'll have to link to Breitbart.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
So no presidential candidate ahead in the polls 30 days before the election has ever lost.

It's certainly a very weird time to announce the partnership.
Goddammit, now I'll have to link to Breitbart.

Why? No one links to OANN/gravis. Lol.


Nice to see her finally hitting 50... bout time. Let's keep it going Hillary

So what if Trump loses but challenges the results saying the system is rigged? Can he really do anything legally? There are lots of red states that would go along with him possibly, like Rick Scott in FL
Nice to see her finally hitting 50... bout time. Let's keep it going Hillary

So what if Trump loses but challenges the results saying the system is rigged? Can he really do anything legally? There are lots of red states that would go along with him possibly, like Rick Scott in FL

I believe in a lot of states there are (very thin) percentage thresholds that the votes need to be within for recounts, etc.


Nice to see her finally hitting 50... bout time. Let's keep it going Hillary

So what if Trump loses but challenges the results saying the system is rigged? Can he really do anything legally? There are lots of red states that would go along with him possibly, like Rick Scott in FL

Nothing will happen except he'll get tv time, rant on twitter, and fan conspiracy theorists who will believe anything to de-legitimize the first women president in US history. But republicans won't support his claims. They will ditch him the moment he loses. There is no worthwhile legal route for Trump to oppose losing (assuming and hoping he loses) and any attempt by him won't actually delay or impede Hillary becoming president.



Those "proud to have as president" numbers are interesting. Seems lots of people were ashamed of Trump nearly a year ago, then he got slightly more popular as time went on, and now he's back to being just as unpopular as he was originally.

Interesting that suggests that over 25% of Trump voters would be ashamed to have him as president. Guess that covers a lot of Ryan types who know how awful he is but don't have the courage not to vote for him.

I wonder if Ryan and McConnell feel ashamed of what they're doing. I would hope that they do.

I couldn't do what they're doing. Imagine looking back when you're old and your life is almost over, knowing that you supported a man like Trump because you didn't have the spine to say no. I know I would not be able to bear knowing I had such a shameful act on my conscience.


Can't be a coincidence. Getting ready for the "I lost Florida but Breitbart had me ahead! FRAUD!" defense.

I guess Trump has answered whether or not he'll ever concede.

Don't forget the NY Observer/Russia Today polls that will surely start soon since Trump will need a 2nd poll.


I was just reading the article about Sally Bradshaw leaving the GOP, and this quote really struck me:

I can't look my children in the eye and tell them I voted for Donald Trump. I can't tell them to love their neighbor and treat others the way they wanted to be treated, and then vote for Donald Trump. I won't do it.

If only more Republicans had the self respect to come out and say the same.
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