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Palmer Luckey issue statement on actions on Nimble America

Why are we talking as if he simply publically supports Trump? He's gone well beyond that with the his financial support and involvement with Nimble America, then proceeded to use his companies platform to lie about his involvement.
I thought the organization had fresh ideas on how to communicate with young voters

THAT'S the part that angers me the most. Especially after Brexit (I'm British, voted Remain) the LAST thing politics is in need of right now is less sensible and analytical discussion, and more factless bullshit, lies, and shitposting.

I don't care what his political views are - that's his choice. But it is without doubt reprehensible to think that supporting this kind of propaganda to sway voters in either direction is a good idea. Maybe he also funded Brexit's campaign...



There's nuance to this.
In no way is he supporting Palmer's shit. But it's Palmers personal views, it's his money. He wasn't representing Oculus.

As much as it makes Palmer a huge dickbag in the eyes of non-Trump supporters, there really isn't much more they can say.

The nuance is that Palmer didn't contribute financially to Trump's campaign or a pro-life campaign, things I'd disagree with personally but he'd have every right to do so. Instead, he funded a racist, anti-semitic and misogynistic shitposting and hatespeech group, that's far crossing the line of just supporting a cause that matters to someone.


I thought along those lines. My hope is he looks at it as, "Luckey's actions are dragging down the work of this company, with no positive aspect to it. There is no upside to keeping him around. He needs to go."

John Carmack wouldn't be the kind of person in a position to decide if Palmer Luckey stays or goes.
John Carmack wouldn't be the kind of person in a position to decide if Palmer Luckey stays or goes.

I just don't want him putting out a bullshit "we support his ability to make choices and they are not reflective of the company" statement like Oculus seems to be favoring right now. That's the short of it.


You don't think there is a point where that stops being reasonable? If the absolute scum of the earth was running and a person was voting for them, do you think that person should be off the hook socially?

This isn't even a hypothetical.

The scum of the earth is running for president right now and half the country is behind him. There's absolutely no way to deliver social justice for the people that are on the 'wrong side' here.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
If he were fired, it would absolutely not be for who he is voting for.

It would be for using massively poor judgment and through which causing grievous harm to the image of Oculus and Facebook.
Agreed, but that's not what some here are arguing.

You don't think there is a point where that stops being reasonable? If the absolute scum of the earth was running and a person was voting for them, do you think that person should be off the hook socially?
Well 'off the hook socially' and being fired are two separate entities. That said he 'claims' to be voting for Gary Johnson..who knows but that's his public statement, an employer is basically forced to assume that truthful if they're bold enough to make a decision as serious as termination and I don't think anyone views Johnson like they do Trump. Also you CAN fire someone for objectively acting in a way that prevents them from doing their job..basically what Matt said.


This isn't plausible at all.

And frankly I feel embarrassed for every poster who has tried to spin this angle.
Thank you for feeling embarrassed on my behalf. You'll notice in the part you edited away that I don't believe him and so am spinning nothing.


It is illegal in California to fire someone for legal political activity outside of work.
He would not be fired for the political action, he would be fired for the damage to the company's image stemming from his actions. In other words, for talking to the press about this.

Not that I find it likely he will be "fired."


Thank you for feeling embarrassed on my behalf. You'll notice in the part you edited away that I don't believe him and so am spinning nothing.

The part that I edited away has nothing to do with the point I was making. Whether or not you believe it as the truth is besides the point that his deniability isn't plausible given all the other evidence of his actions, his inflated ego, etc. Congrats on not believing an obvious bullshit fairy tale, I guess, but even entertaining that spin as plausible is ridiculous. "He was donating thousands of dollars and appearing at trump rallys to please his girlfriend" isn't a reasonable stance at all, especially because it's based on goddamn nothing. That's like saying "I don't personally believe it, but it's plausible that he was under a magic spell this entire time!"


Oh wow, so Oculus are just going to do nothing? Its one thing if he is just some random employee, but your poster child who is out there giving interviews and appearing on the cover of Time magazine is another thing entirely. Having this guy as a representative of the company while he is openly associating with and funding racists makes it look like Oculus supports this.

I really hope there are enough people in the industry who just say 'nope' to this that Oculus is dead in the water until they fix this. I'd be amazed if any gaming media outlets want to talk to Palmer after this.

And before someone says you can't fire him for supporting Trump, funding r/The_Donald and setting up Nimble America with Milo goes way beyond that.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Right so this whole situation makes more sense now. Palmer ghost wrote that one NimbleRichMan post announcing where the moneys coming from and probably thinking he was very clever and funny using terms like "meme magic" and centipedes of the Donald.

Being an idiot, he perhaps didn't realise NimbleRichMan would go on being a thing and the bunch of 4channers would over inflate Palmers involvement and turn the whole situation into a runaway train.

Affluenza has made him think "wheres the harm" in anything and he's acting like a 16 year old with a billion. Basically a parable for any corporation thinking letting a 20 year old "genius" call the shots is gonna work out well. The way he flubbed Oculus launch and input was clear signs he was an idiot last year, but by god is he confirmed moronic now.


Being an idiot, he perhaps didn't realise NimbleRichMan would go on being a thing and the bunch of 4channers would over inflate Palmers involvement and turn the whole situation into a runaway train.

Really now, this is how you see it? I don't think anybody has over-inflated Palmer's involvement.
So he's a coward as well as a shit. Perfectly happy to troll behind the scenes as part of some meme army, but isn't confident enough to stand by his batshit convictions publicly (unlike his girlfriend). If there's a path to choose that you'd be ashamed to reveal because it would negatively effect the perception of your company, maybe don't walk down it.

Give me the worst

I know he's been depressed after selling minecraft...but hopefully not lost his mind

This is pretty much all he's said on the matter



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
That's fine, they have the right to do that, and other companies have the right to drop them and consumers have the right not to buy their products.
It just sucks for those of us that DID buy it. Really leaving us in a lurch here.

The Vive would have cost me an extra $400 at least which is why I opted for the Rift. Regretting that.


To me it sounds like he wrote the words of the post and then sent them to some lackey to do the physical act of posting on reddit.

Why? Given that Palmer Luckey himself is no stranger to Reddit, why would he do that? Especially when the account is literally named for him - by his own admission, there are no other rich benefactors for Noble America.


Palmer has always struck me as a cliquey guy anyway. It seems like he really enjoys feeling like an exclusive part of a group. If he had a conservative upbringing, it wouldn't surprise me that he would try to stick with the "club".


I don't think that is going to be an issue. I would be surprised if he continued in his PR role, which had already seem to be reduced some.

Keep in mind that he used to post under his name PalmerLuckey on reddit like dozens and dozens of times a day. Since his last PR meltdown, he hasn't posted in 5 months.

It's really safe to say his days of being Oculus' face are done.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Really now, this is how you see it? I don't think anybody has over-inflated Palmer's involvement.

I think the listing of him as Vice President was exactly that. Don't get me wrong, I have been very clear I think the guy is an egotistical assclown, but I can also see how The Daily Beast fell fowl of assuming a 'multi user' account was just one guy.

It's still absolutely ridiculous he gave such a shitposting outfit 10 goddam grand.


I think the listing of him as Vice President was exactly that. Don't get me wrong, I have been very clear I think the guy is an egotistical assclown, but I can also see how The Daily Beast fell fowl of assuming a 'multi user' account was just one guy.

It's still absolutely ridiculous he gave such a shitposting outfit 10 goddam grand.

Why do you assume it's a multi-user account? Someone else made it, but it only posted like less than a few dozen times, and all in the same topic that Palmer Luckey admitted to penning. And look at the verbiage:


Lots of "I" in there. I do not think he contributed just one post, then they kept posting under his name. I don't think people are over blowing his involvement. I think the long short of it is this guy threw money at the organization of his own accord and is getting grilled for it. It's not some misunderstanding.


You run that risk when you buy anything honestly. Any CEO of any company can be just as bad.

Not that it isn't probably true (i'm sure an honest conversation with most CEOs of these big companies would be pretty chilling), but at the same time, it's not the first thing you tend to keep in mind when shopping for a new tech product.
As i said in the other thread, Oculus should just throw Luckey under the bus and try to save face, he seems basically vestigial to the company anyway.


So he's a coward as well as a shit. Perfectly happy to troll behind the scenes as part of some meme army, but isn't confident enough to stand by his batshit convictions publicly (unlike his girlfriend). If there's a path to choose that you'd be ashamed to reveal because it would negatively effect the perception of your company, maybe don't walk down it.

This is pretty much all he's said on the matter



Its not to have every single one of them.


It just sucks for those of us that DID buy it. Really leaving us in a lurch here.

The Vive would have cost me an extra $400 at least which is why I opted for the Rift. Regretting that.

I don't think people should be ashamed of owning a rift. I see individual VR headsets like I see televisions. So long as they get the job done. If you feel really strongly about it, just don't support oculus going forward. Your rift headset will still work with SteamVR, OpenVR, and OSVR, and going forward, there will be other control options besides Oculus Touch.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Look, even vocal Trump support probably wouldn't have as many of us in in arms calling for Oculus to fire his ass. But funding an org with that sort of background? That's seedy as fuuuuuck
What are the chances Palmer turns up at Oculus Connect 3 on October 5th?

I mean in the past two Oculus Connects he's been up on stage, announcing Oculus Touch in 2014 and Minecraft VR in 2016, throwing t-shirts about etc. Not to mention many interviews and social gatherings.

I don't see how he can show his face now, especially with all the developers and journalists there. It would be a total shitshow.
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