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4chan in trouble - Martin Shkreli wants to be the new moot

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That could be an option, delete everything down to /trash/ and you half image hosting costs while still keeping the big traffic draws of /v/, /a/ and /b/

/a/, /v/, and especially /b/ have never been big draws. Their the most notable and have the most notoriety, but IIRC /b/ hasn't been the most or among the most popular boards in years.


Can we back up for a minute here...

4chan is struggling financially? I thought they were making absolute bank on ad revenue. I know they push a lot of image traffic but the nature of the content on that site means that few things persist for very long.

I just find this all very surprising.

Can we back up for a minute here...

4chan is struggling financially? I thought they were making absolute bank on ad revenue. I know they push a lot of image traffic but the nature of the content on that site means that few things persist for very long.

I just find this all very surprising.

You need to consider this, much like neogaf had to (E3 and animated avatars, for example), as an input-output problem. Making money on ads isn't the issue, it's how much bandwidth and server space and speed you can afford from that money. Additionally, it's safe to say 4chan users don't give a shit about actually supporting the site -whereas we tend to do give one- and all browse it with adblockers enabled. And of course, in general, nobody cares about ads anymore anyway. That age is rapidly coming to an end, with ads being so overaggressive that they're causing it themselves.
But back to input-output: a 4chan page rolls on pretty much forever, meaning there is already no way to create a proper content-to-ad ratio. Neogaf for example is limited on 50 or 100 posts per page because at that rate you get considerable content, with an ad on top (assuming you only read the OP), and a fairly good chance at conversion (which is the ratio on ads leading to sales, which is basically the only thing that matters. You spend money to make money, it's that simple. If you spend more than you make, the outlet is useless and will be cut), which is probably the optimal layout while keeping both users and owner(s?) happy with matching input and output. That is both in financial terms the income to spending ratio (which should always be >1 , obviously ), as well as ad money to bandwidth (which you could also calculate after standardizing them).

4chan is failing because the X amount of income on ads does not equate to the Y amount of bandwidth needed to operate it as is. So either income needs to go up, making the content pay for itself, or things need to cut. Considering 4chan is also the internet's shithole, you can probably imagine that advertisers (#AdvertiserFriendly) are not exactly lining up to advertise on the site. Maybe some did in the past, but things have changed. Also, I'm fairly sure 4chan hosts a ton of shit -of all kinds- on its own servers, creating an insane bandwidth need it simply cannot afford. Neogaf couldn't either, which is the reason we all have to use links to other hosting companies, and not directly, and animated avatars were removed.
I'm sure Evilore would explain this differently -and more intimately- but from the sidelines that is my understanding of how these things work. Besides, you have to pay for it somehow, so there has to be a business model of some kind anyway.
Seems like little would be lost by culling the top 10-12 bandwidth-hogging boards. The most culturally-relevant boards are suprisingly low on bandwidth. /pol/ itself is almost all text posts. But it should still be deleted, along with /k/. Send them all to 8chan.

He should also push 4chan pass more and add/move more features to it.


Delete pol and purge all of its users.

So god damn annoying when you're on another board and some idiot derails the thread by blaming everything on the jewish conspiracy.


As long as he doesn't decide to go the malicious ads route I'm happy.

Malicious ads are the worst. 4chan, as sketchy a place as people view it, has for as long as I'm aware, always been a website that's safe to have adblocking software turned off on. There are no malicious ads. They aren't intrusive. And that's good. That's how it should be. Malicious ads are the worst. They're one of the biggest reasons adblocking software exists. No one wants to get a virus just because they were on a website they enjoy.

Anyways, I'm not sure how much good it would do, but perhaps merging a few unnecessary boards together may help. Like, does /mlp/ really need to exist anymore when its content would probably fit in fine on /co/? Do /vr/, /vg/, and /vp/ really need to be separated from /v/? Does /trash/ really need to exist when /b/ serves mostly the same purpose? How about merging /jp/, /m/, and /a/?
Delete literally everything but /his/ and /co/.

Especially delete /pol/.
Please no. /a/ is probably the most important board on the site due to its origins. And I have yet to find a better place for video game discussion than /v/, as odd as that may sound. (Not to say that good discussion can't be found here; just that I've found that /v/ is the best in terms of places to discuss things)


One option could be deleting the porn boards. Because they're built on WebM posts, they cost a bundle and don't exactly make 4chan a nicer place


So the image/video traffic can be cut in half just by removing the low discussion image dump boards?


That guy might as well be the posterchild for what happen to 4channers when they grow up (physically, not emotionally) and fall into a pile of money.
You can't just get to buy the title of moot. moot built that site with love and care, and it was passed onto someone with a similar legacy.

Nobody is going to respect him in the short term.
Googles Martin Shkreli

oh, it's this A hole...

yeah, if he buys 4chan, might as well shut the damn thing down.

I used to lurk there a lot around 6 to 8 years ago, but kinda just lost interest in it. too much crap to go through to get to the good post (if there's still any).


What is the reason for 4chan to exist if we already have reddit?
Posting without a name allows one to say how they feel about something without feeling judged.

And unlike most websites, threads are constantly vanishing off of 4chan, meaning you can constantly regenerate discussion of older topics at any time, while on other forums, there'll just be old threads that people can go back to and/or look at, so there's no need to regenerate discussion and instead discussion just dies. Just look at subreddits for older niche video games on Reddit and you'll see that they're pretty much dead. 4chan does not suffer this.

The upvote/downvote feature on Reddit is also counterproductive to discussion in that unpopular views are drowned out and pushed to the bottom, thus discouraging dissenting viewpoints being posted. 4chan doesn't have this, so everyone's posts are judged on equal grounds.
I, again, cannot believe that so many adults would admit to reading and being emotionally invested in 4chan.
I spent many of my teenage years browsing 4chan. I saw the birth of many memes. Had many laughs, learned many things.
Nowadays I don't browse much, the constant bitterness from its users being one reason, but I still retain fond memories of my days lurking. 4chan is a staple of the internet and much of the culture (for better or worse) owes itself to that site. part of me definitely feels like it needs to be taken out back and put out of its memory, and part of me would feel sad to see it go.
I know some would see this as an embarrassing admission, but I don't care. Some legitimately good things have come out of that site, both for me personally and to the internet at large.


I legitimately thought the only thing people nowadays use 4chan for is porn, video games, and bigotry.

Porn is okay, their video game boards, I dunno. Is it still gamergate shit? stuff like /pol/ /b/ etc should be gone, like, yesterday.


Can we back up for a minute here...

4chan is struggling financially? I thought they were making absolute bank on ad revenue. I know they push a lot of image traffic but the nature of the content on that site means that few things persist for very long.

I just find this all very surprising.

moot too had some problems managing 4chan in the past but when he left in his post said
"The site isn't in danger of going under financially any time soon, and it's as fast and stable as ever thanks to continued development and recent server upgrades"

i guess even downgrade the server a little would be fine, you're not streaming 4k movies, just pictures

I, again, cannot believe that so many adults would admit to reading and being emotionally invested in 4chan.

easily impressed, uh?

Don't delete /gif. My dick would be sad.

gifs are super heavy tho. they should just turn ditch them for webms and put a loop feature
I spent many of my teenage years browsing 4chan. I saw the birth of many memes. Had many laughs, learned many things.
Nowadays I don't browse much, the constant bitterness from its users being one reason, but I still retain fond memories of my days lurking. 4chan is a staple of the internet and much of the culture (for better or worse) owes itself to that site. part of me definitely feels like it needs to be taken out back and put out of its memory, and part of me would feel sad to see it go.
I know some would see this as an embarrassing admission, but I don't care. Some legitimately good things have come out of that site, both for me personally and to the internet at large.

It did actually used to be reasonably self aware. I swear it did.
I, again, cannot believe that so many adults would admit to playing and being emotionally invested in video games.
4chan has a lot of genuinely great discussion no matter the board. I've had a lot of laughs and learned a lot of cool info. Yeah, there's a lot of garbage, and /pol/ is a cesspool, but I enjoy the philosophy that every poster is as valuable as every other poster, and that everyone there is trash. It's a unique climate.


I've never entered 4chan because it's a cesspool and I'm curious what their porn board is like given their proclivities, but okay, shut it down.
No not /mu/.
I love /mu/.
I went from /b/ in my early teen years to /a/,jumped around a bit,and finally found my home board in /mu/.
It must stay.
Without a doubt. But I think that years of "being in on the joke" were misconstrued and the joke then became the reality.

The summer kids kept coming in and coming in and one group who wasn't aware that, for the most part, 4chan was one big self aware joke and took it seriously, took camp and never left.

I'm not gonna blame the (insane, not reasonable like here and reddit and most elsewhere on the internet) ponies specifically, but that was a not insignificant factor.


Get rid of /pol/ & /b/. 4chan gets to live and the two most hated boards are gone forever, everyone wins.
/b/ has too much of a history to go. Getting rid of it would be getting rid of the board that makes 4chan famous. Plus its nice having one free-for-all section of the site, so to speak.


Get rid of /pol/ & /b/. 4chan gets to live and the two most hated boards are gonna forever, everyone wins.

Realistically /b/ will never go away, it and /a/ are the very foundation of the site.

That reminds me, I once had a girl turn me down (like, in real life, not online) because I told her I don't read /b/. The world is a weird place sometimes.


I, again, cannot believe that so many adults would admit to reading and being emotionally invested in 4chan.
I'm not that emotionally invested but I did grow up with it. It's been 11 years since I started browsing it and even if a lot of it is crap it still has a special place in my heart. I still have good discussions there when I'm not dodging through all the /pol/ stupid stuff.

Despite what people don't go there think not everyone there is an alt-right neonazi. In fact I would say most of its user base has been on the left until recent years. Being anti-establishment has changed from "fight against the old Republican fucks" to "fight against the oppressive left wing moral outrage SJWs who control society" even if that doesn't really exist. Lefties are the stodgy uncool stop having fun police in some young peoples eyes now.
I clicked on the live stream and he's hitting himself with shit and cussing. Wtf?

It should be obvious at this point that this is a joke to him. While I believe given his personality that he's a modern 4channer, I don't believe he's serious at all about this.
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