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Giant Bomb #24 | In the beginning...


Giant Bomb eSports Editor
Man people love to shit on GB whenever they have the chance. It's bummer luck that they got two faulty headsets and are unable to easier prove that it's not just their setup as people keep insisting. Conveniently them trying different distance/lighting configurations along with other outlets reporting similar problems doesn't factor in.

At some point fanboys are gonna be fanboys, right? In their minds, it's probably faaaaaaar easier to blame us and claim we're incompetent (even though I feel like we're one of the most seasoned outlets out there when it comes to VR coverage) than it is to accept that their favorite console brand might have released a less-than-perfect product.

But at this point I wouldn't say that we got "two faulty headsets." It's more likely that this product is just very, very finicky and susceptible to a variety of issues.


Most of the time watching GB play bad stuff is fun
Mario Party
. This time it wasn't funny, it was just sad and depressing...


But at this point I wouldn't say that we got "two faulty headsets." It's more likely that this product is just very, very finicky and susceptible to a variety of issues.

Awesome, I'm sure that'll be 100% fine for a mass-market consumer product. Definitely no similar issues in a recent gaming accessory that might say otherwise.
But at this point I wouldn't say that we got "two faulty headsets." It's more likely that this product is just very, very finicky and susceptible to a variety of issues.

I guess we'll see if anything has changed when y'all play PSVR games next. There seems to be something affecting some outlets that others aren't experiencing, though.


Unconfirmed Member
It's also not like these games are well received. The best one seems to be that very short Batman experience and that's sitting at a 72 on Metacritic.


The idea that they have faulty headsets is amazing...yeah they just so happen to have two of them in a sea of perfect ones.

PSVR was always going to be the lesser VR option, and that would have been clear if you just read the specs of the thing. I don't know why people are so surprised about how rough of an experience it can be.


Drunky McMurder
Can someone tell me what exactly went wrong with the PSVR? is it the games? I read something about a faulty unit, whats going on ?

Jeff almost immediately looked like he had been playing a DS on a rollercoaster. They showed multiple times where they were holding near perfectly still and the entire world in multiple games would move in and out around them, on two different headsets.There were a lot of weird general tracking and motion issues that weren't as evident on screen but they talked about how off it felt.
I don't really get why some in the other threads are saying Giant Bomb and some other outlets received faulty units as a defense for PSVR. That sounds pretty fucking terrible for a product that's about to have a mass distribution.

Mr. F

But at this point I wouldn't say that we got "two faulty headsets." It's more likely that this product is just very, very finicky and susceptible to a variety of issues.

Fair, I was mostly basing the assumption off of Eurogamer having had a better experience after getting a second headset. In any case it'll be interesting to see how widespread the tracking issues are once it's in more peoples hands and in a far wider range of environments and setups.


It's also not like these games are well received. The best one seems to be that very short Batman experience and that's sitting at a 72 on Metacritic.
Hardly any games have gotten enough reviews to even get a Metacritic average. E.g. Rez, Superhypercube and Thumper seem like legit good games, I'm sure they'll end up better received than that.
Someone in the PSVR review thread said Game Informer said they have no issues with tracking in their stream. I wonder if people have different thresholds, are maybe there just are some wonky units. Personally, I think it's environmental. For instance Kinda Funny apparently had some minor issues with their headsets in their studio that did not occur when they used the same headsets at their apartment.


The Bellas are on ESPN promoting their new E! reality series. And Vince bought TNA's video library. What a time to be alive.
I guess Danny needs to stay around SF and eventually NY to talk to devs for his documentaries or whatever but man if I was a popular streamer or yotuuber? The FIRST thing I'd do is move to somewhere cheaper to live. I'm always surprised when I see the big youtubers that live in like Manhattan when they could do their job from anywhere and save way more money.

He did address that in one of his videos. He said he's lucky and his rent is just a few percent off of the national average but obviously, other expenses are still an issue. He's in Oakland I believe, not San Francisco.
the tracking (both headset and controllers) seems to be sketchy for a number of people who have the units so far

Jeff almost immediately looked like he had been playing a DS on a rollercoaster. They showed multiple times where they were holding near perfectly still and the entire world in multiple games would move in and out around them, on two different headsets.There were a lot of weird general tracking and motion issues that weren't as evident on screen but they talked about how off it felt.

Thats a shame. Is it the Headset or the PS Move things ?


Drunky McMurder
Thats a shame. Is it the Headset or the PS Move things ?

It was happening with Move and the DS4 controller, it would seem like a camera, headset, or software issue. Eurogamer getting a replacement unit and not seeing the same problems any more would imply a hardware issue as opposed to a mistake in setup.

Unless you really, really like Sony. Then Giant Bomb's just the devil.


Neo Member
Does anyone know what Jason is talking about in GBC450 in regards to Karateka having subliminal messaging in it? Google shows nothing.


I probably won't buy a VR headset for years, but I do hope they get a couple replacements before they do the next stream just for confirmation. Or go check out Gamespot's setup, which people claim is working perfectly fine.
Both Tested and CNet mentioned tracking issues as well. My guess is Jeff is right. It's just finicky with setups. The positional tracking is handled with the camera and software, not the headset. The headset would do rotational tracking.
Both Tested and CNet mentioned tracking issues as well.

I'd be curious to see Norm come to the office and try out Giant Bomb's units to see how comparable the tracking issues are. It would be interesting to see what he says. Especially when it sounds like he said the tracking issues were not a deal breaker (at least with his unit).


I don't really get why some in the other threads are saying Giant Bomb and some other outlets received faulty units as a defense for PSVR. That sounds pretty fucking terrible for a product that's about to have a mass distribution.
Because this website at least on the gaming side is filled with Sony stans.

That in itself sounds dumb but whatever there's no other way to say it
Speaking of NX, I saw the speculation the the face buttons and sticks can detach. If real, I think this is a prime opportunity for Nintendo to offer alternate control schemes for purchase.

A. Default Scheme:
Left Side- thumb stick above, d-pad below
Right Side- thumb stick above, face buttons below.

B. Symmetrical Scheme:
Left Side: d-pad above, thumb stick below
Right Side: face buttons above, thumb stick below.

C. Asymmetrical Scheme:
Left Side: thumb stick above, d-pad below
Right Side: face buttons above, thumb stick below

D. Crazy Scheme?:
Left Side: d-pad above, thumb stick below
Right Side- thumb stick above, face buttons below

C. Gimmicky Attachments for certain games


Both Tested and CNet mentioned tracking issues as well. My guess is Jeff is right. It's just finicky with setups. The positional tracking is handled with the camera and software, not the headset. The headset would do rotational tracking.

Tested and CNet have too many ties to Giant Bomb.



anyone who remembers the reaction to initial reports of the rubber peeling off DS4 sticks (now recognised as an actual defect in launch DS4s) should not be even a little bit surprised about today's discussions.


Both Tested and CNet mentioned tracking issues as well. My guess is Jeff is right. It's just finicky with setups. The positional tracking is handled with the camera and software, not the headset. The headset would do rotational tracking.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. The issue is really how well it works in the real world. Look at Gamestop vs GB in terms of setup. I mean, I guess if you have a backdrop with uniform lighting in a space then you might be fine, but in the living room you may not have that unless you move stuff around or get a directional lamp.

That said, even if they do cost more, the level of pain involved with how finicky VR tracking can be is drastically reduced on both the Oculus and Vive.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. The issue is really how well it works in the real world. Look at Gamestop vs GB in terms of setup. I mean, I guess if you have a backdrop with uniform lighting in a space then you might be fine, but in the living room you may not have that unless you move stuff around or get a directional lamp.

That said, even if they do cost more, the level of pain involved with how finicky VR tracking can be is drastically reduced on both the Oculus and Vive.

They both track differently. Vive is handled with actual tracking sensors in the controllers and the headset itself. The lighthouse units are dumb, and just bath the room in infrared patterns. The Oculus uses a constellation of infrared lights on the headset and an infrared camera to handle tracking. PSVR uses a visual light camera, which was chosen over infared for the Move controller for augmented reality games.


People are getting real weird on GAF today. I can't even fathom caring about an electronics company that much.

You should have seen it in mid 2007 when the NPD threads were a thing and the PS3 was struggling while Wii/DS sales were off the charts. Followed by FF13 being announced as multi-platform.


Bahahah! The UPS dude was so goddamn confused! I kept laughing because when I said "Vinny, Care of Ella" I immediately realized Tiamatsword22 was fucking with me when I asked about their address (or maybe not? I don't know, haha). That the UPS guy also put Giant Balm instead of Bomb is fucking amazing though, considering I showed him a screenshot of the addresses in the first post. .
I am very happy that you actually did that.
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