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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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I really just don't know what to do right now.... I'm crying really badly. I just started college this year and the thought that me and my family could be deported makes me want to hurl...
Bullshit racist statements like that are why this result has come to pass in the first place. When will you learn? You can not generalize and racially insult 65% of the country like they are some evil hivemind and then be surprised people are pissed off by that. Shitty attitude like yours literally drove people to the orange madman.

I know it's not fun to hear, but it's true. You can certainly be prejudiced against white people, but those interactions lack the component of power that makes it "racist." When white voters are prejudiced against black people but are actually dominant in power you get, well, y'know.

It's structural. I imagine you think I'm painting everyone as a epithet-spitting cross-burner. I'm not.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
This is going to do horrible things for my depression. Going to work tomorrow, to see people dancing down the aisles is going to make me want to quit my job.

I'm not angry. I just don't know how to feel anymore. Never has being black made me feel so small, and so unrepresented. To what world do I awaken, tomorrow?

I can't even sleep. I'm just laying here in my bed, wondering how to explain the future to my kids.


He's not nuking the world. That's just crazy talk to make you afraid of him. You don't build a billion dollar business, lose it all, then make it back, by being a nuke happy maniac.

Well, you might, but I put the odds as extremely unlikely.
Even if he used nukes it would destroy this country and so on.


Did I wake-up in bizarro time-line? Brexit and now Trump... I feel like a FN victory in France is possible... wtf is wrong with this planet?


There's a deep love for the US in Germany. They are the ones who taught us Democracy after all. This love dies today.


Hillary please concede so we can all go to sleep. It all ends with Pennsylvania here. Hopefully she concedes after that falls in the next few minutes.

I'm not watching any speeches and I'm done with the news in general. I'm not going to listen to or watch this fucking orange freak and do my best to pretend this was just a hallucination.


From europe here and I just woke up :-/.

Oh boy, americans please don't take it personal but, I just hope my country won't have much to do with you politically in the coming 4 years.


I'm not American, but GAF has been telling me for months there was "literally zero chance Trump would win", so what's happening?

Clearly GAF has no idea how probability works, since it was never zero to begin with, but is Trump really gonna win or is there still a chance for Hillary?

It's not GAF. 99% of america press said the same thing.


Dude this will have effects that go beyond 4 years. We're talking decades upon decades.

So much shit is about to be fucked that people aren't aware of

Social Welfare? Gone
Affirmative Action? Gone
Voter's Rights Act? Gone
Net Neutrality? Gone
Abortion Rights? Gone
Expanded War on Drugs
Marriage Equality? Gone
Minimum wage? In some states gone
Mass Deportation
Racial Profiling
Expanded corporate influence over the government
Even more tax breaks for the 1%

It goes on and on.

You can't assume these as absolutes. Let's hope they don't get changed. It will be a battle.
So this will be the second time in our lifetime that Dems will win the popular vote but lose the election to the electoral college. My god wheres that reform


Democrats need to examine why they lost the white working class this election and make course correction. That's the story of this election, and that's why we lost today. We need to fight hatred and bigotry with empathy. I believe that Donald Trump is fundamentally a vile individual. But, Democrats lost to him tonight. And to simply dismiss this as "50 percent of the nation is crazy" means resigning ourselves to losing to "crazy" over and over again.

Deleted member 144138

Unconfirmed Member
Just woke up...



Incredibly Naive
Bernie was too radical and out there, he was just unelectable, he would have never been able to get any of that stuff done that he talked about.

Meanwhile, Trump wins while being was more fucking radical and out there than anyone. Dude is a walking meme.

Then dems want a candidate with all sorts of baggage and history, literally one of the most boring and unlikable candidates, to win this election.

You have to play the game right to win and many of you chose wrong and I'm just sad about the results of it all.

I'll likely get piled on but I do believe the DNC wanted hillary and played a large role in getting her there. I know on this forum it's frowned upon to believe that, but I don't understand how that can be argued with what we know.


Neo Member
im a white, straight male, so in all honesty a trump presidency probably won't affect my QoL all too much

but fuck, i weep for my fellow humans who don't share the same stupid privileges that I've been granted

this is a sad day for america...hopefully we learn from this experience and won't fuck up again next time

Come on, as if President Trump is some racist lunatic who will hurt minorities in any way. One reason for President Trump's success probably is this kind of hyperbole.


I just drank two bottles of scotch.

Currently debating whether it's better to try to fix things after a Trump presidency or quit while I'm ahead.

I just lost about $1500 in the stock market, probably bound to lose a hell of a lot more by tomorrow. There go my savings and my parents' savings.

I don't want to look at my 401k right now, hopefully it's just the market overreacting. They do that. Also, if I had two bottles of scotch, I'd probably be throwing up on my carpet. Your punctuation is incredible for having that much liquor in you!


Sorry about that Yeezy 2020 thread. I was just trying to lighten the mood a bit .. :(

I'm really stressed out about this.. my apologies to the mods.


Dude this will have effects that go beyond 4 years. We're talking decades upon decades.

So much shit is about to be fucked that people aren't aware of

Social Welfare? Gone
Affirmative Action? Gone
Voter's Rights Act? Gone
Net Neutrality? Gone
Abortion Rights? Gone
Expanded War on Drugs
Marriage Equality? Gone
Minimum wage? In some states gone
Mass Deportation
Racial Profiling
Expanded corporate influence over the government
Even more tax breaks for the 1%

It goes on and on.

To Be Honest we still don't know how he really feels on ANY of these issues. It wasn't that long ago where he was for a single payer healthcare system and technically called himself a democrat. What we DO know is that he said just about anything to get elected and it worked....I'm just trying to look for a sliver of hope in all of this.


Poor white people, from their tower of privilege they have to deal with a mean comment on a internet forum, whatever will they do now? ;_;

Meanwhile minorities lives are completely fucked, fundamental rights are going to be taken away, extremists will be emboldened, more minorities will be murdered by the police.

But yes, let's focus on a bunch of offended white dudes in a internet forum.

Trump hasn't even be sworn in yet but yes, it's very healthy to speculate and assume.

What i'm talking about is happening right now on here. People saying "fuck white people" laughing at us because we're being offending when people are saying terrible shit about us.

Sorry that you're fine with attacking individuals and ignoring the fact that it bothers them.
Oh, and of course the people of Florida reelected Rubio. What the hell does anyone see in that man, or his politics.

Seriously, the fuck has Florida been smoking?

The dude literally got murdered on National Television infront of his family by Chris Christie, was super depressed and gave up, and now he's fucking back in office.

Its mind boggling



Are you guys really this shook from one person saying "fuck white people" after such an emotional night? Is he wrong? Yes.

But Jesus Christ this is nothing compared to what black people and other minorities in this country face. Stop it. You are going to be ok. I am am going to be ok.

If you want the cycle to stop, then tell Trump, your friends, your family, your coworkers, that you want it to stop. Take part.
Exactly. Stop racism. Stop ALL forms. Even against white people. Don't allow any to continue.


People vote for Trump because their privilege blinds what little empathy they may have.

If you vote Trump because a few people pissed you off, you are damning an entire group based on the actions of 1 or 2. If this is enough for you to say "fuck them" then you were never going to be an ally.

That boondocks picture is so extremely true. We as minorities have done nothing but fight, act better and push for equal rights and what do we have to show for it? Trump leading.

As an LGBT hispanic who voted for Hillary, no, instantly judging people from the first part of a conversation instead of hearing them out until you figure out whether or not they made a correctable misjudgment does not help.
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