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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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I wanted to start making a family with my wife in a year or two. What world would I bring a kid into now? Not a good one. A unrelentingly cruel one, where rapists win and the weak and innocent lose.





Seriously, the fuck has Florida been smoking?

The dude literally got murdered on National Television infront of his family by Chris Christie, was super depressed and gave up, and now he's fucking back in office.

Its mind boggling

He's handsome and hispanic and Murphy has a bad really record
Jesus, even Carolyn Porco, a very kind, sensible scientist, has kind of lost it earlier...

Carolyn Porco ‏@carolynporco 2h2 hours ago
Carolyn Porco Retweeted The New York Times
Fuck you, Florida. You will get what you had coming to you when you disappear into the ocean.

I feel incredible sorrow knowing I cannot object to her hostility. The fact a planetary scientist is calling for planetary chaos is remarkably dark..

Maybe they can admit Neoliberalism has failed? Our Left are Centrists.

We need a real Left.

There is some really disturbing reverse hate coming out of this, we've even seen it in this thread. Its unfortunate and frankly now seeing it play out we were always doomed for this no matter who won. People are just so damn fractured right now and you are seeing people on both sides lashing out. People calling Muslims / brown people the enemy, people saying hating white people is ok.

Its rough, but I have faith in humanity at the end of the day. We will get through this shit. Love you all.
You can't assume these as absolutes. Let's hope they don't get changed. It will be a battle.

Republicans control all three branches and many upon many of them have spoken on record to include Trump about getting rid of or expanding what I stated.

"Battle" suggests there's an opposing force.


Bernie was too radical and out there, he was just unelectable, he would have never been able to get any of that stuff done that he talked about.

Meanwhile, Trump wins while being was more fucking radical and out there than anyone. Dude is a walking meme.

Then dems want a candidate with all sorts of baggage and history, literally one of the most boring and unlikable candidates, to win this election.

You have to play the game right to win and many of you chose wrong and I'm just sad about the results of it all.

This describes the problem perfectly. The thing is that Hillary supporters adamantly touted "compromise!", but they were doing the exact opposite of compromising. They wanted to shove their established idea of who was going to be president no matter what. We need to learn to actually comprise.


Could they repeal gay marriage??? I'm in a same sex relationship :(

That requires a heck of a lot of work; but since now all branches of the US government are now controlled by the Republicans (they will get at least one or more Supreme Court nominations), it is a possibility.
People that actually think its some mean posts about white people that helped Trump win. . . I hope yall are joking. Cause all you are saying is "Minorities, this is your fault" which is hilarious.

The posts mocking white people are tasteless but those responses yall are giving are fucking false and we all know it.


For you.
Drumpf hasn't even be sworn in yet but yes, it's very healthy to speculate and assume.

What i'm talking about is happening right now on here. People saying "fuck white people" laughing at us because we're being offending when people are saying terrible shit about us.

Sorry that you're fine with attacking individuals and ignoring the fact that it bothers them.

"Speculate"? It's his entire fucking platform!. You already admitted before you barely looked into his policies. Jesus christ, go fucking research that shit. Dude is the worst thing to happen to America in the last 30 years.


Guess relations with Cuba are done too, was nice while it lasted and I better go before Fuhrer Trump annexes it.

Ps. Hi Zep :)


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Many people on this forum said it was IMPOSSIBLE for Trump to win. I think they are disconnected with what the majority of Americans want.

Trump can't possibly win. Hillary's the best candidate the Dems have. She's the most qualified Presidential candidate in decades. Etc. etc. This forum really did become a Hillary bubble.
53% of millennials voted for Clinton, so no. Blame the Boomers if you have to pin it on one generation.

Meanwhile in the real world, a combination of issues resulted in this outcome, and we can only pray the DNC will learn from it.
47% of milennials voting for Trump is horrifying
One thing that'd be interesting. How long before a nuke is dropped. How long before the next terrorist event And how long before America adopts the eating of pizza with forks

The Trump Shit show

Interesting to see what the next 4 years is like.
People acting like anything and everything Trump wants he will get. How long did it take before we saw Obama get what he wanted. Most of his time in office will be spent arguing and the this will wake up some of the apathetic folks who did not give a damn this election cycle. USA will be fine.


So anyone considering distancing themselves from their family members that voted for Trump? I can't stop this feeling that I need to do this.
Unfortunately yes he's got it.

You're fucking lying to me. Yeah, I'm drunk, and I started drinking right around when it was in favor of Trump. Please tell me I'm just drunk and slurring and experiencing blurred eyesight. Please. Because if you don't, I'm declaring this entire nation I live in full of the dumbest fucking people on the planet.
Trump hasn't even be sworn in yet but yes, it's very healthy to speculate and assume.

What i'm talking about is happening right now on here. People saying "fuck white people" laughing at us because we're being offending when people are saying terrible shit about us.

Sorry that you're fine with attacking individuals and ignoring the fact that it bothers them.

you're not even american dude

you're just here enjoying the show while wagging your fingers


How exactly do you bring people who are negatively affected by racism together with the people who support it?

Are you saying that the victims of racists should just accept the racists? How the hell is that healthy? What about LGBTQ people, should they come together with those who want to take away their right to marry? How are you going to get Muslims to come together with the people who want to ban them from this country?

We're not even talking about bringing people who are minorities together with people who 'support' racism here, we've literally gotten to the point where people are typing 'fuck white people' in this thread. Fuck that. People who have been repressed should understand EXACTLY why it doesn't work to talk about others as subhuman. Just because white people are the majority doesn't mean that acting like they're garbage is a particularly viable path towards peace.

People acting like anything and everything Trump wants he will get. How long did it take before we saw Obama get what he wanted. Most of his time in office will be spent arguing and the this will wake up some of the apathetic folks who did not give a damn this election cycle. USA will be fine.

That has nothing to do with being president and everything to do with who controls congress. I agree that we're probably 'fine' in the long run, but make no mistake this is a TERRIBLE thing for the immediate future.
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