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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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I hope that you guys spend as much time lecturing your friends and family about the racist things they say as you do here for some random guy after an emotional election night.

Shit, we know that's not true from the numerous threads we've had on "how do you deal with racist friends/family."

"Not worth the hassle"
"Love them too much"
"Just a different opinion"
"i'm too mature to care"



See this is the biggest flaw of the Supreme Court. Judges wait for their party/ideology to win the White House. I wish there would be a Constitutional Amendment that gives Supreme Court Justices 15 or 20 year terms.

The biggest flaw of the Supreme Court is that the decisions are politically based at all, but I suppose it was inevitable given how loose the requirements for the judiciary are in the constitution.



Do these people even have high school diplomas?


Gold Member
Well, this guy better close all the tax loopholes he's been using to not pay taxes all these years like he said he would. That was pretty much the only thing I agreed with him on.


Dude this will have effects that go beyond 4 years. We're talking decades upon decades.

So much shit is about to be fucked that people aren't aware of

Social Welfare? Gone
Affirmative Action? Gone
Voter's Rights Act? Gone
Net Neutrality? Gone
Abortion Rights? Gone
Expanded War on Drugs
Marriage Equality? Gone
Minimum wage? In some states gone
Mass Deportation
Racial Profiling
Expanded corporate influence over the government
Even more tax breaks for the 1%

It goes on and on.

But emails tho.....

This country, I swear. I'll never understand it.
And just like that my salary was slashed. In one day the Mexican Peso went from $18.3 to $20.4 pesos per USD. And I don't even want to imagine what would happen if Trump goes through with dissolving NAFTA or taxing the fuck out of us to pay for his godforsaken wall.

This is a nightmare. And if he wants less illegals crossing the border this isn't helping because he's hurting our economy already and he hasn't even been elected officially.

It is mi amigo it is

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I'm really heart broken, seeing people ask how safe their same sex marriage is now that Trump is president.

We're pretty much imagining all the various lawsuits that southern states are salivating to draft and begin pushing up to the SCOTUS once a conservative is installed. All the angles of attack, various religious freedom strategies, all the Piety Theater that will be performed to put on a show of Taking Back America.


We just elected a president whose closest experience to governing is sitting a big table yelling at celebrities on a shitty reality TV show.


Rodent Whores
I think it's more likely Dems shift more right and try to reclaim centrists and some conservatives who don't like Trump. And probably Republicans, after this taste of unexpected success, will move even further right in response.

I'm not a political expert, but from what I sense from the American zeitgeist, that is the wrong wrong wrong lesson to learn here.


There's no tolerance and love for people that literally hate tolerance and love and want to take away your rights, deport you, call you racial slurs, murder you, profile you. YOU DON'T FUCKING HAVE TO TOLERATE THAT.

On the bright side, now that they are in power, we will no doubt be on the receiving end of boundless tolerance and love from Trump and his supporters.

You're starting to sound like a republican with that tinfoil hat on.

Things might not be great under trump, but the president is still held in check. It's not a dictatorship.

Problem is the other two branches of government meant to check the president also want those things.


It seems like the whole world is repeating the same mistakes we here in Finland went through a few years ago. The populist True Finns party got a big share of the votes by shouting the same kind of stuff Brexiters and Trump promise. it didn't take long for them to tank in polls though because they didn't really have any real plans to implement their policies when they were in power.

Too bad now the same cycle is happening in world superpowers instead of small harmless countries like Finland.


I really hope all the fucking whiners that seriously fucked up in this thread, are going into activisim to keep this asshole in check.

Like seriously, you are the guys at fault, all the asshole on the american left that kept dismissing him as nothing, at every fucking stage of this election, like calling someone a racist will just make him disappear.

Nah the people who voted for him are at fault.

But I do agree there is a problem with the nasty holier than thou left.

Even if they are holier than their opponents; there is a level of discourse that just isn't effective.

Like anyone can agree that not harming animals is better than harming them; and in that way Vegans are more ethical than non-Vegans.. but when has a Vegan throwing blood on a fur coat ever convinced anyone not to eat meat? More likely to make that shit into a jeux and have a BBQ on the Vegan's lawn.

I'm liberal as hell but cringe every time I read the words "human piece of garbage"... which is said about anyone who even remotely says anything not fitting the world view of the person saying it. Many actions and words deserve to be criticized, but the endless vitriol needs to stop. It's not constructive even if it is on a side I completely agree with.


All the forum regulars who mocked posters for thinking Trump had a chance....smh. I think it's fair to say the average GAF poster doesn't know shit about middle America.

I slightly disagree with people saying GWB is preferable to Trump. GWB was just more polite, thus giving the illusion of decency relative to Trump. Trump isn't a war-hawk and he isn't religious. I think he's going to be a better president than Bush.
The amount of hyperbole in here is ridiculous. Calm down. Reality is if you went into a coma and woke up 2 years from now, your life will likely be no different in terms of this election and the effects of it.

Like alarming levels of delusion.
Republicans are about to control all 3 branches of government, how can you say it won't be any different with a straight face?

Under Obama we got gay marriage and the ACA and that was with a divided government


I'm not going to give Trump supporters shit for enjoying the Trump win. HillaryGAF certainly would have reveled in a Trump loss. But it is kind of disappointing to see in the midst of my fear of what a Trump presidency will mean for disabled people like me and the uncertainty for the future of the groups he has disparaged in the past.
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