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United States Election: Nov. 8, 2016 |OT| Hate Trumps Love

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Green Yoshi


Wouldn't be surprised if this is the acceptance speech

GTFO with the Kanye comments. How does anyone think that is even remotely funny or clever? Trump is President and the first thing people have to say is, "Kanye can do it."


This isn't my first rodeo, but damn. I should sleep but I have to see these speeches, Fuckt it.

Glad I could be here to witness it. Can you imagine what the wikipedia entry for this shit will look like in a decade? Hm.


Heck, most of the stuff he talked about doing isn't actually going to get done. He's not going to ban an entire religion and he's not going to build a wall. The president has some power, but he's not omnipotent.

Why can he not get these things done? Also, climate change.
I have tomorrow of will probably walk to liquor store play skyrim and go to bed I don't want to see any of this its to fucking unsettling and surreal.


Interesting thing is, what is going to happen now. The jobs are gone. He promised a lot of impossible things.

It's hard to say. They've hand-waived away so many things he has said and done on record.

I guess since the right is holding the senate then he can't blame the left for things not working out. My guess is that he blames Obama for the next 4 years and his supporters buy it every single time.

Not really. It's not about race. It's about the money in your pocket.

The sad thing is that her plan wouldn't change anyone's taxes in a household that makes under $250,000 AND she was fighting for increased wages, as well as raising taxes on the wealthy in order to enable more education and more job growth. All he had to do was lie about her plan and his base bought it. It's gross.


Check out the DOW tomorrow then tell me how that "upgrade" is working out for you.

But the Dow had a massive 356 point increase (no real reason in terms of earnings) then another 70+ point increase today. So even if the Dow is going to be down 800 points after the results of the election, it's only really down 400 so were looking at this past Fridays values.
I think this is largely because people have various problems and when you write them off due to privilege it creates a backlash. People are selfish and you can't except them not to be. Never forget that.



So he definitely won?

Why is it the right wing nuts always seem to win?

There was a chance to fundamentally change America with a liberal judge but now America will be socially conservative for as year another 20 years.

Today will be a productive day at work for me as I will be avoiding the Internet and radio to avoid the flare up of rage.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
Again, dont see the equivalence between illegal immigration and voting for a bigot. Does the entire latino race support illegal immigration

Im blaming the white American population for literally doing what they did

"What did he mean by this?"


Here's something GAF might understand.

Tolerance and love means listening to and respecting someone who voted for Trump.

If you can't do that, you don't get it.

Tolerance and love is not equal to delivering shrill sermons at people.

P.S. I didn't vote for Trump. I'm not white. Thanks!

trump supporters deserve neither love nor respect

about the only thing they do deserve is euthanasia


So all of us can now appreciate that we don't live in a country where the federal, centralized government has full power over states.

funny how this is working out now huh? if you live in a mainly blue state your governors and democratic leaders just became a huge firewall against Trump
I kind of agree here. I believe there's going to be some tension for the next few months, but after the dust settles, it's going to be business as usual. It's not like him winning turns us all into racists bigots.

Bullshit. There are serious issues facing REAL people in this country that are at risk here. People of color, people in the LGBT community, women all have a right to be worried of the consequences of a Trump presidency and how it will undo the progress of the last 8 years. Stop trying to dismiss this.


I kind of agree here. I believe there's going to be some tension for the next few months, but after the dust settles, it's going to be business as usual. It's not like him winning turns us all into racists bigots.

Heck, most of the stuff he talked about doing isn't actually going to get done. He's not going to ban an entire religion and he's not going to build a wall. The president has some power, but he's not omnipotent.

You understand that his party now controls:

- The Presidency
- The Senate
- The House
- The Supreme Court

right? That's all 3 branches of government, and both houses of Congress. They literally can do whatever they want and get away with it. There's no checks and balances or vetos at play anymore.

The Supreme Court takeover especially will haunt America for decades.


Dude this will have effects that go beyond 4 years. We're talking decades upon decades.

So much shit is about to be fucked that people aren't aware of

Social Welfare? Gone
Affirmative Action? Gone
Voter's Rights Act? Gone
Net Neutrality? Gone
Abortion Rights? Gone
Expanded War on Drugs
Marriage Equality? Gone
Minimum wage? In some states gone
Mass Deportation
Racial Profiling
Expanded corporate influence over the government
Even more tax breaks for the 1%

It goes on and on.

Can't blue states just follow the brexit path?
The amount of hyperbole in here is ridiculous. Calm down. Reality is if you went into a coma and woke up 2 years from now, your life will likely be no different in terms of this election and the effects of it.

Like alarming levels of delusion.

Trump is going to revoke DACA which grants certain immigrants the right to work in the United States.

That means I will have to leave my home of 27 years.

So yea.


how are you, B!TCH? How is your day going, B!ITCH?

Progressive politics in the United States was dealt a death blow tonight and Obama's impact will be greatly diminished in the coming years with a lot of his initiatives reversed. The SCOTUS will also take a hard turn to the right which is probably the biggest issue going forward for progressives but a huge win for social conservatives.

The uncertainty in the markets is going to be off the charts tomorrow. Not looking forward to that.



Fuck Colin dude. One of my best friends is an immigrant and she's fucking devastated af right now. My whole family is hispanic and thankfully they just got their citizenship so nothing bad can happen to them. But imagine all the families out there who don't have this privilege. This shit IS PISSES ME OFF@
If it worked how you say it is, we'd actually be better off. A much bigger issue is people NOT hearing the opposing view.

Its a long term thing, it isnt' going to come easy or quickly. We are growing through the growing pains now.

We are the first generation to ever deal with real, true globalization thanks to almost instant information transfer through technology. Advancement almost always causes conflict.


And the Star Wars prequels of all things. I'm sure someone brought that up in the thread, but I've been away for a number of hours.

So from the tone of this post you're one of those "some people just want to watch the world burn" then if the most important things are GAF's tears.

Or did you want him to win.

WTF does this even mean?
I kind of agree here. I believe there's going to be some tension for the next few months, but after the dust settles, it's going to be business as usual. It's not like him winning turns us all into racists bigots.

Heck, most of the stuff he talked about doing isn't actually going to get done. He's not going to ban an entire religion and he's not going to build a wall. The president has some power, but he's not omnipotent.

EPA falls under the executive branch.

Lego Boss

And this is why the US elections are too important to be just left to Americans.

Also, we know that in their stupidity, the Brits are not alone.


There's no tolerance and love for people that literally hate tolerance and love and want to take away your rights, deport you, call you racial slurs, murder you, profile you. YOU DON'T FUCKING HAVE TO TOLERATE THAT.

Well, there is, but it is difficult. There are good reasons for doing so. Polarisation is often a precursor to group on group violence. Rejecting Trump voters as a whole group will support polarisation more than not rejecting them, even if they reject you.

Then there are moral standards that transcend political views. The Geneva convention
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