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Nintendo Paid Online Services Include Free NES/SNES Game Every Month (for that month)


With PS+ it's often more than two games per month (at least on the PS4) thanks to cross-buy. For example, this month the official PS4 games were Day of The Tentacle Remastered and This War of Mine, but we also got The Swindle and Titan Souls.

Yeh but you can rent a Snes classic for a month, what a deal.

Man, I was so looking forward to the switch but its been such a bummer.


Ya know, I can actually understand their unwillingness to give away VC games with a subscription. Most of the VC games people would be willing to pay for are the ones that Nintendo themselves own, and they would eventually end up giving away a large majority of the best VC games over time.


This rental nonsense was not the solution. Like, find something else to add value to a paid service, not this. Hell, maybe *don't* charge for online if this is the best you can come up with.
Nintendo won't change this plan. It's more of Nintendo's "preserving the value of games" bullshit.

Because god forbid Urban Champion be "devalued".



  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per platform monthly playable as long as you are subscribed
  • $60 a year

Games with Gold

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per month per platform, many 360 titles playable on XBone with BC, playable even if you are not subscribed
  • $60 a year

Switch Online

  • Voice chat via smart device app (possibly paid)
  • "Special offers for subscribers may include discounts on select digital games and content."
  • monthly rental of 1 SNES or NES game
  • ??? a year

I just don't know anymore.

you dont need ps+ to use voice chat.
Digital discounts to games not properly tied to a real account system? No thanks. Still no official details here, but call me skeptical.

That skepticism is earned. If Nintendo is going to charge for their online, it's not unreasonable to expect it to be on par with competitors in that regard.

Time will tell, though they have a little leeway since they haven't announced a price. The only way I'd accept substandard service is if it had a substandard price.
If Reggie is serious when they say they "read the message boards" then hopefully this backlash will result in a different outcome.

It's very evident people aren't happy about this.


Their online play better not be $49.99 or $59.99 a year then... Needs to be like $19.99 with this tepid value, but who I am kidding it will likely be $69.99 since they like to price things similar to PS4 accessories but add $10.
I'd be more concerned about online play if it seemed like Nintendo had more details on it. As it stands, I have literally no idea what this will consist of besides some basic features and a game rental. At least early adopters will get to play around with "paid" features for free until Fall. Gives me time to decide if it's something I'd want.

As long as they require you to use a smartphone to do voice chat/parties it will still be poor value.

Did I miss something? My impression was that the app is primarily for contacting friends and setting up play sessions. It didn't strike me that the voice chat was actually through the app and not the console.




This gif pretty much sums up everything about Nintendo to me right now.
As long as they require you to use a smartphone to do voice chat/parties it will still be poor value.

was that definite? I mean the good thing for online is, for me, I dont care about it, so as long as I can access eshop I'm happy, if that was blocked I'd be pissed


The Amiga Brotherhood
So what of actual value are we getting if we subscribe? At the moment it is as if Nintendo are trying to do everything they can to fuck up so they can justify their plan to ditch consoles and go all in on phones.
It's actually a great idea, it encourages players to buy and play new games instead, GWG and PS+ are a death sentence to new games sales.

And using your phone for voice chat saves switch battery. It pretty genius.
I pray this is all sarcasm, because the second part sure as fuck is.


I'd be more concerned about online play if it seemed like Nintendo had more details on it. As it stands, I have literally no idea what this will consist of besides some basic features and a game rental. At least early adopters will get to play around with "paid" features for free until Fall. Gives me time to decide if it's something I'd want.

Did I miss something? My impression was that the app is primarily for contacting friends and setting up play sessions. It didn't strike me that the voice chat was actually through the app and not the console.

was that definite? I mean the good thing for online is, for me, I dont care about it, so as long as I can access eshop I'm happy, if that was blocked I'd be pissed

It's been getting reported like this for hours and no correction from Nintendo.

Online lobby and voice chat

Our new dedicated smart device app will connect to Nintendo Switch and let you invite friends to play online, set play appointments, and chat with friends during online matches in compatible games─all from your smart device.

A free, limited version of this app will be available for download in summer 2017.



Specifically says "app". Also confirmation that not subscribing = no voice chat, unlike say PSN.


This gif pretty much sums up everything about Nintendo to me right now.

First posted in here by another GAFer :p



So what of actual value are we getting if we subscribe? At the moment it is as if Nintendo are trying to do everything they can to fuck up so they can justify their plan to ditch consoles and go all in on phones.

Yeah, until I hear more details about the Switch's Online features, I think I'm going to take a pass.
After a month, you can no longer PLAY the monthly Switch online classic unless you buy it."

Wait, so they're basically letting you "rent" one pre-selected classic game per month? Its basically glorified advertising because those games will sell more the month they are spotlighted.


i think frank has a really interesting take on this

This reads like someone who injected some Nintendo blood into their veins before going on a doozy rant.

I love how he talks about devaluing games. Does anyone care to ask him how much money 3rd party publishers made on the Wii U? You know, because all these de-valued devs are raking it in on Sony and MS' platforms. Sure we can argue Sony and MS may take a bit too high a portion of the pie, but that's what happens on closed eco-systems. Still, devs are sure doing their damn hardest to port a ton of indie Steam content to PSN.

Let us see if "games value preserving" Nintendo get the same kind of indie/digital support Sony are getting. Then maybe Frank will have a point. Also, preserving the value of games from 20/30 years ago? Frank, pls. Try going on Amazon and buying a copy of Earthbound.
i think frank has a really interesting take on this
I disagree completely. This piece meal treating every oldass game like special snowflake drip feed bullshit is why Nintendo has left so much money and opportunity on the table with the Virtual Console. The value of these old games is in VOLUME and the fact that Nintendo has so many that span such a long time frame. The NES Classic would not have been a hot commodity if it came packed with 3-4 games instead of 30. People don't want to relive the nostalgia one game/month at a time. A lot of these games are super disposable now, 20-30 years later, and most people only need to play them again for an hour or so to get that nostalgia fix before moving on to the next one, only with nintendo's strategy with VC, there often isn't a "next one".
Do you say this about every online multiplayer franchise? Seems they're mixing up the gameplay this time, all new maps, etc.

Okay, that was a little unfair. I don't want to diss Splatoon 2 by any means, I only mean to say that it is not something that immediately distinguishes the Switch's launch window library.


I disagree completely. This piece meal treating every oldass game like special snowflake drip feed bullshit is why Nintendo has left so much money and opportunity on the table with the Virtual Console. The value of these old games is in VOLUME and the fact that Nintendo has so many that span such a long time frame. The NES Classic would not have been a hot commodity if it came packed with 3-4 games instead of 30. People don't want to relive the nostalgia one game/month at a time. A lot of these games are super disposable now, 20-30 years later, and most people only need to play them again for an hour or so to get that nostalgia fix before moving on to the next one, only with nintendo's strategy with VC, there often isn't a "next one".

youre kind of arguing in favor of his idea, too, though
"most people want a big pile of games so they can play 1 game for an hour and move on"
but if a 1 game a month service "forces" people to put more time into the game instead of getting ADD and moving on, it could potentially help bring back some dormant IPs

i think he has a good point, there
youre kind of arguing in favor of his idea, too, though
"most people want a big pile of games so they can play 1 game for an hour and move on"
but if a 1 game a month service "forces" people to put more time into the game instead of getting ADD and moving on, it could potentially help bring back some dormant IPs

i think he has a good point, there

It won't force them to put more time into a game. A majority of NES and SNES games simply don't hold up outside of nostalgia. You really think starving the fanbase and paying customers is going to make them put 30 days worth of time into Ballon Fight or Karate Champ? Most people will play it for a few hours and discard them. This is where Nintendo has been leaving money on the table. I don't doubt for a second Nintendo has a highly inflated sense of worth of their old ass games and it's what has led to their VC and now Online Service plans, but it's idiotic. It'd be like ITunes or Netflix limiting their viewers to one new show or album a month, because, you know, that will give them time to really savor and dig into it. It's moronic and incredibly out of touch (which perfectly describes a company that thinks it's going to change the ADD habits of modern consumers), and requires weird ass mental gymnastics like Frank's above to even try and make sense of it.
i think frank has a really interesting take on this

I think that is bull though, because the whole "focusing on one game" a month thing with some sort of community banding together to play an old game hasn't been happening with the other services. Day of the Tentacle is out for PS+ for free, that is millions of people getting to play an old game right now.. for free. Where are the memes?

Also, I don't know why this would be any different if you got to keep the game afterwards? It is adding some disney vault faux exclusivity to their VC games. And it isn't like they are taking them away after the month.. you can still pay for it. Plus, these are going to be games we have all played a million times, and have been readily usable on the VC for a long time.
This is a hard pill to swallow. My desires for playing online on Switch would be so niche. I don't have enough time outside to justify paying for something like this. Even if it's 10 or 5 a month I wouldn't do it.

My desire to play online on Switch would be situational for the right game. A Pokemon MMO, or a new cool online role playing game where you can grow your character on the go (diablo, phantasy star, type thing) or a super smash brawl game.
Still you can see why Nintendo wouldn't think they could do it when their competitors can.
I dlslike paying for PSN and XBL very much. In fact, I'd say the main reason I don't have a PS4 or Xbox One is the online pay.
And it's a shame because I miss out on great games I want to play. But on the other hand, their online experiences are inferior to what I get on PC- Free and open ended.


youre kind of arguing in favor of his idea, too, though
"most people want a big pile of games so they can play 1 game for an hour and move on"
but if a 1 game a month service "forces" people to put more time into the game instead of getting ADD and moving on, it could potentially help bring back some dormant IPs

i think he has a good point, there
What if people don't like that old game? Doesn't force them to play it. Just makes them mad the free monthly game is garbage.

With more games better chance of hitting a broader spectrum of tastes.

boiled goose

good with gravy
I'm curious as to what the mainstream will say. They propelled the Wii to untouchable heights, maybe they can save the Switch from being a monumental failure.

As it stands, I am seeing even the most hardcore fans hurl fiery insults at their once beloved, while the other half of those people are hurling insults with the intention of buying anyway. I kind of don't like saying this, but I find the reactions from the hardcore fans amusing and interesting because of how divisive this has been.

Also, 180's aren't exclusive to MS. Maybe NIntendo can turn it around. We still have a couple of months to go.

Wii launched at a time when Smart phones weren't the norm. People are now used to competent digital content management. There is a ton of competition not only from consoles but from smartphones for your entertainment dollar and time. Nintendo's last console was a disaster. The time to start turning it around was yesterday.

That skepticism is earned. If Nintendo is going to charge for their online, it's not unreasonable to expect it to be on par with competitors in that regard.

Time will tell, though they have a little leeway since they haven't announced a price. The only way I'd accept substandard service is if it had a substandard price.

Your expectations for parity are unfounded. They had to address these issues yesterday. The fact that they didn't is what is very very worrisome.


What if people don't like that old game? Doesn't force them to play it. Just makes them mad the free monthly game is garbage.

With more games better chance of hitting a broader spectrum of tastes.

I can't believe this has to be said... But just in case it does:

In no way is restricting choice a positive thing. His take is fucking bullshit, full on.

'If you were only allowed to read one book a month, it would encourage discussion and deeper understanding!'

That's literally what his argument is. It's Stockholm Syndrome at its worst.


'If you were only allowed to read one book a month, it would encourage discussion and deeper understanding!'

That's literally what his argument is. It's Stockholm Syndrome at its worst.

i dont necessarily agree with him, but man this is fucking hyperbole
I can't believe this has to be said... But just in case it does:

In no way is restricting choice a positive thing. His take is fucking bullshit, full on.

'If you were only allowed to read one book a month, it would encourage discussion and deeper understanding!'

That's literally what his argument is. It's Stockholm Syndrome at its worst.

But i bet if you could only read one book a month you and your friends would be making Jane Eyre memes on twitter!



  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per platform monthly playable as long as you are subscribed
  • $60 a year

Games with Gold

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per month per platform, many 360 titles playable on XBone with BC, playable even if you are not subscribed
  • $60 a year

Switch Online

  • Voice chat via smart device app (possibly paid)
  • "Special offers for subscribers may include discounts on select digital games and content."
  • monthly rental of 1 SNES or NES game
  • ??? a year

I just don't know anymore.

Ps plus offers 2 games minimum but most months there's cross play titles. This month we had 4 PS4 titles.

Nintendos offering is worse in every aspect.
I can't believe this has to be said... But just in case it does:

In no way is restricting choice a positive thing. His take is fucking bullshit, full on.

'If you were only allowed to read one book a month, it would encourage discussion and deeper understanding!'

That's literally what his argument is. It's Stockholm Syndrome at its worst.

Completely agree.
i think frank has a really interesting take on this
I don't necessarily disagree with this if their online service is done well and offers value elsewhere. I think the main problem is Nintendo has never done anything to earn people's trust in the online realm. People are right to be skeptical.


I don't necessarily disagree with this if their online service is done well and offers value elsewhere. I think the main problem is Nintendo has never done anything to earn people's trust in the online realm. People are right to be skeptical.

its hard to trust nintendo given their track record with this kind of stuff

i was just presenting frank's tweets because i never thought about it that way before, and i think he makes some good points

but whatever, everyone is just gonna respond with "lol is this a joke" or "this is fucking bullshit he must have nintendo in his veins"

i dont know why i even bother
I can't believe this has to be said... But just in case it does:

In no way is restricting choice a positive thing. His take is fucking bullshit, full on.

'If you were only allowed to read one book a month, it would encourage discussion and deeper understanding!'

That's literally what his argument is. It's Stockholm Syndrome at its worst.

Thank you. Some fucking sanity.

That tweet pic is a waterfall of bullshit.


its hard to trust nintendo given their track record with this kind of stuff

i was just presenting frank's tweets because i never thought about it that way before, and i think he makes some good points

but whatever, everyone is just gonna respond with "lol is this a joke" or "this is fucking bullshit he must have nintendo in his veins"

i dont know why i even bother

Because whatever point you think he's bringing up isn't particularly strong, and yes it comes off as Nintendo ballwashing.

Guess what? Other services offer much more value. So either you choose to compete with that or you don't, but please spare me the justification I just read. If you really think those tweets are a good defense of the service, perhaps you need to re-evaluate things.


I think Netflix should release one show a month and then make you buy it so you can savor it and have people talk about them instead of devaluating the medium by having so many shows and movies!

What a dumb argument.
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