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Protesting the Inauguration of Donald Trump

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(can't bring myself to say President....)

Anyway, in the other thread, I mentioned that on Friday my mom is going to work dressed in all black (as a show of mourning) and refusing to watch a single minute of coverage, which is a great idea. Can't give that guy ratings! I've considered doing a blackout myself. I chuckled when she told me she was going to work in all black, but now I may actually do the same, lol (in addition to the coverage blackout). I need a black dress shirt though....

Anyway, I'm sure many others will be marching or protesting in other ways. So how will you be protesting the inauguration of our next *gulp* president?

edit: OF Donald Trump >_<
I plan to go through my day not thinking about it to whatever extent is possible. But there's plenty of other programming on television, so you only watch if you actually want to, and I do not.

Work and then working out will take up the majority of my day. Watching episodes of House (currently rewatching S7) will surely take up the rest.
I won't be watching the inauguration to start. In fact I think I'll get the cliffs notes on all of his conferences and addresses after the fact from print news. I want to hear his voice as little as possible these next few years


not characteristic of ants at all
I'll be at work and I'll be watching the innauguration. Would love to protest but don't have the days off. Even if I was protesting, though, I'd still want to watch it.


Not going to any protests but am not watching the inauguration parade. I'll watch Netflix and play video games. I'm sure they will have highlights on the news later. Not watching live.
Black suit is a nice personal way to protest.

Any protest, physical or not, should be done in peace. A lot of shills are being paid to start a disruptive protest around that time, so be careful and not get sucked into it.
A friend of mine is going to the women's march. She also owns a yarn and fiber store so she's been encouraging friends and customers to participate in the Pussyhat Project. She's collecting up all the hats to hand out at the inauguration. So I knitted a hat for her to take with her.


I'm probably still going to watch the inauguration live. History is being made, for better or worse :/

Why even protest at this point? What are you protesting?


I won't watch but I'll probably follow a live blog or something while I work. I'm sure I'll see plenty of clips of the interesting parts on the news/YouTube.
Protesting ain't gonna do shit anymore.


He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.



He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.

its to scar his legacy as a president


nods at old men
lol at "why protest?"
That's the stuff our country is made of.


He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.

Probably the same as when it happened in 2008.
Why even protest at this point? What are you protesting?

Comments like this are giving me reason TO protest.

Never give into complacency. Don't sit around and wait another four years to assert your rights, your dignity, and your humanity in the wake of an administration that wants to strip so much of it from people.

He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.

I'll go ahead and disrespect him as well as try to change things in 4 years. He doesn't deserve respect just because he was elected. If republicans wanted to protest, that would have been their right as well. Big difference would be though that in that case: racists, bigots, homophobes, sexists and science deniers wouldn't be infiltrating multiple sections of government and threatening the actual mental and physical safety of a multitude of Americans.
I'm not watching the inauguration, I'm not seeing the televised death of decency in the country.

I'm not calling him "President Trump" either. I got plenty of names. Orange Asshole, Comrade Cheeto, Lying Shitsack, Ill-tanned Manbaby, Thinskinned Fuckwad, plenty of extremely descriptive names I can use. He's not my president and never will be.


I plan to hire two prostitutes* to piss on a MAGA hat and then setting it on fire.

*I'm likely to just piss on it myself.

I refuse to watch the Inauguration and I refuse to even acknowledge his presidency as legitimate, I will be speaking against him from now til the end of his term.



He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

Well, we don't have to like it. I'm perfectly fine with him knowing that people will be against his rise to power. And knowing how thin-skinned his is, it will surely get his attention.


Comments like this are giving me reason TO protest.

Never give into complacency. Don't sit around and wait another four years to assert your rights, your dignity, and your humanity in the wake of an administration that wants to strip so much of it from people.
I'm not telling you not to protest, I even agree with your principles for doing so. It just doesn't seem like they're listening



He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.

You win back by protesting. Protesting is the clatayst for organizing political opposition and better political positioning in future elections. You use the energy from protests and transfer it to more long term goals but you still need protests to let people know they aren't alone in their anger and as a means for fellow activists to meet for the first time or first time activists to come out of the closet and be more engaged in the future.



He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.

I mean you have to respect that Americans have the right to protest if they so choose. Don't understand people that try and discourage others from protesting.


I'm unfortunately here in D.C. working right now. The sight of the MAGA "concert" stage being built in front of the Lincoln Memorial makes me want to vomit every time I pass it.

While I know I should hide out in my hotel that day considering I've already encountered some crazies here (two men made a comment toward me last night while I was out walking), I know my curiosity is going to get the better of me at some point. I bet I'll go walk around just to see the trash that comes into the city to celebrate him for at least a little while.

I wish I could join my friends at the march the following day, but I'll have to work most of it. I'm still going to volunteer somewhere before and potentially after.



He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.

Fuck no. Fuck anybody that thinks this.

I'm not going to respect a president whose policies, cabinet picks, and history put me and my friends at risk.

I'm attending a protest this Saturday.
Protesting ain't gonna do shit anymore.

I disagree.

A narcissist like Trump hates any attack on his image. And when we see side-by-side news on Friday of Trump being sworn in with a window in the corner of hundreds of thousands of protesters screaming & booing simultaneously less than a mile away, it'll send a pretty powerful message.

Nelo Ice

Probably going to the protests and marches. And what inauguration?. Normally a new president is inaugurated around this time. Some asshole is coincidentally holding an event on Friday.



He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.

A. I don't have to respect anyone I don't feel like. Being President doesn't mean shit in terms of how the average citizen should feel about them.

B. Protest is probably the only real mechanism(besides voting/calling your representatives) to show our displeasure with the numerous shit out Nitwit-in-Chief is embroiled in currently.

C. This is still fucking America. The Constitution is still the basis of our entire nation. If they wanted to protest at the Clinton inauguration then I wouldn't have said a peep. Keep your foolish hypotheticals to yourself.


I'll be watching it after the fact so I don't contribute to ratings, since he actually cares about that shit.


He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.

Here, let me assist:


whoops, I posted some whiny ass little bitch from 2012 not accepting Obama as his president.



He has been democratically elected, Americans have to respect that and try to win back in four years if they're not happy with him.

I wonder what the reaction would have been, had Ms. Clinton won the election and republicans decided to protest.
Not really though. Protesting is a legal way of showing your dissatisfaction and also a democratic right. If enough people care and join your cause you can make a change legally. If not, raise awareness and elevate the debate. It's absolutely important for a democracy to grow like that, beyond internet discussions.

So what if the election just ended?
I'm not telling you not to protest, I even agree with your principles for doing so. It just doesn't seem like they're listening

It's not just a message to Trump or Trump supporters, though. It's collectively a message to all fellow Americans, many of which Trump and his inner circle have directly targeted over the course of the last eighteen months, that not all of America supports this administration. Hopefully the message will reach other Americans feeling afraid and vulnerable right now.

I honestly didn't really have any plans to join a protest this weekend and now I'm feeling a sense of shame for not having any.
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