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What are your expectations for Horizon Zero Dawn?


I've said Far Cry (3-4) in here myself but not as a mark against the game, it's just what it reminds me of at it's base. It's obviously a lot different and more complex but it's a good starting to point to articulate what it looks like to me.
Nothing about the base gameplay is reminiscent of Far Cry. Nothing.

There are things on the periphery that are reminiscent of Far Cry, like the (moving) Ubisoft map reveal towers, but the base gameplay is an entirely different creature.
I think it'll be good. I don't think I'll be WOW'D by it because aside from the robots the art style isn't doing it much for me, but I know I'll have a good time.
Nothing about the base gameplay is reminiscent of Far Cry. Nothing.

There are things on the periphery that are reminiscent of Far Cry, like the (moving) Ubisoft map reveal towers, but the base gameplay is an entirely different creature.

Actually, there's also hunting animal Skins for upgrading the carrying capacity of your character which is pretty much lifted wholesale from Far Cry.

The EXP based structure for Skills though (unlike Far Cry's blatant checklist Progression and why the game actually isn't a Far Cry Clone despite having a few similarities), is probably closer to something like Deus Ex: Human Revolution though with the bonuses for doing presumably harder kills (kinda not the case in Deus Ex but it might work better here).

People keep bringing up Ubisoft but the main issue with those games is how they treat their content for the most part. They make the mechanics feel like an excuse for the content checklists and grinding those out with a certain amount of standout content. It's dissatisfying for the most part and its why those games are often panned despite their strengths in areas like world design. Watch Dogs 2 was a step in the right direction (albeit just a step and not really a leap as I had hoped) and I hope the next Assassin's Creed goes further.


Sometimes it seems to me that there's so much interest in this game be a fail that it certainly won't be universally acclaimed simply because there are media specialized to please certain sectors.

I would be really happy to see it above 80 MC.
Haven't got much interest in this game despite owning the PS3/4 Killzone titles including the vita one. I can't get excited about it for some reason. I'm expecting review scores around 7.5/8.0.

Having said that, I hope that it does well because it looks like Sony has invested a lot of money into it, and I don't want another studio closing down.
Actually, there's also hunting animal Skins for upgrading the carrying capacity of your character which is pretty much lifted wholesale from Far Cry.

The EXP based structure for Skills though (unlike Far Cry's blatant checklist Progression and why the game actually isn't a Far Cry Clone despite having a few similarities), is probably closer to something like Deus Ex: Human Revolution though with the bonuses for doing presumably harder kills.

I didn't know Far Cry invented hunting animals for resources and crafting in games.


Slight off topic, but came into my thoughts in this thread. Witcher 3 happening was huge hey. Microscope is on open world games and industry standards ever since. Bar has been raised.

The gift that keeps on giving
Looks like they have sent out review copies already. I see a media person on my friends list playing the game.

They went out yesterday. Some people from IGN and Kinda Funny were talking about it on Twitter without specifically mentioning its name ("I've never redeemed a review code as fast as the one I just received").
I didn't know Far Cry invented hunting animals for resources and crafting in games.

It didn't but it did prominently feature a menu based progression based on hunting animals. Every time I think collecting skins to get upgraded carrying capacity, Far Cry comes to mind the quickest. I think attaching better carrying capacity to a unique Quest Ala Zelda would have been a smarter use of those resources and the Animals could just feed into the Fast Travel Packs and Health Potions and have the choice between those things be featured more predominantly.
LOL that is not positive. A score in 70s would be disaster for this game. This is being setup as Sony next blockbuster first party IP. Also the things you are listing are flaws you have no way of knowing if that is true. What have to seen about collectibles to think it will need improvement? How many side missions have we seen? The world of Horizon Zero Dawn looks way more alive and interactive than Second Son. That was the textbook definition of an empty open world despite still being fun. I see no comparison between the two games.

70s fine for a first outing and that not bad score. I'll be impressed if it even reaches the high 80s.

Both great looking games, both open world, and one we know that could've been so much better. Horizon remains to be seen if it'll be amazing or ok or could've been better ala iSS.

Infamous SS was so unambitious, though. Not just for the studio, but for open world games in general. In honestly could have been practically the same game had it been linear or "wide-linear" (i.e. some of the UC4 locations).

Horizon is a VERY ambitious first-party game. And it's at least trying to be an ambitious open world game, even if it isn't necessarily reinventing the wheel (though, what open world games ARE?).

Not sure what you mean with the bolded but yep, Horizon is definitely ambitious but I have some doubts they'll pull it of. GG in my eyes are great with visuals and solid gunplay but this is breaking out of their mold of fps games. I'm definitely gonna play Horizon but Im setting my expectations so I dont get disappointed when I play the game.

Funny enough, there's one developer that I can think of that pulled this transition very well, coming off from an fps to one of the best looking and funnest series that is the Batman Arkham series, Rocksteady. I'll be happy as a clam if they can do this transition just as well as Rocksteady did with Urban Chaos T Zero to Batman Arkham Asylum.


I don't think any pre-release material for an open world action rpg from GG could make me expect it's going to be good. But I'll eventually play it, and hopefully it will give me reason to anticipate their next game.
70s fine for a first outing and that not bad score. I'll be impressed if it even reaches the high 80s.

Both great looking games, both open world, and one we know that could've been so much better. Horizon remains to be seen if it'll be amazing or ok or could've been better ala iSS.

Not sure what you mean with the bolded but yep, Horizon is definitely ambitious but I have some doubts they'll pull it of. GG in my eyes are great with visuals and solid gunplay but this is breaking out of their mold of fps games. I'm definitely gonna play Horizon but Im setting my expectations so I dont get disappointed when I play the game.

Funny enough, there's one developer that I can think of that pulled this transition very well, coming off from an fps to one of the best looking and funnest series that is the Batman Arkham series, Rocksteady. I'll be happy as a clam if they can do this transition just as well as Rocksteady did with Urban Chaos T Zero to Batman Arkham Asylum.

I don't think being a new IP is an excuse for being a mediocre game even if sequels can and should improve on the formula.


It will be an above average\good game. I think personally a lot of people will be surprised by the combat scenarios and variations in environment and level designs.

Although i am expecting a lot of people nitpicking the worse review that will be suited to their narrative(farcry likeness)

But overall the game will leave a positive impression on media and gamers alike, with a strong potential for a better sequel.

That is what I expect.Cheers!!


If you've kept up with the previews and watched all the footage you can tell it's at least going to be a very good game. Whether every aspect will be good, like the story and variety, we'll have to see but it's clear that it's gonna be a lot of fun.

The fact that every element is not completely new is a pretty pathetic criticism as you can apply that to every video game. Horizon's premise and setting are new, the enemies are completely unique, that coupled with the amazing agile combat and huge open world it has all it needs to stand out from other games.

It's just story and variety that will decide whether it actually becomes a great game or not.


Really cool world and fun gameplay, very interesting premise concept and setting (we can already see that), but shit story and characters


Neighbours from Hell
This is based off of absolutely nothing, but I think it's going to be a game that is very fun for a while, but once the novelty wears off, the ancillary stuff will probably get dull/repetitive, and it'll be a game where I stop with the side stuff and just focus on the main missions until the game is finished.

I think it will be a very very good game, but fall short of being an all-time great.
I expect something like 84/85MC, which is a solid foundation for a new IP. It will be a competent game, nothing revolutionary but fun and concise.


A pretty, boring game.

Open world structure seems formulaic.

Build variety seems limited for an RPG.

The heavy focus on gathering and crafting is off putting.
-The world itself (including dinos) is super cool and intriguing
-Really, really fun to play
-Beautiful visuals

-Aloy is a character that I love
-Dialogue/voice acting I can buy into. I'm not saying it needs to sound "natural," given the premise, just that it's something I can get comfortable with

-Variety outside combat. I'm worried about the pacing because continuous combat will definitely tire me out. Hopefully cauldrons will help with that
-Side quests. Nothing unique to Horizon, but side quests in open worlds are always a concern to me. I can't stand randomly generated missions or an abundance of fetch quests
-Story/plot. This is a "concern" I don't care too much about. The plot itself isn't really a big deal to me. The world building is way more my thing, and I'm confident the journey will deliver

Overall, I think people are probably making too much of a big deal about the fact that this game has crafting and towers. The main gameplay looks fun as hell and the world looks awesome. The amazing visuals are icing on the cake.


Something that comes within 80% of the quality of Witcher 3 would make me happy , everything I've see. So far has made Horizon look like a way bigger variation in the 2 modern Tomb Raider games which I also really liked so ... reasonably high hopes I suppose.

Putting into a score estimate , 85% or higher on metacritic ... it goes much further south than that and I'll assume something's gone awry.


I hope the story is engaging and the side missions to not just be fetch quests. I can imagine it scoring between 88-94
Same hope. Finger cross Aloy to be my favorite Sony's characters up there with Ellie and Kat.
I like her design and attitude already so chance is high.

Yup. In fact, I kinda love her already, and I've only watched a trailer or two so far.

She's that kind of independent and tough female protagonist that I always love.
It'll get good reviews, and it is pretty, but I feel like gameplay will be shallow. I'll definitely be getting this day one if I'm wrong, though.


Incredibly Naive
You took a benign comment and over analyzed the shit out of it. He said they are on a roll with exclusives so he feels this will be good because it will continue that trend. You obviously took offense to his praising of Sony and felt the need to express your dissatisfaction with them, I've seen you get antagonistic in these threads numerous times.

Lol sure thing fella.
Same hope. Finger cross Aloy to be my favorite Sony's characters up there with Ellie and Kat.
I like her design and attitude already so chance is high.

Me too. By the sounds of it she isn't super serious the entire time which is important to me as well.


I expect gorgeous visuals and a huge world to explore, hopefully with lots of stuff to climb. Will be interested in seeing the cauldrons.

Aloy will be a strong argument in favor of silent protagonists, customizable hairstyles, and equippable paper bags.

Ranged combat looks pretty varied and there seem to be a lot of ways to approach encounters. Melee combat looks pretty mindless, but that's clearly not the focus. Crafting could potentially have a lot of depth.

I think the robodinos themselves will be the best thing about the game, thanks to their intricate designs, good animations, and versatile AI.

The game will receive a final metascore of 90.283 (rounded)


I think Horizon has the chance to be a very special game, maybe even a new high bar in open world gameplay. The world looks beautifully designed and alive with life. The gameplay looks fast and fun. And the cool enemy designs are very unique. Everything about the game seems fluid and polished.
Basically just hoping for a fun game. I think it looks really cool, particularly the combat, but I don't know what to expect from the connective tissue of exploring the world, sidequests and RPGing. I've never particularly liked a Guerrilla game before, and the story I've seen from this doesn't really assuage my doubts (I associate a certain po-faced self-seriousness with their stories, which seems to be present and accounted for here).

Of the late February/early March deluge of giant RPGs, it's probably the one I'm least invested in, but I'm still eager to try it out.


Expectation probably will be one of the things that will prevent it from getting a super high meta and user praise.
People expecting a full RPG will be disappointed because its RPG mechanics aren't as deep as a Witcher or TES and on the other side it isn't as accessible as Action-Adventures like AC or Far Cry.
It sits in the middle of those games and if you're in such a situation it is pretty hard to find the spot where it really satisfies both fan groups. Would be great if they can pull it off.


I expect to kill robot dinosaurs and have an open world thats beautiful to look at to do it all in.

I hope the story and characters aren't god awful.

I'm buying it regardless cuz robot dinosaurs are cool.
So what changed your mind between the gameplay shown at E3/15 and the new previews? We got a slice of combat, but it also gave a lot of clues about other elements of the game too.
I guess it was mostly seeing the in game map, seeing the way everything worked. It looked very much like an Ubi open world, like Ass Creed and Far Cry, and I'm not sure I can do those kinds of map activity hunts anymore. Seeing all those tokens on the map reminded me of Dragon Age Inquisition, too. I know it'll be nothing like that, but that was such a terrible open world game it just soured me on the genre. Witcher made me realise it doesn't have to be awful and soulless, but I'm still very cautious.
Really pretty but kinda dull at the end of the day. Nothing in the combat they've shown has really made me go "wow" outside of it looking pretty. I feel like i'll need to try it out at some point to get a feel for it. And considering Guerrilla Games rather lackluster set of games (outside of Killzone 2, its a fucking masterpiece) i'm not planning to bring my hopes up too much. It looks really, REALLY impressive, but the story hasn't intrigued me, the combat looks kinda boring outside of the bow, and i kinda want more to the game than just differentiating stats for my projectiles.

But we'll see, i want it to be great. Another rpg with focus on hunting monsters a'la Monster Hunter and Dragons Dogma would be very welcome.


To those who say it's like Far Cry or Assassin's Creed, I won't argue that it has common elements that those (and many other) games. But I want to ask you a question, to see if you're just trying to belittle the game, or you genuinely see it as another FC/AC: How is Horizon NOT like open world RPGs such Skyrim, Witcher 3, etc? Because I'd rather hear how you think it's not like those games than just hear you say it is like Far Cry.
Yeah I would like to know this as well.
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