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Nintendo appears to have really dropped the ball on the Switch

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For a lot of multiplayer games on the Switch the convenience of having two controllers right out the bat should make up for them not being the most optimal gaming controllers. It's not meant for split screen local co-op for COD, for example.

While it doesn't have much going on in terms of OS, the OS is fast and slick. Stuff like netflix and YouTube can be easily be added later, but Wii U's slow buggy OS still isn't that good after 4 years of patching.

You don't need a charging grip for the joy cons. Their battery life is basically an entire day. Very few instances where you'd be doing that without taking a bathroom break or eating.
Pro Controllers' MSRP is around $10 more than the DS4 and the Xbox One's controller but the battery life is 40 hours which is quite a bit better than either. You also don't *need* it, but it's a nice bonus.

Online is $20-30 without many details. It's currently free until later in the Fall. Not sure you can say it has no value proposition right now.

Sure, storage isn't great. 64GB would've been a nicer amount.


The Joycons having connectivity issues is pathetic. Not that I was getting one right away anyways, but the launch seems a bit of a mess. It's sad since Nintendo finally made an attractive console all around. Most the other stuff doesn't bother me that much if at all.
Most everybody knew about the storage situation previously, so tough luck if you're only finding out now. The bluetooth is a disappointment for those with bluetooth only equipment, but the decision seems calculated in their favor because - as much as Apple wants everybody to use wireless headphones - the world still very much likes their wired headgear.

Big miss on not including an achievement system, personally. But I anticipate Nintendo will try to compensate with MyNintendo or through Nintendo Rewards somehow, and their fanbase will eat it up, but c'mon, the programming is there already - they could've done better.


Dot Hacked
No more Activity Log?! That was like one of the neatest new things the 3DS brought with it an something I'd hoped would spread to other consoles. C'mon now what reason could they even have had ta gut that?


The lack of a pack in game is moreso dumb to me. They might as well have mandated that Zelda comes with every Switch.
My only issue with it is the joycons and the motion stuff with 1-2 Switch. The initial reveal was very focused with showing the hybrid nature of the console. The motion gimmick stuff adds cost and just isn't appealing for me at all


I still cant believe that they did not implement some kind of external gpu, cpu and ram into the dock.... that you have made nintendo the king of kings


I'm with you but..."decent graphics" = "amazing" bullet point?

I say "decent" cause if I'd call them amazing people here would argue they're not cause much stronger systems exist elsewhere. To me they are amazing (or good enough) though. I also mainly compare it to 3DS.


Wouldn't be a Nintendo launch without a fuckton of negative threads. Some of the complaints might be justified but I think it's a bit early to say they dropped the ball.

Why not just go third-party then? I'm being facetious, but why do they keep making consoles and handhelds if they struggle with it so much? They may have the best first-party lineup, but the Wii U wasn't the best library of games last gen, and I suspect Switch will be the same situation.

Because a third party Nintendo would have never made a game like Splatoon.


I'm with you but..."decent graphics" = "amazing" bullet point?

He probably means the screen quality and the graphical fidelity for the tiny form factor.

The Switch is an attractive and sleek piece of hardware, which puts it a major step above the Wii U, too bad about all the shit surrounding it though.


Looks like they setting up arbitrary limits and less features to add more incentive for switch ver.2 purchases somewhere down the line. If they get it perfect from launch they lose bullet points for the upgrade. Im sure this was focus tested and these things must have come up. Maybe it was a low enough percentage who cared for them to feel like they could skip it so they can keep cost down for initial launch.


Oh come now, it's not even in our hands yet.

And it sounds like they may have dropped your personal ball. It gets so many things right for me. For example, the simplified OS is something I love.

Barren UI appeals to some, just like the barren, lifeless world we've seen so far from BotW.

I kid


Mine is pretty and pink
From the guy who came up with "...this should be known" we now have one more thread about how the thing nintendo does sucks.


The Switch is going to be great.



I agree with everything in the OP and it's why I'm okay waiting. (I have to wait anyway, but I'm okay with it.)

The thing is that almost all of that stuff can be fixed. The hardware itself is slick and good. Whereas with the Wii U they were burdened with the Gamepad from the start. I think the Switch can turn it around this holiday, I really do.

But right now? It's not an impressive start.


I can't really argue with any of your points OP. I still mine preordered but that preorder is hanging by a thread of Zelda's blonde hair.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I didn't buy a Wii because i didn't like their control scheme priority. I sold my wiii U because Nintendo's focus was not on Wii U but 3DS and the tablet was cumbersome.

Now there should be no excuse not to invest in a Switch as they have a standardized control scheme, and a pro controller option right from the start as well as a refocusing of their software efforts on console core gaming.

Yeah they still have not solved basic this century issues....but that's irrelevant to their software output being stellar.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Agree with everything in the OP. I definitely will be getting one, but not at launch. I imagine the price will come down and features will be added in a short time.


I disagree about "VC would have helped", pretty much everyone complain about it being overpriced or dimmed colors, super slow releases and stuffs.


Nobody will buy a Switch because it has a virtual console, this is clearly not the priority for Nintendo right now, as disappointing as it might be for some. I hope they get it on soon but right now I just want a relatively smooth launch.

Considering the 10+ positive Switch threads here daily, I think the perspective something like this offers has value.

What value? Every single "positive" Nintendo switch thread (like there's even 10 a day) is full of negativity anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
The OS and VC can be corrected in time. Presumably also some connectivity stuff, it does support BT right? And of course games will come with time. The fact all that is needed makes the launch feel kind of rushed though.

Accessory pricing, the online, and the unfortunate included storage will most likely continue to disappoint. They could cut accessory prices or decide not to charge for online, but both of those seem unlikely.


Nintendo needs to make a quick buck before this FY ends.

This is why everything is so expensive, and why its launching in March.

Expect it to be cheaper and much more ready by November.
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