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What is a possible Microsoft answer to Horizon Zero Dawn and Breath of the Wild?


Gold Member
They don't have one. It's pretty easy to see that to be honest.

If they are cooking one up in the background then it's years off and may never see the light of day based on their track record.
Crackdown will be more fun than Horizon if you ask me. Time will tell wth Zelda. I also don't see how Horizon advanced the genre.

Have you actually played Horizon though? How far did you get? And what do you know about Crackdown 3, considering they've only shown a couple of brief videos which have almost entirely focused on the destruction?

For me I would love a new Fable - Rare would be perfect for this

Of course if lionhearted still existed then they would be the ones to give us a traditional Fable.

I think Fable needs to rest for a few years before they bring it back. Meanwhile Lionhead should have had the chance to make something new; such a waste of a good studio to tie them down to a single franchise :(

I know this is now an established GAF meme and so on, but actually this answer probably nails it more than a lot of people think.

Scorpio is indeed MS's answer to Nintendo's portable Switch and Sony's excellent 1st party line-up (which will be further enhanced within the next years).

MS simply cannot hold a candle to both competitors when it comes to exclusive software, especially when it comes to critically acclaimed AAA games like Horizon or Zelda. Simple as that. So they focus on hardware, make Scorpio the best place (or at least the most impressive one when it comes to graphic fidelity) to play 3rd party games.

That's their answer for now, so let's wait and see how that will work our for them.

Sure, but I think most people are pointing to MS's lack of compelling original software. How is Scorpio going to resolve that? What's the point of powerful hardware if it doesn't have unique and interesting games to back it up?

What new heights are these? Zelda is doing nothing that we haven't seen before

Okay, I haven't played the game but going by all the footage and reviews I've watched this sounds like total bullshit. The game is designed in such a way with all these compelling systems like weather, physics, climbing, AI and a truly freeform world that it feels like a step forward for the open world genre.


- The Forza Horizon series lifted the quality bar for open world racing games.
- Crackdown is doing great things with destruction in an open world setting

Those two instantly came up when I read the title...


"I love only the roses I did not pluck. I love only the things which could have been and weren't"
G. Gozzano

It's a good thing Scalebound never came out to ruin this idealized version of the game people are able to play in their heads.
Who would trade this imaginary masterpiece for an average game that actually exists ?

As for Microsoft, It appears their only answer to anything is Crackdown 3, but we'll see.


What if Witcher 4 is exclusive to Microsoft for XB1/Win10? (Doubt it will ever happen, but it's a possibility)

Honestly, I really don't know what Microsoft vision on video games anymore. The good news is that I'm keeping my hope low for whatever announcement they have, that way I will be more surprised and excited when they announce certain games that may interest me.

Approximately the same chance of that happening as Half-Life 3 coming out tomorrow exclusive for XB1/Win10.


OléGunner;232539263 said:
It's not hard to see anymore.
They look at games as a service, supported with a long tail by content drops and micro transactions in environments you play with or against your friends online.

Not a bad strategy at all, especially as many 3rd parties are going this route.
Whether that fits with your gaming tastes is up to you to decide but Xbox execs have made their decision.

This is exactly why I can't see their vision anymore. I understand that video games is a business, but to make it as a service isn't something that I want to see. It just means that publishers will now only focus on a few IPs and collect revenues off of micro transactions, thus will lead to less games (though I guess the long development time is also to be blamed). Growing up with video games as a hobby, I'm used to seeing plethora of innovative games, and I would hate for that to become a rare existence.


Right now? Nothing obviously. Possibly Crackdown 3 I guess but I think it's focus remains different. Maybe Sea of Thieves.

They just didn't take that route. Nintendo doubled down on producing a terrific Zelda game that sought to excel across the board while reflecting trends in open world games. Sony with GG took a risk with a new IP that was open world.

Both paid off well and representing compelling exclusives for their platforms. MS simply hasn't - other than in racing genre and Sea of Thieves - really invested that way (or investments such as Scslebound haven't panned out as well).

They may or may note take specific note of these games but it's obvious they don't have some up until now ignored open field TPS orientated game.

As noted by others the real question is likely do they need one? Will this impact design of Crackdown or other games they develop?


About Crackdown 3... Did they ditch the "power of the cloud" thing? 'cause I haven't heard anything about it in a while...


I'm a big Fable fan so I'd love to see it back but with a decent development cycle and some new eyes on the IP. Needs to either be set well before the first,the origins of the heroes, or be set a few hundred years after the last game,post-steampunk, maybe even cyberpunk. They would need a decent Dev as well, someone proven in marrying comedy and drama and someone who can elevate the combat to a decent standard.

However, that is more of a 5 year plan so in reality they could enlist someone to exclusivity over a game they're working on currently. My bet would be getting Bethesda to aim one of their IPs at Microsoft exclusivity, given it would mean it could still be on PC. I think Beth have 1 or 2 new IPs in the works,they could sell well with MS.


If they are smart, they will be giving atleast a couple of their studios free reign to make a new IP, something focused primarily on quality.


About Crackdown 3... Did they ditch the "power of the cloud" thing? 'cause I haven't heard anything about it in a while...

Scorpio is powerful.

If they are smart, they will be giving atleast a couple of their studios free reign to make a new IP, something focused primarily on quality.

Which studio are you thinking of? Outside of the Halo, Forza, and GoW studios, there's not much left. There's Rare, which isn't that big anymore and is working on Sea of Thieves. Then there are Mojang and Decisive Games.


MS needs 3rd party for this.

The answer would be, stop using xbox or scorpio and bring a pcbox with pc games.
So the mainstream gamers could stay with ps4 and hardcore gamers can go to pcbox.

People could have this way a reason to buy 3 consoles:
- Sony for the mainstream games. Horizon, call of duty, fifa....
- Micorsoft for hardcore or massive online games: quake4, overwatch, starcraft, wow...
- Nintendo for 3rd party titles and indie titels on the go and their Big First party titels + esport.

Who wouldn't love that?
This is exactly why I can't see their vision anymore. I understand that video games is a business, but to make it as a service isn't something that I want to see. It just means that publishers will now only focus on a few IPs and collect revenues off of micro transactions, thus will lead to less games (though I guess the long development time is also to be blamed). Growing up with video games as a hobby, I'm used to seeing plethora of innovative games, and I would hate for that to become a rare existence.

Oh trust me I hear ya!
I'm also not too up for the GAAS service delivery but it works when it's an IP I enjoy long term like BF1, Overwatch or Destiny to an extent.

I can't blame Microsoft's reading of the industry tea leaves on what type of first party games to make (it's their competitive advantage anyway imo).

But I enjoy long/rich SP games more (don't mind an added MP component) which some 3rd parties still deliver and Sony is bringing out in spades over the next few years.

I still see MS pumping out a Quantam Break or Recore once in a while but it'll be more the exception than the rule.

True Fire

OléGunner;232539263 said:
Not a bad strategy at all, especially as many 3rd parties are going this route.
Whether that fits with your gaming tastes is up to you to decide but Xbox execs have made their decision.

This is a horrible strategy. How many genres has Activision killed? Skating, music, toys to life... even couch shooters are on life support in favor of MOBAs.

Following the money rarely works out in this industry. Remember Kinect? Remember Wonderbook?
If they are smart, they will be giving atleast a couple of their studios free reign to make a new IP, something focused primarily on quality.

Pretty much. Microsoft need to break the Halo, Gears, Forza cycle. Before people say Nintendo do the same thing with Mario and Zelda, the key difference is those franchises can be redisigned countless times whereas there is only so much you can do with Halo.


This is a horrible strategy. How many genres has Activision killed? Skating, music, toys to life... even couch shooters are on life support in favor of MOBAs.

Following the money rarely works out in this industry. Remember Kinect? Remember Wonderbook?

Kinect help later half of 360 growth a lot.
Who know, maybe MS publishing betting on GAAS payoff at the end. They won't keep doing it if it didn't work.


I don't think Microsoft see much money in IP that isn't online which is very disappointing. A token campaign is best you'll get out of them now with maybe more thought going into a Halo one than others. I think they are past telling stories after Quantum Break.
in my opinion Scalebound never looked like a promising game and I don't think it would have been an answer to those games or a system seller in general. Seems like Microsoft thought the same.

The sad answer is that as an Xbox owner I have to say: Nothing. I think the Xbox One is a great console for many reasons, but not for its games. Microsoft really needs to pick that ball back up and start investing in game development.


This is a horrible strategy. How many genres has Activision killed? Skating, music, toys to life... even couch shooters are on life support in favor of MOBAs.

Following the money rarely works out in this industry. Remember Kinect? Remember Wonderbook?
KInect made tons of money and helped Microsoft reinvigorate Xbox 360 sales in the latter half of its life. It was one of the best selling peripherals ever.


MS needs 3rd party for this.

The answer would be, stop using xbox or scorpio and bring a pcbox with pc games.
So the mainstream gamers could stay with ps4 and hardcore gamers can go to pcbox.

People could have this way a reason to buy 3 consoles:
- Sony for the mainstream games. Horizon, call of duty, fifa....
- Micorsoft for hardcore or massive online games: quake4, overwatch, starcraft, wow...
- Nintendo for 3rd party titles and indie titels on the go and their Big First party titels + esport.

Who wouldn't love that?

Me, I want a console without a manky controller. And there's no FH on PS or anything even remotely like it.

Vault 101

Forza horizon 3 was pretty good. I've enjoyed playing it as much as Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Horizon in the title is win.

Scalebound looked like crap the whole time so I've no ide why people are suggesting that.


This is a horrible strategy. How many genres has Activision killed? Skating, music, toys to life... even couch shooters are on life support in favor of MOBAs.

Following the money rarely works out in this industry. Remember Kinect? Remember Wonderbook?
I do remember Kinect, the best selling add-on ever. Or did it get overtook by something recently? Feel like it may of been something apple related.

AAA games are becoming more and more expensive yet aren't generating any more revenue on sales. If you don't evolve them become more service like, you can expect that market to become ever more shrunken.

Just read up why Epic didn't make Gears 4.


Forza horizon 3 was pretty good. I've enjoyed playing it as much as Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Horizon in the title is win.

Scalebound looked like crap the whole time so I've no ide why people are suggesting that.

This. With the child protagonist (and the awful headphones) I had zero interest in that. Especially the horrible music that played during the battles.

For me like I've already said - Xbox needs Fable again. Loved that series.


Really surprised with the many Crackdown 3 mentions. the second game is round 70 metacritic and the third one just seems like a "late" cloud tech showcase.

Doesn't look promising, let alone an answer to one of this gen's best.

I'm just really curious in the potentially new IP announcements in the upcoming E3.
Forza horizon 3 was pretty good. I've enjoyed playing it as much as Horizon: Zero Dawn.

Horizon in the title is win.

Scalebound looked like crap the whole time so I've no ide why people are suggesting that.

Kamiya has an impeccable track record. I'm sure he would've made a great game. Also, it looked fresh. Just the kinda game MS needed, at least for my tastes.
I don't care about MS countering Horizon and Zelda. They just need great games and a variety of games. Big games with lots of colors would be nice.
Here's what I expect to see at MS's E3:

  • Scorpio reveal, price, specs etc
  • Scorpio boost for major first-party releases (Gears 4, Forza Horizon 3, Halo Wars 2, Halo 5)
  • Strong Scorpio/Play Anywhere push for major third-party releases (i.e Shadow of Wardor and presumably others. Maybe Assassin's Creed Empire? Probably a couple of other big third party pre-Christmas releases I'm forgetting. The Evil Within 2 perhaps?)
  • Forza 7, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2 all being pushed with their Scorpio versions. Probably all releasing in the second half of this year
  • Ori 2 announced
  • Maybe a showcase for their smaller/indie exclusives like Below, Cuphead, Ashen, etc
  • Maybe a tease for the next Halo game
  • Maybe some more HD remasters if Voodoo Vince and Phantom Dust do well
  • Hopefully at least one major new IP

I don't think I've missed anything they have currently announced? Most of all, I hope they have some major new IPs in development. They need to let their premier studios like 343 and Turn 10 try new things. And they need to try and launch new tentpole franchises like Horizon, The Last of Us, Xenoblade and Splatoon. That's probably been their major failing since the Xbox 360 heyday.


I think the Xbox One is a great console for many reasons, but not for its games.

That is pretty damning... :/

By the way I am also not sure Scalebound would have been the hit/system seller that many believe it was/could've been. If Microsoft had faith in the game they would've seen the development through, even through rougher times.


The latest tomb raider was heading towards openworld. MS should just buy it as an exclusive and expand on the crafting, various locals and combat options.

What I would prefer would be the return of Fable. Reboot it and start it all fresh again.


Scorpio will run with higher specs/graphics/framerate all the third party games and that is all MS needs. And as a platform the Xbox has its share of quality AAA exclusive games and who can say that MS didn't try (and obviously failed) to bring new IP's in the console.

I don't think that first party titles have so much impact in the current generation and just by looking at console game sales of the last three years its easy to come to this conclusion.

How much Sony first party titles sold compared to PS4's 65 mil install base?

Bloodborne, one of the best games of the generation, sold just 2.7 mil, which is 4-5% of the PS4 hardware install base

Last Guardian, almost 1 mil, Horizon Zero Dawn, lets say 3 mil in its launch month.

Uncharted 4 I think is currently the most successful first party, at 8-9 mil (12% of the install base) but did these numbers after many sales/heavy discounts/bundles, and all other Sony first party titles sold under 2 mil each.

The average person that has a PS4 is using it as a console mainly to play third party games at higher specs compared with how the same games run on Xbox One, and this will dramatically change with Scorpio.
The average person that has a PS4 is using it as a console mainly to play third party games at higher specs compared with how the same games run on Xbox One, and this will dramatically change with Scorpio.

if this is MS's strategy in trying to grab marketshare from sony in Europe and Asia (more power), then good luck to them.


Here's what I expect to see at MS's E3:

  • Scorpio reveal, price, specs etc
  • Scorpio boost for major first-party releases (Gears 4, Forza Horizon 3, Halo Wars 2, Halo 5)
  • Strong Scorpio/Play Anywhere push for major third-party releases (i.e Shadow of Wardor and presumably others. Maybe Assassin's Creed Empire? Probably a couple of other big third party pre-Christmas releases I'm forgetting. The Evil Within 2 perhaps?)
  • Forza 7, Crackdown 3, Sea of Thieves, State of Decay 2 all being pushed with their Scorpio versions. Probably all releasing in the second half of this year
  • Ori 2 announced
  • Maybe a showcase for their smaller/indie exclusives like Below, Cuphead, Ashen, etc
  • Maybe a tease for the next Halo game
  • Maybe some more HD remasters if Voodoo Vince and Phantom Dust do well
  • Hopefully at least one major new IP

I don't think I've missed anything they have currently announced? Most of all, I hope they have some major new IPs in development. They need to let their premier studios like 343 and Turn 10 try new things. And they need to try and launch new tentpole franchises like Horizon, The Last of Us, Xenoblade and Splatoon. That's probably been their major failing since the Xbox 360 heyday.

I'd like to see an Alan Wake 2 announcement where the game actually resembles the first trailer.

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