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XBOX Scorpio: DX12 Built Directly Into GPU


Lol, Penello is still allowed to talk about upcoming systems??

I would have thought all his pre-XBO release hyperbole would have been an instant gag-order this time around. Remember this chestnut before release?:

"People DO understand that Microsoft has some of the smartest graphics programmers IN THE WORLD. We CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against. So while people laude Sony for their HW skills, do you really think we don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way we’re giving up a 30%+ advantage to Sony."

Lol that Penello quote is indeed pretty funny in hindsight of the PS4 Vs XB1


Lol that Penello quote is indeed pretty funny in hindsight of the PS4 Vs XB1
Not really considering with xbone they had a mandate from the top to focus on certain features and budget. Remember TV TV TV? The focus wasnt making a hardcore game machine. The focus has clearly changed for the better.


So when MS say DX12 implementation is 50 percent more efficient, than what exactly DX11 ? Because it has not done the standard XBone much. I am sure Sony could throw around such numbers about their driver layers but it's meaningless Pr speak

From the update it looks like this:

A. D3D12 is currently up to 50% more efficient in CPU usage on XBO/XBOS than whatever XBO had for API previously (calling it D3D11 isn't accurate at all as it was closer to D3D12 than 11).

B. They are looking into making this % figure even higher on Scorpio thanks to the changes which were introduced by AMD in Polaris and Vega global scheduling (I have a feeling that they are talking about HWS and some other stuff here).

And yes, it's basically meaningless PR speak.

Rolf NB

I remember when Windows Vista's DirectX9 implementation was supposed to make draw call overhead a total non-issue. And here we are ten years later, still hearing the same promises.
How is this like a game review? How does DF know what to say about Scorpio hardware without MS input?

Oh yeah that's what Major Nelson told us in a podcast... Right.

lol Major Nelson didnt say shit.... it was mentioned on his podcast...of course you didn't listen to that though, because rather then provide evidence to back up your absolutely ridiculous claims, you appear content just grabbing shit out of the depths of your ass and calling it a day.


Not really considering with xbone they had a mandate from the top to focus on certain features and budget. Remember TV TV TV? The focus wasnt making a hardcore game machine. The focus has clearly changed for the better.
How does relate to what Penello said in anyway? He tried to disrupt the idea that more performance hardware would lead significant differences and they would close the gap with software.

It's not like them improving and getting to most out of their console performance suddenly changed because of a "mandate" of TV, TV, TV. The engineers role of getting the most out of a platform isn't going to chance because of a mandate that doesn't affect their area of work.


Anyone remember Project Cars PC performance discussions and how people argued that NV's performance lead was due to draw call overhead? This could be huge.
So if Scorpio is 40 CUs why is there not an rx580 with 40 cus?

This is AMDs mos powerful chip outside of vega, why can't we buy it?

It's basically a 1070 fighter which AMD doesn't even have right now.

Vega gpu's will have released by the time the Scorpio is released so it's not AMD's most powerful.


So if Scorpio is 40 CUs why is there not an rx580 with 40 cus?

This is AMDs mos powerful chip outside of vega, why can't we buy it?

It's basically a 1070 fighter which AMD doesn't even have right now.

Zen and VEGA will make all prior AMD stuff obsolete in performance jump, and its this year.


Nice, with Dx12 built into the board itself devs won't have to care about it and just make games, not caring about optimising them and programming dx12

It's nice and all that the console itself is built with new APIs in mind, but it's not a breakthrough or anything. The marketing going strong I see.


The Polaris improvements are what MS is talking about.
Since no precise details were given that's all speculation and shouldn't be sold as a fact.

Somehow Scorpio has 40 cus, 480 only has 36.

I don't get it. I thought rx 480 was a full Polaris 10 but apparently it isn't.

They just never released a full Polaris 10, or this is a brand new chip.
Of course the Scorpio uses a new and unique chip as the PS4 (Pro) and Xbox One did before.
Claims like "Console X is using Pitcairn/Bonaire/Polaris 10" are factual wrong and misleading.

The Scorpio chip has 44 CUs, 40 are active, 4 are always deactivated to increase the yield rate.
The Polaris 10 chip has 36 CUs and AMD is selling fully enabled chips with the RX 480.
Here is one die shot of Polaris 10:
Man people couldn't tell the difference between 720p and 1080propoganda all of a sudden they all gonna be able to tell the difference between whatever the hell number p and 2160propoganda?

I wonder what the IGN crew will be saying about their P's when the Scorpio will be released.

What is the true 4K P's anyways?


Lol, Penello is still allowed to talk about upcoming systems??

I would have thought all his pre-XBO release hyperbole would have been an instant gag-order this time around. Remember this chestnut before release?:

"People DO understand that Microsoft has some of the smartest graphics programmers IN THE WORLD. We CREATED DirectX, the standard API’s that everyone programs against. So while people laude Sony for their HW skills, do you really think we don’t know how to build a system optimized for maximizing graphics for programmers? Seriously? There is no way we’re giving up a 30%+ advantage to Sony."

Glad you brought this up. It hasn't been brought up multiple times in every single Scorpio thread. Would be a shame if it wasn't posted for the very first time in this one. Hopefully the opportunity will arise some more.

Edit** /s (since some people miss it)


So yeah, like I said, reliability.

Not really.

Its to lower costs

They do not want to throw away constructed silicon. This allows them to have a defective rate of around 10% of CU's and still have chips that can be used in the construction of game consoles.
So, in layman terms, to improve reliability?

So yeah, like I said, reliability.

No. Reliability would be a measure of the final product working as intended without failing.

Increasing yields is all about cost benefits. Let's say out of the 44 CU's 75% of the silicon comes out with all 44 operational. If you go down to 42 CU's, 85% of the chips come out operational at 42/44 and if you go down to 40 CU's 95% of the chips come out operational at 40/44. It's more cost effective to have 95% of the chips with 40.

These figures are of course all made up for the sake of explanation. I have no clue what the real yields are.


No 44 CU Polaris chips but what about 2 22 CU chips or 4 11 CU chips?

Polaris 12 is 10 CUs

I wouldn't use those PC product lines as a comparison. They use 1 Polaris core, customize it and then they implement that core 43 times. Than they take one of the other components like CP, customize it and also implement it x times (how many they need). For each and every component. Has nothing to do with what we see on PC GPU. They also use their own memory interface and so on.

The Xbox One had 4 Command Processors (2 for Gfx, 2 for Computer). Will be interesting to see how many are in Scorpio as they did not talk about it yet.


Neo is based on Polaris but Sony took the liberty of adding features beyond Polaris.

Sony hasn't took anything, whatever was added was added by AMD (possibly on Sony's request) and all of it came straight from Vega feature set. I don't see why Scorpio's APU will be any different - if anything, I expect a lot more Vega features in it simply because it launches after Vega itself in PC space. I'd say that it's fair to expect basically all new Vega features in Scorpio but the new memory architecture (HBCC/HBM2/tiling).


"All" Vega features except HBCC, HBM, the new Rasterizer and the new Pixel Engine and maybe this and that.

It's all in the realm of speculation but if Scorpio doesn't feature the new Front- and Backend the improvements will be much smaller and there wouldn't be so much left what defines Vega.


Why are people so sure that Scorpio is based on Polaris when even Neo isn't?

Speaking of PS4 Pro why haven't the number of ROPs been mentioned? I wonder if the ROPs of PS4 Pro GPU been moved to the L2 cache like the Vega GPU



"All" Vega features except HBCC, HBM, the new Rasterizer and the new Pixel Engine and maybe this and that.

It's all in the realm of speculation but if Scorpio doesn't feature the new Front- and Backend the improvements will be much smaller and there wouldn't be so much left what defines Vega.
I said pretty much exactly what you shouldn't expect. What is "pixel engine"? No idea, sorry.


I don't get why they'd only use 40 though.

Because several are expected to fail during production, PS3 had 7 SPUs, however only 6 were used for the same reason.
It's not for long term reliability, just to make sure that they actually get chips that function at all from production.


Junior Butler
The Pixel Engine is what AMD calls their ROP-Design.
It might be that Scorpio doesn't have the new Vega Pixel Engine.

A dev hinted in one of the other Scorpio threads that Scorpio actually has less Vega feature-sets than Pro. Didn't Anandtech raise the same point? Too much info too fast haha.
If you read the articles: the Xbox can push native 4K (not checkerboard) in one of the most demanding games on the system, Forza, with all settings maxed, and still have like 30% extra headroom.

If the Xbox One was a Geo Metro, the PS4 was a Honda Civic, and the Pro was a Honda Accord, the Scorpio is a Dodge Viper.

10+% in that situation but that is still pretty excellent for what it is achieving at 4k60


If you read the articles: the Xbox can push native 4K (not checkerboard) in one of the most demanding games on the system, Forza, with all settings maxed, and still have like 30% extra headroom.
If you read the articles: that's wrong. It can either max the settings or have that headroom.

Also by what metric is Forza very demanding? If you read how they can use static render budgets for individual cars and the track and use a forward renderer the opposite seems more fitting.
Not that any of the choices are bad, but many games don't get away with such simple solutions.


A dev hinted in one of the other Scorpio threads that Scorpio actually has less Vega feature-sets than Pro. Didn't Anandtech raise the same point? Too much info too fast haha.
The PS4 Pro has an advanced work distributor and double-rate FP16, having even less would basically mean nothing.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
So is this marketing fluff, or does it have any genuine merit?
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