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343i Acknowledges Halo 5 Storytelling Mistake, Will Double Down on Master Chief Focus

They've had the franchise for nearly as long as Bungie and they still don't "get" it.

This is actually quite sad. They are the studio that makes games and apologizes after each one.They've been at it almost as long as Bungie and they still can't get 1 right. I don't remember another studio with such carte blanche after so many mistakes. When does MS say...''ok this isn't working out we need to change things to get Halo back on track before it's completely unredeemable''.

I'm fairly certain we'll be seeing another thread like this a couple years down the road.

Honestly, I've lost all hope. I can only be hopeful for so long but after this many fuck ups in a row, I can't even imagine how the next halo won't also be fucked up in some way.

These people clearly should not be handing this franchise.
How many times did you play it? Have you tried a bunch of different approaches to the giant hangar room in the second mission? Did you make use of the huge variety of branching paths, multitiered areas, and hidden weapon caches?

Lol you fell for that? Adding a couple randomly placed destructible walls that all lead to the same are isn't particularly impressive or multitiered level design.

Have you tried loading up your team with heavy weapons, or telling them to snipe, or to cover you with turrets or vehicles? .

I certainly tried telling my AI teammates to do that. Whether or not the completely brain-dead AI actually *did* any of what I told them to do is another story.
Having played all Halos, I think that the Master Chief - Cortana storyline and stuff got very tired and boring. I mean the Master Chief have literally survived everything and I want the universe to move forward with their own stories and arcs. It doesn't need to be like a 80y comic book with the same characters, Halo is a universe rich enough to move intro the future and create new characters even if they are a vessel for the player but a NEW vessel. Halo 5 still moved around MC and cortana even if you don't played a lot with them.

Also, remove ironsight pls :p


Halo CEA MP using Halo Reach: We made a mistake
Halo 4 MP: We made a mistake
Halo MCC: We made a mistake
Halo5 SP: We made a mistake

they do that a lot

Thats actually crazy to think about. 10 years and they havent made a game they dont need to apologize for yet.

E92 M3

Never forget this, guys:

Halo 5 sure made some missteps but for the love of God I dont want more adventures of Master Chief and Cortana after Halo 6. Really do not like what 343 has been doing with 'em. They should get a clean slate and try creating a new lead instead of taking the old one in directions he shouldn't have gone.
At this point its impossible to please all of you with your myriad of demands of what they should do to make you like it. If you're not cool with Halo anymore then move on I guess. I still love the series in spite of some flaws. Maybe new players will appreciate it without all of the baggage of the series past.
Man... Halo had the mass popularity to become a Star Wars level franchise about ten years ago.

It's astounding to me that we still don't have a film adaptation. Even the Steven Spielberg tv series they announced years ago seems to have went up in smoke.

343 was handed a money printing machine, but instead of printing money, they started peeling off the stickers on all of the buttons and changing everything about the machine to make it into their own take.

So much great story content at their fingertips...

Cortana's rampancy, the remnants of the Covenant, the history of the Forerunners, the remaining Spartan II and Spartan IIIs, humanity rebuilding from near annihilation.

Some of these things they have done well, but most of what they have touched upon was executed in the worst of ways.

The art direction in Halo 4 and 5 is what angers me the most.

Compared to

Whoever was in charge of the art direction in the Halo 2 remaster needs to be put in permanent charge of Halo's art direction going forward.


As a Halo fan, the story of Halo 5 sounds great as a concept. I was geeked to finally play members of the legendary Blue Team. The problem, it was just implemented horribly into the game. The character development felt anemic and juvenile and and I didn't care about any of the characters by the end of the game, as they felt soulless and mailed in by 343i.


Thats actually crazy to think about. 10 years and they havent made a game they dont need to apologize for yet.

... They didn't have to apologize.

After reading some of these comments, they probably shouldn't have.

People talk as if Bungie Halos were all perfect. They weren't.

I enjoyed H4 campaign and MP.

I enjoyed H5 MP.

Heck, I even enjoyed MCC SP.

I am looking forward to H6 from 343i
Remember when they made noble Elites sound and act like Brutes? Good times.

It's more than just Master Chief and lolOsiris. They have to fix the portrayal of Elites just as much.
As a Halo fan, the story of Halo 5 sounds great as a concept. I was geeked to finally play members of the legendary Blue Team. The problem, it was just implemented horribly into the game. The character development felt anemic and juvenile and and I didn't care about any of the characters by the end of the game, as they felt soulless and mailed in by 343i.

What character development?

I'll have to echo the sentiment that 343i isn't getting the issue. Blue Team would have been great...if they had a decent fraction of themselves from established material, or just any decent characterization at all. Locke and Osiris would have been good if they had a meaningful purpose than just "those other guys".

Of course this pales to the issues in the gameplay and design.

I really want 343i to succeed in nailing it, but with each game they're involved with that is becoming less likely. Not that Bungie didn't have their own issues, but at least the story was solid for what it was.


... They didn't have to apologize.

After reading some of these comments, they probably shouldn't have.

People talk as if Bungie Halos were all perfect. They weren't.

I enjoyed H4 campaign and MP.

I enjoyed H5 MP.

Heck, I even enjoyed MCC SP.

I am looking forward to H6 from 343i

Bungie halo's weren't perfect. They didnt have any outstandingly terrible aspects to them though. MCC (not working for a year), Halo 4 SP/MP, and Halo 5 SP are all "dude.. wtf are you doing" tier and they should apologize for them (which is why they did)


Even as someone doing some complaining myself, I don't know how Stinkles' sanity has survived the community interactions around Halo.


Bungie halo's weren't perfect. They didnt have any outstandingly terrible aspects to them though. MCC (not working for a year), Halo 4 SP/MP, and Halo 5 SP are all "dude.. wtf are you doing" tier and they should apologize for them (which is why they did)

I just think that things are on an upward trajectory.

I am hoping that 343i nails all aspects in Halo 6.
The problem wasn't a second playable character, or even putting chief on a team, it was Locke being boring as shit and blue team being just as bad. Sadly the premise of the commercial was better then their execution, same for the hunt for truth radio drama.

In fact if they let that team handle the main plot points it would likely be much better. Sadly every chance 343 has had to challenge what Halo is has fallen way short.
343i had an amazing opportunity with the new start provided by the end of Halo 3 but they squandered it all.

As someone who had at the time put hundreds of hours into the previous mainline games I hoped they would make a grand departure both mechanically and narratively with Halo 4. They did neither.

With that commitment they strapped themselves into a new arc of games that were extensions of the Bungie releases. This set awkward expectations as keeping it familiar set some fans up to wanting nothing to change about the formula while others, like myself, wanted an entirely new experience.

I'd love to get excited about a new game set in the Halo universe but with entirely fresh characters, setting, and mechanics. Halo 6 probably won't be that game, but I wish them the best with the daunting task they have trying to move the franchise forward.
Also hopefully 343 takes a long look st what The Coalition did with Gears 4. Never was a huge Gears fan but enjoyed 1-3 ok enough, but really felt like that franchise has a clear direction and identity


Whoever was in charge of the art direction in the Halo 2 remaster needs to be put in permanent charge of Halo's art direction going forward.

I think they should have gone more angular on the Elite helmet for H2A. It's very rounded at the forehead like a sports helmet whereas they used to be somewhat tapered/conical or more shark-like in H2/H3. The blue elite there looks like he's getting ready for wrestling.
Even as someone doing some complaining myself, I don't know how Stinkles' sanity has survived the community interactions around Halo.
To be a Halo fan in 2017, let alone be a fan working on Halo, you have to be one crazy fucker..
I was talking about MY body.
..like this dude.
I just think that things are on an upward trajectory.

I am hoping that 343i nails all aspects in Halo 6.
All things considered, I agree, especially regarding multiplayer. We might be in a golden age if Halo 6 launches with the features of Halo 5 and more. H5 is already a step in the right direction, so let's hope Stinkles doesn't throw what they've learned into the Sun.


To be a Halo fan in 2017, let alone be a fan working on Halo, you have to be one crazy fucker..

..like this dude.

All things considered, I agree, especially regarding multiplayer. We might be in a golden age if Halo 6 launches with the features of Halo 5 and more. H5 is already a massive step in the right direction, so let's hope Stinkles doesn't throw what they've learned into the Sun.
The framework and base to build upon is all there. They don't have a complete new console to work with (yeah Scorpio but that's still an Xbox One), I'm really excited to see what they can do with a full fledged sequel.


The sad part about 5's campaign is that within 30 seconds of gameplay, I realized the companion AI was a complete sham compared to what we were promised.

Your AI squad ended up being a bunch of retards that allowed you to turn into a revival sponge.

I'm sure all the stress in this franchise is making stinkles permanently bald.

Making strangely poor decisions and blatantly ignoring your loyal fan base certainly creates stress.

Not that he's to blame for everything, but he and the other decision makers clearly hold diverging views and stances on things that fans see as folly.

We can all love Frank (I enjoy his personality and wit), but I and others will still critique the games. I think he understands that.


The sad part about 5's campaign is that within 30 seconds of gameplay, I realized the companion AI was a complete sham compared to what we were promised.

Your AI squad ended up being a bunch of retards that allowed you to turn into a revival sponge.


Holy fuck did they make beating the game on legendary by yourself suck so much. That hope of maybe they'll revive me for a second wind only to be dashed away because they are just so damn stupid.

If I remember there was a vidoc talking about how each Halo did something big and Halo 5's big thing was supposed to be the AI. LIES


Let's also remind ourselves about the halo 5 marketing which hardly related to the game at all.

We never chose a side, or had a choice in the matter, we never had a true fight between chief and locke in the slightest outside of a pre-recorded cutscene that lasted 30 seconds and had about 5 punches thrown.
More a problem of having the contrast of poor writing teams versus a very talented advertising agency with a massive budget.
- Keep the story simple and make it contained WITHIN the game. Don't boot me to an external app to view or take this shit in. Don't require me to read a tonne of external sources to understand the story of the game I'm playing.

- Don't repeat a shitty boss fight 63 times.

If they fix these two things the series will be hunky dory. The dependence on external storytelling just made me tune out during most of the story rambling in 4 & 5.

Include a "document of Halo" or a lore log or condense the previous adventures into a few cutscenes, do something so I don't feel like I walked into the middle of a film.

Edit: and I guess if we have to have a squad, give us real squad commands and abilities to hold positions like in Rainbow Six. Nothing worse than telling a mate to stand behind cover and then have him go all Leroy Jenkins and require a revive.


The art direction in Halo 4 and 5 is what angers me the most.

Compared to

Whoever was in charge of the art direction in the Halo 2 remaster needs to be put in permanent charge of Halo's art direction going forward.

It's not my most hated aspect, but I have got to echo this. Fucking bring back halo 3 elites. They could look amazing on Scorpio. The new elites are going to look even fuglier on said hardware. This needs to be addressed
How about not repeating one fucking fight like 5-6 times with a boring fucking bad guy? It wasn't just a "lesson" to be learned it was lazy and insulting to the fan base. Next time instead of trying to please Esport bozos you can make a fun SP that makes you want to go back and play it again. Instead of missions consisting of zero gun play and linear dialogue while you run around and wait for it to finish?

You'll have Scorpio this time around as well so no more 60 fps but 30 fps rendered bad guys as well. Make Halo "fun" again not some boring predictable "serious" wanna be experience.


They need to sack the Prometheans off. Make a grittier game, chief gets stranded on covenant homeworld, making his way through their stronghold or something, anything other than the shit we have now. 4 and 5 are the only Halos I never completed. For the love of god give me an option to turn the fucking hud off in this one without a skull too. Make a prequel somehow, I dunno...just stop apologising AFTER you fuck it up and hold more focus groups/read more community reactions before deciding on where to take it next.


At this point its impossible to please all of you with your myriad of demands of what they should do to make you like it. If you're not cool with Halo anymore then move on I guess. I still love the series in spite of some flaws. Maybe new players will appreciate it without all of the baggage of the series past.

Halo was a huge game and had a massive base, telling people to move on is silly. This is an internet forum where we discuss videogames. Halo is one of my favorite series of all time so I enjoy talking about it-both good and bad.


How about not repeating one fucking fight like 5-6 times with a boring fucking bad guy? It wasn't just a "lesson" to be learned it was lazy and insulting to the fan base. Next time instead of trying to please Esport bozos you can make a fun SP that makes you want to go back and play it again. Instead of missions consisting of zero gun play and linear dialogue while you run around and wait for it to finish?

You'll have Scorpio this time around as well so no more 60 fps but 30 fps rendered bad guys as well. Make Halo "fun" again not some boring predictable "serious" wanna be experience.

I understand the Warden Eternal repetition complain, I thought that was way too excessive too. But zero gunplay?? No way! And linear dialogue? What that even means? Every shooter has "linear dialogues" if Halo 5 is any parameter for such a thing.

Another issue I recognize but didn't mention in my last post is the friendly AI. That was really... trash. If they decide go this route in the next game (a team fighting their way together) they need to improve that AI.


They need to sack the Prometheans off. Make a grittier game, chief gets stranded on covenant homeworld, making his way through their stronghold or something, anything other than the shit we have now. 4 and 5 are the only Halos I never completed. For the love of god give me an option to turn the fucking hud off in this one without a skull too. Make a prequel somehow, I dunno...just stop apologising AFTER you fuck it up and hold more focus groups/read more community reactions before deciding on where to take it next.
People need to quit making these types of demands. 343i will not be removing the Prometheans until it suits the story so it's best to make constructive feedback on how they can improve them rather than telling them to remove that enemy faction.
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