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Microsoft Studios (& Partners) Current and Future Landscape


Then what's the fucking point of her even saying something like "we'll show what games are at E3 soon"? Beam or not, it's weird. E3 is just around the corner.

Sometimes it's a good idea to check the actual tweet and scroll up.

I'm sorry if I seem like I'm being an ass, but for some reason you seem really worked up.

Salty Hippo

Sometimes it's a good idea to check the actual tweet and scroll up.

I'm sorry if I seem like I'm being an ass, but for some reason you seem really worked up.

I did, and like I said before it's a weird tweet regardless of the question Ybarra was asked. She's implying they will reveal their E3 lineup before the conference, something that MS has never done before and is honestly completely pointless and unnecessary. Unless they're really trying to set expectations low.


Um... sorry they are revealing what exactly?
Maybe she means revealing which games will be playable at the E3 booths. I can't believe they are leaking their own conference lol


Um... sorry they are revealing what exactly?
Maybe she means revealing which games will be playable at the E3 booths. I can't believe they are leaking their own conference lol

They aren't. They will confirm games that will be showcased such as Sea of Thieves, Crackdown, State of Decay 2, etc. Obviously they won't spoil their surprises.

It just gets the ball rolling in terms of what fans can expect to see at e3. It's really not a big deal and I'm sure they've done this before.
They aren't. They will confirm games that will be showcased such as Sea of Thieves, Crackdown, State of Decay 2, etc. Obviously they won't spoil their surprises.

It just gets the ball rolling in terms of what fans can expect to see at e3. It's really not a big deal and I'm sure they've done this before.
They aren't. They will confirm games that will be showcased such as Sea of Thieves, Crackdown, State of Decay 2, etc. Obviously they won't spoil their surprises.

It just gets the ball rolling in terms of what fans can expect to see at e3. It's really not a big deal and I'm sure they've done this before.
Yep it's just gona be some Xbox Wire post that says tune in to see the latest from Turn 10, State of a Decay, Crackdown, Sea of Thieves, and some surprises
Windows Phone, Cortana, Edge Browser and Bing says hi..
All of those things other than the phone are actually fairly widely used, though. They're not number 1 in the field or anything (other than maybe Cortana, not sure about that), but they do alright for themselves. Bing in particular makes them a TON of money.


As for the Beam announcement, I dunno. Remote play would be dope, but I'm not sure why they'd announce that now instead of at E3. Maybe they're going to make the show floor demos playable through it? That'd be sweet as hell.
So basically they waited with that DLC for a definitive edition? If a DE is happening of course. Only truly exciting if the buyers of the game get this stuff for free. Unless big things have been added.

Someone on Twitter wonders i it could be a new IP. Yeah i really doubt that. The robot DLC isn't even here yet.
All of those things other than the phone are actually fairly widely used, though. They're not number 1 in the field or anything (other than maybe Cortana, not sure about that), but they do alright for themselves. Bing in particular makes them a TON of money.


As for the Beam announcement, I dunno. Remote play would be dope, but I'm not sure why they'd announce that now instead of at E3. Maybe they're going to make the show floor demos playable through it? That'd be sweet as hell.

I'm sorry but where's Edge and Bing market share?



i can't fault MS for at least trying with Bing since their competitor is Google.

But for Edge? It is the default built in browser for Windows 10. But hands up, how many of you guys are using Chrome surfing Neogaf right now?

As for that 100+ million cortana users numbers...any source for that? If Cortana has 100+ million users, then surely Google Assistant and Siri will be in the billions (which i don't think so)...where did this 100+ million number came from?

My point is...just because something is built in doesn't guarantee its success.

Even Apple's built in 'Ping' social network for iTunes (remember that?), MobileMe cloud services that's built in mac (remember that?) can't gain traction despite Steve Job's spin. That will tell you as much on user patterns in the world of tech.

Sorry for bring OT abit though.


I'm sorry but where's Edge and Bing market share?



i can't fault MS for at least trying with Bing since their competitor is Google.

But for Edge? It is the default built in browser for Windows 10. But hands up, how many of you guys are using Chrome surfing Neogaf right now?

As for that 100+ million cortana users numbers...any source for that? If Cortana has 100+ million users, then surely Google Assistant and Siri will be in the billions (which i don't think so)...where did this 100+ million number came from?

My point is...just because something is built in doesn't guarantee its success.

Even Apple's built in 'Ping' social network for iTunes (remember that?), MobileMe cloud services that's built in mac (remember that?) can't gain traction despite Steve Job's spin. That will tell you as much on user patterns in the world of tech.

Sorry for bring OT abit though.

Bing has been growing every Q and Google has been dropping or stagnate. Bing is 20% of the market now in the US. Not sure where you are going that Bing is a failure or what not? And, Yes I use Edge (not now I'm at work) but I dropped Chrome two months ago. Edge is awesome.

Anyway, let's not derail the thread any further.

I need to buy Recore.


That wasn't free though. If the extra stuff isn't much more than the DLC they spoke about earlier this year than i'd like it if they just give that for free for the people that bought Recore.

Yeah I think they kind of need to make it free considering the state of the game as is. I mean overall I do like the game but it's unfinished.

Either way I'm keen to hear more.


Maybe this is part of the news that Shannon Loftis said would be coming all this week, if so they are getting a lot of stuff I would have expected to see on their stage out of the way. Hopefully that either means their confident or they want to have compact concise 60min conference.

Wait, the conference is only 60 min?


Wait, the conference is only 60 min?

I was just guessing that maybe they are getting rid of all the filler from the conference now to have a very concise conference similar to Sony last year. But I do hope that it's a 90 min conference and the reason they are getting all this stuff out now is because their confident.



By using Windows 10, on which I'm prevented from disabling Cortana, I assume I'm contributing as many of those numbers as I have devices?

I mean, I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but even as an otherwise happy customer for Microsoft, I'm actively hostile to the Cortana product/service. If I contribute to that metric, that's a weak metric.

Numbers are based on "any kind of Cortana use, which includes text, voice, and assistant notifications based on user input."

And there is 500 million active Windows 10 devices.

Actually, that's a good sign then. Thanks for clarifying the figure.


It can be cool to let it play the next/previous song in Groove Music but it can also annoy the shit outta you when you dont even say Hey Cortana and yet she asks you what's up, lol. That's not cool when you are in a online game. But i barely use it ever.

Wouldn't know. "Hey Cortana" is not available in Tier 2.

By using Windows 10, on which I'm prevented from disabling Cortana, I assume I'm contributing as many of those numbers as I have devices?

Numbers are based on
any kind of Cortana use, which includes text, voice, and assistant notifications based on user input.
And there is 500 million active Windows 10 devices.


I doubt most people even know they are using Cortana. I've looked and don't think you can turn it off on Windows 10. I think the only difference is if you log into Windows with a Microsoft account or not but use Cortana either way albeit not with all user data benefits.


Numbers are based on "any kind of Cortana use, which includes text, voice, and assistant notifications based on user input."

And there is 500 million active Windows 10 devices.

Actually, that's a good sign then. Thanks for clarifying the figure.

I doubt most people even know they are using Cortana. I've looked and don't think you can turn it off on Windows 10. I think the only difference is if you log into Windows with a Microsoft account or not but use Cortana either way albeit not with all user data benefits.

You used to be able to disable it in the Win10 search bar options. They disabled the option a while back.
When cortana works with my Kinect its awesome. The speed of it is so unpredictable and what i think it should do it doesn't. For example i should be able to just say hey Cortana make a party and invite my list of favorites and it should do it all in the background without ever interrupting my screen space aside from the cortana box at the top right. Or say hey Cortana describe the achievement i just got and it should just tell me the description of the achievement without snapping anything. Why is this not a thing? Am i the only one who wants something like this....that works of course
Wouldn't know. "Hey Cortana" is not available in Tier 2.

Numbers are based on
And there is 500 million active Windows 10 devices.

Neither here, that's one of the reasons i have my Xbox set to USA. Well not for Cortana but the many other reasons.

Yeah that tier crap wasn't cool with Xbox One. I remember not being able to buy Xbox One on day one, but a full year later. Really hope that shit won't happen with Scorpio but since it went quite well with Xbox One S it should be fine.


Neither here, that's one of the reasons i have my Xbox set to USA. Well not for Cortana but the many other reasons.

Yeah that tier crap wasn't cool with Xbox One. I remember not being able to buy Xbox One on day one, but a full year later. Really hope that shit won't happen with Scorpio but since it went quite well with Xbox One S it should be fine.

Well Scorpio was already confirmed for China this year, so I doubt it'll be tiered. Most likely will be like the One S and launch pretty much world wide.


y'all should be ashamed
Hopefully we can get an Xbox One conference without an enormous amount of leaks beforehand.

I loved that the entire conference leaked last year actually...I was able to follow it like a program and take breaks when there were uninteresting games coming up. It was great. XD

Zeta Oni

Less then 30 days and no leaks crazy

Little over 2 weeks left and there's not even a laughably unbelievable fake E3 leak yet, so yeah things are getting interesting.

Kinda hoping it stays quiet for once, this way when the bombshells come I can see GAF at peak crazy rather than having the hype squashed by an early peek.


There was an article recently about some Sega head leaving and it mentioned Sega having a partnership with Microsoft. Don't know if it's a new partnership or just regarding Halo Wars

Zeta Oni

So I just mentioned this in the Phantom Dust OT, but it might be better asked here:

Does anyone have any clue as to what's going on with Yukio Futatsugi and Grounding Inc?

Only game they released was the middling launch title Crimson Dragon, which was inspired by the Panzer Dragoon series he was responsible for directing. Other than that, there's just been the Phantom Dust rerelease (he was the director of that game as well).

There's been silence from both for going on 4 years now, the last article I can find talking about them from Wikipedia is dated 2013.

Other than that, Phil Spencer bought him up back in June 2015 when people were asking about the cancellation of the Darkside Phantom Dust project, mentioning that he wanted the creators involvement in any project concerning Phantom Dust moving forward and that they were still looking for the "right developer".

Any chance there's been a project cooking under our noses this whole time?


If that was true, then I don't understand why MS would announce things like Game Pass and Phantom Dust Launching for free less than a month before their conference.
Yeah. I mean so far we've had
- Forza Hot Wheels
- Free Phantom dust
- Games pass launch
- Beam being turned into Mixer

All of those could've been on stage announcements. They better have some interesting stuff
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