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Geoff Keighley: Scorpio rumored to cost $499 (he's right, flawless victory)

The outrage at the leak is more laughable than the $499 price point.

And no, SomewhatGroovy, the leak did not affect their ability to explain the value proposition of the XBO X; they did a sad fucking job of that, so the timing of the price point's announcement didn't matter. Had MS come out with guns blazing, showing tons of amazing AAA content that truly used the power of the XBO X in exciting ways rather than a slew of 4k indie games, maybe people would have accepted that the price is worth it. As it is, though, we saw a bunch of upscaled XBO/PC games and several indie teasers for games so far away that they'll be ready "when it's damn ready."


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Can't stop! Won't stop! Don't care what anyone thinks! Nothing shall deter you!*

*thing may deter you


Ridiculous analogy for numerous reasons.

This guy was working with MS in several venues even having them grace his platform with personnel including Spencer, and he overheard the rehearsals goes to Twitter in a rush to spill the beans undercutting them and you all don't see that as dickish or unprofessional? Who raised you people?

He likely damaged his relationship with them permanently as they no doubt do not trust him anymore.

It's not about "holding their water" as one poster wrote it's about mutual respect. He showed them none doing that.

And yes, I have a MC avatar other poster who thought to belittle me for using a favorite character of mine in his image. That doesn't change what I'm saying from being correct in any way though so kick rocks until you can actually discuss things like an adult.
Looks like we found the e-petition founder.


extra source of jiggaflops
I liked the conference (it took until after Forza to get going), so Geoff being right about the price didn't change anything for me.


The simple fact of the matter is that it is not Geoff's job to make MS's life easier. It is not Geoff's job to "not be a dick" to MS. He owes the companies he reports on nothing.
In an industry which every year dozens of shit leak and people foam at the mouth with excitement ranging from specs to game titles to DLC, suddenly the price for a machine is leaked and people lose their collective shit.

E3 brings out the crazies every year without fail.


The man can report on what he wants.

He literally tweeted out the price. He added no additional framing to it. He didn't say it was a bad price. He just gave us information.

You had people on here who didn't want to believe making up conspiracy theories and such about the real price would be $399.

He was right. Announcing the price took NOTHING away from that conference.

It seems like the people still upset at him almost act like he is the sole reason the price is $500.

Seriously. It's fucking embarrassing.

I can only assume these people are children that lack basic reasoning skills, because no adult defends the massive corporation for their pricing while blaming the dude who reported on it a few hours early.
I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.
I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.

Wtf. What does...how did...hmm


I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.

Hahaha and I thought the ride was over.


I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.

Man what are you talking about?
I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.

This forum is pro-whatever's popular. Last gen it was Xbox 360. This gen it's PS4. Hell, maybe in a year or two, it'll be the Switch!

Also, Geoff biased towards PS? Because he leaked a price?


I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.

It's funny. When I first lurked here last gen, I felt like there was an Xbox bias.

It turns out. People just have different opinions and opinions can change over time.
That poor, poor giant corporate machine had its bad decision leaked hours before it revealed it itself. Is there no justice left in this world?

You just don't understand man. It's a dickish move ok? It's not nice, Geoff has to understand that he hurt some feelings. Corporations are people my friend.


extra source of jiggaflops
😳 Wow, so many meltdowns in this thread. Why are people upset?
If I had to play arm chair psychologist I would say this is scape goat behavior. The price is perceived as negative so you cast all evil upon Keighley and throw him out of the village.


I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.
I got nothing for this one. I'm all giggled out. Good night and good luck.
I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.
The outrage at the leak is more laughable than the $499 price point.

And no, SomewhatGroovy, the leak did not affect their ability to explain the value proposition of the XBO X; they did a sad fucking job of that, so the timing of the price point's announcement didn't matter. Had MS come out with guns blazing, showing tons of amazing AAA content that truly used the power of the XBO X in exciting ways rather than a slew of 4k indie games, maybe people would have accepted that the price is worth it. As it is, though, we saw a bunch of upscaled XBO/PC games and several indie teasers for games so far away that they'll be ready "when it's damn ready."

Noted. And agree with the bolded, personally.


Also, this notion the Geoff leaking the price just a few hours early somehow damaged the X's standing is absurd. As someone else said, he reported the price with not additional context added on to it.

It was MS's job to convince the world that the X's price was justified for what you are getting. They had 1 hour and 45 minutes to do that--and for many people they failed. That is NOT on Geoff.
I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.
What the hell are you people talking about


This forum is pro-whatever's popular. Last gen it was Xbox 360. This gen it's PS4. Hell, maybe in a year or two, it'll be the Switch!

Also, Geoff biased towards PS? Because he leaked a price?
Man, first it was SonyGAF, then it became SonyInternet and soon it'll become SonyWorld.
If I had to play arm chair psychologist I would say this is scape goat behavior. The price is perceived as negative so you cast all evil upon Keighley and throw him out of the village.
Wow, this is so pathetic lol. Dude is just reporting the news, it's his job. Some people....smh.
I asked this in the E3 thread, but did Microsoft just plow through the price announcement really fast? Because I totally missed it and only saw it thanks to Twitter.
I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.

Your entire post goes off the assumption that Geoff has a bias, but you’ve done nothing to demonstrate that.

Unless you’re saying him leaking the price is an example of bias.

Please don’t tell me you’re saying that...
These strawmen, jesus christ.

Maybe, not leaking it would have given MS a chance to present their value proposition to explain their justification behind the price before forums everywhere resorted to deadpan "Welp, DOA!"

Maybe it wasn't his info to leak? Maybe the team who worked three fucking years to get this out plus however many months to prep today's show wanted their moment? Is...is it okay for a "journalist" to not step on publishers' toes when it suits his agenda?

How would five hours to learn the price for a console that isn't readily available for pre-order or that hasn't even passed FCC clearance hurt you as a consumer?

Look, here's the thing: what's facinating to see is people nodding their head while being impressed by this nonsense "leak". "He's trustworthy (he's not)", "he's got the scoop"...

It's a distraction. The dude is an entertainer and he's going to exploit and cozy up to whoever in the industry who can help further making money. I get the guy wants to make a living, I think how he resorts to getting it is lowbrow bullshit. I used to think he mostly catered to people in the industry who could further his goals after he stopped in the middle of an awards show to tell me that lawyers from Konami kept his bro, Kojima, from attending that night (great information, by the way, changed my gaming life!) but after this, it's abundantly clear that he'll insert himself when the opportune time to make his "big breaks" relevant. Let's not even pretend he was trying to downplay this either.
I still don't see how any of this is a detriment to anyone but MS (and even that is a spurious claim at best). MS is still free to explain the value proposition (which they didn't to most people's satisfaction, apparently). Knee-jerk forum reactions to the leak will have no effect on the sales of the console, especially when considering those reactions continued after the actual
announcement (due to said lack of justification for the price in many people's eyes).

Geoff may get attention out of this, and I'm 100% cool with it. Why are you, a consumer, so concerned with how this leak might affect MS? I'll side with me knowing more every time.


I think based on what system we grew up with and emotionally aligned with during our development years, it would shape our future preference in gaming. I am assuming Geoff like me was very much affected by MGS1 and the PlayStation, which is why he will have this bias. This may also explain the taste of this forum too which I feel is a bit more towards the PS side, perhaps just due to demographic of the user base.

The general tastes of the forum evolve based on how a company is performing and treating its consumers. MS did that well with the 360, but now it's Sony that's more in tune with what people actually want and expect out of a major console manufacturer. This isn't Gamefaqs or Reddit where a bunch of fucking dumb children worship one company or another just because their parents bought them that system. I like to think Gaf is made up of mostly intelligent people who place criticism and praise where it's actually due. There's a reason why devs take this forum seriously.


The man can report on what he wants.

He literally tweeted out the price. He added no additional framing to it. He didn't say it was a bad price. He just gave us information.

You had people on here who didn't want to believe making up conspiracy theories and such about the real price would be $399.

He was right. Announcing the price took NOTHING away from that conference.

It seems like the people still upset at him almost act like he is the sole reason the price is $500.
People don't like facts! Where have you been!?


I asked this in the E3 thread, but did Microsoft just plow through the price announcement really fast? Because I totally missed it and only saw it thanks to Twitter.

Yes. Spencer said it in a way like he was trying to get it out of the way as soon as possible. It was pretty much presented as an afterthought.
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