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Geoff Keighley: Scorpio rumored to cost $499 (he's right, flawless victory)


Are people really hating on a leak? Doesnt kotaku do that all the time.
i.e. we should really be hating on kotaku. ;p


Gold Member
Holy shit some people are doubling down on this.

You need to check yourselves, it's an embarrassment.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Ridiculous analogy for numerous reasons.

This guy was working with MS in several venues even having them grace his platform with personnel including Spencer, and he overheard the rehearsals goes to Twitter in a rush to spill the beans undercutting them and you all don't see that as sickish or unprofessional? Who raised you people?

He likely damaged his relationship with them permanently as they no doubt do not trust him anymore.

It's not about "holding their water" as one poster wrote it's about mutual respect. He showed them none doing that.

And yes, I have a MC avatar other poster who thought to belittle me for using a favorite character of mine in his image. That doesn't change what I'm saying from being correct in any way though so kick rocks until you can actual discuss things like an adult.

There is no plane of existence where Phil Spencer possibly cares about this particular incident as much as you do or in the way you're suggesting.

Geoff's tweet preempted the official announcement for a subset of people but did not damage MS PR. If anything, it provided a buffer for the most emotionally invested gamers to vent ahead of time and be less prone to controlling social media feedback with foaming rage by the time of the conference. I'll note how the $599 PS3 unveil became codified as a meme for a decade because of how unprepared the internet was to hear that number in that moment, and the justifications and surrounding content during the conference ended up only serving as ammunition for the viral backlash that followed.

He's a journalist as well as a TV/event host, so if you're not NDAing him in this setting (whether contractually or informally) you can expect it to be fair game if he drops a pertinent tidbit to his audience.

You sound very foolish. Maybe look into directing Destiny 3.
or like he weighed that there'd be no repercussions at all because rehearsal leak reporting happens every year and <0.01% of their audience knowing a number (one of three possible numbers) two hours before when microsoft said the number but five months before you could buy the thing isn't a thing that impacts anything

Again, so WHY release the information? Is this the best jounatlistic integrity and insight we can get from him? Slow day in gaming world?

When you work in a corporate environment, for example, do you think when your boss asks why you made decisions a ,b and c, a simple "what does it hurt anything" will fly?

In this case, it did impact something but nothing that caters to the gamers or to the publishers (actually may have hurt MS)

He let consumers know what the price was before it was revealed?

How would not leaking it have helped consumers?

These strawmen, jesus christ.

Maybe, not leaking it would have given MS a chance to present their value proposition to explain their justification behind the price before forums everywhere resorted to deadpan "Welp, DOA!"

Maybe it wasn't his info to leak? Maybe the team who worked three fucking years to get this out plus however many months to prep today's show wanted their moment? Is...is it okay for a "journalist" to not step on publishers' toes when it suits his agenda?

How would five hours to learn the price for a console that isn't readily available for pre-order or that hasn't even passed FCC clearance hurt you as a consumer?

Look, here's the thing: what's facinating to see is people nodding their head while being impressed by this nonsense "leak". "He's trustworthy (he's not)", "he's got the scoop"...

It's a distraction. The dude is an entertainer and he's going to exploit and cozy up to whoever in the industry who can help further making money. I get the guy wants to make a living, I think how he resorts to getting it is lowbrow bullshit. I used to think he mostly catered to people in the industry who could further his goals after he stopped in the middle of an awards show to tell me that lawyers from Konami kept his bro, Kojima, from attending that night (great information, by the way, changed my gaming life!) but after this, it's abundantly clear that he'll insert himself when the opportune time to make his "big breaks" relevant. Let's not even pretend he was trying to downplay this either.
Some of you are hilarious. Since we don't agree with you, then we must be so concerned about Geoff's future or upset and bothered by what he did. It's like logic for 5th graders reading some of your posts.

None of us are upset. Speaking from me personally, I'm simply pointing out that as someone who has been doing this for a decade+ and has worked to build relationships with these people and game companies, coming out to tweet that undercut Phil and was a dick move. Nothing more nothing less.

Not saying he should lose anything, or that they're so hurt and upset or anything other than that. Hopefully that sinks in this time.
Again, so WHY release the information? Is this the best jounatlistic integrity and insight we can get from him? Slow day in gaming world?

When you work in a corporate environment, for example, do you think when your boss asks why you made decisions a ,b and c, a simple "what does it hurt anything" will fly?

In this case, it did impact something but nothing that caters to the gamers or to the publishers (actually may have hurt MS)

These strawmen, jesus christ.

Maybe, not leaking it would have given MS a chance to present their value proposition to explain their justification behind the price before forums everywhere resorted to deadpan "Welp, DOA!"

Maybe it wasn't his info to leak? Maybe the team who worked three fucking years to get this out plus however many months to prep today's show wanted their moment? Is...is it okay for a "journalist" to not step on publishers' toes when it suits his agenda?

How would five hours to learn the price for a console that isn't readily available for pre-order or that hasn't even passed FCC clearance hurt you as a consumer?

Look, here's the thing: what's facinating to see is people nodding their head while being impressed by this nonsense "leak". "He's trustworthy (he's not)", "he's got the scoop"...

It's a distraction. The dude is an entertainer and he's going to exploit and cozy up to whoever in the industry who can help further making money. I get the guy wants to make a living, I think how he resorts to getting it is lowbrow bullshit. I used to think he mostly catered to people in the industry who could further his goals after he stopped in the middle of an awards show to tell me that lawyers from Konami kept his bro, Kojima, from attending that night (great information, by the way, changed my gaming life!) but after this, it's abundantly clear that he'll insert himself when the opportune time to make his "big breaks" relevant. Let's not even pretend he was trying to downplay this either.

All of this. If you're still not getting it then you never will.


I mean, if the price was under $400, no one would&#8203; be mad at Geoff's reporting.

That much is true. Just imagine, if the conspiracy theories turns out to be true and that he was working with MS for a mic drop moment. I'm pretty sure the same people will be praising him to high heavens instead.


I like how nobody is blaming the MS employee/insider who leaked the price.

E3 makes fanboys lose their damn minds every single year.
This thread is pretty sad. Phil could give two shits it was revealed. He is confident that their games and service with get more people to buy into the ecosystem. Whether it is a XOX or XBS, he doesn't care. Just give MS the money so when he reports to the CEO he can be given another raise or promotion within MS.

EDIT: noticed Super Havoc was called out by the owner.
Some of you are hilarious. Since we don't agree with you, then we must be so concerned about Geoff's future or upset and bothered by what he did. It's like logic for 5th graders reading some of your posts.

None of us are upset. Speaking from me personally, I'm simply pointing out that as someone who has been doing this for a decade+ and has worked to build relationships with these people and game companies, coming out to tweet that undercut Phil and was a dick move. Nothing more nothing less.

Not saying he should lose anything, or that they're so hurt and upset or anything other than that. Hopefully that sinks in this time.

Um, bruh, you just got called out by the owner of this forum.

Stop while you can.


Unconfirmed Member
This thread turned sad again very quickly. Geoff doesn't work for MS, he reports gaming industry news. Trying to turn on Geoff because you don't like the news is nonsense


This thread is pretty sad. Phil could give two shits it was revealed. He is confident that their games and service with get more people to buy into the ecosystem. Whether it is a XOX or XBS, he doesn't care. Just give MS the money so when he reports to the CEO he can be given another raise or promotion within MS.

It's funny because the way he basically borderline glossed over announcing it would be $499, you could tell he was incredibly aware of the backlash of this being $499.


This kind of reminds me of Ariel Helwani scooping Brock Lesnars return to UFC, only MS is smart enough not to be a dick to Keighley
It's funny because the way he basically borderline glossed over announcing it would be $499, you could tell he was incredibly aware of the backlash of this being $499.

There wasn't even a graphic for it. Phil wanted to drop that price and immediately move on.

He knows. MS knows.
I've never seen this reaction before. GAF has threads nearly every day about leaked info and trailers on games.

I've never seen anyone be mad about it.

This is next-level fanboy shit.
I know. Shit gets leaked all the time and we all just go crazy over the details leaked not the act of the leak itself.


As someone who's not invested in Microsoft, hearing this early - even if it was labeled a rumor - made the actual announcement a lot less shocking to me. In a good way for MS, mind you. I already had it in my mind from reading this thread, so seeing it become reality didn't cause ironic laughter and, "They're crazy." Just a chuckle, a nod, and a, "He was right."

theyre still crazy
As someone who's not invested in Microsoft, hearing this early - even if it was labeled a rumor - made the actual announcement a lot less shocking to me. In a good way for MS, mind you. I already had it in my mind from reading this thread, so seeing it become reality didn't cause ironic laughter and, "They're crazy." Just a chuckle, a nod, and a, "He was right."

theyre still crazy

Same here. Some of you guys are embarrassing lol. Save us CBOAT
So if I had a decent working relationship with you and spit in your face but you don't give a shit about my spit being in your face was I still not disrespectful to you?

I'm sure Phil and the team are fine now but I'm willing to bet they initially didn't like that shit.

I don't even know how to respond to this.

This would be like if I had an album coming soon, and was working with someone well-known on it, and they leaked the released date. That's what this is equivalent to.

It'd be whatever.

Spitting in my face lmao. Come on with this hyperbolic nonsense.
I am surprised about so many people saying Geoff betrayed MS. He just did them a favor. People had hopes Scorpio would be 399. That wasn't going to happen. So Geoff released the info as a leak so people wouldn't be letdown when info was officially released.

It seemed obvious to me.
These strawmen, jesus christ.

Maybe, not leaking it would have given MS a chance to present their value proposition to explain their justification behind the price before forums everywhere resorted to deadpan "Welp, DOA!"

So let me get this straight, you think the same presentation a few hours later, would have been received differently? There would be no DOA comments?

I find this thread fascinating.
So let me get this straight, you think the same presentation a few hours later, would have been received differently? There would be no DOA comments?

I find this thread fascinating.

its quite something when people type out words with their very own fingers and then look at someone else and ask if they typed them.

no, i didnt say that at all.


All of this. If you're still not getting it then you never will.

I don't think you're getting it, respect for corporation is how he got the title of Dorito pope and still sticks to him today, and he went independant as well, in regards to what you bolded even if the price was leaked before the conference MS still had over an hour to convince everyone that such a price point was worth it, and to quite few people it didn't.

Also Geoff only leaked the price it wasn't like he leaked the whole conference and we don't know if he would have been more cryptic with the price if it was something he believed was a positive aspect of the conference, if anything he did MS a favour because it softened the blow.


a whole lot of you really need to get a grip

a hearty LOL @ those pissed off about him leaking the price. take a deep breath and re-evaluate what actually matters.
its quite something when people type out words with their very own fingers and then look at someone else and ask if they typed them.

no, i didnt say that at all.

Ok let us go through this step by step.

noun - a mere possibility or probability.

not leaking it would have given MS a chance
- Implying that if the leak didn't happen MS could have....

present their value proposition to explain their justification behind the price
- Explain the reason for $499 pricetag

before forums everywhere resorted to deadpan "Welp, DOA!"
- also implying that the explanation would have prevented the deadpan comments


So let me get this straight, you think the same presentation a few hours later, would have been received differently? There would be no DOA comments?

So no, I didn't say you did that verbatim but that is the implication of your post. Thank you for clarifying a point that I didn't state. And yet you talk about strawmen....
So you genuinely think that conference&#8203; justified the price?

Not quite, no but that has nothing to do with what I was saying nor do I think them properly selling anyone has anything to do with the X1X's worth.

Um, bruh, you just got called out by the owner of this forum.

Stop while you can.

I don't know who the owner of this forum is, excuse my lack of knowledge there but I don't get why you think him or anyone else "calling me out" would deter me when what I'm saying is logical so no, I won't stop and I stand by what I said. What Geoff did was a dick move. It's that simple. I don't care if none of you agree with me personally.
Lmao he is a fucking journalist. If you want games journalism to continued to be viewed as a joke than sure continue to suck the taint of the corporations you are supposed to be covering

It's a total current Trump supporter mentality to be that up in arms about a damn leak.


Not quite, no but that has nothing to do with what I was saying nor do I think them properly selling anyone has anything to do with the X1X's worth.

I don't know who the owner of this forum is, excuse my lack of knowledge there but I don't get why you think him or anyone else "calling me out" would deter me when what I'm saying is logical so no, I won't stop and I stand by what I said. What Geoff did was a dick move. It's that simple. I don't care if none of you agree with me personally.

Just to be clear.

Do you think any leak at all is a dick move by the leaker or just this instance?


The man can report on what he wants.

He literally tweeted out the price. He added no additional framing to it. He didn't say it was a bad price. He just gave us information.

You had people on here who didn't want to believe making up conspiracy theories and such about the real price would be $399.

He was right. Announcing the price took NOTHING away from that conference.

It seems like the people still upset at him almost act like he is the sole reason the price is $500.
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