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New Uncharted 4 Amy Hennig details emerge and departure from Naughty Dog


I think the guys who spear headed lost legacy can handle the uncharted franchise fine. That said, I think they need a new game director hired at naughty dog


I don't really have a problem with people aggregating juicy Uncharted 4 details from my book, but the problem here is that stuff is being misinterpreted. A lot of these ideas (like the ballroom dancing mechanic) weren't necessarily going to be part of the original version of Uncharted 4 -- Naughty Dog's designers were just prototyping them and trying to see what would work.

One of the reasons for the directorial shift, according to people I spoke with, was that there were too many prototypes floating around and nobody was making strong decisions about what to cut and what to implement. That's why Naughty Dog made the change in the first place -- because the game wasn't in great shape. It's impossible to say that "Amy Hennig's Uncharted 4" would have looked like this, because we have no idea what would have made the final cut.

If you want the real, complete story, please do check out Blood, Sweat, and Pixels: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062651234/?tag=neogaf0e-20
Just gonna bump this up again since people keep talking about how this version would've been better/worse than the one we got.


Sounds almost the same and also explains why Nadine makes no sense, she is just there to be there.
Not sure which would have been better.

Pretty sure the one written by Hennig would have been better. Because it would have been written by Hennig.

At the very least, I feel comfortable assuming she would have had an angle on Sam that made him interesting in some way, which the U4 that was released did not. I'm glad Nadine was in U4, because then in Lost Legacy she was around to be a character who felt the same way about Sam Drake that I did.


We wouldnt have Nate and Elena plot point in Amy's version, which means it would be objctively inferior since their relationship development was the best part of the game and basically does what you are proposing with Amy's Sam but with Drake himself.

I would be fine with not having Elena be a large part of Uncharted 4 though. It's been done before. The story between Nate and Elena was done in 1 and 2. It would have been nice to have the focus be on someone else for a change. Like Sully and Nate did in Uncharted 3.

I mean if they were going to make Sam Nate's brother no matter what, the story HAS to be focused around those two. Otherwise what's the point of those two characters being related?


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Pretty sure the one written by Hennig would have been better. Because it would have been written by Hennig.

At the very least, I feel comfortable assuming she would have had an angle on Sam that made him interesting in some way, which the U4 that was released did not. I'm glad Nadine was in U4, because then in Lost Legacy she was around to be a character who felt the same way about Sam Drake that I did.
Well her feelings wasn't just towards Sam.


I think the guys who spear headed lost legacy can handle the uncharted franchise fine. That said, I think they need a new game director hired at naughty dog

Definitely - TLL is among the best of the franchise. I wonder how letting them handle future iterations will work, as ND doesn't have A and B teams, per se. I think they have the ability to split off a pre-production team, but the company is going to be knee deep in TLOU for a while.


I can't understand how you can look at any of these changes and think "yeah this would have been better". "Sam was your brother all along" is a horrible twist with no purpose, significant amount of vehicle sections sounds terrible, the dancing mini game sounds pointless. Elena coming in near the end of the game allows for Drake's "one last job, can't quit" arc to have weight. This proposed game sounds comically bad.

Because "here's my brother, a guy that I never mentioned and that had no real impact on my life except being a delinquent teenager and getting me into trouble with shady deals" is so much better.
I really loved how messy and complicated Nate's and Sam's relationship ended up being. They really loved each other, and were competitive with each other, like siblings often are. Sam's a bit jealous of Nate, but equally protective in turn. Nate felt like the older brother to Sam's younger brother, despite it really being the reverse. I liked that adrenaline junkie addiction/treasure hunting obsession was explored, both with Nate+Sam and Nate+Eleana. Sam did some really shitty things, Nate did some less shitty things that were still a bit shit, but it was all surprisingly quite nuanced. I don't love the pacing of UC4, but the dynamics between the characters were beautifully explored. (Also, Sully is still the best.)

Bought Jason's book, been looking forward to it! (Also, to spite YouTube guy for the rip-off.) ETA: Maybe that was Jason's long-con all along, ha.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It sounds alright, but the version we got sounds more subtle.


Pretty sure the one written by Hennig would have been better. Because it would have been written by Hennig.

At the very least, I feel comfortable assuming she would have had an angle on Sam that made him interesting in some way, which the U4 that was released did not. I'm glad Nadine was in U4, because then in Lost Legacy she was around to be a character who felt the same way about Sam Drake that I did.
Funny, for me it was the other way around. Until then Chloe had hardly called out Nadine for wanting to murder Nate.
The older I got the more away from Hennig's writing I became. I always have a soft spot for the first two Uncharted games' more human moments, but nothing comes near the wholly satisfying Uncharted 4 for me. Druckmann's writing is much preferred.

Of course, she has evolved and her blueprint definitely influenced a lot of nuances in Uncharted 4's characters. On the other hand, I'm still salty about how sloppy Uncharted 3 was thanks to her odd writing and a set piece first mentality.


Saw this yesterday and wanted to do a thread on it, didn't know how to approach it though with not having read the book but wanted to give Jason the credit.

Ya messed up, OP.😦

That said I wanna do another thread about the biggest thing UC4 did wrong for me, and suffice to say that was the story. Hennig's game sounds like from a story standpoint it would have negated my biggest issue with UC4.



That happens all the time (it's not something I've personally observed as a rarity, anyway).
Might just be games I play but it feels rare to me in terms of narrative driven games. I don't mean abrupt switcheroos in light narrative games, I've seen that, I mean a more detailed and slow paced switch.

Nathan never talking about his brother is plausible really. He had bad experience that result to his brother dead (at least he thought Sam was dead) so he didn't want to talk about it. Sully knows it so he never bring up Sam also.

The only glaring part is Marlowe. If she knew about Sam, she would have brought it up in U3 to hurt Nate.
You wife will ask about your childhood. She'll ask someone who knew you from chi old hood (Sully). I agree on Marlowe too as that would be in their files but it's stretching it your investigative journalist wife would be kept in the dark too. It's too big an thing and to be honest too obvious to miss. If Nate betrayed Sam sure he'd hide that but as literally shown to us there's not enough of a reason to hide what happened to his brother. It's the kind of addition that never stacks up well which is why I wish they didn't bother. Sam being a key partner of Nate and Sully would have been enough and would actually make Sam's actions more plausible in U4.

That said I liked the scenes with them as young guys but it doesn't mesh to well bringing a brother into it like Sam. If Sam was a bad guy that would work better as Nate would have a guenuine reason to keep him a secret. Sam's shown to have been pretty caring about Nate in his knockabout way and a big part of his life prior to Elena. The other issue is happy go lucky Nate in U1 and U2 seems odd giving timing of losing a beloveded brother and how.


Older brother comes back for revenge because younger brother apparently abandoned him and left him to die. So glad we didn't get that story, because on top of it not sounding like a Nate thing to do, what we got was much better, even if it wasn't perfect. No Nadine would've sucked too, though she wasn't perfect in U4 either, but I'm glad they reintroduced her in TLL which I plan to play very soon.

Hard to tell without having 2 full games to compare (which we will never get), but from the sound of it I think I largely prefer the game we actually got.

Seems like it to me as well.

Also I need to buy this book.

Just gonna bump this up again since people keep talking about how this version would've been better/worse than the one we got.

I think it's a little fair to contrast the two keeping in mind what you have said at least. At the very least when it comes to the treatment of Sam. I'm just happy to see people saying something positive about U4 lol.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
While similar to what we ended up getting, it sounds like Amy's vision(s) for the game would have made it even more boring overall than the final game we got so I'm kinda of glad the changes were made.

An Uncharted game with very little combat would not have been fun. One with not much combat wasn't that fun as it was.


When Jason Schreier was interviewed by Colin Moriarty he sounded a bit too self-important. However the take-away I got was that, unlike the many hacks out there, he has a real regard for games journalism.

Uncharted is one of my favourite game franchises so I've been intrigued as to the story behind it. I prefer to know the unfiltered version first. I wanted the print edition of Blood, Sweat & Pixels but the UK has to wait an extra month so I have ordered the Kindle edition and will read it in bed!


Some interesting ideas there.

I've said it before, but the central conceit of Uncharted 4 (that Drake has a long lost brother that no one knew about and/or cared to mention before) is one of the things that most bug me about the game, because as presented in the game it simply feels to jarring and crazy to contemplate. It's been known for a while that the idea came from Hennig, but I've often wondered if the romanticism of her writing could have perhaps sold the concept a bit better than Druckman's naturalism. It's interesting to think of what might have been, at any rate.


For me, my enjoyment of uncharted 4 came with what we got in the finished project.

Happy they went in that direction.


Some interesting ideas there.

I've said it before, but the central conceit of Uncharted 4 (that Drake has a long lost brother that no one knew about and/or cared to mention before) is one of the things that most bug me about the game, because as presented in the game it simply feels to jarring and crazy to contemplate. It's been known for a while that the idea came from Hennig, but I've often wondered if the romanticism of her writing could have perhaps sold the concept a bit better Druckman's naturalism. It's interesting to think of what might have been, at any rate.
Well, it would have been a reveal, and presumably not as obvious, so already it would have that going for it.

But also, Sam's brother being a Drake was so detrimental to Nate's character, and it seemed like this would have avoided that pitfall completely.


Interesting I guess this heavily leans towards Amy Henning quitting rather than fired since it was directly after a meeting. Otherwise she would have had a 2 week notice or something.

Now someone get on the line SSM and Stig and find out what happened there with DarkSide!
Sam being a villain until Nate and he realize they're actually brothers sounds awful to me tbh. Glad we're finally getting details on some aspects that might have been, but I'm happy with what we got, especially how polished and complete it feels given the development problems.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Heh l like Hennig's ideas would have been quite different from the past games. The dance mini-game would have been cool.
Overall it sounds like Neil and Bruce had nothing to do with Amy's departure, and were even apprehensive about taking over the project.

Remember when the consensus was that Neil and Bruce were largely responsible for Amy exiting the project?


Interesting I guess this heavily leans towards Amy Henning quitting rather than fired since it was directly after a meeting. Otherwise she would have had a 2 week notice or something.

Now someone get on the line SSM and Stig and find out what happened there with DarkSide!

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to remember the situation being quite similar to this one. Years of work but the game never really had a cohesive vision, which ultimately led to Sony binning it. Weren't there also rumblings that Sony felt that it might be too close to Destiny? Anyway, the main difference between that situation and Naughty Dog's is that they (ND) actually managed to salvage Uncharted 4 by bringing on new people.

Again, this could be me speaking out of my ass so please correct me if I'm wrong.


It's also available now on Kindle, if that's an option. I find it more convenient in any case.

I just saw that for Germany. Does the book have a lot of illustrations which would suffer from reading it on a Paperwhite?
The Kindle version is even a bit more expensive here...


Sam being a villain until Nate and he realize they're actually brothers sounds awful to me tbh. Glad we're finally getting details on some aspects that might have been, but I'm happy with what we got, especially how polished and complete it feels given the development problems.

That wasn't supposed to be a revelation for Drake, it was supposed to be a revelation for the player, according to what I read in the book.

So it would have been a case of Nathan Drake keeping that a secret from his allies (and the player) for a good duration of the game, for some reason, which fits him not mentioning Sam Drake in any of the earlier games.


Pretty sure the one written by Hennig would have been better. Because it would have been written by Hennig.

At the very least, I feel comfortable assuming she would have had an angle on Sam that made him interesting in some way, which the U4 that was released did not. I'm glad Nadine was in U4, because then in Lost Legacy she was around to be a character who felt the same way about Sam Drake that I did.

What does that mean? Because UC3 is written by Amy too (in fact I think it was the first time she was the sole writer, in UC1 and 2 she had co-writers too) and that one has the worst plot in the mainline series.
That wasn't supposed to be a revelation for Drake, it was supposed to be a revelation for the player, according to what I read in the book.

So it would have been a case of Nathan Drake keeping that a secret from his allies (and the player) for a good duration of the game, for some reason, which fits him not mentioning Sam Drake in any of the earlier games.

Drake knowing but the player not rubs me the wrong way too because then the twist isn't internally motivated by the narrative or characters.
Cant blame the team if it wasnt coming together. Last think you probably want is another Uncharted 3.

As for Amy leaving. I would guess she probably just had enough of the crunch mentality at ND. Its something Visceral has moved against since she has joined the team and partly why that game is taking so long to have its been reveal but after 15+ years of it at ND I cant blame her. Having to redo years of prep work on U4 could have just been the straw that broke the cammels back.

Also I wonder whats up with Bruce Straley. Dude "officially" took a year long sabbatical after shipping U4 but when I read that I could also read "we are just letting him sit out the rest of his contract before he bounces to another studio or goes teach at a Uni or something".


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I hope amy does well with her starwars game, but i guess it is reasonable that she left given the creative issues at play, and those plot points raise some flags for me, having nate not fire a gun for the whole first half of the game feels far worse than the over emphasis on platforming in the final game
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