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Trump takes shots at Kaepernick, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field’


A lot... A.... LOT of people don't equate "government" to the military.

It's one of the major hypocrisies of republicans, which those in congress are happy to take full advantage of. Government spending is bad...but you better not so much as question any increase in military spending or authority! Which of course leads to our military sector budget continuously increasing, along with the accompanying corruption in awarding government contracts.

I think one of my mom's primary voting rationales is, "[Whoever is the democratic nominee] doesn't support the troops." I've heard that line verbatim countless times over the past 3 election cycles. Of course, she can never actually substantiate and explain how exactly the democrat doesn't "support the troops."


I hope "taking the knee" becomes a global phenomenon. If only to see the MAGA crowds collective heads explode. They have got to learn that their movement is on the wrong side of history.
I hope "taking the knee" becomes a global phenomenon. If only to see the MAGA crowds collective heads explode. They have got to learn that their movement is on the wrong side of history.

They know they aren’t in the right side of history and don’t care. But if they happen to be, they feel that will erase any wrong doing they ever had or will do.
I need to stop reading comments. The whole "this generation just needs to die off" argument is such a pipe dream.




Everyday it feels like the states is on the brink of going into an insanewar with itself.

Not saying its true, just what it looks like from the outside in


So, where does the kneeling go from here? Does it sort of taper off next week and slowly fade out? Does Trump continue to escalate things throughout the week? Can we actually get some fucking white dudes to show true solidarity with their black teammates and kneel alongside them (assuming those teammates are OK with it)?
Everyday it feels like the states is on the brink of going into an insanewar with itself.

Not saying its true, just what it looks like from the outside in

Being on the inside it’s insane to watch. I can’t even imagine what people must think internationally. We are a circus every single week.


So, where does the kneeling go from here? Does it sort of taper off next week and slowly fade out? Does Trump continue to escalate things throughout the week? Can we actually get some fucking white dudes to show true solidarity with their black teammates and kneel alongside them (assuming those teammates are OK with it)?

If trump just shuts the fuck up.


Facebook is making me lost hope in humanity. So many people (I was/know veterans) and “disrespect” getting thrown around. How do i get it through their heads that isn’t what this is about?


Caught the start of a Redskins game on tv in the airport and saw all the kneelers during the anthem. I was so proud. Fucking sick of hearing how athletes and celebrities aren't allowed to have political views or protest.


Everyday it feels like the states is on the brink of going into an insanewar with itself.

Not saying its true, just what it looks like from the outside in

On 60 minutes tonight they had 6 Trump vs 6 anti-Trump people around a table talking. The end result was them saying the same thing, we aren't getting better and things are getting worse.

The Republicans need to realize that impeaching and getting rid of Trump and replacing him would, in the long run, be better for the country. Even the current vice president isn't liked by the left, he can be tolerated.


Neo Member
I didn't even watch the game today, but from what I've read and seen from the local news just some hours ago, I'm so, so proud of the Seahawks (even though they lost lol). I also happened to catch a news clip where a reporter said that many Seahawk fans - or just football fans in Seattle in general - stand with the players exercising their right to protest. It warms my Washingtonian heart.


On 60 minutes tonight they had 6 Trump vs 6 anti-Trump people around a table talking. The end result was them saying the same thing, we aren't getting better and things are getting worse.

The Republicans need to realize that impeaching and getting rid of Trump and replacing him would, in the long run, be better for the country. Even the current vice president isn't liked by the left, he can be tolerated.

Are you under the impression that Republicans care what's better for the country?


Just post the U.S. flag code and ask them what rule they are violating?


You’re assuming they care about facts.

Some girl on my Facebook posted a fake NFL rule saying you have to stand for the anthem.

I posted a snopes article saying it was false.

She said snopes was wrong, she verified with a player.

I linked her the actual rule book where it said nothing about standing for the anthem.

She deleted my posts and blocked me...and left her original “fake news” post up.

I don’t know how we as a species are going to survive this.
What I STILL don't understand from people defending the anthem so much.

1) Did people just suddenly forget about the historical context surrounding the anthem itself? The author of the anthem being a slave-owner, and having verses that pretty much echoes the same point being made today: that black people were inferior in about every way and any defense of their rights would be seen as negative. Particularly this verse that was wiped away that no one seems to remember:

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Just because it was wiped away, doesn't negate the issues of the anthem itself (in addition, I say this as someone who is anti-anthem because there is no relevance to today's times). The verse in question is tied to ideas about how Key was butthurt about slaves fleeing after the British offered a better situation for them in exchange for joining their cause, which resulted in the formation of the Colonel Marines. Amazing how much history repeats itself because Key thought it was appalling for Blacks to stand up for their rights, in the same way that people get so offended when black and marginalized people stand up for their rights. Having researched the anthem, I strongly feel that to defend the anthem would be akin to defending the statues that were torn down because of its roots in racism.

2) Why is there so much hyperidealization going on when it comes to the anthem as well as what it represents in the eyes of people? People conflate the meaning of the anthem as if it refers to American men who fought in WW1, and WW2 when its roots is actually in the War of 1812 (which was to fight off the British Empire, so notions of freedom doesn't really apply as well in this case). Not to mention the hypocrisy of silencing dissent when they fail to realize that if they argue freedom, then you must realize that you also have the freedom to voice your displeasure with the country as a whole. "Well if you don't like it then gtfo," misses the whole point unless you're intentionally obtuse and are the human representation that "ignorance is bliss." No country is without flaws and people should be working towards eliminating as many of these flaws as possible, not devolving and sticking to broken systems and formulas.

Additionally, I find it hypocritical to argue "disrespecting the flag"/"disrespecting the military" because it's being selective with history. No one mentions how marginalized groups like Natives and First Nations have become ostracized when the colonizers took over their land, so they pick "disrespecting the flag" as the hill to die on? All I'm saying is if you're going to make the argument that disrespecting the flag is a thing then: 1) recognize that the flag is a completely arbitrary creation of false and hyperidealized notions of what it means to be a good country, and 2) have the perspective to realize that the flag was and is not eternal, people were fucked over to get to this point in society.

/end rant
You’re assuming they care about facts.

Some girl on my Facebook posted a fake NFL rule saying you have to stand for the anthem.

I posted a snopes article saying it was false.

She said snopes was wrong, she verified with a player.

I linked her the actual rule book where it said nothing about standing for the anthem.

She deleted my posts and blocked me...and left her original “fake news” post up.

I don’t know how we as a species are going to survive this.

Are you able to @reply her friends? I would just spam the link while saying "u mad?" 😂

That's where we are at with our species.


I linked someone the actual NFL rules that doesn’t say anywhere people have to stand for the anthem and was threatened with my life. 😂


No but quite a few hate Trump and if they want any chance at the next election they should consider removing him if the opportunity presents itself.

When Trump goes, the racists go with him, and they sure don't want to talk about it, but Republicans can't win without racists. If there was a 1% chance they'd be better off at the polls without Trump, he'd be gone by now. If/when he goes down, the GOP is screwed and they know it.
When Trump goes, the racists go with him, and they sure don't want to talk about it, but Republicans can't win without racists. If there was a 1% chance they'd be better off at the polls without Trump, he'd be gone by now. If/when he goes down, the GOP is screwed and they know it.

Roy Moore beating Strange on Tuesday shows that Trump is only the beginning. He's just a useful vessel for the cause, they will find another.
You’re assuming they care about facts.

Some girl on my Facebook posted a fake NFL rule saying you have to stand for the anthem.

I posted a snopes article saying it was false.

She said snopes was wrong, she verified with a player.

I linked her the actual rule book where it said nothing about standing for the anthem.

She deleted my posts and blocked me...and left her original “fake news” post up.

I don’t know how we as a species are going to survive this.

That last bit might help explain why I feel so worthless right now.


They're buying that the protest is against the Flag or Merica.

Well I mean the President of the United States is saying that's what it is. There are people that will believe what a President tells them, especially this president.

But most I would assume just want to think that's what it is so they can hate without them thinking of themselves as racist.

It's not about race, it's about love fer muh country!

Hell even Trump said it's not about race. No you tool, that's exactly what it is unless you can find me one player kneeling that will say it's about disrespecting the military and the country.


What really gets me is a lot of these people who are die hard trump supporters and going nuts on FB for kneeling are women. Trump doesn’t respect women at all


Gotta give it to the republicans. They've made kneeling all about military and their supporters are eating it up


I feel like a minority for being a pats fan based on their fb page and fan pages. 99% of posts are cussing out Kraft for going against Trump and saying they hate the NFL now


Gotta give it to the republicans. They've made kneeling all about military and their supporters are eating it up

Next just protesting in any form will be about disrespecting the military and the country. Oh wait, it already is to them. Unless they are the kkk, then it's their first amendment rights.


You now belong to FMT.
How did we end up here... the NFL has two people boycotting over the same thing. I'm boycotting because Kaep doesn't have a job but then there are people that are saying they will be boycotting the NFL because of the kneeling that Kaep started. It's a no win...

Also people that are protesting are saying that this is not about disrespecting the military but they are being told that it is about the military. How the hell does that work.


I feel like a minority for being a pats fan based on their fb page and fan pages. 99% of posts are cussing out Kraft for going against Trump and saying they hate the NFL now

Antidotal but the pats fans I know are all racist that I hate to be around (extended family). I am vaguely wondering what they think about Krafts message.


How did we end up here... the NFL has two people boycotting over the same thing. I'm boycotting because Kaep doesn't have a job but then there are people that are saying they will be boycotting the NFL because of the kneeling that Kaep started. It's a no win...

Also people that are protesting are saying that this is not about disrespecting the military but they are being told that it is about the military. How the hell does that work.

Does kaep really not have a job bc he sat out tho?
Does kaep really not have a job bc he sat out tho?

Yes. There were a plethora of backup QBs signed in the offseason but arguably Kaep was better than all of them. I mean the Jets signed McCown...Kaep is better than all three of the Jets QBs on the roster.

Then again, they are also trying to tank :p.



Let me head over to twitter and check on the status of these Ray Lewis jokes...

*opens tweetbot*

*types Ray Lewis jokes*


Now I'm back and meme makers give no fucks. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

How did we end up here... the NFL has two people boycotting over the same thing. I'm boycotting because Kaep doesn't have a job but then there are people that are saying they will be boycotting the NFL because of the kneeling that Kaep started. It's a no win...

Also people that are protesting are saying that this is not about disrespecting the military but they are being told that it is about the military. How the hell does that work.

The military and patriotism have been coopted by conservatives as cheat codes to distract from relevant issues the opposition are involved in and support. It's like playing GTA 4 and dialing the cheat code as you hit four stars to wipe away trouble.

Just cite the military, wave the flag, and throw up MLK to discourage people from protesting. It's ironic coming from people that wave confederate flags.. As in the conferderacy where states rebelled against other states over the right to own slaves. These people see black people as property not people yet people wave these flags and reminisce over the good old days.
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