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EA shuts down Visceral, moves Star Wars game to EA Vancouver/others

Well then... I don't play multiplayer games. By the time I get there, all the younger kids with a shit ton of time on their hands have mastered it and it's not fun. I rely on single player games to enjoy the experience and the narrative in my own time. I really hate the direction the industry is heading. Surely someone will continue making games for my demographic. Of course, I have no one to blame but gamers. It's hard to fault company management for trying to maximize profits. I just wish no one ever bought loot boxes.


Neo Member
This sounds like the Star Wars game was focus tested to hell and back, and much like Visceral's original vision for DS 3, it didn't line up with what is most marketable to the masses. I'm now preparing for this Star Wars game to suck big time, full of open world multiplayer loot box microtransaction dlc pay to win dude bro bullshit fuck you EA.


I agree. In fact, EA had the kahunas to sacrifice one of the biggest IPs of last generation for the sake of getting in on that Destiny action with their flagship Action RPG developer known for their storytelling, world building and characters. These guys are now funneling down the same path as Bungie. Mass Effect was one of the biggest IPs of last generation alongside Uncharted and Assassin's Creed.

That says a lot. Not just about EA's strategy but the gaming industry as a whole. That's like if Sony tasked Naughty Dog to rush and release a broken mess of an Uncharted 4 so they can get started on a GaaS title.

EA are showing that all they care about right about are GaaS, mobile, EA Sports and microtransactions because that's where the money is. They have never been privy of playing the market, as popularly shown during 2013 when they backed Microsoft extremely hard to banning used games, which blew up in their faces.

Best wishes.
Mass effect was never on assassins creed level of games, it was critically acclaimed but never was a huge seller, there's a reason it chased after gears of war.

This whole visceral thing really sucks Amy hennig is a personal hero of mine, people talk about mgs being a pivotal moment in their gaming life well for me that was legacy of kain soul reaver. I was completely enraptured by it.
I wish the whole team and especially Amy the best she's awesome 👏🏾 if you have a chance listen to her on that game maker podcast (forgot the name)


Does this "pivot" involve turning a linear story game into an open world one with more opportunities for micro transactions like loot boxes? That's what this statement about them doing it reads like.

You don't close up a studio just because you want to add loot boxes. They pretty much rebooted the development. It won't be the same game.
Sony closed studios (remember Driveclub?)
Microsoft closed studios (remember Fable?)
All companies no matter the industry has sized down and up eventually.
Its not a religious thing, 'evil' or 'good'.
Its called business.

I wouldn't know what Sony does I have never owned a Sony console (been a PC gamer for 20 years). Yes Microsoft has closed studios and popular PC franchises. I am fully aware of the scumbag tactics Microsoft has used in the past to leech off the success of the PC platform for it's Xbox division.

Yet despite all that when you see Sony or Microsoft close a developer down you NEVER see the "Developer Pit of Death" meme posted. The threshold of developer closure with EA seems to be pretty minimal hence why that meme is trotted out with EA and not any other publisher. They have earned a reputation as the harbinger of doom when it comes to developers.

Now does any of this make EA "Evil" no of course not I just called them "Evil" to match their initials. It does make them greedy, incompetent, arse hats that have no interest in the health or future of the industry and will happily leech it dry which makes them pretty much short sighted scum bags.

It should be pretty easy to extrapolate what this game will look like after this change. Some one just shop a few $99 loot boxes into the scene and sprinkle a few/hundreds of micro transaction indicators in too and you will get a good idea of what the new version of the game will look like.


Neo Member
I wouldn't know what Sony does I have never owned a Sony console (been a PC gamer for 20 years). Yes Microsoft has closed studios and popular PC franchises. I am fully aware of the scumbag tactics Microsoft has used in the past to leech off the success of the PC platform for it's Xbox division.

Yet despite all that when you see Sony or Microsoft close a developer down you NEVER see the "Developer Pit of Death" meme posted. The threshold of developer closure with EA seems to be pretty minimal hence why that meme is trotted out with EA and not any other publisher. They have earned a reputation as the harbinger of doom when it comes to developers.

Now does any of this make EA "Evil" no of course not I just called them "Evil" to match their initials. It does make them greedy, incompetent, arse hats that have no interest in the health or future of the industry and will happily leech it dry which makes them pretty much short sighted scum bags.

When did this happen?

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
So given how the game is being revamped and such, we're never getting this, huh? 1313 all over again.

Can't imagine that that was anything other than a test render that would've been absent in the final game. 1313 at least had a vertical slice.


Sony need to bring Amy out on stage at one of their shows and announce her return. She might not have the face/name recognition of Kojima but she should. Let her maker her own studio and fund her games Sony. Your fans will love you for it!


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
People can bitch all they want, but if people aren't buying the games then they aren't going to make it.

You think it's the Studios making these choices... no it's gamers. Gamers buy lootboxes, gamers buy DLC, gamers buy GaaS.

You guys are mad at the wrong people.

Also, there's a good chance the game just wasn't coming together to be good enough. At that point you save what you can start over.


People can bitch all they want, but if people aren't buying the games then they aren't going to make it.

You think it's the Studios making these choices... no it's gamers. Gamers buy lootboxes, gamers buy DLC, gamers by GaaS.

You guys are made at the wrong people.

Pretty sure we know who's at fault and are rightfully "made" at them. Their last name rhymes with "farts".
This is fucking bullshit. First 1313 and now this. WTF man? SW BFII looks fantastic, but I really wanted that Uncharted like Star Wars game, and a Bioware RPG.

Sony need to bring Amy out on stage at one of their shows and announce her return. She might not have the face/name recognition of Kojima but she should. Let her maker her own studio and fund her games Sony. Your fans will love you for it!

Sony, or at least ND, seems to burn people out. At least based on high profile personnel quitting. That's not even to mention the other stuff that has come to light from that studio. Plus, I don't think they parted on good terms.
They're building the new game on the assets from Visceral's, so you might see that again... sort of?
Sure. If you want to see these assets in a multiplayer match.

Fuck this news and fuck EA. Guess my time to retire from gaming will be soon if everything is going to be online shitfest or GaaS. Hopefully Japan keeps up.
Sure. If you want to see these assets in a multiplayer match.

Fuck this news and fuck EA. Guess my time to retire from gaming will be soon if everything is going to be online shitfest or GaaS. Hopefully Japan keeps up.

This, indie games, and CD Projekt Red are the only reason I'm still playing games these days TBH. If Western AAA games were all we had, I'd have been done a long time ago.

Fortunately gaming is still a lot more robust than just the AAA, GaaS, lootbox-ridden sludge at the bottom of the barrel.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Pretty sure we know who's at fault and are rightfully "made" at them. Their last name rhymes with "farts".

Really? Games are a business. These projects cost a ton of money, and if it's not coming together, or it's going to cost too much for what it's projected to sell.. they will write it off and close the studio.

People don't play these kinds of games in enough numbers to support these huge efforts.

..but keep blaming the studios and not all the people flocking to dota2, PUBG, Hearthstone, Overwatch, GTAonline, etc.


Sony said:
Yeah I know it's wishful thinking. Wherever she lands I hope she gets well funded and is given the creative freedom to make what she wants. Love just about everything she's put her hands on. A rare talent in this industry!

Alt request- someone magically get her on board a Kain/Soul Reaver Reboot! Because pretty please!


Could you tell us a bit more of how ? Unless you are legally bound to not disclosure anything., that's cool if so.

I could but I probably shouldn't especially since I wasn't there at the end.

I was at EARS for over 17 years and I put a lot of blood sweat and tears into the titles I worked on there. I'm proud of the high points like the year we had ROTK, Everything or Nothing, and Tiger Woods come out and all of the games were critically acclaimed.
What are the chances of Ms Hennig returning back to Naughty Dog:)wishful thinking) just as how Mr Cory Barlog moved back to SSM after spending time away from the studio working with Crystal Dynamics and elsewhere?
I could but I probably shouldn't especially since I wasn't there at the end.

I was at EARS for over 17 years and I put a lot of blood sweat and tears into the titles I worked on there. I'm proud of the high points like the year we had ROTK, Everything or Nothing, and Tiger Woods come out and all of the games were critically acclaimed.

Omg this was a fantastic bond game on PS2, been asking for a remaster/remake!


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
I could but I probably shouldn't especially since I wasn't there at the end.

I was at EARS for over 17 years and I put a lot of blood sweat and tears into the titles I worked on there. I'm proud of the high points like the year we had ROTK, Everything or Nothing, and Tiger Woods come out and all of the games were critically acclaimed.

I just want you guys to know you did great work. Dead Space 1 and 2 are some of the best games the PS3/360 era has to offer.
So given how the game is being revamped and such, we're never getting this, huh? 1313 all over again.


Add three other guys in trenchcoats with gamertags floating over their heads and some scripted team chat banter and you've got the E3 2019 trailer ready to go. Pre-order now for the Dewback Map Pack.


Been waiting for this to happen to them for a long time now. Fucking shameful how many great studios have died at EA.

Thank you Visceral for all your cool games. Dead Space and DS2 were amazing, and I even enjoyed your lesser received titles like Army of Two: Devil's Cartel and Hardline for what that's worth too.


I could but I probably shouldn't especially since I wasn't there at the end.

I was at EARS for over 17 years and I put a lot of blood sweat and tears into the titles I worked on there. I'm proud of the high points like the year we had ROTK, Everything or Nothing, and Tiger Woods come out and all of the games were critically acclaimed.

Everything or Nothing was an amazing game and the best send-off Brosnan could have as Bond! Thank you!


Not as deep as he thinks
Don't care what the majority say, but Hardline is still a fucking amazing MP with all its exclusive modes and its my favorite Battlefield game. I really hate that the YouTube community basically destroyed the reputation of this game when Visceral did a lot of great things with the game. I still play hardline to this day and it sucks we'll never get a sequel.

Thanks for making an underrated and fun Battlefield game, Visceral. You'll be missed.


Really? Games are a business. These projects cost a ton of money, and if it's not coming together, or it's going to cost too much for what it's projected to sell.. they will write it off and close the studio.

People don't play these kinds of games in enough numbers to support these huge efforts.

..but keep blaming the studios and not all the people flocking to dota2, PUBG, Hearthstone, Overwatch, GTAonline, etc.

Sure, blame the consumer for not buying their offerings instead of EA's lengthy history of meddling with studios that results in a reduction in quality of their products like:
-Black Box
-Danger Close

It's almost like the problem isn't the studios but rather the publisher's management compromising the quality of their products (see also: Ultima VIII/IX's development) that may drive more savvy consumers to avoid EA's ilk like the plague.
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