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The state of NeoGAF

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Simpsons moment for everything foreal.



I, just, am at a loss of words. Been here for a decade. I refuse to judge people's personal lives of people I will never meet. One person shouldn't be the death of an community this large. Even if it is the owner.

I don't want to be banned, I just want to talk about games. It'll take awhile for things to get back to normal. Lets hope it gets that way very soon.


Rosa Lilium

Neo Member
I think the message is that this forum may not have been the safe space we thought it was and it's just going to go downhill from here on in. You've basically driven away the most progressive mods. Also, you're axing the political threads which were mostly left leaning. As a lesbian of colour, I was looking forward to posting here more often but even on the slight off chance you didn't do what you're being accused of, you've set in motion a process to turn NeoGAF into just as slimy a place as many of the worst gaming forums.

If you really care about NeoGAF, you'll draw up a plan to step down. For the record, I believe the women.
So ummm, I checked the kotaku article and HOLY SHIT:

They had a sexual relationship after the alleged incident? So why I should believe this person's accusations again?

This... is getting kinda dangerous though. A private facebook post blew up so so much, this will end up actually discouraging victims or people from sharing their incidents and that's pretty terrible. She should be given as much benefit of the doubt as Tyler, you don't shut down an accusation saying she's not to be trusted. There's much back and fort and fact checking to be done to say anything.

This is a delicate situation that should not be used to fuel mob anger.


If this thread is anything to go by, it seems like NeoGAF will be infested (or better yet, was already infested) with people that thinks standing against mysoginy, defending LGBT rights and calling out neonazis is considered SJW stuff.

No wonder Trump won the elections and Bolsonaro is heading its way to won in Brazil too. Having empathy became some sort of leftist meltdown, how fucking sad is that?

Eh, I doubt it. I'm sure a lot of members on here, don't buy into the "sjw" line of labeling. I hope- There is legit debate of LGBT rights and clamping down on both extreme sides of the debate, when OT does return (if it does), would be wrong and callous.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
You know what I've always hated most about Neogaf?

I rarely felt like I could speak my mind. You risked being called something terrible for simply asking a question, or asking for more evidence, or simply being on the fence about something. I realize people hate toxicity, but the ban culture here -fostered- toxicity because the bandwagon attack mobs were allowed to shower insults at will... even if the insults themselves were hate driven ['cunt', for example].

If you asked a question, you were accused of baiting. Do you guys realize how toxic that is? People should always be allowed to ask questions. If you asked for more evidence, you were done. Heck, I fucking hate Trump. But if I mention that? Then clearly, I'm lying... right? I'm just setting up for something else. Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I've been far more left than almost every one here for longer than most here have been alive... but just because I don't agree with their agenda I risk being painted as a fascist, which is absurd. That's a culture of fear. That's censorship through ideology shaming. I guarantee my anarchy trumps your fucking Clinton loving nonsense, but god forbid I say anything against Clinton, because I get painted as a Trump loving fascist. That's sick. Sick, sick, sick. Broken minds led by broken ideology ruled by broken moderation that can't handle being questioned.

Now, you know what? I don't know if you're guilty of anything. I don't know if what was said to happen happened, and honestly, even if it did, I don't know what signals were or weren't sent, or what level of miscommunication happened. So I don't particularly like that you were summarily executed by mob. My guess is you're full of shit... but I know that's just a guess. I know I have no idea. And I won't execute you for it, just like I wouldn't execute Naughty Dog, even though it was so much fun for people here to leap to ridiculous conclusions based on a single tweet.

But you know what? You fostered an environment that summarily executes with no evidence. So while I hate it, and I'll -always- be on the side of 'wait for more information' regardless of the topic, I can't say I can't see the sick humor of it all. Some people need to learn by example, and if you're truly innocent of all charges, then I hope next time someone gets accused of something you support the presumption of innocence. This is not saying I don't think horrible things happen all the time - they do... my wife has been sexually harassed at work and I know how hard it is to come forward and rock the boat.

If you're guilty, then I hope you learn. Evolve. Grow. Become a better person. Everyone can change, even though some swear no one can.

If you're innocent, then also learn. Evolve. Grow. The culture of 'no proof needed' you fostered is sick... it flies in the face of everything our collective cultures have learned and fought for over the past few millennia. You reaped what you sowed, and it's either ironic, or horrifying, based on your guilt... which I can never know.

I'll probably get banned for this post. I don't think I said anything worth being banned for. In fact, I think this is a pretty fair assessment of both your actions, the accusations against you, and the general culture of this site. If you ban me, fine. If you don't, I'll still be here, posting, because, honestly, I don't judge a community on a single individual member. Heck, I don't judge -you- based on actions of a previous you, because I know people change over time.

People learn. People grow. People evolve. Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Now it's time for you to do so, and in the process, evolve this site so it doesn't become an echo chamber of toxicity against anything deemed toxic.

Probably the most even-handed assessment of the whole thread.

The irony of this forum's "shoot first, ask questions later" modus operandi coming back to bite the owner's ass himself was not lost on me either.


I've been here for a while now and don't consider myself right-wing. But it felt like walking on eggshells in every discussion where politics were discussed.
I've had many temp bans and people pile up on me for fairly mild opinions. But this place became more and more extreme. And far more ideologically fuelled than based on commen sense. Because having a real discussion involving different perspectives in search of truth and understanding of other points of view became impossible.
What ever happened to soaking in all different perspectives and making up your own mind? Why do most opinions come from some kind of ideological dogma instead of something flexible worth discussing and thinking about? Why be so closed minded to anything challenging an ideological absolute truth?
Why does everything have to be black and white. While the real interesting stuff happens in the grey area's.
A shame Neogaf has such a bad reputation due to the Off Topic section but all I came here for WAS gaming discussions so I'm glad it's back for that.

The bad rep Neogaf had / has is due to people being outright banned if their views were different from the ones of the ruling party. Sympathise to TB? Banned. Stood neutral during gamergame? Banned! Don't think that diversity for the sake of diversity is good for video games? BANNED!

By all accounts it seems like EvilLore was wrongfully accused, but him getting a taste of his own poison is like poetry. Neogaf should be about video games, not about sensitive people behind the ruling scene.


You'll notice by my post that I haven't touched the EviLore subject at all. His actions in response to this debacle have ruined this community, and not what he may or may not have done with that lady back then.

You won't have a hard time finding discourse usually associated with the alt-right in this thread - stuff that a lot of users have been keeping to themselves in shame for a long time, but now feel safe enough to spit out there. It's dishearthening.

Oh for sure, but I would advocate for seeing how things turn out and if the new mod team is up to the task of making this a reasonable place where alt-righters and the likes aren't welcome. Some of them already got banned for their BS in this very thread. Give it a few days before coming to a conclusion.

I agree that Evilore could have handled this way better and I'm not sure if I want to frequent the place as often as I did before as long everything regarding the issue isn't cleared up. And as already said I'll have to see how the climate turns out to be. Best case scenario is that the mod team catches up on all the BS that is posted right now and gets rid of these people and we have even less closet racists than before. One can dream...

I'm also sharing the opinion that OT had some serious toxicity problems and I'm ok with it being shut down for a while, especially with the racists coming out of the woodworks that place would be a hellhole nobody who isn't an asshole would feel welcome in.
See this is just crazy. 1 idiot writes this and you try to condemn a whole website. How the fuck is this logical? Lots of recent OT members were like this. I just don't understand
Just like the people in this thread, claiming OT was a political hellhole despite it being a minority of users issuing the absolutist decrees you all are using? :)
If this thread is anything to go by, it seems like NeoGAF will be infested (or better yet, was already infested) with people that thinks standing against mysoginy, defending LGBT rights and calling out neonazis is considered SJW stuff.

No wonder Trump won the elections and Bolsonaro is heading its way to won in Brazil too. Having empathy became some sort of leftist meltdown, how fucking sad is that?

Aside from like 2 horrible posts I have no idea how people are reaching this conclusion. Being tired of left extremism and discussion shut down does not equal as being complacent with any of these things you said.


I'm as liberal as it gets, and I certainly wouldn't be the first to defend Evilore, but let's not make the situation out to be more than it was. Tyler awkwardly misread a situation, but the internet is making it seem like he assaulted the poor girl. When a man and a woman are sharing a hotel room, and there's alcohol involved, and someone goes in the shower and leaves the door open - it's not out of the realm of possibility that a person could misread the signs and make a pass. What's important is that both sides agree that, when she made it clear she wasn't interested, he backed off and respected her wishes. That's the difference between consent and non-consent.

This stuff is just so depressing and disturbing. Congrats, this place will now be overrun by the people you supposedly despise. Such hypocrisy and arrogance. Bye.


So ummm, I checked the kotaku article and HOLY SHIT:

They had a sexual relationship after the alleged incident? So why I should believe this person's accusations again?

You should do more research into the impact sexual assault can have on victims. It is unfortunately common that the victim ends up in some sort of relationship with the assaulter.

Obviously I don't know what happened that night but them being in a relationship down the line is unrelated to the alleged assault.
As the old members leave, the brand new ones, will stick around, join the forum and make this place bigger and better than ever.

The brand is tarnished, at this point. Anyone who is eager to join GAF while Tyler stays in the core leadership position is doing so with knowledge and consent towards his actions - or at minimum, his handling of the past two days.

It is not a group I would feel comfortable aligning myself with.


OT should stay dead for a while. Too much toxicity that seeped into the gaming side.

Respect for the owner will never come back for some, to those, goodbye.

There was a lot of good users here, and the gaming community was the only thing that kept me coming back. To them I say thank you for all the good times.

If all the reasonable people leave, then this is goodbye, maybe I'll catch you in some other place.

He has my full respect, until there is hard hitting evidence, he did nothing wrong. A lot of people here are making him out to be like Trump or Hitler.
All those idiots that totalled their gaf accounts for no reason.

Now consigned to all those bad UI forums. Oh well. Cya!

This is such a bullshit story. This could of been handled so much better though.


So ummm, I checked the kotaku article and HOLY SHIT:

They had a sexual relationship after the alleged incident? So why I should believe this person's accusations again?

And its impossible to rape your spouse/significant other right? (it isn't)
You know what I've always hated most about Neogaf?

I rarely felt like I could speak my mind. You risked being called something terrible for simply asking a question, or asking for more evidence, or simply being on the fence about something. I realize people hate toxicity, but the ban culture here -fostered- toxicity because the bandwagon attack mobs were allowed to shower insults at will... even if the insults themselves were hate driven ['cunt', for example].

If you asked a question, you were accused of baiting. Do you guys realize how toxic that is? People should always be allowed to ask questions. If you asked for more evidence, you were done. Heck, I fucking hate Trump. But if I mention that? Then clearly, I'm lying... right? I'm just setting up for something else. Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. I've been far more left than almost every one here for longer than most here have been alive... but just because I don't agree with their agenda I risk being painted as a fascist, which is absurd. That's a culture of fear. That's censorship through ideology shaming. I guarantee my anarchy trumps your fucking Clinton loving nonsense, but god forbid I say anything against Clinton, because I get painted as a Trump loving fascist. That's sick. Sick, sick, sick. Broken minds led by broken ideology ruled by broken moderation that can't handle being questioned.

Now, you know what? I don't know if you're guilty of anything. I don't know if what was said to happen happened, and honestly, even if it did, I don't know what signals were or weren't sent, or what level of miscommunication happened. So I don't particularly like that you were summarily executed by mob. My guess is you're full of shit... but I know that's just a guess. I know I have no idea. And I won't execute you for it, just like I wouldn't execute Naughty Dog, even though it was so much fun for people here to leap to ridiculous conclusions based on a single tweet.

But you know what? You fostered an environment that summarily executes with no evidence. So while I hate it, and I'll -always- be on the side of 'wait for more information' regardless of the topic, I can't say I can't see the sick humor of it all. Some people need to learn by example, and if you're truly innocent of all charges, then I hope next time someone gets accused of something you support the presumption of innocence. This is not saying I don't think horrible things happen all the time - they do... my wife has been sexually harassed at work and I know how hard it is to come forward and rock the boat.

If you're guilty, then I hope you learn. Evolve. Grow. Become a better person. Everyone can change, even though some swear no one can.

If you're innocent, then also learn. Evolve. Grow. The culture of 'no proof needed' you fostered is sick... it flies in the face of everything our collective cultures have learned and fought for over the past few millennia. You reaped what you sowed, and it's either ironic, or horrifying, based on your guilt... which I can never know.

I'll probably get banned for this post. I don't think I said anything worth being banned for. In fact, I think this is a pretty fair assessment of both your actions, the accusations against you, and the general culture of this site. If you ban me, fine. If you don't, I'll still be here, posting, because, honestly, I don't judge a community on a single individual member. Heck, I don't judge -you- based on actions of a previous you, because I know people change over time.

People learn. People grow. People evolve. Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Now it's time for you to do so, and in the process, evolve this site so it doesn't become an echo chamber of toxicity against anything deemed toxic.

This basically sums up how I feel about the situation. I was willing to give Tyler the benefit of the doubt and hear his statement but now that I've read it, I can see that he didn't really learn anything from this ordeal. It feels like doubling down. Especially concerning mods and the use of modbot.

Modbot was a mistake from the beginning. Giving mods a mask basically let them do anything they want, with no accountability? How did that sound like a good idea ever? It's good for you since you don't have to face up to any bad decisions. Not good for the community. Not good for fostering trust. If a mod makes an unpopular decision, he should be named so we can ask WHY. but the attitude seems to be "you don't need to know why. it's my way or the highway" again, not a good way to build trust or a sense of community.

Look at what's happening our country. citizens are demanding transparency, accountability, and dialogue from its elected officials. Values that neogaf would say that they agree with but values that the leadership here doesn't practice. Instead what we have 3 sets of rules, one for the boss, one for the mods, and one for everyone else. nobody is treated as an equal, at the very least everyone should have to play by the same set of rules. This forum does indeed resemble a communist country more than America, even the shitty America of today.

Something here needs to change and the change we need is NOT more protection for the leadership. Bring them down to earth and let them DISCUSS their decisions. That includes Tyler himself of course.

One last thing, why do you think that people are finally saying what they really feel, finally? Because people here are scared of being banned for discussing any little thing, even just asking a question. Do you really think that culture of fear is healthy for this or any forum? You really need to think about how we got here, from the great forum that it was back in 2006. If you're not willing to take your share of the blame, I'd say that you learned nothing.
This is something I've never understood when I was cleared for registration in 2015. So many times I had seen ridiculous posts but no way to report to mods, vs. TONS of other forums having this as a standard feature.
I don't know, I think it's a limitation of whatever terrible forum software Evilore is running GAF on. There isn't even a quick reply box without a userscript.

Like, for fuck's sake, just upgrade to Xenforo or a free/cheap forum software that supports better functionality than the nothing that GAF's software provides and come up with clear rules and moderation guidelines.


You just said that's the case.

Like, you literally did.

Yeah, no. You read that wrong. I’m saying that there are cases where the allegations were completely false and the accuser was fabricating the entire thing. I’m not saying this specific accuser is crazy or lying, I’m saying that with zero actual evidence I’m not hopping on this bullshit bandwagon. WTF happened to being innocent until proven guilty?? Since when is he said she said evidence of absolutely anything??

By simply stating that you are waiting on facts, look at all of the people who jump on you because of your “rape mentality” etc. It’s a bullshit hive mind that plagues GAF on many topics, and I won’t fall victim to that bullshit. I’ve been here 13 years and I’ve seen plenty of things happen and the knee jerk reactions that ensue. If and when this is confirmed I will leave the forum and accept the facts, but until then, I’m not going to act like a child with no life experience and assume anything based on heresay.


This... is getting kinda dangerous though. A private facebook post blew up so so much, this will end up actually discouraging victims or people from sharing their incidents and that's pretty terrible. She should be given as much benefit of the doubt as Tyler, you don't shut down an accusation saying she's not to be trusted. There's much back and fort and fact checking to be done to say anything.

This is a delicate situation that should not be used to fuel mob anger.

The mob anger is in full course against one side of the whole thing already though. Bringing up stuff like the post you quoted isn't fuel for mob anger, it's the opposite.
The way this is all being handled is inexcusably bad, it's just a master class in bad executive decisions. There isn't much community left here, but removing the Off Topic forum because the owner of the website allegedly did something disgusting several years ago -- and was identifies -- is punishing the community for disgusting decisions that the owner of the website made.

Evilore, the Off Topic forum did not make you make the wrong decision or do the wrong thing 2 years ago or 5 years ago. The Off Topic forum did not make Amir0x download child pornography. Yes, the Off Topic forum exposes risk for your business (these three issues are examples of that risk), but the reason your business is a business is largely because the site has both a gaming discussion area (which I think is the initial draw for most members) and then an off topic area (which most members also chat in). I think most people here became members to chat about videogames, but then naturally, you chat about other things you're interested in -- sports, movies, music, or the really specific topics like the Black Culture threads, developer/programming threads, or the communities like WrassleGaf or NFLGaf. Punishing those communities because you or your former staff are exposing your business to risk with poor choices is not the right way to handle this.

There have been a number of high profile sexual assaults in the news lately, and while most folks are talking about Harvey Weinstein, Liberty Mutual -- the investment firm -- has also recently fired two employees for sexual misconduct at the workplace. It wouldn't be right for Liberty Mutual to say, "We're not having the company Christmas Party, because Christmas parties is what got us into this mess in the first place," or "We're not going to participate in social out reach because social out reach has made us look like hypocrites with these sexual assaults." No, because it's not The Christmas Party or the Social outreach program that's causing the problem: It's bad, hurtful, or illegal decisions made by you or by some former staff members.

You've always had a reputation for making brash decisions, and most of these have not faired well for you. Poorly thought out statements about Amir0x that bent the truth, came too late, and just weren't handled correctly; decisions to ban certain topics from being discussed; decisions to ban certain members or former staff, and scores of others. This, though, is clearly the worst decision and it shows in inability to accept fault. This decisions seems to simply be another projection: "I've made bad decisions in my life and business, and so the business must be punished." That doesn't make any sense, it's selfish and delusional.

You have an opportunity to make the right decision. Obviously you feel like this site is your baby and "it's your's," but this business exists in spite of you, not because of you. It can be hard for a CEO or business owner to give up something that they think is theirs, many CEOs resist this and are befuddled when their board ousts them for a business that they themselves launched. The right thing for you to do would have been to announce that you're taking an indefinite leave of absence from NeoGaf. Revenue from the site would be put into an escrow account to cover expenses and hire staff who would manage it in your absence. A board of staff (moderators, admins) would be formed to hire staff who would manage the site and support the community. Those would be base level decisions which would ensure, at least, some integrity with the site which would keep at least some members around. The site would persist and could possibly bounce back, ultimately you wouldn't be punishing your customers or your business for your own bad decision. Instead, you made the wrong decision with how this was handled and then continually made the wrong decision with how you're going to move forward with this, instead of holding yourself accountable, you're punishing the community that has made your business successful.

It shows an utter lack of self-awareness which then also undermines any integrity that you're trying to preserve against allegations like the ones you're facing.
i really enjoy all the fuckboi right wing cry babies come out of the woodwork to cry about how "they were oppressed" or some shit. fuck off. get better views. but hey you now have an ally on this sinking ship!

get fucked evilore. enjoy your sinking worthless piece of shit site. no one is going to want to care about a toxic alt-right infested shitshow but i guess you finally get to show your true colors!

I hope it was all worth it to you. Now you'll never get those millions you consistently bragged about the site being worth.

oh and yeah i used ad block my entire time here. you never saw a cent from me you piece of fucking shit.

The bad rep Neogaf had / has is due to people being outright banned if their views were different from the ones of the ruling party. Sympathise to TB? Banned. Stood neutral during gamergame? Banned! Don't think that diversity for the sake of diversity is good for video games? BANNED!

By all accounts it seems like EvilLore was wrongfully accused, but him getting a taste of his own poison is like poetry. Neogaf should be about video games, not about sensitive people behind the ruling scene.

1. No one got banned for "sympathizing with TB." That's a gross oversimplification.

2. There is no neutral when it comes to GamerGate. Either you support women or you support harassment.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
This mob justice behaviour is embarrassing. It's 4chan levels of embarrassing. An allegation has been made, no proof has been delivered and people are losing their minds. It is truly sad.

It makes sense. That kind of mentality was the norm over in OT. Hell, even in Gaming really. Any community like that is doomed to be fractured from infighting.


Isn't Evilore saying the described situation didn't even happen in the first place?

Whether it happened or didn't, if you believe her version of the event, he didn't sexually assault her. He misread a situation, she voiced her lack of consent, and he backed off. To make it a crime to misread a situation like that is preposterous. That would mean every guy who ever went in for a kiss and had the girl pull away is a sexual deviant. That's an insane border to set. The threshold in that situation is entirely based on his actions after she voiced her lack of consent. The fact that, in her own version of the story, he did not press the situation after she made it clear that she was not interested means that he reacted the way he was supposed to react in that situation.

Yes getting in the shower with someone is super awkward, but it doesn't sound like anything close to sexual assault in the circumstances. Had he refused to leave the shower when she asked him to - then by all means, tar and feather him. But that's not what happened by her own account.
I think he's implied that a lot of people were kinda afraid to moderate the OT board once it started getting out of control, for fear of being called any number of names or being piled on. Ironically the labeling of everybody as a trump voter or a nazi sympathizer was rampant there if you disagreed with something.
In which case, again, why not do anything about that until now? That doesn't answer the question at all. He could have taken care of that at any time. But didn't. Or even given any indication that he thought it it as a problem that needed to be solved at all. So why nothing, not even a murmur, until now? Doesn't add up.

In addition, that sounds like what everything being anonymous is designed to solve. So why nuke everything on top of that? Nothing about it makes sense.

All it does is destroy half the communities on the sites for no reason. There are ways to solve those problems. But this was not one of them. Not an acceptable one, in any case.
Can there be a grace period where OT stays open but no new posts? I wanted to save links from the Saving Up for Retirement and Institutional Racism threads.


Unconfirmed Member
[Redacted as the member no longer wishes to be associated with this website, and the reputational damage and distress caused by association with this website. In addition, the user considers that the action of the management, and the nature of the site and members of its community, renders the original terms and conditions of this site void, and it unconscionable for either side to be bound to them. The user reasserts their IP rights in all content and does not give any authority for its continued usage on this website. Despite requesting that the user's account be deleted, in accordance with data protection rules which apply to this website over multiple jurisdictions, the admin team have failed to delete this account, requiring the user to take its own steps to ensure the valid deletion of data.]


The bad rep Neogaf had / has is due to people being outright banned if their views were different from the ones of the ruling party. Sympathise to TB? Banned. Stood neutral during gamergame? Banned! Don't think that diversity for the sake of diversity is good for video games? BANNED!

By all accounts it seems like EvilLore was wrongfully accused, but him getting a taste of his own poison is like poetry. Neogaf should be about video games, not about sensitive people behind the ruling scene.

You should still be banned for all of those. TB is a known GamerGater, and we know how cancerous that turned out to be. Also diversity is a good thing, it'd be boring not to have it.


Some of y'all just continuing to act like nothing happened are just as bad as Malka to be honest.

I'm taking a risk by not putting forward my absolute verdict of the story.

But that doesn't mean I want to see fellow Gaffers lose all their sanity and embark on just 1 liner post suicides.

This is not what the GAF community was about. That doesn't mean I want the place to now go ultra-right and "lets just play teh games and forget minorities" but I also don't support "SCREW YOU, I'm disgusted and out of here!".

It just lacks substance and makes us look even more sillier than we need to be. I know when I first used the internet in my teens, I had a lot of fun just shouting my mouth off and pretending I could solve all problems in life like that.

But now growing up, it's quite obvious life is much more complex then just being angry on a message board.
The mob anger is in full course against one side of the whole thing already though. Bringing up stuff like the post you quoted isn't fuel for mob anger, it's the opposite.

The more posts I see about "Yeah why should we believe her doesn't seem reliable????" the more I have to disagree with you. That's why these things are settled in court and not in fucking NeoGaf for Christ's sake


Probably the most even-handed assessment of the whole thread.

The irony of this forum's "shoot first, ask questions later" modus operandi coming back to bite the owner's ass himself was not lost on me either.


This is the way it's been for awhile and why I often stayed away from the OT side.

People who automatically jump to conclusions and jump people if they say anything they disagree with. The OT should have been cleansed ages ago, but they let it fester into the cesspool it became, and I'm glad its gone until this forum gains more open minded users.


Tried shit posting a few times to get a ban but I'm sick of getting ignored so I'll ask it here in this sticky thread. to those anonymous mods browsing the forum right now ban me Don't wanna be apart of a forum where Evilore is in charge.
It's hilarious seeing people go ape shit over a total non-story. He misread the situation and made a move. The horror.
Apparently it's a big enough deal for him to delete half of his site over, despite giving absolutely no indication that he was ever considering such a thing at any point beforehand. It's weird to see people saying people are making a big deal over nothing, when Tyler seems to have had the largest reaction out of anyone.


When off topic returns, it should have sections for community and for politics. And while I don't want the politics section to be as redundant as it was at times it definitely needs to be obviously moderated well enough to where it doesn't become an alt right cesspool.

Oh and look at the quote from above me:
Fuck Evilore, and fuck the pussy he came out of. Your mom's should've swallowed your punk ass.

Truly the writings of a sane, feminist abuse victim supporter.
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