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The state of NeoGAF

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The bigger this thread gets, the less and less I recognize any of the names or avatars. The number of people who have left was relatively small, but they were the most prominent posters and thread creators. This community is rapidly changing already and it's only been back online for a few hours.

Guess everyone will be happier for it. Those who wanted a board that was like GameFAQs, except slightly more modern, will have it. Those who came to GAF for the communities, industry talk, and not being gaslighted by the owner will find other places to congregate.

I recognize a lot of the names in here still. Some I agree with and some I don't. Maybe's it's possible there's a ton of members you never knew about and interacted with? Is it really such a bad thing that you're forced to interact with people you've never did before?

Or is everyone you've never met a lesser than the names you see more often? If that's the case, that's called an echo chamber my friend.
This forum has definitely turned into the same kind of woman-hating cesspit every other gaming websites has been for a long time. How sad.

Fuck you, EviLore.

I don't know man,it seems people with your kind of statements being spammed all over the place in unfocused and reckless anger are the ones making this place worse.


Yes, it's a horrible thing for women to go through. The justice system is far from perfect, and it will never satisfy everyone, but it's still the best we can do. The alternative is to give people the power to point and anyone they want and ruin their lives. That is a very dangerous road to go down.
No it's notttttt fuck offffff. Jesus Christ. Is this going to be cool to post here now?


Unconfirmed Member
[Redacted as the member no longer wishes to be associated with this website, and the reputational damage and distress caused by association with this website. In addition, the user considers that the action of the management, and the nature of the site and members of its community, renders the original terms and conditions of this site void, and it unconscionable for either side to be bound to them. The user reasserts their IP rights in all content and does not give any authority for its continued usage on this website. Despite requesting that the user's account be deleted, in accordance with data protection rules which apply to this website over multiple jurisdictions, the admin team have failed to delete this account, requiring the user to take its own steps to ensure the valid deletion of data.]


It seems like being a balanced individual is so hard for some people.

Harassment is bad, false accusations are bad, diluting the meaning of the word "harassment" including everything in it is also bad and doesnt help victims of real sexual harassment.

Judging someone without knowing both side of a story is wrong, especially when said story is not some violent episode, but seems more like a goofy and poor attempt that ended the moment she said "no", in an easily misunderstood situation between friends sharing a room during a trip. I dont know if there is more to it from any side, and that is why i cant judge anyone. Especially when you could ruin someone else reputation for years.

I dont know Evilore, i dont know the woman. From reading some of the posts i started thinking that he had a horrible past and a trail of victims, but then i did read that what he did in the past was touching someone ass in a club (which is bad, but surely not what i pictured in my mind after reading some comments). If you go to a club, you will see "crazy" stuff from both genders.

Then there are the account suicides that throw gross insults, images and other offensive content. Those people are basically harassers who dont even realize it because they think they are on a higher moral ground, which is the sad irony.

I support equality, i would love to live in a world without prejudice and pitchforks. I wont believe ANYONE blindly, because people can lie and can do bad things; men and women are people.
I understand the need to support victims, but its not by claiming that you will believe women always and forever, whatever they say and no matter what, that you will support the cause. Especially when you want harassment (be it sexual or psychological) to stop, for everyone.
I did read some good posts that ended with that and i was confused about how a person that just wrote something smart and thoughtful could agree that blindly believing anyone based on any characteristic can help anything. It only provides fuel for attacks from people that actually support sexual harassment and bad behaviour.

Being sensible, listening to people's stories, and being helpful is what matters. Taking sides and defending them no matter what is asinine and leads to chaos and perpetual pointless fights.
Similar position to you, and agree fully that OT had a news mix that was calibrated just right for geeks like most of us.

If anything, OT is required more than ever as a temporary stress relief area to take the pressure off the Gaming area. Most of the zealots, from both spectrums, inhabited that area anyway.

Yes I agree with that. Otherwise the gaming section folks would be even more alienated than they are now. There's a need for a safety valve of sorts.


Based on quotes from former mods in the WayPoint article, I can see that this whole situation has been handled very, very poorly. Glad to see some sense from the mods in there. I can't believe modding is now anonymous. Makes everything even more toxic. Allegations aside, all moderators leaving at once is a very worrying sign about how things are internally handled, at least in my book. The article truly put things into perspective. I suggest everyone to read it. Take these quotes for example:

"Internet drama isn't new to NeoGAF," said one moderator, "but when the allegation is that the site owner sexually harassed someone, and it is allowed to spiral out of control to a point where it's a really bad look, it's hard to justify sticking around without a knowing that there's a clear plan ahead. Not knowing how this would move forward is what sealed the deal for me. It's impossible to moderate the forum in future in good faith when I'm unable to honestly answer valid questions people might have about this matter."

"Hours went by, no statement," said another moderator. "Other mods were starting to complain about how much crap they were receiving off-site. It was starting to seem really familiar. Scrolling further down, no statement."

Or this from the Amirox scandal:

"At that time," said one moderator, "news came in fast and we as a staff together decided to try to contact [Malka] and let him formulate a statement, because it's his site and all of that. It took quite a while to get in contact with him, and once he did, he dawdled on writing a statement. The statement he did put out ended up being far, far less than any of us had hoped for, and actually ended up putting crosshairs on some of us."

Because of this, I don't know if I want to be associated in any form with this site anymore. I truly don't. Anyone feeling the same way? I guess I can only play the wait game and see how this unfolds. If I get banned for bringing this up I guess my opinion is not wanted here.


So why are you here? And no matter how hard you try, you can't change the legal definition of sexual assault. Yes, sexual assault is frighteningly common. It's cool that you don't give a fuck, but you don't speak for everyone.
You don't, either. Nobody is going to get charged for grabbing an ass. It's a poor thing to do, something that needs to stop happening, but not a thing that should ruin somebody's life.


For all those thinking, "I never ventured into OT, so who cares?" go take a look at gaming community. Communities like Giant Bomb, Easy Allies, Destiny 2, Hearthstone, etc, some of the most diehard gamers on this site are leaving in mass

These people don't realize them are the actual content maker and newsbearer.

Precisely because how hardcore they were into their hobbies.
Asking to be banned so you can show off is not protest, protest is not actually entering the website or posting.

It is protest. It's a public display that they don't agree with something. Your suggestion is the opposite, as it doesn't display an obvious displeasure in anything specifically.

Nobody is going to get charged for grabbing an ass.

As someone currently studying criminal law, don't speak on things you don't know anything about.
Yes, it's a horrible thing for women to go through. The justice system is far from perfect, and it will never satisfy everyone, but it's still the best we can do. The alternative is to give people the power to point and anyone they want and ruin their lives. That is a very dangerous road to go down.
The dangerous road is the one we're already on. It's a cultural problem to solve. Hiding behind civil institutions to avoid changing culture is what will get our civil institutions destroyed.

I get the feeling this sticky is meant to weed out people that care.


I'm glad you're sticking around entremet! I've seen a lot of posts talking about how the good posters have been leaving in droves but a lot of the posters I enjoy reading seem to be staying put and I'm glad you're one of those posters.

I agree a lot with you also, I've only ever been banned for what I think was favoritism for Destiny but I know there have been a few times I felt like I needed to be on good behavior in PoliGAF threads. So as I've said, I really hope something good comes from all this in the end. Have to weather the storm first before we can see our way out of it though.

I really can't keep up with those splinter forums. We'll see how everything plays out. I'll miss the better posters who left, but GAF's appeal was mostly the fast-moving news topics for me.
The bigger this thread gets, the less and less I recognize any of the names or avatars. The number of people who have left was relatively small, but they were the most prominent posters and thread creators. This community is rapidly changing already and it's only been back online for a few hours.

Guess everyone will be happier for it. Those who wanted a board that was like GameFAQs, except slightly more modern, will have it. Those who came to GAF for the communities, industry talk, and not being gaslighted by the owner will find other places to congregate.
Unfortunately that’s what will get me to leave - if the quality of posts, OTs etc goes down because all the veterans left. I kept seeing names I didn’t recognize doing the account suicides and was hoping the good posters were staying. But maybe they all just left quietly.
What a time to be alive ! LOL.

But seriously, i´ll concede a chance for Evillore, it´s so easy for a woman to come with something like this and then (after is disproved) get away without any consequences.


If you really did it, you´re finished.
Uhh no he isnt. He fostered this kind of forum, where anyone with a slight against women is puked out at the first sighting.

Not that I dont agree with that, we should all be for empowering women, treating them with respect and not jump naked in the shower with them after they had been puking in the toilet.

Then he releases this BS statement in where he victim blames and says the girl is mentally unstable.

No matter what exactly happened ( because we dont know ) his response is garbage imo.

I 100% agree with you there. That was one of the reasons why I rarely posted here. You reap what you sow I guess.


GAF ain't dead. OP just misread a situation. If I go on a road trip with a female and we're drunk in a hotel room out something I'd be trying to fuck too. She refused and he got upset. Didn't rape her. Just wasted money on a trip and didn't get any pussy. I woulda been upset too. Like always GAF overreact to the situation like everything else.

Hope you guys happy at New era.
Yeah, nah eat a bag a dicks.

First off, he tried taking advantage of a drunk chick in a shower.

Then, he tries to remove all free speech from his site (which is technically his right) by nuking OT, so no one can question him.

Thirdly this place has always been a left wing hell hole, I'll tolerate a lot of crap but I draw the line at this shit.

Again, eat a bag of dicks.
For all those thinking, "I never ventured into OT, so who cares?" go take a look at gaming community. Communities like Giant Bomb, Easy Allies, Destiny 2, Hearthstone, etc, some of the most diehard gamers on this site are leaving in mass

Until the new forum doesn't gain traffic and dwindles away.

It's the cool thing to leave right now. Look at everyone jumping on the bandwagon.

GAF will come back from this.
A lot of immature people around here.. I am glad many are getting banned because unfortunately it creates a toxic environment.

On the subject, everybody is innocent until proven guilty.

Moving on :)
The bigger this thread gets, the less and less I recognize any of the names or avatars. The number of people who have left was relatively small, but they were the most prominent posters and thread creators. This community is rapidly changing already and it's only been back online for a few hours.

Guess everyone will be happier for it. Those who wanted a board that was like GameFAQs, except slightly more modern, will have it. Those who came to GAF for the communities, industry talk, and not being gaslighted by the owner will find other places to congregate.

This post is spot on.

I’ve been a member of GAF/NeoGAF since 98. I’ve seen the forum transition from GAF with Jim to NeoGAF with Evilore, and while there has been some petty shit on his end, like fat shaming and temper tantrum posts, the real problematic stuff, like the Amirox situation or the thing in Spain, is what has led up to this point. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Mods like Mumei stepped down because of their issues with Evilore a few years back, while some stayed on. But it’s clear that at this point, people want to distance themselves because it’s a huge red flag. I saw the message Evilore sent to his mod team that’s floating around. It reads as someone detached from the reality of the situation but feels like he is the victim in all of this. I understand why all of the admins and mod team left.

The communities I would come here for are gone, they’re all on Discord waiting to migrate over to ResetEra. That’s the heart and soul of GAF. I understand there are a lot of people here who were lurkers and recently became members, or less prominent posters that will pick up the slack, but it’s not the same. Evilore didn’t make GAF what it was, it was the community. I just don’t see those people here and there’s no reason to try and rebuild when the transparency is completely gone now.

I am shocked at some people and their reactions to brush things aside from some gaming news.
The thing is, we don't have enough infirmation to discuss this case. This is no handwaving. It's common sense.

There was an interview with her
The entire forum was nuked

Do you need some dna evidence too? Should we call in stabler and munch to investigate? Maybe get Lenny and briscoe for some back up.

This wasn’t some one of line. It was a story. And every time you tell someone “we need more evidence “ you make it harder and harder for other victims to speak up. Notice how she didn’t ask for his head on a stick? It was all about sharing experiences.

Can't disagree with you there, even if i think it's the most inneficient form of protest possible

So what’s more efficient? Silence?


As someone currently studying criminal law, don't speak on things you don't know anything about.
In Spain it's not.

You're openly shitting on "left wingers" and coming with gamer gate bullshit
I voted a comunist party in the last elections. I shit on what you consider to be left, which is nothing but modern moral elitistic pitchforking. I guess you voted the Democrats and still feel very left, lol.


Until the new forum doesn't gain traffic and dwindles away.

It's the cool thing to leave right now. Look at everyone jumping on the bandwagon.

GAF will come back from this.

Regardless how the new forum performs, it will take decades for gaf to cultivate what it previously had.

And that's assuming all these people with strong moral beliefs will be back.

I seriously doubt new guy can take the mantle, I was simply an outsider in Salesgaf but these people are who tracked them do it for years.

No one said it isn't, but the punishment does not fit the crime.

Using an umbrella term to mask the severity of the actions involved doesn't make the butt grab a life destroying rape.

I hope EL gets what he deserves, but come now, he hasn't been raping children for years under the protection of the BBC, let's not act like he has.
A lot of immature people around here.. I am glad many are getting banned because unfortunately it creates a toxic environment.

On the subject, everybody is innocent until proven guilty.

Moving on :)

Agree with you 100%. That doesn’t mean you support people who abuse women, but it is still innocent until proven quilty. And comparing this to Weinstein who has been rumored to do this for decades and who has tons of accusers isn’t the smartest move.


If ppl want to be banned so what? What "attention" are they seeking?

Please enlighten me.

Could you enlighten me as to what being banned achieves?

It's just ironic that they want this forum to die, yet they've come back to add to the forum traffic and post count.

Not coming back at all, and reducing post count and traffic, would have a much stronger effect.

Also you might be surprised but some people do thrive off of internet attention. It's the basis of all social media, getting likes, positive comments etc. Some people need that reassurance. So some people are hoping to get "virtual high fives" and "Yeah you tell him" internet karma.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Glad GAF is back. And glad the changes are coming. Mods were way too overbearing here and I most was on good behavior. Honestly the board moved too fast for consistent moderation. The exodus should help somewhat, but there has clearly been a problem for a while.

You and I bonded once over a moment of bristling at strict moderation/dogpiling/hivemindery. But I'm surprised you're peachy with what's happening right now.

I'd ask you to think about why the social/political aspect of GAF is being surgically scooped out tonight, and if it has anything to do with making a better community at all.

It doesn't. This is about protecting the leader from criticism, and keeping ad dollars flowing to him. This isn't more freedom of speech.... it's less. And it's in the direction of sheltering one man.
It is bizarre to me to even consider removing political discussion in a time like this. Political discussion, for now and for the forseeable future, is going to permeate every medium that would be discussed.

I think this was a special place, but that was because we all lived in the illusion that it belonged to us. It couldn't help but be us, the collected thoughts of thousands of people from many walks of life on our greatest passions, but it's owned by a person, and people will always fuck up. Does that mean we ought to destroy this place when they inevitably do?

I'll be honest, I'm more inclined to believe the other person's story than Tyler's. And that's why this sucks. I don't want the existence of the community I'm part of to depend on the behavior of a single person. But it does in this instance, and that reality is what is making this situation untenable.

Yes of course this was the main problem even if it's not in plain sight. The forum is privately owned by a single person. If it was sold to some corporation there would have been no meltdown at all, the person in charge would have resigned and things would probably have been resolved smoothly. The kinf of uniquiness and freedom that private ownership made possible also made this sitution much more complicated.
Yeah, I'm out.

An innocent person doesn't take their whole community down for "maintenance" to hide from accusations. Furthermore, hiding behind an anonymous moderator account while actively deleting negative (and rightfully so) threads and posts is pathetic.


I really can't keep up with those splinter forums. We'll see how everything plays out. I'll miss the better posters who left, but GAF's appeal was mostly the fast-moving news topics for me.
Yep, exact same here. I really enjoy how all the news topics move as well.

Still, when it comes to the splinters I think I'll still keep an eye on them just because there probably will be some posters I like over there but I know ResetEra or anything won't ever be what NeoGAF used to be. Conversely, maybe NeoGAF won't be what it used to be either. But if it does continue I at least want to be here to try and contribute in it going in a good direction still. I still would like this place to be LGBT and Feminism friendly, just without all the hostility or cliques.
Regardless how the new forum performs, it will take decades for gaf to cultivate what it previously had.

And that's assuming all these people with strong moral beliefs will be back.

I seriously doubt new guy can take the mantle, I was simply an outsider in Salesgaf but these people are who tracked them do it for years.
You don't need 'strong moral beliefs' to talk about video games.

You just need to know about, play, enjoy and have something to discuss... about video games.

The posters who flashed their 'strong moral beliefs' NEVER posted about video games, and that was the problem.

I have strong morals. I just don't see GAF as a meaningful outlet for them. Because it's a video game forum.


A strange and disappointing story, this. Strangest of all is perhaps that I've managed my way through 50+ years of life without sexually harassing anyone even once. These days, I feel like the exception.

To me, Gaf is done. It was a good run.

Peace out.


I, just, am at a loss of words. Been here for a decade. I refuse to judge people's personal lives of people I will never meet. One person shouldn't be the death of an community this large. Even if it is the owner.

I don't want to be banned, I just want to talk about games. It'll take awhile for things to get back to normal. Lets hope it gets that way very soon.

Yep, exact same here. I really enjoy how all the news topics move as well.

Still, when it comes to the splinters I think I'll still keep an eye on them just because there probably will be some posters I like over there but I know ResetEra or anything won't ever be what NeoGAF used to be. Conversely, maybe NeoGAF won't be what it used to be either. But if it does continue I at least want to be here to try and contribute in it going in a good direction still. I still would like this place to be LGBT and Feminism friendly, just without all the hostility or cliques.

Good luck. LettersGAF is moving to ResetEra. I got the message that our Discord community is ready to go for registration once the invites open up to us.
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