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Xbox UK makes fun of PS5 on Twitter, removes tweet almost immediately


The little disk on the bottom of the series X looks alright there, I thought it would stick out intrusively, so that's good

yeah I think its there to keep space for air flow even if its on its side in a cabinet then it will have enough space to pull in air


To be fair being an xbox/Nintendo fan in Sony land is tough business. It's 2021 and when talking to other adults who play video games (and not talking about fifa and cod, I'm talking bloodborne-tlou "real" gamers) and I tell them how awesome BOTW is I get the standard canned response "but that's a Switch game, right? My kids have a Switch".

And Xbox? Don't even get me started with that. Back when I had the 360 NOBODY wanted to play games at my home "it's got a weird controller, the sticks are in the wrong place right?", "can i play gran turismo? No, but Forza is dope. Yeah I don't know it's not gran turismo then", "can it play Sony games? No. Why did you buy it then? It's got its own games. Oh, that's cute". And so on.
I dont see any equivalent to sasel or mil grau on the playstation camp


Golden Boy
How lame 😂
Flipping an XSX sideways looks like it randomly fell over, with the stand now being exposed.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I understand and I knew from previous experience of them that they would put everything on Halo for launch . I get it’s a big franchise, I don’t like it but it’s popular and the state it’s in currently will disappoint a lot of people.

They should never have set up 343 and Coalition as single IP studios. They could have had a second team with something new lined up for launch window that wasn’t a Gears spin off or yet another Halo that would possibly excite and going into mid to late 2021 Infinite follows and the momentum and excitement of the brand builds steadily.

The build up to the release of this console has been underwhelming imo and Sony’s hasn’t been great either. I read the digs at the new Spider-Man game basically being a DLC type game but why aren’t more calling out Xbox for having a demo like Bright Memory classes as launch title? It’s a prologue to the full game out next year that takes roughly 60-80mins to complete. How much will they charge non Gamepass members to play that? See what I’m getting at?

A enticing subscription service shouldn’t be the be all and end all for the platform in my opinion.

I have never played Halo but I have watched the Halo Infinite gameplay trailer 12 times. It needs to be improved visually, especially the lighting and facial animations as well as the animations for when enemies get blown up by a grenade which should be body parts flying instead of just falling down to the ground. With that said though, I do love the art style and art direction. I like the general aesthetic of the game and the gameplay, combat and shooting mechanics seem to be top notch. Soundtrack is by the guy that did Ori so no worries there. I am expecting the story and characters to be great especially with Joseph Staten overlooking it all. People expected to be wowed and they weren't. Me personally, I just want an excellent game that makes me interested and care about the characters and world. Visuals can be a 10/10 but that won't matter if every other aspect is a 5/10. I'm expecting Halo Infinite to be released on November 5th, 2021 so they have 15 months since it's delay to get the game where it needs to be.

I don't have an issue with 343 or Coalition being single IP studios because that is why they were created. I know Coalition is supposed to have a new IP after Gears 6 as that will wrap up the current trilogy. 343 needs better leadership and perhaps even more importantly, more full time staff because having contractors coming and going every 18 months or so if I remember correctly isn't going to help. Microsoft needs to get 343 "set" once Halo Infinite releases so they won't have any more setbacks or issues like they did with Halo Infinite. Halo Infinite is also going to be a long term game so I don't see them working on anything else unless Halo Infinite bombs when it releases which I don't believe that it will.

I have been way more hyped for Xbox Series X (have two of them pre-ordered) than I have been PlayStation 5. Main reason is that good or bad, Microsoft is being completely transparent while Sony continues to hide. PS5 tear down was fine but I want to know all the features that the console has. Huge debate if it's RDNA 2 because Sony keeps saying "based". Like, WTF does that mean? If you're missing RDNA 2 features, then you're technically not RDNA 2. Plus, no one outside of the engineer guy has touched a PlayStation 5. That controlled environment bullshit was such a shitshow. Sony gets a pass for it but I look at it this way - if it was Microsoft, they would be bashed to hell because it wasn't any good.

Knowing that Microsoft sent out Series X a whopping 7 weeks before launch to Gaming websites, YouTubers, Digital Foundry, Austin Evans, etc. shows me that they have extreme confidence in their product and what they built. Sony hasn't sent PS5 units to anyone including fanboys like Keighley and Greg Miller which to me is weird because if they aren't getting one to preview then no one is. Plus, I don't like Jim Ryan. Wish Shawn Layden won that power struggle.

Both launch lineups exclusive wise is underwhelming, more for Microsoft but it doesn't matter. Consoles at launch sell out even if there was only two games or some shit. Plus, vast majority will be playing COD and Cyberpunk and AC Valhalla. Spider Man: Miles Morales to me is an expansion that takes place between the first game and the eventual sequel. My biggest issue with the game is that I wish Sony/Insomniac would decrease the resolution to 1080P and increase the Ray Tracing reflections and give me 60FPS. Resolution is so fucking overrated.

Bright Memory is just a demo and while im still waiting for confirmation, it may have that free upgrade with it. Like you buy Bright Memory and you get Infinite for free in 2021. I'm HYPED for Bright Memory Infinite and will definitely be buying/playing Bright Memory. Seeing what one guy has done with the demo and the actual game is extremely impressive. I do see your point though but I am buying both Miles Morales and Bright Memory. I know what im getting from both games so my expectations are in check.

As for Game Pass, thus far I have Gears Tactics and Ori and the Will of the Wisps that I will be playing. I will save at least $70. I'm stopped collecting games when the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 generation started and I don't replay games so for me, Game Pass is great. The money I save can go towards games that I wouldn't normally buy like The Falconeer for example or just in general, lessen the overall cost of everything for me.

I'm more hyped for the future, brand and eco-system of Xbox than I have been in over a decade. Everything they're doing is simply hitting for me. The Halo Infinite delay again is disappointing but great for me personally because I now have the time to play through the other games and im looking at a 10 game November/December game list (9 for XSX and Miles for PS5) so I have plenty to play and this does NOT include all the past gen games.

In general, Game Pass is what it's all about for Microsoft and Xbox going forward which is brilliant especially this year with everything going on. Sony's exclusives are for the most part excellent but I wish they would put them on PS Now day one because it's well, better for me which is what I care about. Sony or Microsoft wise, I don't care about how much they sell or this or that. That's not my concern or problem or job to figure out. Future wise, im expecting more studio acquisitions and much more quality content going forward. All the studios Microsoft has acquired has been within the last 2 1/2 years. It takes time to develop these games especially now when everyone is working at home.

We'll see how it all plays out but for me personally, again im super hyped...can't wait...less than 5 weeks to go!!!


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
They put that label on the slim version after so many people destroyed discs.

That video was upload in June 2010.
The Xbox 360 S was released in June 2010.
Thats a launch unit.


So you are saying they started putting the labels on after so many people destroyed their discs before the console was launched....because the consoles that went out to the general population had stickers on them.

But your story checks out.

And before you start telling more lies.
The Xbox 360 E also comes with the same sticker.
But your weird need to lie because of an innocent jab between multi billion dollar companies is very very unhealthy.
You need more human friends who arent obsessed with a consoles so you can see there are far more important things to invest your emotions into.

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You are lying.
Launch consoles had that sticker your own video disproves that because its from the consoles launch.
When I say launch console, I mean the original 360, which was released in 2005. Sorry I couldn't find an original 360 destroying a disc, but it definitely happened, which is why they added the label.

I don't know why you're so upset over this.
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Here was the link which has since been removed:

Backup posted online:


I wish I could have seen the thread on this one lol. I think it was a great joke and wish they would have kept it. Most people seemed to think it harkened back to the how to share PS4 games jab from Sony last gen.

Well, it backfired when people asked about that undetachable base. :lollipop_tears_of_joy:


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
When I say launch console, I mean the original 360, which was released in 2005. Sorry I couldn't find an original 360 destroying a disc, but it definitely happened, which is why they added the label.

I don't know why you're so upset over this.

Because you are a liar.....and liars deserve to get called out.

The 2005 console also had a warning on it about moving the console while a disk was inside....hell there are more threads about people panicking because they didnt listen to that warning than there are threads about people actually destroying disks by ignoring the warning.

It was literally over the disk tray how the fuck could you miss that?



This tweet triggered so many that they had to bring up a 7 year old joke to calm themselves. How dare they offend their favorite brand(as they engage themselves in this thread to explain why they are not).

You do realize that this was not MS but someone at Xbox UK in charge of their twitter handle? A swear to god some people think Phil is in charge of all regional twitter handles.
We always tend to talk about companies like they have a will of their own. Of course i cant know all people who work at MS, but i see them as one entity. I dont see a reason you brought this up


Because you are a liar.....and liars deserve to get called out.

The 2005 console also had a warning on it about moving the console while a disk was inside....hell there are more threads about people panicking because they didnt listen to that warning than there are threads about people actually destroying disks by ignoring the warning.

It was literally over the disk tray how the fuck could you miss that?


Wow, dude, I had no idea this was going to get you this upset. I very clearly remember it being an issue at the time.

I hope you calling me names will help you feel better. Have a great day!


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Wow, dude, I had no idea this was going to get you this upset. I very clearly remember it being an issue at the time.

I hope you calling me names will help you feel better. Have a great day!

A person who tells lies is a liar.
All the X360 consoles launched with warnings....MS never condoned or encouraged people to change console orientation with a disk in....let alone with the disk spinning.
SO if it was an issue, you cant blame MS for it, they warned you every time a console came out.

You decided to start some weird false narrative.
So yes, calling you what you are and disproving your lies does make me fell better.....the less lies out there the better.
If its a console war thread atleast let it be battled with truths.


They should have the balls to keep it up. But on the flip side I can't imagine a more boring and rather stupid rib. This is akin to the worst dad jokes throughout history. No one is buying consoles based on how easy it is to go vertical or horizontal.


I think you are one of the sane people who don't spend time on Twitter to think that they are even close to be in the most stupid tweets. It probably doesn't even register as stupid by Twitter's standard.

It just feels like MS still is salty because they got so butthurt by Sony... It also goes against both the MS nice guys and we don't compete with Sony narratives.

The amount of you lot that don't understand who runs these Twitter accounts is fucking staggering.


A person who tells lies is a liar.
All the X360 consoles launched with warnings....MS never condoned or encouraged people to change console orientation with a disk in....let alone with the disk spinning.
SO if it was an issue, you cant blame MS for it, they warned you every time a console came out.

You decided to start some weird false narrative.
So yes, calling you what you are and disproving your lies does make me fell better.....the less lies out there the better.
If its a console war thread atleast let it be battled with truths.

I remember Microsoft demonstrating how the lights around the ring would light up depending on which controllers were connected, and they would when they would flip the console over, it would flip the lights. That's what gave users the idea to flip the console.

I never meant to contribute to a console war. The tweet just reminded me of this issue.


Not helping the case that all of spain isn't a playstation sasels.
No its not, its the playstation more popular there? Yes, but you dont have relevant yotubers with thousands of follewers waging a toxic war on every forum, im a xbox user since the first one, but the amount of vitriol,hate and fud i have seen from the people its out of the charts and i have lived the 8 bit wars (speccy, amstrad, c64) and the Atari st vs amiga ones

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
No its not, its the playstation more popular there? Yes, but you dont have relevant yotubers with thousands of follewers waging a toxic war on every forum, im a xbox user since the first one, but the amount of vitriol,hate and fud i have seen from the people its out of the charts and i have lived the 8 bit wars (speccy, amstrad, c64) and the Atari st vs amiga ones

But that's the point, no need to have warrioring youtubers when the rest of the country stans for playstation and acts accordingly.


seems like when Sony does something its considered banter ie: the game sharing video, But when Microsoft do something they are considered bitter. Fans are the most ridiculous things at times. just enjoy the humour that's there from time to time


Gold Member
Microsoft. If you're going to talk shit then TALK SHIT. People are going to be mad either way. If you want to win the HD Twin console war then you need to stop being soft.
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