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Naughty Dog is hiring for "studio's first standalone multiplayer game"


... Just now Hiring!?
Wtf have ND and Bend been doing for the last few years!? During the run up to TLOU2 and all the time since it's release?

Sucker Punch put them to shame releasing Ghosts Of Tushima single player and surprise drop multiplsyer after TLOU2 released.

FFS I was hoping for an E3 announcement of TLOU2 Factions and to be playing it by Christmas 2021.
Did you miss the whole crunch thing with Naughty Dog leading up to the release of TLOU2 or the part where Sony isn't participating in E3. Either way you set yourself up for that shit.
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Gold Member
What the ever loving fuck are you talking about? U2 and U3 multiplayer components were extremely successful and loved by fans for both competitive and co-op, same for Factions. You can find a match in U4 multiplayer in seconds.. after 5 whole years ffs.

No idea about Uncharted but Factions is definitely alive and kicking. Played some last week, matchmaking almost instantly. Its active player base is full of lvl 999 veterans that semi-casuals like me stand no chance against but that's a different problem.


I want whatever price, plus nothing else. If it's pay to win or if a game keepsasking for a little more money for the "good stuff", I stay away - free or not. It's just F2P games are basically guaranteed to do this.

This game will 100% have microtransactions. You are setting yourself for disappointment if you think otherwise. The question is if the mtx are going to be p2w or just cosmetic


Gold Member
Many multiplayer games are GaaS, which means they keep releasing post launch content for a adding new content, features, fixes and tweaks. They may release this game this fiscal year and keep releasing stuff for it during at least a couple of years.

We know they have been working in multiple games during the recent years, and that the remake was mostly done in San Diego, and that their pitch was to release it in a bundle with TLOU2 PS5. So they could also release TLOU2+TLOU1R PS5 (and who knows if PC too) this year too, maybe next to factions.

We also know they are porting Uncharted 4 to PC.

On top of that we also know that while working on DG1 PC and the preproduction trying to get greenlighted Days Gone 2 and their new IP (the later was the one greenlighted), Bend did help ND with the TLOU Factions game and an Uncharted spinoff. When started to work on the new IP seems Bend left the Uncharted game.

We don't know if the new Uncharted spinoff was canned or if ND still works on it. We also know Druckmann wrote a first early draft of the TLOU3 main story but aren't developing it, he did it just in case they want to develop it in the future.

He meant a full big production team working on a game. They had only one, now working on the factions game. But obviously they also have multiple small teams working on different projects because they won't have hundreds of people doing nothing during years.

Some people working on preproduction, concept art and prototypes for possible future projects (TLOU3, next Uncharted, new IPs...). Some other people working on porting stuff (Uncharted 4 PC, TLOU2+TLOU1R PS5 and maybe PC, who knows if Nathan Collection for PS5+PC).

They also have been growing and will grow a lot this year, if they don't have a 2nd big production team they will have soon.

The factions game comes from the TLOU2 MP that ended being too ambitious and turned into a separate game, something similar to Lost Legacy, that went from a DLC to a standalone game.

The TLOUR has been mostly developed by the new San Diego studio, not ND. In the recent years Bend worked with ND in a Uncharted spinoff and Bend left the project, we don't know if they canned the game or if ND continues working on it. We know they ND did a first draft of the TLOU3 main story just in case they develop it in the future.

They are also porting Uncharted 4 to PC and seems that doing a TLOU2 PS5 version or patch. So maybe in less than a year they may have released:
-TLOU2 Factions
-TLOU1R+TLOU2 PS5 (+ PC port?)
-Uncharted 4 PC

And then to focus on the Uncharted spinoff if isn't dead, the new IP or TLOU3 plus maybe Uncharted Nathan Collection PC port (+PS5 version?) and to keep a small team for Factions post launch content.
Wait, so the tlou remake is absolutely official?! I was kinda joking about it...

Why the hell are they wasting time with that when the game already has a fucking remaster?!
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Wait, so the tlou remake is absolutely official?! I was kinda joking about it...

Why the hell are they wasting time with that when the game already has a fucking remaster?!
Its not confirmed. And the project began in a different part of Sony, not by Naughty Dog. The idea was to make Part 1 look and play like Part 2 so both could bundled together for PS5.


Wait, so the tlou remake is absolutely official?! I was kinda joking about it...

Why the hell are they wasting time with that when the game already has a fucking remaster?!
It isn't made at Naughty Dog, only some ND guys worked on it. It has been mostly developed in San Diego.

As a personal project -not something mandated by Sony- Mumbauer, a guy from a Sony division that supports most Sony (and non Sony) gamedevs with art, mostly cinematics, created the 2nd Sony San Diego studio with like 20 people of their team with the idea of making CG movies or tv shows for tv and streaming of game IPs (Uncharted, TLOU, GoW...) using the assets they had from cinematics, maybe to bridge and expand stories between games. Sony didn't like it and told them to focus on making games and not movies, because there's another division who makes the movies.

Mumbauer wanted to do their own projects instead of continuing with the supporting role his team had, so decided to try to make their own games from this studio. They already had a ton of assets they stated to make for these pitches and thought a remake would be easier to be greenlighted than a new game, so started to make an Uncharted 1 remake because they had assets. But found the game was too old, that its gameplay needed a ton a big changes and his team was focused on art and lacked people from design and programming, so decided to switch to TLOU1R with the idea of bundling it with TLOU2 PS5 (think the remaster on Morales PS5).

This San Diego studio started to work on it, with obviously someone with ND supporting them to provide some stuff they needed from the original game etc. Time later, Hermen Hulst becomes head of PlayStation Studios. He saw the remake, didn't like it and thought they were spending too much budget compared to similar projects, so asked the new studio and ND to switch their roles: the San Diego guys would go back to their original support role while ND would take the lead of the project to make sure the remake got completed with the proper quality and with a decent budget.

At the same time, Zenimax was opening an studio in San Diego and aggresively tried to hire tons of people from both Sony San Diego studio, hiring part of the remake staff. Mumbauer and a few more also left Sony but to create their own company with his original idea of making CG movies for tv using game assets.

This is more or less what is mentioned in Mumbauer's interview with David Jaffe + some extra stuff mentioned in the Bloomberg article where they said 'Sony is obssessed with blockbusters' where Jason mixed real info leaked with several lies and fud debunked by Mumbauer, Days Gone directors, Jim Ryan and Hermen Hulst.

The TLOUR hasn't been confirmed, but the article mentioned Bend is working on a new IP instead of Days Gone 2 and that ended being true.

Did you miss the whole crunch thing with Naughty Dog leading up to the release of TLOU2 or the part where Sony isn't participating in E3. Either way you set yourself up for that shit.
Sony isn't participating in E3, but they are participating in Summer Game Fest.

Wtf have ND and Bend been doing for the last few years!? During the run up to TLOU2 and all the time since it's release?
-Days Gone 2 preproduction and pitch (not greenlighted, at least to develop it right now)
-Helping ND with TLOU2 Factions
-Helping ND with a new Uncharted spinoff (Bend stopped working on it, we don't know if they canned it)
-Days Gone PS5 60 fps patch
-Days Gone PC
-Bend's new IP preproduction and pitch (got greenlighted, now in development)

-TLOU2 Factions (TLOU2 MP became too ambitious and branched into a new game)
-TLOU2 PS5 60 fps patch
-Uncharted new spinoff with help from Bend (we don't know if canned)
-TLOU2 PS5 version + supporting the San Diego team who has been working on TLOU1R PS5
-Uncharted 4 PC port
-Supporting the tv series
-TLOU3 early preproduction work/first main story draft just to have it ready just in case somewhere in the future they decide to develop it
-Who knows if also working on preproduction for a new IP
-Who knows if also working on Nathan Drake's Collection PS5 patch + PC port and TLOU1&2 PC port

Both teams have been growing a lot and will grow even more this year. They are big, so can work on multiple projects at the same time even if maybe only one of them has a huge amount of people working on it at the same time.
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Uncharted 2 MP was good, naughty dog never really did mp before that (jak x).

Plunder mode was absolutely fantastic, they came out with something completely fresh out of nowhere with it, but that matchmaking, that damn matchmaking... UC could've been Sony's Gears with milions of people playing it on a daily basis, but that basic feature single-handedly killed the game.
This game will 100% have microtransactions. You are setting yourself for disappointment if you think otherwise. The question is if the mtx are going to be p2w or just cosmetic
I never even look twice at cosmetic microtransactions. I dont even usually bother equipping cosmetic items I earn in-game.
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Gold Member
So.... how do they put this out? F2P if you already own TLOU2 and a nominal fee if you don’t?

They can’t possibly be thinking of trying to charge full pri -


- NO JIM RYAN! BAD JIM RYAN! You can’t charge full price for it, you greedy little tinker!
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What the ever loving fuck are you talking about? U2 and U3 multiplayer components were extremely successful and loved by fans for both competitive and co-op, same for Factions. You can find a match in U4 multiplayer in seconds.. after 5 whole years ffs.

"this is where the controls have to be as tight and responsive as possible, and the core gameplay has to be fun and addictive as hell"

And this is literally the best description i've ever heard of Uncharted 4 controls.

This may be the most clueless take i've ever seen.. and i heard you saying Heavenly Sword was a better action game than GoWIII, so that's quite the feat.

Still, i couldn't care any less about this game.
Judging by this, I'm thinking multiplayer games aren't really your wheelhouse.

None of those games gained mass appeal as multiplayer games. You're assuming the overall sales success is correlated with the multiplayer component when that's not the case.

UC4 controls are good for the type of game it is. A singleplayer cinematic game is story and character first and foremost. Secondary is setting and graphics. Waaaaay down the list is tight and responsive controls that are good for multiplayer. This is what UC4 is, and there's nothing wrong with it's controls reflecting that.

But don't pretend it's something it's something it's not by dismissing an accurate description as "the most clueless take I've ever seen." Drama much?


I thought it would be a shame if the next Naughty Dog project was an open world. Now I wish it was an open world because a multiplayer only game is the worst news I could read from Naughty Dog 😓


Judging by this, I'm thinking multiplayer games aren't really your wheelhouse.
They are not, you're right, they are not now that i'm old enough to realize buying games with expiration date is not a very smart approach to this medium.
But i've always kicked ass in multiplayer games, and definitely know what i'm talking about.

None of those games gained mass appeal as multiplayer games. You're assuming the overall sales success is correlated with the multiplayer component when that's not the case.
I'm not assuming anything, you are the one that's assuming. Learn history before stepping in in support of people spreading outlandish nonsense.

UC4 controls are good for the type of game it is. A singleplayer cinematic game is story and character first and foremost.
Name me a single third person mutliplayer game that controls as good as U4. A single one that's as fluid and responsive. Answer is, there are none, but you should have played the game to know this.

This damn title ruined every single third person game i've played since 2016, and there's a damn reason it's still played by so many people after five years.

Waaaaay down the list is tight and responsive controls that are good for multiplayer. This is what UC4 is, and there's nothing wrong with it's controls reflecting that.

But don't pretend it's something it's something it's not by dismissing an accurate description as "the most clueless take I've ever seen." Drama much?
Show me proof you ever played Uncharted 4.
I'm willing to take any kind of Avatar bet that you've never been anywhere near that game to claim what you're claiming.
Otherwise kindly stay out of discussions you have no direct knowledge about.
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