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Lttp: Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone and Cyberpunk 2077


So I played and finished all these 3 games recently after getting some free time on my hands. I would like to share my feelings about these games here.

Horizon Zero Dawn - I played this first. The initial part where you play as young Aloy was very good. After that, the world opens up. The open world is very beautiful, various kinds of machines roaming the land, the draw distance, the scenary, its a very well made open world. Probably one of the best I've seen. Unfortunately for me, there's not much else I liked about the game. The story only got interesting in the last few missions when you learn the truth. Most of the characters were uninteresting. Gameplay was okay but I wasn't too impressed by it. Overall considering the praise this game got, I was disappointed. Its still overall okay, I'd give it a 6/10. I played a couple of hours of Frozen Wilds too but didn't proceed ahead as I already had enough by then.

Days Gone - I had not paid much attention to this game due to the reception this game got at launch by critics. But I finished it recently and I have to say, although the critics were right to some extent, I feel some were too harsh. The first 5-10 hours aren't the most exciting but after that the story gets good. I will admit that the game was too long for the story it was trying to tell, with a lot of unnecessary filler missions that should have been side quests. But in the end, I still enjoyed this more than HZD overall. Ran better too and looked pretty good as well. Oregon was very well done and I loved the beautiful locations and picturesque landscapes. Some people didn't like the protagonist but I had no issues with him or his voice acting. Hordes were scary but fun to take on towards the end of the game, very challenging. Overall it was a good game. I'd give it a 7/10.It is unfortunate that we won't get a sequel for this.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Finally coming to the most hyped game since GTA V. I just finished this game last night with a few different endings. I played the version 1.3 on PC, had no crashes but there are still quite a few bugs and performance is still not good. I also completed some of the main side quests of important characters. Overall I was unimpressed. Night City while dense and well designed didn't feel alive. NPCs felt lifeless and boring. Car handling was not good. And most importantly what the game was highly praised for- the story, I found fine but not amazing or anything. Some of the characters in the game you get close to are quite good and believable and well written but I'd like to have seen more of them. I played as Nomad and I don't think it made any difference to the story. Overall its still a decent game worth playing once for the story but its a big letdown overall considering the hype it got leading up to the launch. My score for this would be 6/10.
So overall I enjoyed Days Gone bit more than I did the other two much better received games.
Which of these 3 games did you like more, or am I in the minority who feels Days Gone is superior to the other two games.


I didn't play Days Gone. I preferred Cyberpunk (played on PS5) to HZD, but I agree both are a bit disappointing. i think Cyberpunk has a good story and good characters overall, but you really feel like they released the game half finished with a mostly empty open world, which is a shame because you kinda feel the potential was there. Bugs didn't bother me that much and performance was ok, running on PS5, the problem was elsewhere, all the hype that led to not much. And very bad old gen versions obviously.

Cyberpunk is like a 8/10 for me because I still liked the story. HZD is more of a 7/10 due to nice dino fights and gorgeous visuals in a mostly boring game.
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Giving decent games 6/10 is harsh to be honest. They each create immersive worlds, especially Cyberpunk (Horizon's world doesn't make much sense logically but a lot of effort has gone into it). On the flip side we have many games that deserve 6s but get 9s consistently.
All three games are deserving of 7 minimum.


I agree with some points about HZD and DG (I didn't play CP yet).

For me DG and HZD are solid games and I would probably rate them higher, specially Days Gone, which in my opinion is one of the best games from last gen.

I enjoyed it way more that TLU2 and Ghost of Tsushima for example.

I still hope that Sony is making a sequel for Days Gone.
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Elden Member
Yeah, I agree with what you wrote but I think I'd score them even harsher.

Horizon Dawn: 4/10, its just not fun in the end, and the story didn't get good till it was basically over, and by god can they not write characters. Guerrilla is one of those Dev's I've never liked, they dont understand how to make a gameplay loop fun, and they throw all their talent at the technical side of things. I wish I could take the Just Cause gameplay devs and the Guerrilla technical artist and smash them together into an allstar team that knows how to make a fun and pretty game (and then hire some good writers too please).

Cyberpunk - Let down of the decade right? I mean, if the game had come out of no where, had no hype, and launched just on PC, I think we'd all sing its praise and say it was a damn fine first attempt in a new series. But for all the hype it got? For all the energy and time CD poured into it? WTF? It goes from being an 8/10 game to a 5/10 just for the disappointment it delivered on its hype machine.

Giving decent games 6/10 is harsh to be honest. They each create immersive worlds, especially Cyberpunk (Horizon's world doesn't make much sense logically but a lot of effort has gone into it). On the flip side we have many games that deserve 6s but get 9s consistently.
All three games are deserving of 7 minimum.

I feel a 8/10 game is a great one that you can play again. a 10/10 is a once in a genration game (Zelda Oot, MGS, FF7, Civ 2, Half Life 2), and a 6/10 is a game that is okay, does just enough,, but you'll never play again or think about again, the definition of a waste of time and money, something that will leave no impact on you and just fills empty space in your life. I feel all 3 of those games fit into that 6/10 category. in 10 years NO one will talk about Horizon Done or Days Gone, they'll be forgotten like any random barging bin game (Cough*Heavenly Sword*), and the only reason CP will be remembered is due to its disastrous launch.
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So I played and finished all these 3 games recently after getting some free time on my hands. I would like to share my feelings about these games here.

Horizon Zero Dawn - I played this first. The initial part where you play as young Aloy was very good. After that, the world opens up. The open world is very beautiful, various kinds of machines roaming the land, the draw distance, the scenary, its a very well made open world. Probably one of the best I've seen. Unfortunately for me, there's not much else I liked about the game. The story only got interesting in the last few missions when you learn the truth. Most of the characters were uninteresting. Gameplay was okay but I wasn't too impressed by it. Overall considering the praise this game got, I was disappointed. Its still overall okay, I'd give it a 6/10. I played a couple of hours of Frozen Wilds too but didn't proceed ahead as I already had enough by then.

Days Gone - I had not paid much attention to this game due to the reception this game got at launch by critics. But I finished it recently and I have to say, although the critics were right to some extent, I feel some were too harsh. The first 5-10 hours aren't the most exciting but after that the story gets good. I will admit that the game was too long for the story it was trying to tell, with a lot of unnecessary filler missions that should have been side quests. But in the end, I still enjoyed this more than HZD overall. Ran better too and looked pretty good as well. Oregon was very well done and I loved the beautiful locations and picturesque landscapes. Some people didn't like the protagonist but I had no issues with him or his voice acting. Hordes were scary but fun to take on towards the end of the game, very challenging. Overall it was a good game. I'd give it a 7/10.It is unfortunate that we won't get a sequel for this.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Finally coming to the most hyped game since GTA V. I just finished this game last night with a few different endings. I played the version 1.3 on PC, had no crashes but there are still quite a few bugs and performance is still not good. I also completed some of the main side quests of important characters. Overall I was unimpressed. Night City while dense and well designed didn't feel alive. NPCs felt lifeless and boring. Car handling was not good. And most importantly what the game was highly praised for- the story, I found fine but not amazing or anything. Some of the characters in the game you get close to are quite good and believable and well written but I'd like to have seen more of them. I played as Nomad and I don't think it made any difference to the story. Overall its still a decent game worth playing once for the story but its a big letdown overall considering the hype it got leading up to the launch. My score for this would be 6/10.
So overall I enjoyed Days Gone bit more than I did the other two much better received games.
Which of these 3 games did you like more, or am I in the minority who feels Days Gone is superior to the other two games.

Then again... Horizon has some serious story problems especially in the end. Some plot holes as well.

I finished Horizon. Was bored by it most of time. Was happy when it was done.

I finished Days Gone. One of the best Open World games i was able to enjoy.

I quit Cyberpunk and sold it. Have to go back to it sometime later maybe when its in a sale for cheap


Giving decent games 6/10 is harsh to be honest. They each create immersive worlds, especially Cyberpunk (Horizon's world doesn't make much sense logically but a lot of effort has gone into it). On the flip side we have many games that deserve 6s but get 9s consistently.
All three games are deserving of 7 minimum.
Even though I think higher of HZD than him, I honestly don't mind his rating of the game. We have been conditioned to think anything below a 7 is trash but that shouldn't be the case. A 5/10 should be the definition of average and then you have way more wiggle room to rate good/great games instead of the continuous 7/8/9 rated games. This is why we have a ton of people who think a lot of games are overrated.


Yeah, I agree with what you wrote but I think I'd score them even harsher.

Horizon Dawn: 4/10, its just not fun in the end, and the story didn't get good till it was basically over, and by god can they not write characters. Guerrilla is one of those Dev's I've never liked, they dont understand how to make a gameplay loop fun, and they throw all their talent at the technical side of things. I wish I could take the Just Cause gameplay devs and the Guerrilla technical artist and smash them together into an allstar team that knows how to make a fun and pretty game (and then hire some good writers too please).

Cyberpunk - Let down of the decade right? I mean, if the game had come out of no where, had no hype, and launched just on PC, I think we'd all sing its praise and say it was a damn fine first attempt in a new series. But for all the hype it got? For all the energy and time CD poured into it? WTF? It goes from being an 8/10 game to a 5/10 just for the disappointment it delivered on its hype machine.

I feel a 8/10 game is a great one that you can play again. a 10/10 is a once in a genration game (Zelda Oot, MGS, FF7, Civ 2, Half Life 2), and a 6/10 is a game that is okay, does just enough,, but you'll never play again or think about again, the definition of a waste of time and money, something that will leave no impact on you and just fills empty space in your life. I feel all 3 of those games fit into that 6/10 category. in 10 years NO one will talk about Horizon Done or Days Gone, they'll be forgotten like any random PS2 barging bin game (Cough*Heavenly Sword*), and the only reason CP will be remembered is due to its disastrous launch.

So games should get scores based on replayablity and...how much they're talked about years later? Sorry but that's extremely unjust. We're never gonna be as hype about a new game, like Mario 64, or Zelda, or MGS - not because future games aren't gonna be good - but because the technological leap just won't be there - it can't be.

If people stopped bringing up these old gems from 20 years ago - and comparing them to today's games - it would be better for the industry. It's literally impossible for modern games to compete - because we're living in totally different times.


Elden Member
So games should get scores based on replayablity and...how much they're talked about years later? Sorry but that's extremely unjust. We're never gonna be as hype about a new game, like Mario 64, or Zelda, or MGS - not because future games aren't gonna be good - but because the technological leap just won't be there - it can't be.

If people stopped bringing up these old gems from 20 years ago - and comparing them to today's games - it would be better for the industry. It's literally impossible for modern games to compete - because we're living in totally different times.

.... just? We're talking about video games here.. they don't need justice :p But just to be clear a game being forgotten to time isn't the reason it scores low, its forgotten to time because it failed to make an emotional connection, ended up being a waste of time, so it scored low AND is forgotten about.

Games should be scored based on the personal impact they make to the end users. If they leave you with nothing, the score should be lower.

Films work the exact same way, a film can be beautiful, technically sound, competently directs and still be badly rated. Why? Because it failed on the basic level of making an emotional connection with the watcher. Many Michael Bay films are expertly crafter, built and produced better than many classic films, have all the coolest tech used in them, but are scored horribly and forgotten to time. Thats what these games are, high production fluff.

And no, I hope people NEVER stop bringing up the past, we have SOOO many amazing games these days because of the foundations that came before. Modern games can and do compete all the time. We are in a golden age of games.
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Tag, you're it.
Horizon is good, a very enjoyable experience.
Days Gone was so bad I couldn't play more than 5 hours. The story was so cliché it was painful.
Cyberpunk was average at best, such a disappointment and the lies will stay in my memory.


Giving decent games 6/10 is harsh to be honest. They each create immersive worlds, especially Cyberpunk (Horizon's world doesn't make much sense logically but a lot of effort has gone into it). On the flip side we have many games that deserve 6s but get 9s consistently.
All three games are deserving of 7 minimum.

So a 6 is "harsh" but a 7 is fine?
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Combat in horizon shine at ultra hard dude.

Yeah I
.... just? We're talking about video games here.. they don't need justice :p But just to be clear a game being forgotten to time isn't the reason it scores low, its forgotten to time because it failed to make an emotional connection, ended up being a waste of time, so it scored low AND is forgotten about.

Games should be scored based on the personal impact they make to the end users. If they leave you with nothing, the score should be lower.

Films work the exact same way, a film can be beautiful, technically sound, competently directs and still be badly rated. Why? Because it failed on the basic level of making an emotional connection with the watcher. Many Michael Bay films are expertly crafter, built and produced better than many classic films, have all the coolest tech used in them, but are scored horribly and forgotten to time. Thats what these games are, high production fluff.

And no, I hope people NEVER stop bringing up the past, we have SOOO many amazing games these days because of the foundations that came before. Modern games can and do compete all the time. We are in a golden age of games.
Games are made by human beings...so yeah, it would be "unjust" to shit on their game - just because it's impossible for them to make "emotional connections" other games did 20 years ago. The leap from sprites to 3d exploration was huge at the time - and memorable. No matter how good your game is today, it will not have anywhere near the same impact as those old gems. Therefore, the faster we stop comparing them, the better.

The Shepard

I preferred days gone also over horizon. Horizon has a terrible inventory system which you spend most your time going through it and dismantling things, hope the sequel sorts that out. Cyberpunk don't release for me till the next gen versions out so can't talk about that.


Loved Days Gone! Some people missed a truly great game.

HZD was my cup of tea tho. One of the best creations last gen. It does really shine at higher difficulties. Kind of wish Hard mode was the normal mode so more people could experience that. Mechanics don't rely come into play in Normal.

Cyberpunk, I'm still waiting for the 'fixed' version tbh. Then I'll try it out.


Out of these:
Best Story - Cyberpunk
Best Gameplay - Horizon
Best shit - Days Gone

I don't like any of those in particular but Managed to SOMEHOW finish Horizon twice... despite really not enjoying later 3rd of the game. The story was interesting at first but fell flat with Gaia computer and shit. The characters were not interesting, gameplay was annoying. Open world did not wanted me to go running around. Felt more like a set of corridors.

Days Gone was... terrible but kinda fun to play in a funny/bad way. Terrible story and character... omg like it makes Uncharted 3 story masterpiece :p And it barely ran on ps4 slim year after it came out.
Edit: Out of those 3, I feel the strange need to replay Days Gone on ps5... and probably Horizon. I played these on ps4 slim. It's not the performance that ruined my experience but the story or gameplay... but these are still good games and I feel the need to give them another chance
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Gold Member
Loved Days Gone! Some people missed a truly great game.

HZD was my cup of tea tho. One of the best creations last gen. It does really shine at higher difficulties. Kind of wish Hard mode was the normal mode so more people could experience that. Mechanics don't rely come into play in Normal.

Cyberpunk, I'm still waiting for the 'fixed' version tbh. Then I'll try it out.
Hard mode is easy mode when you get some upgrades.

if you love the game, try ultra hard, that's where the real shit is.


Gold Member
Out of these:
Best Story - Cyberpunk
Best Gameplay - Horizon
Best shit - Days Gone

I don't like any of those in particular but Managed to SOMEHOW finish Horizon twice... despite really not enjoying later 3rd of the game. The story was interesting at first but fell flat with Gaia computer and shit. The characters were not interesting, gameplay was annoying. Open world did not wanted me to go running around. Felt more like a set of corridors.

Days Gone was... terrible but kinda fun to play in a funny/bad way. Terrible story and character... omg like it makes Uncharted 3 story masterpiece :p And it barely ran on ps4 slim year after it came out.
Edit: Out of those 3, I feel the strange need to replay Days Gone on ps5... and probably Horizon. I played these on ps4 slim. It's not the performance that ruined my experience but the story or gameplay... but these are still good games and I feel the need to give them another chance
I liked both characters and story in days gone more than any unchy game tbh.

Deacon is a much more peculiar character than bootleg indiana jones, and he has an actual grow during the game, the only grown nate has is being repressed by his wife in the 4th game...
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I liked both characters and story in days gone more than any unchy game tbh.

Deacon is a much more peculiar character than bootleg indiana jones.
I also liked most Days Gone characters... but they felt terribly written and stupid. But I still kinda liked them if You know what I mean.
They make bad decisions and are annoying but maybe feel a bit more sympathetic because of that


Gold Member
I also liked most Days Gone characters... but they felt terribly written and stupid. But I still kinda liked them if You know what I mean.
They make bad decisions and are annoying but maybe feel a bit more sympathetic because of that
They are kinda stupid yeah, but they live in a much worse and nerve wrecking world than any uncharted game, deacon is basically half crazy.

A lot of people didn't liked when him and his wife reunite because it doesn't look natural, but his wife was clearly shocked and i take bend way of writing that scene over sweet molasse and little hearts over the heads of both characters...
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Hard mode is easy mode when you get some upgrades.

if you love the game, try ultra hard, that's where the real shit is.
Ya that's kinda how I felt. Normal didn't need any stealth or mechanics. Hard mode was more like 'normal' in most games. Ultra Hard makes you think and actually use mechanics to avoid mobs and debuff and such.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Everyone talks how good horizon is but days gone felt bigger, had the zombie horde effect and with cyberpunk it had launch issues.
for the Horizon sequel they really need some interesting characters and better gameplay. Those are my biggest knocks on the first game.

i love the map, the robo dinos, the graphics and look of the game. I really dug the story. playing the game was a bit of a chore. And the NPCs were so vanilla


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Days Gone is way better written and characterized than you guys give it credit for, way better.

I appreciated the fact that although the characters -particularly the camp leaders- were all fairly stock archetypes they never descended into cliche and the absence of moralizing over what each represented was refreshing, particularly these days where every game seems hell-bent on pushing California politics down our collective throats.

I liked it a lot, but its got a very traditionalist outlook in many ways mainly due to John Garvin being an older guy.


for the Horizon sequel they really need some interesting characters and better gameplay. Those are my biggest knocks on the first game.

i love the map, the robo dinos, the graphics and look of the game. I really dug the story. playing the game was a bit of a chore. And the NPCs were so vanilla
I have completed all of these games and platinumed Days Gone and Horizon (and Ghost of Tsushima which I will mention)

I agree pretty much.... I would have given Horizon about 83%.

A great first attempt but significant improvements are needed in the areas you mentioned.

Ghost of Tsushima shows that good combat and varied quests with cool collectibles can really make the game very engaging over a long time.

For me, Ghost is nearly a 90 compared to Horizon.

Days Gone is a 72 for me, the highlight was the hordes.

Cyberpunk was decent but it felt like any WRPG to play and the city was not executed well enough to immerse you IMO.... I got all the endings.
It wasn't nearly as free as I thought it would be either... the endings were all variations of the same thing more or less. I'd give it about the same as Days Gone but for different reasons.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
So I played and finished all these 3 games recently after getting some free time on my hands. I would like to share my feelings about these games here.

Horizon Zero Dawn - I played this first. The initial part where you play as young Aloy was very good. After that, the world opens up. The open world is very beautiful, various kinds of machines roaming the land, the draw distance, the scenary, its a very well made open world. Probably one of the best I've seen. Unfortunately for me, there's not much else I liked about the game. The story only got interesting in the last few missions when you learn the truth. Most of the characters were uninteresting. Gameplay was okay but I wasn't too impressed by it. Overall considering the praise this game got, I was disappointed. Its still overall okay, I'd give it a 6/10. I played a couple of hours of Frozen Wilds too but didn't proceed ahead as I already had enough by then.

Days Gone - I had not paid much attention to this game due to the reception this game got at launch by critics. But I finished it recently and I have to say, although the critics were right to some extent, I feel some were too harsh. The first 5-10 hours aren't the most exciting but after that the story gets good. I will admit that the game was too long for the story it was trying to tell, with a lot of unnecessary filler missions that should have been side quests. But in the end, I still enjoyed this more than HZD overall. Ran better too and looked pretty good as well. Oregon was very well done and I loved the beautiful locations and picturesque landscapes. Some people didn't like the protagonist but I had no issues with him or his voice acting. Hordes were scary but fun to take on towards the end of the game, very challenging. Overall it was a good game. I'd give it a 7/10.It is unfortunate that we won't get a sequel for this.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Finally coming to the most hyped game since GTA V. I just finished this game last night with a few different endings. I played the version 1.3 on PC, had no crashes but there are still quite a few bugs and performance is still not good. I also completed some of the main side quests of important characters. Overall I was unimpressed. Night City while dense and well designed didn't feel alive. NPCs felt lifeless and boring. Car handling was not good. And most importantly what the game was highly praised for- the story, I found fine but not amazing or anything. Some of the characters in the game you get close to are quite good and believable and well written but I'd like to have seen more of them. I played as Nomad and I don't think it made any difference to the story. Overall its still a decent game worth playing once for the story but its a big letdown overall considering the hype it got leading up to the launch. My score for this would be 6/10.
So overall I enjoyed Days Gone bit more than I did the other two much better received games.
Which of these 3 games did you like more, or am I in the minority who feels Days Gone is superior to the other two games.
I was pleasently surprised by Days Gone's storytelling. Yes the beginning 5-10 hours were long, but the rest of the game was very well written and I ended up loving Deacon's character. He starts off as unlikeable but redeems himself by the end.

I think you nailed Cyberpunk's setting being lifeless. It's a very dense pretty city but my god it feels more lifeless than GTAV. I cannot believe they shipped the game like this. I have never seen a prettier more lifeless game.

I loved the gameplay in Horizon, it's also got a somewhat lifeless open world but thats by design, and I just loved running into random enemies as I traveled the world. The combat to me is easily the best in an open world game to date.
For me:

Best story and missions: Easily Cyberpunk (9/10)

Most well-made game overall: Horizon. Great, fun game but not very interesting story, and the dialogue is so-so. Some amazing ideas, but overall somewhat of an unpolished gem (8/10)

Most average game ever: Days Gone. Meh.. Kind of fun but very repetitive, trash writing, technically mediocre, unpolished and kind of.. Janky? I dunno. 6/10


Horizon Zero Dawn was a solid first try by Guerilla on the formula, but the limited character customization and weapon variety left a lot of potential on the table. I hope and think that Guerilla has improved a lot of the aspects that were so-so in the sequel. It wouldn’t surprise me if it wins GOTY next year if they have made the tweaks needed to make it a really good game.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I also liked most Days Gone characters... but they felt terribly written and stupid. But I still kinda liked them if You know what I mean.
They make bad decisions and are annoying but maybe feel a bit more sympathetic because of that
You know I felt that way about Days Gone at first. Pretty much every character in the game is unlikeable to start with. It's like the writer went out of his way to give these characters as shitty an initial impression as possible. And then worked backwards to try and redeem them. It was a bold choice, but I think it worked out at the end.

To me, Deacon at the start of the game IS a piece of shit. He's lost all hope finding his wife. He's seen some shit in the 2 years since the outbreak. Portraying him as a hero archetype was going to be disingenuous.

I ended up loving Iron Mike, Nikki, Boozer and the flashbacks with Deacon's wife because they werent written to elicit fake emotions. They are just normal people trying to get by.
Yeah, I agree with what you wrote but I think I'd score them even harsher.

Horizon Dawn: 4/10, its just not fun in the end, and the story didn't get good till it was basically over, and by god can they not write characters. Guerrilla is one of those Dev's I've never liked, they dont understand how to make a gameplay loop fun, and they throw all their talent at the technical side of things. I wish I could take the Just Cause gameplay devs and the Guerrilla technical artist and smash them together into an allstar team that knows how to make a fun and pretty game (and then hire some good writers too please).

Cyberpunk - Let down of the decade right? I mean, if the game had come out of no where, had no hype, and launched just on PC, I think we'd all sing its praise and say it was a damn fine first attempt in a new series. But for all the hype it got? For all the energy and time CD poured into it? WTF? It goes from being an 8/10 game to a 5/10 just for the disappointment it delivered on its hype machine.

I feel a 8/10 game is a great one that you can play again. a 10/10 is a once in a genration game (Zelda Oot, MGS, FF7, Civ 2, Half Life 2), and a 6/10 is a game that is okay, does just enough,, but you'll never play again or think about again, the definition of a waste of time and money, something that will leave no impact on you and just fills empty space in your life. I feel all 3 of those games fit into that 6/10 category. in 10 years NO one will talk about Horizon Done or Days Gone, they'll be forgotten like any random barging bin game (Cough*Heavenly Sword*), and the only reason CP will be remembered is due to its disastrous launch.
Horizon forgotten in 10 years? LOL. It's almost 5 years old and getting a sequel, and it won't be the end of the franchise. So emphatic in saying NO one will talk about it. So harsh. People talk about stuff like Resistance to this day and that's been dead for (gasp!) 10 years, and it was never as popular or successful as Horizon.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Giving decent games 6/10 is harsh to be honest. They each create immersive worlds, especially Cyberpunk (Horizon's world doesn't make much sense logically but a lot of effort has gone into it). On the flip side we have many games that deserve 6s but get 9s consistently.
All three games are deserving of 7 minimum.

Yep. It is dishonest to play a game like HZD to completion and then give it a 6/10. If the game really was that poor, you wouldn't have been playing the game for dozens of hours but have given up long before you'd have reached the end.
Yep. It is dishonest to play a game like HZD to completion and then give it a 6/10. If the game really was that poor, you wouldn't have been playing the game for dozens of hours but have given up long before you'd have reached the end.
That's so wrong on so many levels. You can play a game that is passable to completion. Some games aren't a 6 or a 5 or whatever from the start. Some games are good enough for an 8 at some point and then go downhill you are justified to consider it a 6 or worse overall at the end. And the opposite can happen too. I've finished plenty of 6s and 5s in my day, and they're not totally horrible or unplayable (hence the score and my desire to continue playing). It's all very subjective. I've quit games I simply guess they can't be completely bad and be worth a 5 or less. Ni No Kuni 2 comes to mind. It just annoyed me after 10 hours in and I was not feeling it and expecting more. I'm not qualified to score that game based on my 10 hours, that's not fair. And you make it sound like a 6/10 game is garbage. That's only average.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Deke is basically Mad Max in MM2/Road Warrior at the start of the game. His journey isn't one of redemption, more reconnecting with the rest of the human race. I really liked his character arc because of the unsentimental way that him reuniting with Sarah is handled; She's not presented as being just the lost "angel" he's been searching for, but a character who's also been changed by the collapse of society and has become at least on the surface hardened by the experience. Its initially awkward and uncomfortable, and the way he stays the course really emphasizes his lone wolf loyalty to those he holds close.

Placing Sarah so centrally in the back-story of the outbreak is a bit on the nose, and would have seen less contrived if another character was there to share the expositional weight, BUT in the context of a video-game I'll give it a pass on the grounds that it doesn't get in the way of the action.

I thought the dialogue was unusually naturalistic, and on the whole I thought the script and its characters were far better written than most games. And yes while the tone can be a bit inconsistent again its a result of the originally branching plot being collapsed into a single linear narrative.

Still, I'd give it a 9/10 or higher overall. Its just a really entertaining 80's movie in videogame form. Its not trying to be as deadly serious as TLOU, and is way more enjoyable for it.


Yep. It is dishonest to play a game like HZD to completion and then give it a 6/10. If the game really was that poor, you wouldn't have been playing the game for dozens of hours but have given up long before you'd have reached the end.

Maybe lol

I feel someone can feel a game is bad and still play it with the hope of getting better, its hard to see what a 6-10 really is for gamers tbh.

6-10 to me is the game has so many issues, its almost unplayable...almost. Crashes, bugs, lifeless AI etc

7/10 to me is, its playable, not everyone's cup of tea, functional, but has design issues etc.

8/10 to me is a game I might enjoy, has very little issues, but isn't perfect, but others might give a 9 or a 10. That range seems to exist for lots of games too btw. As I might see RDR2 as a 8/10 as I just can't excuse the controls and bad story and other elements I disliked, but I do get why many give it a 10 or 9 etc.

It really depends on the person tbh.
I have finished Horizon Zero Dawn and Cyberpunk 2077 all the way to final credits. I started Days gone Yesterday and played several hours so far.
I'm not sure I can get much further in Days Gone. I might end up giving up on it. It's got good gameplay mechanics, the fights are good, the shooting is good, but I don't like anything I'm actually doing. It's just not fun. It's grueling, survival mode all the time. I know thats what it is supposed to be but damn.

I can ride all day on a mechanical animal in HZD or any of the cars in CP2077 but I'm always on the lookout for gas in Days Gone. Survival games where I have to watch item durability are not fun in a small game and in a huge open world it's just strait up painful and exasperating. Game does seem to dole out mele weapons pretty often thankfully.

I could lose myself for hours with HZD and CP2077 but not so in days gone I can only make it in short bursts. Again DG not much fun. It's not particularly hard. And after climbing a radio tower each and every step and the only thing up there was some parts that I was already full up on. I just had to turn off the game and come grouse about it here on NeoGAF.


I have finished Horizon Zero Dawn and Cyberpunk 2077 all the way to final credits. I started Days gone Yesterday and played several hours so far.
I'm not sure I can get much further in Days Gone. I might end up giving up on it. It's got good gameplay mechanics, the fights are good, the shooting is good, but I don't like anything I'm actually doing. It's just not fun. It's grueling, survival mode all the time. I know thats what it is supposed to be but damn.

I can ride all day on a mechanical animal in HZD or any of the cars in CP2077 but I'm always on the lookout for gas in Days Gone. Survival games where I have to watch item durability are not fun in a small game and in a huge open world it's just strait up painful and exasperating. Game does seem to dole out mele weapons pretty often thankfully.

I could lose myself for hours with HZD and CP2077 but not so in days gone I can only make it in short bursts. Again DG not much fun. It's not particularly hard. And after climbing a radio tower each and every step and the only thing up there was some parts that I was already full up on. I just had to turn off the game and come grouse about it here on NeoGAF.

Yeah, Days Gone early on is not very engaging.... it does get batter in fairness but then kinda gets dragged out at the end. Best thing is the hordes.

Horizon had a lot of interesting elements and seeing a new robot was always a thrill for me, I just wished the human combat was better and it looks like they have worked on that a lot for the sequel.

CP2077 has that classic wrpg thing where you can usually do things in a few different ways that are different enough and it had some interesting characters but that is the benefit of being based on books with a fleshed out universe.... I was just disappointed with the endings. Not much variety in the end again after TW3.
Loved getting a bat / konobo and running around the city smashing people and calling myself 'batman' though! So the open world can be hilarious at times.... with unexpected things happening. Glitches are entertaining often too.
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Why they didn't lean into this much more frequently is mind boggling.
Yeah and left it so long till you actually faced a big one and had the tools to deal with that size.

Shoulda thrown you in with all the tools and had hordes with crazy abominations mixed in later and other creatures I cannot talk about due to spoilers.

More destructible environments where you could for example rig a bridge and use it to kill loads of a horde woulda been cool too.


I was very positive about horizon and DG. Horizon a 10 and in my top 30 games and Days Gone a 9. Loved it so much. I used to sit and listen to the theme song in the menu for horizon for like 5mins after a long session of playing it.
I think Horizon actually has really fun combat, if you dig into it and utilize the weapons fully. It's pretty unique to see in an open world game. Characters are kind of weak, but I liked the game a lot overall.

Days Gone gets much better in the second half of the game, which is why the reviews were weak, since you know, not everyone finishes games before reviewing them.

Cyberpunk afaic is one of the biggest messes I've ever seen at launch, and anything good about the game is very much overshadowed by all the things they got wrong.
Both Days Gone and HZD were massively ruined by their stories. Days Gone is a love story that totally turns you off to the love story when the pair are finally reunited. Just terrible writing. I left that game feeling I had wasted my time getting invested in it, which is a terrible feeling because games are long.

HZD is thinly disguised feminist claptrap with almost every annoying woke and strong female trope rolled into one admittedly pretty package.

Cyberpunk I enjoyed, warts and all.


I have finished Horizon Zero Dawn and Cyberpunk 2077 all the way to final credits. I started Days gone Yesterday and played several hours so far.
I'm not sure I can get much further in Days Gone. I might end up giving up on it. It's got good gameplay mechanics, the fights are good, the shooting is good, but I don't like anything I'm actually doing. It's just not fun. It's grueling, survival mode all the time. I know thats what it is supposed to be but damn.

I can ride all day on a mechanical animal in HZD or any of the cars in CP2077 but I'm always on the lookout for gas in Days Gone. Survival games where I have to watch item durability are not fun in a small game and in a huge open world it's just strait up painful and exasperating. Game does seem to dole out mele weapons pretty often thankfully.

I could lose myself for hours with HZD and CP2077 but not so in days gone I can only make it in short bursts. Again DG not much fun. It's not particularly hard. And after climbing a radio tower each and every step and the only thing up there was some parts that I was already full up on. I just had to turn off the game and come grouse about it here on NeoGAF.
That's whole days gone for you... You get into hordes for real with guns like 15 hours in....
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