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E3 2022 will be online-only again


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Meanwhile in Elysium

If you want the world to shut down for 10,000 cases of the sniffles then be my guest. Im done with Covid. Point blank.

Those who get it and end up in hospital had other health problems already. Let us live.

And this is coming from someone in Ontario, Canada. Ontario and Quebec have had the strictest lockdown policies in North America *by far* and its done nothing. Im fucking sick of it.
Quebec here! I hear you man...I hear you


King Snowflake
OK so seriously, when do we move on from Covid? When do we just get vaxxed and live our lives with covid? This shit can't keep going on.

In saying that, is E3 even a massive thing anymore?
We don't and anyone who suggests so is just as bad as the antivaxxers, but seriously this is simple risk reduction. It makes no sense to blow resources on planning something in 4 months that might get turned on its ass if we get another surge. It would be better to put those resources towards buying some blow.


just as bad as the antivaxxers
"We don't" lol.

So for how long do we pretend COVID is an extinction level event? We went from 2 weeks to 2 years so now what?

Those big, bad, anti-vaxxers must keep spreading the virus when they're the ones who aren't allowed to travel anywhere and aren't allowed to go anywhere!

Yep, makes so much fucking sense.
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Gold Member
“Due to the ongoing health risks surrounding COVID-19 and its potential impact on the safety of exhibitors and attendees, E3 will not be held in person in 2022,” the ESA said in a statement to GamesBeat. “We are nonetheless excited about the future of E3 and look forward to announcing more details soon.”

Little more to the story maybe:


The ESA has canceled its in-person event for E3 2022, according to a statement shared with IGN by the ESA. But, while they point to upcoming announcements, the future of the show this year and beyond remains unclear.

"Due to the ongoing health risks surrounding COVID-19 and its potential impact on the safety of exhibitors and attendees, E3 will not be held in person in 2022," reads a statement sent to IGN by the ESA. "We remain incredibly excited about the future of E3 and look forward to announcing more details soon.”

This effectively means that currently, E3 2022's very existence is uncertain. With no dates set and no physical event planned, that would theoretically leave a possibility for a digital showcase. But in a follow-up communication with IGN, the ESA added that it could not confirm at this time whether or not there would be a digital event this year instead of the physical event, as there was in 2021.

Found this funny :)

So fucking stupid. For the sniffles. Western world is too fucking Karen-like sometimes

I'm not sure how blind you have to be to actually believe that, like hospitals have been overflowing for multiple years now, tons of young healthy people have died or been hospitalized from it, just because you or a couple of people you know had a mild case doesn't mean that it's the "sniffles". You must have really put yourself in a bubble where you just ignore anything that goes against your downplaying of a disease that's literally killed millions of people (and no they're not all old people with pre existing conditions)

As for E3, disappointing but it makes sense, I liked the pacing of the conferences last year but obviously no crowd reactions is a bummer


OK so seriously, when do we move on from Covid? When do we just get vaxxed and live our lives with covid? This shit can't keep going on.

In saying that, is E3 even a massive thing anymore?
Some would say we can do that now, some would say not until 100% of the population is vaccinated, because of the divide covid will continue to be this dark cloud lingering over everything far longer than it should.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Makes sense. This isn't an awards show where things can be tightly controlled and people reliably tested before attendance. Sucks, but the pandemic isn't over yet. :(


If that big earthquake they keep predicting ever hits the west cost of the US and manages to detatch California from the mainland they should attach some rocket boosters and blast it into outer space.....it seems that place has already opted out from any real world normality.


Gold Member
The weird thing is, this isn't until June, and by then omicron is likely to have fallen right back. If there's no further variants of concern, this is going to look like a bad decision - but then I guess these events take months to plan and organise, so I guess they had no choice.

Having said all that, E3 has been a bit shit since Sony fucked off, so is it really that much of a loss?
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Gold Member
Kinda sucks I guess, but I didn’t expect anything else. I would’ve been more surprised if the event wasn’t online at this point.



Getting so sick and fucking tired of this shit. You get vaccinated and still you're gated. I mean like WTF. I'm at the point now that I just don't give a shit anymore (although I've already been jabbed twice), I just want to go out. My fiance has not seen her mother for 3 years now and we can't visit her because of Covid.

E3 is shit and has been in decline for a while now so expected an online show even if there was no covid.

This is because despite of vaccinations, numbers in the hospital are still deemed too high. I think its a matter of living WITH the virus. Adjust healthcare and expand hospitals, invest in medical tuitions so there are enough hands. Everything can move on just fine despite an extra virus being rampant now and then.

Here in holland, the hospital numbers and infections were pathetic during spring and summer. They've risen since September. We knew this would happen, but even still a booster campaign wasn't handled well and not in time (with the most vulnerable group getting their third in october or so, 10 months after their first 2). Because of this lots of stores and all restaurants etc had to close shop yet again which means they've missed 2 holiday seasons in a row. This doesn't work. Live with the virus. Stop with this short term bullshit. Its coming back anyway and the amount of hospital beds isn't increased over the last 2 years, so next year will be the same.

We need a long term strategy and we need to supply third world countries as viruses will evolve over there as long as its not being vaccinated.

My only hope is that the virus gets weaker over time, and our immune system becomes stronger. Apparently omikron doesn't target lungs and its dominant.
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E3 is a waste of time now anyways, why should the big companies waste millions on floorspace, press stages etc when they can reach the exact same audience by uploading an announcement, or game trailer on YouTube. Ironically Nintendo was the first to realise this way back in 2013.

COVID is just another excuse, like it is for everything.


E3 is dead regardless, it seems. Covid is more of pretext. Last one was pretty horrible anyway (at least what I saw), and what was good could be easily delivered independently (shorter presentation with MS games, for example).

As for Covid, it's far from sniffles, I think medical system still tries to adjust to that, sadly it's not as fast as we were promised (especially with new fast spreading virus), but that's not surprising. Obviously the virus and variations aren't going away and there will be new ones, we'll have to adjust to living with that, and it takes time. In my country, things were close to normal until recently, so I can't get too mad about some new restrictions now, in flu season. Where things were affected the worst for us is medical system, precisely because it's overtaxed, not enough personnel, all hands on COVID. When you experience the effects up close, it's hard not to take them seriously. Not only people die from COVID, people die from other causes, or die alone without their families, because of COVID. It's natural but sucks that we don't have ready-made solutions. Hopefully we'll get close to some balance soon!

I think on the list of the things that can be easily sacrificed (unlike seeing your family), E3 is pretty high.
This is because despite of vaccinations, numbers in the hospital are still deemed too high. I think its a matter of living WITH the virus. Adjust healthcare and expand hospitals, invest in medical tuitions so there are enough hands. Everything can move on just fine despite an extra virus being rampant now and then.

Here in holland, the hospital numbers and infections were pathetic during spring and summer. They've risen since September. We knew this would happen, but even still a booster campaign wasn't handled well and not in time (with the most vulnerable group getting their third in october or so, 10 months after their first 2). Because of this lots of stores and all restaurants etc had to close shop yet again which means they've missed 2 holiday seasons in a row. This doesn't work. Live with the virus. Stop with this short term bullshit. Its coming back anyway and the amount of hospital beds isn't increased over the last 2 years, so next year will be the same.

We need a long term strategy and we need to supply third world countries as viruses will evolve over there as long as its not being vaccinated.

My only hope is that the virus gets weaker over time, and our immune system becomes stronger. Apparently omikron doesn't target lungs and its dominant.
Live with the virus. Keeping people couped up is causing other problem mainly domestic violence issues have increased. I have spoken to some work colleagues and a few of them are having a tough time with these restrictions.
I've also hoped for the same outcome that our immune systems will strengthen with time.
At the moment, governments are fucking up the handling of this pandemic. Anti-vaxxers are becoming more vocal. People are just sick and fucking tired man. Myself included.

I'm going to have to go for a booster jab if I ever want to visit my family back in South Africa. Booster for this and a booster for that. When is enough, enough?!

*Apologies, I don't want to hijack this thread*
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