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Why Aren’t Companies Bold Enough To Make AO Rated Games?


It makes sense because games like TLOU still hides behind a M rated game because it's not AO enough. This is the problem. Games made towards adult would also change the dialogue, gameplay, and graphics

Don't think so, even games that are literally psychopath simulator like Blood Trail VR are not rated AO (probably is not rated at all), but I don't see how gameplay could be affected. I'm curious to know what ND could have put of more "offensive" in TLOU to make it AO?
Why won't developers and publishers invest millions of dollars making games that are severely restricted in how they can be sold and advertised?

Truly a question for the ages.


Gaming has been getting boring to me with all these childish cartoonish lame games that come out. I want something serious like come on America 🤦🏾‍♂️ anyway these companies have billions so it wouldn't hurt them to make one. Imagine if NBA 2K was AO, gears of war AO, God of War AO...

Edit since y'all got jokes
NBA 2K beeps music to the point it doesn't even have to be a profane word 😂 same with Madden. IRL NBA PLAYERS GET EJECTED, but not in 2K🔥

TLOU is tough because it's very adult like already but some lesbian scenes of them actually having sex wouldn't had been hated right? 🤣

Gears of War: I mean, we fight robots and shit now. Gears is sweet now

Mortal Kombat - I mean more boobs physics, less clothes? Maybe have a character that have bullets shoot from her titties 😂


Gold Member
Because money. And because people are pussies.


First sentence literally reads:

Theres fucking actual real life people losing sleep over killing a virtual dog in a pixelated video game. And you bet your ass this same person had no issues chopping people to bits in the same game.

People are too soft, and anything that pushes boundaries is frowned upon, and no money is made.

Always Online

Adult Only
Lmfao the attempts to find any reason to hate TLOU2 were so lame, but none moreso than the "it's too gory"


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Almost any big box or digital retailer will not keep those on the shelves.

It's all about the money.

Vexed Dad

Neo Member
Granted, OP's examples were in and of themselves a little immature; however, I jive with the sentiment.

I, too, am over cutesy, cartoon anthropomorphic characters and games that claim to address mature content just because they hint at a character who may be suffering from mental illness. These things have their place - obviously.

It is estimated that there are 3.24 billion gamers worldwide (including mobile gamers). The average gamer is 35 years old; what self-respecting 35-year-old that isn't working at IGN gets excited by the idea of playing Them's Fightin' Herds? Or Coral Island? Or Ikenfell?

I might have looked at these titles if I was still a teenager. But I am over 35. I have children, a mortgage, a serious career and cutesy, cartoon anthropomorphic characters hold absolutely no interest to me.

It's the same in all media these days; everything is made for the broadest possible audience, everything is a cape movie, and nothing challenges or offends our sensibilities anymore.

Still, I long for the old Rockstar Games, who didn't give a f*#k and made Manhunt. I long for the cinema of the 70s that made movies that spoke to smaller audiences, where not everything was beautifully polished and photoshopped.

Sorry, I got off track... But I think you should grasp my point here.

35+ year-olds deserve content that speaks to more mature themes.


The nicest person on this forum
35+ year-olds deserve content that speaks to more mature themes.
I dont know why being "old" mean you cant enjoy cartoony games? I personally can play and enjoy both games like Cyberpunk 2077, Callisto protocol and more cartoony games like Mario + Rabbits or more over the top games like Bayonetta and I'm also 35.


Companies don't make AO rated games because some big retailers from USA don't buy them. And that would mean to sacrifice a huge amount of sales, specially years ago when most or all sales were in retail and USA had a bigger market share.

Nowadays digital is becoming so huge and retail specially outside Nintendo platforms is becoming smaller and smaller. Once retail becames something tiny and niche as it is on PC, and as the market in other countries keep growing faster so USA keeps getting a smaller % of the global market then I think AO games in console will start to appear and be more common, as happened on PC.
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Vexed Dad

Neo Member
I dont know why being "old" mean you cant enjoy cartoony games? I personally can play and enjoy both games like Cyberpunk 2077, Callisto protocol and more cartoony games like Mario + Rabbits or more over the top games like Bayonetta and I'm also 35.
I think you missed the greater point of my post. Of course you can (I cant fathom how - but of course you can).
Doubt we will see AO games anytime soon. People get offended over sexy characters or outfits so I can imagine that AO games could make them faint.


The nicest person on this forum
(I cant fathom how ).
Easy, sometimes I’m in mood for more light hearted with less serious story so I play games like Luigi’s Mansion but sometimes I’m mood more gory and dark games I so Play games like Callisto protocol.

Doubt we will see AO games anytime soon. People get offended over sexy characters or outfits so I can imagine that AO games could make them faint.
People already offended by the fact Bayonetta is not gay, oh the humanity!

Vexed Dad

Neo Member
Easy, sometimes I’m in mood for more light hearted with less serious story so I play games like Luigi’s Mansion but sometimes I’m mood more gory and dark games I so Play games like Callisto protocol.
Oh yea I understand that, I just cant fathom a grown man desiring to engage with that kind of thing. I feel the same way about adult men who watch cartoons...


The nicest person on this forum
Oh yea I understand that, I just cant fathom a grown man desiring to engage with that kind of thing. I feel the same way about adult men who watch cartoons...
Then you are no different than people who look down on others playing video games.🤷‍♂️

Vexed Dad

Neo Member
Then you are no different than people who look down on others playing video games.🤷‍♂️

Dude, just because I cannot fathom something for myself, doesn't mean I look down on someone.

Personally I just think that when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood things as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. This just seems like a natural progression.

If you recall my original post i said :

"I , too, am over cutesy, cartoon anthropomorphic characters and games that claim to address mature content just because they hint at a character who may be suffering from mental illness. These things have their place - obviously."

However some of us adults crave more content that has put away childish things.


The nicest person on this forum
Dude, just because I cannot fathom something for myself, doesn't mean I look down on someone.

Personally I just think that when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood things as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. This just seems like a natural progression.

If you recall my original post i said :

"I , too, am over cutesy, cartoon anthropomorphic characters and games that claim to address mature content just because they hint at a character who may be suffering from mental illness. These things have their place - obviously."

However some of us adults crave more content that has put away childish things.
Even without AO ratting games is not like we are lacking "Adult" games, just play games with more realistic graphics, heck you want play games about person suffering from mental illness, play Hellblade.

Also I need variety in my gaming, If all I play is dark and depressing games then I get fed up, sometimes I crave more colourful and cartoony games and sometimes crave more gory games, so I play some survival horrors.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Because there's no reason to have your game rated if it's going to get an AO. You simply release it unrated. It's the same reason NC-17 movies are virtually non-existent. Any place that will carry an NC-17 film will carry an unrated one.


Don't think so, even games that are literally psychopath simulator like Blood Trail VR are not rated AO (probably is not rated at all), but I don't see how gameplay could be affected. I'm curious to know what ND could have put of more "offensive" in TLOU to make it AO?

...I also don't think Naughty Dog is in the business of "offending" people. It's edgy entertainment for today's dark-drama-seeking crowds. The Red Wedding wasn't intending to offend, it's the dark side of entertainment, and when it hits hard it's a hit.

Really, there's not a lot in any medium that's "more adult" than what's available in gaming. More sexual, sometimes maybe, but games are pretty miserable at handling sexuality (which is probably for the best.... they're interactive cartoons, what's sexy about watching computer routines simulate orgasms?) We've got the most violent medium on the market and we're getting away with it. We're pretty weak on foul language, primarily because we don't have a lot of language built in the actual art of gameplay and then usually characters don't have a lot to say while gamers are playing a level or running around anyway (...and again, maybe for the best anyway, since the best writers are not turning to videogames to express their master of the language.) What else is "adult", blaspheme? Do we need more blaspheme in games? Would we consider old age and bodily functions "adult", or just sad and gross. Is racism "adult" or... well, we've got plenty of racism if you turn your mics on in deathmatches, I'm sure.
The reason is simple... People like it or not videogames consoles are build with kids in mind....

Most of us grown up playing games so for us it's not s big of a deal, but companies mostly focus on their primary target audience that is KIDS.

The only platform where you can hope to see some AO games is PC, steam sell them right now (but it's mostly porn stuff)...

Videogame consoles target audience and desing is KIDS, that's is the reason most of the games have dumbed down mechanics or simple weak narratives of "bad guys vs good guys. Good guys aways win".
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Gold Member
The last mainstream movie who got an NC-17 was Showgirls by Paul Verhoeven. Look how well that turned out.

Fucking awesome cult classic?

It actually got a sequel too but I challenge any person to make it through to the end. Set your expectations low.
Lower than that....

Vexed Dad

Neo Member
Most of these games get AO rating because high sexual content and violence expect one game (for gambling).

We already getting these in "M" rated games, even game like Cyberpunk showing full nudity, further than that its basically porn, is that what people want?
Porn? Absolutely not. Think stories like we get in Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, The Shield... etc Adult, drama that touch on the nitty gritty of realities.


The nicest person on this forum
Think stories like we get in Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, The Shield... etc Adult, drama that touch on the nitty gritty of realities.
Which we can already get in "M" rated games, I dont see any reason it needs AO rating.
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Does Steam carry AO games? Might be the only place left if Gabe doesn't care.
Valve does not prohibit AO games. There's been less than half a dozen AO-rated games over the last decade because most developers putting out those games won't bother to get it rated by the ESRB. You generally know what your rating is when submitting a title so it's kind of a pointless endeavor. Unlike other platforms and retailers, Steam does not require an ESRB rating to have a game put up on the store.

Valve's rule on AO games are more specific to the specific content. Devs aren't allowed to have real life actors in sexually explicit scenes and Valve regularly rejects sex games where the character's ages are in question.

Vexed Dad

Neo Member
Which we can already get in "M" rated games, I dont see any reason it needs AO rating.
I guess this is where the confusion lies, is AO in the US like the R rating in Australia? As in 18+? In Oz we have AO sometimes on free to air TV but it doesnt mean porn.


Because stores won't carry them.

They fucking will when GTA VI is AO, they will when The Last Of Us 3 is AO, the will when Max Payne 4: PAYNE TO DA MAX is AO

Look...they don't because no major publisher has put them out to set the trend to push the medium forward. I think Sony, Take Two and Ubisoft have put many, many mature and adult themes in their titles and have greatly helped the medium go forward in regards to what can be done to allow others to see its no the end of the world, but I believe they can do more and there is no reason for M rated games, to be acting like PG13 films.....

The fact that Days Gone has fucking kid zombies is a big deal to gaming, yet thats not some unusual thing in film or something. I've said this many times on here, gaming would struggle with fucking 1960's Cape Fear, or Strawdogs, many of them argue for something new, yet seem to want games on training wheels or some shit. Gaming TODAY is literally DECADES behind other mediums in regards to this rating.
What would be in an AO game that is not in an M game that would make it "serious?" Explicit sex? That adds literally nothing to a game.

I disagree.

My issue is people sexualize that and remove all context from the rating. Look at gaming today, look at some of the most raw M rated titles. The Last Of Us 2, Red Dead Redemption 2 etc....I want you to imagine it was a film and you showed it to others who watch films

I think only The Last Of Us 2 might be able to get away with a lot of that and appear like any other film based on content, subject matter etc.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will have the violence of the wild west, heads blown off and such, but the literal words of what characters are saying is not only comical, it doesn't even fit the time frame in regards to how people interacted based on race, they were not just going to be saying "darkie" and leaving it at that sir. Anyone watching a film and someone said the N-word, it would just be like "well it is in the 1800s" and thats it, they wouldn't be like "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS", that is fucking normal in a film set in that time.

Why is that this taboo thing in a fucking video game already rated M? Its not merely sexualizing the title, its saying the violence of that time frame like lynching's, hangings, murder, rape all this shit went on then, is very much concepts in film, yet we are all able to understand that. Why is that something in games thats suddenly some mystery?

So gaming has a long way to go before it meets the context of what is in film today in terms of subject matter and I don't buy that this would hurt sales, it would if anything open up a whole new market of gaming for 30 plus year old who grew up gaming and want it to grow up with them.

As it stands, gaming couldn't handle American History X, Hard Candy, Funny Games, Cape Fear and many more. That sounds like they still got some catching up to do and the training wheels maybe need to be taken off for developers.


The nicest person on this forum
Im still kinda shocked Cyberpunk didn't get an AO rating.
Same, this game has full on nudity and you can even change character genitals in character creation.
I guess this is where the confusion lies, is AO in the US like the R rating in Australia? As in 18+? In Oz we have AO sometimes on free to air TV but it doesnt mean porn.
The questions is what AO can do what "M" rated games cant.

Sex? there you go...

Same, this game has full on nudity and you can even change character genitals in character creation.

The questions is what AO can do what "M" rated games cant.

Sex? there you go...

You make a good point. Given the range M rated has become, AO is very limited in what it can produce.

The content presented in M rating is so already Adult that any rating above it would be limited to taboos hence why AO games on steam are all Japanese.
I disagree.

My issue is people sexualize that and remove all context from the rating. Look at gaming today, look at some of the most raw M rated titles. The Last Of Us 2, Red Dead Redemption 2 etc....I want you to imagine it was a film and you showed it to others who watch films

I think only The Last Of Us 2 might be able to get away with a lot of that and appear like any other film based on content, subject matter etc.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will have the violence of the wild west, heads blown off and such, but the literal words of what characters are saying is not only comical, it doesn't even fit the time frame in regards to how people interacted based on race, they were not just going to be saying "darkie" and leaving it at that sir. Anyone watching a film and someone said the N-word, it would just be like "well it is in the 1800s" and thats it, they wouldn't be like "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS", that is fucking normal in a film set in that time.

Why is that this taboo thing in a fucking video game already rated M? Its not merely sexualizing the title, its saying the violence of that time frame like lynching's, hangings, murder, rape all this shit went on then, is very much concepts in film, yet we are all able to understand that. Why is that something in games thats suddenly some mystery?

So gaming has a long way to go before it meets the context of what is in film today in terms of subject matter and I don't buy that this would hurt sales, it would if anything open up a whole new market of gaming for 30 plus year old who grew up gaming and want it to grow up with them.

As it stands, gaming couldn't handle American History X, Hard Candy, Funny Games, Cape Fear and many more. That sounds like they still got some catching up to do and the training wheels maybe need to be taken off for developers.
This is all a good point, though again could be done with an M. I think this is honestly a bigger problem than even just gaming and it is similar to the articles and posts I've seen lamenting that there are no complex, interesting bad guys anymore and they are all silly cartoon caricatures that are 100% evil with no nuance, but in a safe and unoffensive way. We are at a point in society where if someone made a WWII movie and had a Nazi say "I don't like Jewish people" the director and everyone involved would be called antisemitic. People are unable to understand that characters in a movie/game are CHARACTERS IN A MOVIE/GAME. Just because someone says or does something bad doesn't mean the action is being praised or promoted, it means the character is acting like the character should.


Gold Member
Oh yea I understand that, I just cant fathom a grown man desiring to engage with that kind of thing. I feel the same way about adult men who watch cartoons...
Dude, just because I cannot fathom something for myself, doesn't mean I look down on someone.

Personally I just think that when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood things as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. This just seems like a natural progression.

If you recall my original post i said :

"I , too, am over cutesy, cartoon anthropomorphic characters and games that claim to address mature content just because they hint at a character who may be suffering from mental illness. These things have their place - obviously."

However some of us adults crave more content that has put away childish things.

This was unnecessarily passive-aggressive. Because you seem to be confused by the Bible passage you're taking out of context, please allow me to clarify it:

The verse you're referencing was from the apostle Paul who was speaking to the church of Corinth. He was telling the Corinthians that they needed to grow spiritually. The Corinthians at that time were squabbling over unimportant issues and doctrines. Paul's point was that they didn't know nearly as much as they thought they did, and that they were behaving like children.

The context wasn't that you can't enjoy things as an adult that you enjoyed as a child. In fact, Jesus himself said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." In the same vein that Paul wasn't telling people they couldn't enjoy things they enjoyed as children, neither was Jesus saying that you shouldn't mature.

Your post was simply you going out of your way to snub your nose at someone. It would be like if my wife and I were going to go on a date, and she put on a nice dress and I said, "That's what you're wearing?" Your post was belittling for no reason except for you to point out how "grown up" you are. What's worse is that you used a Bible verse out of context in order to do so. Not cool, man.

But welcome to NeoGAF I guess.

Vexed Dad

Neo Member
This was unnecessarily passive-aggressive. Because you seem to be confused by the Bible passage you're taking out of context, please allow me to clarify it:

The verse you're referencing was from the apostle Paul who was speaking to the church of Corinth. He was telling the Corinthians that they needed to grow spiritually. The Corinthians at that time were squabbling over unimportant issues and doctrines. Paul's point was that they didn't know nearly as much as they thought they did, and that they were behaving like children.

The context wasn't that you can't enjoy things as an adult that you enjoyed as a child. In fact, Jesus himself said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." In the same vein that Paul wasn't telling people they couldn't enjoy things they enjoyed as children, neither was Jesus saying that you shouldn't mature.

Your post was simply you going out of your way to snub your nose at someone. It would be like if my wife and I were going to go on a date, and she put on a nice dress and I said, "That's what you're wearing?" Your post was belittling for no reason except for you to point out how "grown up" you are. What's worse is that you used a Bible verse out of context in order to do so. Not cool, man.

But welcome to NeoGAF I guess.

I stand by my initial response.

Also I understand well what St Paul was speaking to the church in Corinth about, and with this not being a Biblical discuss thought it adequate to twist it to make a point about behaving like a child.

Sue me, I cant fathom grown ups being into cartoons or cutesy games.

Is Danjin44 Danjin44 your son or something?

Pasta la Vista

Gold Member
There are plenty of games out there that have nudity as well as adult content and themes. If you are looking for some kinda fetish porn game, those exist as well.
Dude, just because I cannot fathom something for myself, doesn't mean I look down on someone.

Personally I just think that when I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood things as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. This just seems like a natural progression.

If you recall my original post i said :

"I , too, am over cutesy, cartoon anthropomorphic characters and games that claim to address mature content just because they hint at a character who may be suffering from mental illness. These things have their place - obviously."

However some of us adults crave more content that has put away childish things.

Lol you know you’re a dweeb when you quote the bible to try and explain why you don’t like Super Mario…


I'm more relaxed about a 14 year old seeing boobs in GTA or DOA than I am about them getting groomed in Roblox or VR chat. Historically, content in the console market is dominated by red lines like what Walmart is prepared to put on their shelves.


However some of us adults crave more content that has put away childish things.
Define "mature content". You've been rambling about cartoonish visuals but you don't need realistic visuals to tell a "mature" story. In fact, you don't need an AO or even a M rating either.

By the same token, you can have something realistic looking with AO or M rating that feels like it came out from the head of a teenager.
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Gold Member
I stand by my initial response.

Also I understand well what St Paul was speaking to the church in Corinth about, and with this not being a Biblical discuss thought it adequate to twist it to make a point about behaving like a child.

Sue me, I cant fathom grown ups being into cartoons or cutesy games.

Is Danjin44 Danjin44 your son or something?

No. I just don't like bullies, and you essentially came in as a passive-aggressive bully. I can't fathom a grown man being so petty he would have to voice his opinion to belittle others, but here we are.


As far as I know, Agony and Succubus both did pretty well for indie games and those were released as digital only. Steam will allow just about any degenerate shit on their platform so technically it's possible but I imagine that it would raise some unwanted attention and controversy if they'd get any kind of mainstream attention.
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