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Controversial final fantasy opinions?

Mine is that Final Fantasy XIII was a good game with an enjoyable plot and cast of characters.

In fact, i'll double down and say that it was a better game than IX(which is criminally overrated imo). Come at me bro.

Honourable Mentions: FFXII is criminally underrated, arguably best in the series only rivalled by X. VIII is one of the worst video games ever made.
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I think X-2 had the best battle system in the series.
I don't know or remember(played it back in like 2010) why people revere the battle system so highly in that game but one thing I really liked from that game is basically having evil tidus(sort of) as the main antagonist. Most of the plot sucks but the final act where you have to stop shuyin/vegnagun was great.
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Gold Member
I don't know or remember(played it back in like 2010) why people revere the battle system so highly in that game but one thing I really liked from that game is basically having evil tidus(sort of) as the main antagonist. Most of the plot sucks but the final act where you have to stop shuyin/vegnagun was great.

I haven't played it in a long while so what I have are just impressions. I think I played in around release.

I remember it being very accessible but still very complex.

It's not the most accessible or the most complex but it does enough of both that the gameplay never gets old while still being very intuitive.


  • Everything before 6 feels unremarkable and not needed to play now
    • I am planning on grabbing the Steam Versions on the next big sale to prove that statement as well
  • XIII and XV are better games than IX and XII
  • XI is awful, was then, still is
  • This has changed now but XiV was very bloated and just fetch quest after fetch quest, the Streamlining they did to ARR and HW was a blessing I couldn't take advantage of
Mine is that Final Fantasy 13 was a good game with an enjoyable plot and cast of characters.

In fact, i'll double down and say that it was a better game than 9(which is criminally overrated imo). Come at me bro.
bitch slap slapping GIF


Kefka is an overrated villain. I don't understand why fans held him as the gold standard for FF villains for so long. He's literally just a crazy asshole and wants to do bad things because he's crazy. He's bad because he's bad. Fans cite the reason he's so great is because he achieved his goal and destroyed the world, but he's not even remotely the only villain in any medium who also succeeded with that. He's not even the first FF villain to fuck up the world.

Fucking Zenos from FFXIV had more depth to him than Kefka.


Gold Member
It seems like the series gets worse and worse with each addition to the series. After FF9, I mean. 16 looks great visually, but man that gameplay looks nothing like an RPG.
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It seems like the series gets worse and worse with each addition to the series. After FF9, I mean. 16 looks great visually, but man that gameplay looks nothing like an RPG.
16 is closer than 15 at least since magic actually functions like magic rather than item bombs.

But yeah I see what you mean. Apparantly 17 will go back to pixel turn based.

Jinzo Prime

Gold Member
Masashi Hamauzu had the impossible task of succeeding Nobuo Uematsu as lead composer for Final Fantasy 13. And frankly, I think he did an incredible job. Quite a few people hate the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy OSTs, but I think they are fantastic.

Nobuo Uematsu is the greatest video game composer of all time and no one can really replace him, but Hamauzu did a great job holding down the fort until Square rebuilt their music team.


Gold Member
Once they stopped having traditional battle systems they sucked. (basically X was the last good one).
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Source on that ?

Don't know if it's controversal but FFX is the best Final Fantasy to date.

Also Final Fantasy XV is a pretty good FF and the alchemy between the party member is top tier for me.

Not controversial, X is considered one of the best titles in the franchise, me included. Then again, I may be biased because it was the cornerstone of my childhood.

Yeah, I agree XV was good but it should have been a side game, it feels like it's a different series altogether LARPing as a mainline final fantasy game(technically was at one point).
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XIII's combat is super fun.

XII is imo the worst FF game just on account of it being incredibly boring to play. It's a boring offline MMO.

VI is good but overrated, world of ruin breaks pace.


7 remake is a mediocre (at best) game. Graphics and voice work is mostly fine but pretty much everything else ranges from bad to meh. My only interest in the rest of the games is to see how bad they fuck it up.

12 is the game that killed my interest in FF. Why is this controversial? Because it was 100% the inverted camera controls (the original release didn't have an option). Find a thread anywhere on the internet regarding normal vs inverted camera for controversial.

Probably not controversial but 14 should be made into a proper single player game. Or at least give the main cast their own offline game. They deserve it.
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Gold Member
8 is a bloody good game in all respects. Yeah, the orphanage thing? It wasn’t the lamest and most convenient plot twist you’d heard when you first played the game, and it still isn’t. Get over it. And if you still think battles were all about summoning a GF and mashing Square, learn to play the game right.

FF10 was where the series stumbled and never really recovered. Nomura’s designs are just the cream on top of a slow, stiff, boring game with more side content than main quest. The story is nice, but the delivery is too awkward due to the anime style and the English dub.

FF6 is a phenomenal achievement for its time, but for some reason I never had fun with it.
7 remake is a mediocre (at best) game. Graphics and voice work is mostly fine but pretty much everything else ranges from bad to meh. My only interest in the rest of the games is to see how bad they fuck it up.

12 is the game that killed my interest in FF. Why is this controversial? Because it was 100% the inverted camera controls (the original release didn't have an option). Find a thread anywhere on the internet regarding normal vs inverted camera for controversial.

Probably not controversial but 14 should be made into a proper single player game. Or at least give the main cast their own offline game. They deserve it.
Game felt super slow and bloated. This is what happens when you try to stretch a 10 hour segment of a 40 hour game into an actual 40 hour game.
8 is a bloody good game in all respects. Yeah, the orphanage thing? It wasn’t the lamest and most convenient plot twist you’d heard when you first played the game, and it still isn’t. Get over it. And if you still think battles were all about summoning a GF and mashing Square, learn to play the game right.

FF10 was where the series stumbled and never really recovered. Nomura’s designs are just the cream on top of a slow, stiff, boring game with more side content than main quest. The story is nice, but the delivery is too awkward due to the anime style and the English dub.

FF6 is a phenomenal achievement for its time, but for some reason I never had fun with it.
Out of all the reasons I hate VIII, the orphanage twist isn't one of them funnily enough.


oh no, i cannot....ff13 and 12 were so bad.

I recently played 12 and im so disappointed, its so bad. The plot falls apart in the second half so badly.

My controversial opinion is that blitzball is awesome and the best minigame of all time, we need more minigames that are borderline sports games within a game in future final fantasies.
oh no, i cannot....ff13 and 12 were so bad.

I recently played 12 and im so disappointed, its so bad. The plot falls apart in the second half so badly.

My controversial opinion is that blitzball is awesome and the best minigame of all time, we need more minigames that are borderline sports games within a game in future final fantasies.

The second half of 12 is the only thing stopping it from being the GOAT JRPG. But I wouldn't say the actual plot was bad, more so the pacing.

On a related note, also how quickly the license boards become filled up and irrelevant then you're left with nothing to do with it for the final third or so of the game.

Also I definitely agree on blitzball. If FFX gets a remake online blitzball is a must.
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FFIV was better than VI.

Sphere Break (FFX-2) was a better minigame than Triple Triad, although underdeveloped.

FFXIII has the best battle system in a FF ever, and better than most JRPGs.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
VII Remake is shit.

I won't go as far as to say it's shit.

But it is definitely a very boring and mostly uninteresting game. They padded the SHIIIIIIT out of it. Multiple 15 minute long monkey-bar segments, dozens of slow crawls, dragging on the tiniest of things to half hours just to fill up the game time to make it seem like a full game.


My 'controversial' opinions.

- FF9 is the best PS1 era entry.
- FF15 gets a bad rep, it's actually very good.
- FF6 is over rated, FF4 (and even 5) are better games.
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I'm very conflicted about XII. I never finished it back in the days but i remember being fascinated by it. When i replayed it recently it was an average experience i would say. I don't really know what to think about this game.
VIII is one of the best games in the series. Come at me bro.
I disagree!

- Muted colour scheme
- Art style which has aged very poorly, especially compared to other PS1 entries
- Abusable power system which makes it almost impossible for anyone not to be able to break the game. You can just spam GFs all day if you want.
- Magic basically being items which can be used up over time.
- Character stats being tied to magic equipped on them.
- Cliche and dull main cast
- Not being able to find new weapons but instead having to "upgrade" them.
- Constant flashback sequences which break the pace of the game

I did like the OST however, one of the few redeemable elements in that game imo.
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