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Why People 💩 on Well Reviewed Games

Which is the worst type?

  • Total voters


Possible reasons: Woke/buggy/weak endgame/too long/repetetive/personal taste. If the game is exclusive you can add as number 1 reasons console warring and concern trolling.


I thought this might be a comedic thread. But you put a lot of thought into a long post and left out the "they just don't like it" guy. Shocker I know, but people can have differing opinions.


It's suspicious to me that you began with the premise that there is "something wrong" with people who "crap" on well-reviewed games. According to you, they all have some kind of psychological deficiency -- they are console warriors, perfectionists, or trolls, basically. I would suggest that this typology suggests a deficiency in you -- that you do not understand that some people criticize a game fairly, because of its actual deficiencies (at least in their opinion). That does not mean there is something wrong with them. Maybe it means that they wanted something different than what the game offers. Maybe it means that their expectations, although not "perfectionistic" as you label them, were not met. Maybe it means they see things wrong with the game that many reviewers (who are often bought and paid for) did not highlight. It can be many other things besides some personal deficiency. In fact, saying that it's a personal deficiency is simply ad hominem. Why not take the criticisms for what they are, rather than dismiss them with ad hominem typologies?
Why not re read the post properly and make sure you fully understand it? I am explicitly differentiating between valid criticism and shitting.

Your armchair psychoanalysis of an OP on a videogame forum is darn funny though...I'll give you that.


Why not re read the post properly and make sure you fully understand it? I am explicitly differentiating between valid criticism and shitting.

Your armchair psychoanalysis of an OP on a videogame forum is darn funny though...I'll give you that.
I can shit all over FF16s boooooooooooooooooooooooooring and redundant side quests. And it can still be a valid criticism.

Your premise for this thread seems pretty clearly to be "there is something wrong w people who have differing opinions on highly reviewed games" and you seem hellbent on finding ways to label such people to devalue their opinion.


It's because, ultimately, tastes are different. What appeals to you might not appeal to me. And, believe it or not, there are people out there who are natural outliers. And most people are probably outliers in at least one way or another.

If you scrubbed through every honest opinion you have, I bet at least one of them goes against the general consensus. Not because you want it to, but just because that's the way it is. There are 9 billion people on the planet now; they are not all going to agree with one another.

I find it more fascinating that there even are games that that are so consistently highly-rated by critics. It doesn't line up with other mediums, where the average score is more... Well... Average.

Highly-rated games that I genuinely do not think are that good:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
God of War (2018)
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Mario Odyssey
Every Halo game.
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It might be because they don't believe that well-rated games are being reviewed honestly. They might be frustrated with both the game companies and the collaborative magazines. This situation is more common in AAA games.


tribalist ooga booga is always the worst, sometimes they hit hard and kills sales for certain game...


Gold Member
Why not re read the post properly and make sure you fully understand it? I am explicitly differentiating between valid criticism and shitting.

No you're not. If you think you are, you should go back and reread your own post. I'll quote it for you:

So that's my hypothesis. Three different types worthy of criticism with their own motivations and another that is not about videogames themselves that you can only shake your head at.

Personally the third one is the worst since it just seeks to destroy- and creating is super hard and risky. And we shouldn't shit on the act of creation for our own entertainment. And the ego trip is pretty unbearable too.

The first is understandable as a well established part of human behaviour that has been put to the wrong use ( follow a sports team if you want to relive tribes - not products you can enjoy without restrictions between them).

The second is worthy of some sympathy. If someone is so affected by a product, then that suggests there are larger personal issues at play and the person needs support not vitriol thrown back at them.

So what do you think? Makes sense.? Something missing or need a different framing? Which one do you hate most?

Three different types, all worthy of your condescension -- the third "seeks to destroy," the second has "larger personal issues," and the first is an example of a misdirected "well-established part of human behavior," by which you apparently mean tribalism. Poor souls. Oh, and there's the fourth, who is talking about something besides videogames, and you "can only shake your head at." All condescending judgments.

I don't see any allowance for legitimate criticism, apart from the point where you edited your OP to incorporate feedback -- although you left everything else the same, including the intro (which makes no such distinction), all three types (making no distinction) and the quoted portion above (no distinctions).

If you think you adequately distinguished between legitimate criticism and trolling and/or console warrioring, you did not. If that was in your head somewhere, you did not do a good, clear job of communicating it. That is not how your OP reads. Why do you think you got all the backlash you did? Because "console warriors"?
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I have a duty to my nation
This man is a terrorist, mods. Apprehend him!
Please Phil stop making alts.
Is that you Jim Ryan?

But seriously, Starfield like a lot of big AAA games always gets overhyped, exclusivity makes it worse. Xbox fanboys, PlayStation fanboys, etc always want to shit on the other. It’s like your favorite football team.

Personally a game doesn’t need to be a 90+ or 95+ to be great. We as gamers PUT way too much stock in a lot of other opinions. Yes some reviewers/reviews do highlight pros and cons and give legitimate constructive criticism but there is also a lot of personal bias, judgmental reasoning that a lot of times doesn’t relate to the game but to the publisher, developers, platform holders, etc.

ANYWAY just enjoy the game, doesn’t gotta be perfect. Rather it’s Starfield, FFXVI, or whatever.


Maybe an other option can be resent for being left out. That other people are having fun without them and they can't handle that. If they're not having fun, then no one can.

Perhaps that's also the reason why when there's a game they don't like how it looks like, instead of ignoring it, they go out of their way to ruin it for other people.


Streamers and critics: 10/10 best game ever best space exploration 100000000000000000000 planets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actual real people playing the game:

And the game is brand new. We'll have videos in the coming weeks of all sorts of shit they reused and pasted.


I don't have a solid answer tbh, by pinpointing best known years for quality contents without being specific,

1998 through 2011, people get pissed from puzzles, they can't get through and don't want to ruin their experience.

Post 2010, games no longer look visually stunning, we've reached a point where we are not actually immersed by Technology advancements anymore, devs started relying on tricks like borderlands to achieve the wow factor.

Post 2013, worlds aren't fascinating anymore, they really don't matter anymore, after skyrim, bioshock infinite, the last of us, people don't give a s about the stuff they see from a distance, they aren't mysterious and gorgeous anymore, instead, game scenes actually became consumed more often than ever, you see big areas but there isn't much to do there, the environment isn't rich as it used to be.

8th, 9th Gen, the maps are getting smaller
like many jrpgs and some old ips like halo, the areas used to be bigger but they aren't anyone, I'm not an engineer but I can tell there's a clear difference.
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This place might be casually mainstream, but it's a lot better than places like Gamefaqs, where posters fight and hate over the smallest of details. GF peeps are also very entitled and political. Eww.


Reseterror Resettler
You forgot a type, OP:

Kira - Generally dislikes woke or agenda driven stuff, but is generally very devil may care about things, to the point of interacting with topics that he doesn't care or know much about, because the sense of community inherent in looking at something that someone worked stupid hard on (hahahaha) for years and dismantling it in forty seconds with stupid gifs, memes, and vitriol much too intense for the subject matter is just...alpha and omega.


I can shit all over FF16s boooooooooooooooooooooooooring and redundant side quests. And it can still be a valid criticism.

Your premise for this thread seems pretty clearly to be "there is something wrong w people who have differing opinions on highly reviewed games" and you seem hellbent on finding ways to label such people to devalue their opinion.
No its not...the category for having a different opinion isnt even in the poll.

Just because you "feel" something doesn't make it true. Just because I am criticising the extreme of something doesnt mean i am criticising it's moderate counterpart.

You can have all the fun you like turning "why do people shit on games people praise?" Into " this a-hole says I am not allowed to have a differing opion to the mainstream" but it's pretty obvious that you're doing a dishonest strawman.

Why are you doing it? Maybe you're a shitter trying to cover their shit, maybe you just want to argue...who knows? But it's pretty transparent what you're up to....


Reseterror Resettler

This. Is bullshit.

Similar to capitalism, GAF generally shares the free market - but not of industry, of opinions. No one here gets banned for opinions. No one gets banned for not hoisting the party flag, or for dismissing nuclear threats, or for junior accounts. If this place is an echo chamber, then that's because a proportionally large number of users here ARE here because they want a forum where you can actually discuss things rather than reiterating the first two posts because that's the only opinion you're allowed to have by the ToS.

If you have an issue with the makeup of GAF members, get some like minded friends to join. Nothing is stopping you or others from sharing your point of view. Not bans or moderation. If you feel like you can't share your opinion because you won't get any ass pats and GG from a room of rainbow hair colored peers, well then....that might speak more to the actual substance of your arguments and less to the mean, mean people with their totalitarian pass time of...speaking their mind on a discussion forum.


I mentioned in the Starfield review thread that i've noticed there is a jadedness to Western gamers that isn't as present in other gamers around the world. I suppose there is an understandable level of cynicism caused by some of the worst parts of the industry, but it's so pervasive that you get the impression that people just hate the hobby more than they love it. Or maybe so many people are just clinically depressed and they couldn't get enjoyment from even the greatest thing ever being placed in front of their noses. I think my hunch is no more evident than the huge percentage of terminally online people who often proclaim that "gaming is shit now" - despite a large number of excellent AAA games still releasing, a strong indie scene filling in the gaps, many up-and-coming developers, and retro gaming being better and more accessible than ever. This is probably a lengthy post to say "touch grass", but there really is no other way to succinctly put it. If you hate the hobby so much get the fuck out of it, while i'll carry on enjoying games as much as I did 20 years ago.


lol! projecting much? thats the whole premise of your "article"
Animation Winning GIF by Disney Pixar

Looks like i hit a nerve or two...😆


No its not...the category for having a different opinion isnt even in the poll.

Just because you "feel" something doesn't make it true. Just because I am criticising the extreme of something doesnt mean i am criticising it's moderate counterpart.

You can have all the fun you like turning "why do people shit on games people praise?" Into " this a-hole says I am not allowed to have a differing opion to the mainstream" but it's pretty obvious that you're doing a dishonest strawman.

Why are you doing it? Maybe you're a shitter trying to cover their shit, maybe you just want to argue...who knows? But it's pretty transparent what you're up to....
Guy, what are you talking about? Very little is objective in art. So, how you "feel" about things makes them true FOR YOU, no matter what sort of corny ass labels you wanna put on people for disagreeing w you or the majority. So FF16 boring af side quests is a valid criticism FOR ME and anyone else who feels the same. Thats how this works.

A dishonest strawman? How so? The enter premise of this thread is labelling people who "shit" on well reviewed games. I see it as you going through a big struggle understanding people can have differing opinions on art like my FF16 example. Nothing dishonest, pretty straight forward.


After the HALO Infinite industry reviews gushing about it and it's GOTY I think it's absolutely fine to criticise what seems to be another over-promised, under-delivered game. Honestly, I think reviewers are being kind to it - It's got issues and isn't what we were led to believe it was.

Let's see how this post fairs after Steam user reviews start dropping.


What aspect of what I said needs further elaboration? The implication I'm attributing to the OP?

It's quite self evident the subtext, basically that there's something odd about gamers criticizing a game, specifically because it's well reviewed.

It requires that either:

a) Gamers don't often criticize games in general independently of the reviews (which is not true)


b) That there is something inherently wrong about criticizing a game if some kind of gaming outlet review consensus is generally positive

This is self evident, otherwise it wouldn't have the thread and even more the attempt to minimize the criticism by criticizing the critics (ironically enough) of being somewhat not genuine in their feelings.
Your post made it sound like OP made the implication that reviews have no bias or agendas and are impartial.

The confusion stems from whether you disagree and if so do you have an examples of that.


Maybe because it was hyped as the GOTG and biggest Microsoft game since Halo.

The biggest hype about the game was exploration which turned out to be a dud.

Game wouldn’t even be 87 if it wasn’t for all the Xbox review sites giving it almost perfect scores.
This isn’t a Xbox problem. This holds true for any exclusive, regardless of platform.


Guy, what are you talking about? Very little is objective in art. So, how you "feel" about things makes them true FOR YOU, no matter what sort of corny ass labels you wanna put on people for disagreeing w you or the majority. So FF16 boring af side quests is a valid criticism FOR ME and anyone else who feels the same. Thats how this works.

A dishonest strawman? How so? The enter premise of this thread is labelling people who "shit" on well reviewed games. I see it as you going through a big struggle understanding people can have differing opinions on art like my FF16 example. Nothing dishonest, pretty straight forward.
Shitting and criticising are not the same thing. One is making a valid assessment the other has a dishonest agenda to bring things down that the mainstream likes.

Take a look at this video of Siskel and Ebert defending Star Wars from another jaded critic. You can tell the critic is shitting because he sees no redeeming quality in the film. And Siskel and Ebert are also not calling it the greatest movie of all time either- legit criticism is nuanced and thoughtful. Shitting is not.

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Your post made it sound like OP made the implication that reviews have no bias or agendas and are impartial.

The confusion stems from whether you disagree and if so do you have an examples of that.
As I explained before, using the reviews by those outlets as some kind of shield to protect the game from criticism is my objection to the premise. It's kind of in the title of the thread, just look at it.
"Why do people shit on well reviewed games?"

Why wouldn't they?

If there was no implication that there's somehow something wrong with the criticism, this thread just wouldn't exist at all :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Shitting and criticising are not the same thing. One is making a valid assessment the other has a dishonest agenda to bring things down that the mainstream likes.

Take a look at this video of Siskel and Ebert defending Star Wars from another jaded critic. You can tell the critic is shitting because he sees no redeeming quality in the film. And Siskel and Ebert are also not calling it the greatest movie of all time either- legit criticism is nuanced and thoughtful. Shitting is not.

I literally already showed you how they can be the same thing. So let me repeat it for you. I can say FF16 side quests are booooooooooooooooooring and redundant. You can interpret that as "shitting", yet myself and possibly/probably some other can see it as valid criticism.
Idk…maybe because some people actually have their own opinions of games that contradict the review score 🤷‍♂️
Only problem with that, is when "own opinions" are uninformed because they haven't played through the game yet. At that point people look through media and cherry pick alleged issues that align with their own pre-conceived notions.

That's why I'll question a review, and then play the game and see if I agree with something they say, or not. If I'm not interested in playing the game in the first place, I'll not stick my nose up in the game's business to begin with.


Resident Crybaby
It's all rooted in console warring bullshit.

Third party games are far less scrutinized than exclusives. I wonder why?


As I explained before, using the reviews by those outlets as some kind of shield to protect the game from criticism is my objection to the premise. It's kind of in the title of the thread, just look at it.
"Why do people shit on well reviewed games?"

Why wouldn't they?

If there was no implication that there's somehow something wrong with the criticism, this thread just wouldn't exist at all :messenger_tears_of_joy:
I think we are ultimately in agreement.

This is all a well conducted symphony between publishers blacklisting review sites, withholding review codes, late embargos, and:

media sites inflating review scores for reasons you'd be banned on the purple place for mentioning.

All to achieve a high metacritic/open critic score on launch day.


Cool to see gamer.no site being consistent with their review scores by the way (I believe they gave BotW a 6/10)..!
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K' Dash

Not regular people, what you see here are warriors.

It’s very easy to explain:

Most of the people in this forum is partial to one of the 3 consoles, so when they see news about the competition doing good they go and hate on it constantly.

It’s very easy too see.


If you are posting negative posts in a thread about a game, you don't own and have no intention of buying more than once or twice. You're just being an asshole.

Seems like such a waste of time and I would say this type of crap is much worse than systems wars bullshit. Even though most of the time it is related.
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Someine inform op 'ganing journalism' and reviews, etc...have been a running joke for a looong time now.

Talk about having your head in the sand...lol


Watching Starfield have detractor backlash a la TOTK has made me want to really tease out what is driving this phenomenon of people shitting on well reviewed games. I'm going to postulate some typologies. See what you think:

1. The tribalist: dudes that identify with a rival company and feel it is their duty to attack the competition and take them down a peg. Their aim is to dampen enthusiasm but for what purpose? To reduce sales, to undermine the competition's creative achievement in the public discourse, to ensure their tribe's pedestal is not breached? All of these?

2. The scorned perfectionist: folk with elevated expectations that are not met. ( See Starfield failing to crack 90+ MC). In their case it's betrayal that drives them to seek revenge of sorts by turning against the product. They may hold an existing grudge and this enflames the open wound. Does this really happen tho? Probably easiest seen in multiplats...

3.The Rabble Rouser of Chaos. Like the Joker, these guys are driven by shits and giggles. They do it because they can and because it's fun to try to piss on the success of others. Like the Joker there is also an ego trip in getting noticed and getting reactions from people- the more passionate and offended the better.

Edit: With thanks to @Elysium44 @Dick Jones :

4. The Taste Differentiator. As hard as it is to accept, some people just don't like what the majority likes. Not to be contrarian but because their taste is different for a given game type. And that should be OK so I am not counting them in the poll. Although if they take a nasty approach to airing their opinion, they are treading into Rabble Rouser territory.

Edit2: just seeing some of the replies and looks like there is yet another:

5. The "Mainstream Outrager": folk who view the mainstream opinion as having an objectionable non gaming agenda and believing they have to take a stand. Paradoxically of course, by focusing on the agenda they are perpetuating the act of not discussing a game on its merits. Don't know what to do with these folk except to say they risk turning themselves into the thing they claim to hate.

So that's my hypothesis. Three different types worthy of criticism with their own motivations and another that is not about videogames themselves that you can only shake your head at.

Personally the third one is the worst since it just seeks to destroy- and creating is super hard and risky. And we shouldn't shit on the act of creation for our own entertainment. And the ego trip is pretty unbearable too.

The first is understandable as a well established part of human behaviour that has been put to the wrong use ( follow a sports team if you want to relive tribes - not products you can enjoy without restrictions between them).

The second is worthy of some sympathy. If someone is so affected by a product, then that suggests there are larger personal issues at play and the person needs support not vitriol thrown back at them.

So what do you think? Makes sense.? Something missing or need a different framing? Which one do you hate most?

Over to you.
idc laughing GIF


Jesus. Tell me one game who hasn't been shit on by some percentage of the people.
Zelda BotW & Tolk
GoW Rangarok

all excellent games that many people have shit on. Starfield is not even close to excellent compared to above 4 games. Criticism is well deserved


I literally already showed you how they can be the same thing. So let me repeat it for you. I can say FF16 side quests are booooooooooooooooooring and redundant. You can interpret that as "shitting", yet myself and possibly/probably some other can see it as valid criticism.
You are well within your rights to call something boring and redundant. But you should explain why you think so....otherwise its just driveby throwaway shitting.


This. Is bullshit.

Similar to capitalism, GAF generally shares the free market - but not of industry, of opinions. No one here gets banned for opinions. No one gets banned for not hoisting the party flag, or for dismissing nuclear threats, or for junior accounts. If this place is an echo chamber, then that's because a proportionally large number of users here ARE here because they want a forum where you can actually discuss things rather than reiterating the first two posts because that's the only opinion you're allowed to have by the ToS.

If you have an issue with the makeup of GAF members, get some like minded friends to join. Nothing is stopping you or others from sharing your point of view. Not bans or moderation. If you feel like you can't share your opinion because you won't get any ass pats and GG from a room of rainbow hair colored peers, well then....that might speak more to the actual substance of your arguments and less to the mean, mean people with their totalitarian pass time of...speaking their mind on a discussion forum.
Not sure if you mean the person you're replying to or in genereal but I think the person you replied to agrees with you. His/her point was that GAF is a place where people share their opinions freely without having to conform or fear getting banned but some certain members are trying hard to make some opinions taboo here too like some other places.

As long as people share their opinions in a respectful way I don't see why anybody should be upset about a game getting criticism or fear a ban. Say the best rated game is really bad, say the worst rated game is the best ever, as long as people do that respectfully and can discuss things logically there's absolutely no problem.
Only problem with that, is when "own opinions" are uninformed because they haven't played through the game yet. At that point people look through media and cherry pick alleged issues that align with their own pre-conceived notions.

That's why I'll question a review, and then play the game and see if I agree with something they say, or not. If I'm not interested in playing the game in the first place, I'll not stick my nose up in the game's business to begin with.
This I agree with! I would never actually bash a game opposite of review scores unless I personally played the game.
People who look externally for opinions on anything, will never be satisfied. To all of this, I say who cares. Just enjoy games and if Starfield gets an 7-8, if you were anticipating the game, buy it!

I'll just wait for the eventual PS5 release. =D
I think in starfields case it's a bit of fanboyism and genuine disappointment. The lack of actual space exploration and the amount of loading, copy paste content and boring repetitive procedually generated content are genuine negatives. That's why the game hasn't hit the 90s on metacritic.
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The nicest person on this forum
Maybe and just maybe you could ignore what other people think and enjoy the game you want to enjoy?…..right?
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