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GTA 6 Hacker Sentenced Indefinitely to a Hospital Rehab Program


Gold Member
When white collar crime results in a harsher sentence than murder/rape.

Money is more important than people's lives apparently.

You must not live in the US if you think this kid serving time in a freaking hospital prison is a worse punishment than getting convicted of murder or rape and have to serve time in the state pen.


Gold Member
When white collar crime results in a harsher sentence than murder/rape.

Money is more important than people's lives apparently.
When it comes to crime there is a balancing act. For example, what deserves more punishment?

A guy who kills someone. Or Bernie Madoff who scammed 37,000 people out of $50 billion?
"I will just do it again" - nice one buddy, then enjoy your time in psychiatric care, because you obviously need to be held somewhere, if you are so intent on committing criminal acts again and again.

I don't understand why criminals that show no remorse, or those that reoffend are allowed to have a chance at future freedom. Repeat reoffenders should just be shuffled off this mortal coil, why spend money housing, feeding and caring for lost causes.


Gold Member
I don't understand why criminals that show no remorse, or those that reoffend are allowed to have a chance at future freedom. Repeat reoffenders should just be shuffled off this mortal coil, why spend money housing, feeding and caring for lost causes.
Because locking up people forever would result in the gov needing to build tons of costly prisons. It's no different than any city with overrun jails. You can only house so many of them so the less serious the incident the better chnce you get let go with a slap on the wrist.

And keeping them around in prisons is the western way of showing compassion. Because showing the world that any mass murderer can still live out life behind bars means the country isnt caveman mentality.


I would understand that reasoning when the company he hacked would've gone out of business or actual people were harmed, but this is just about money.
It's not even about a huge impact on the company, and yet he gets a worse punishment than actual people who either straight out kill others or rape them, which is a lasting impact for life on them.

If you don't think this is a fucked up system, then I don't know what to tell you.

Another one! No he has NOT been given a worse punishment than those people at all. He has not been given a life sentence, nor a long minimum. He could be out in a few years if he engages with doctors and decides to become a decent member of society rather than a scumbag. Your empathy for this person who would steal from you and your family and leak your personal details with no remorse, is entirely misplaced.


You've got to be joking me.

The only way a company like them or Nvidia are firing someone is because they want to. Meanwhile the execs still comfortably take home millions (sometimes hundreds of millions if they offload stock) on an annual basis. Doesn't make his actions just, but lets have a little perspective here.

You compared him to a violent criminal in your previous post. That's not what he is (not even close) but due to the environment he's about to be placed in at such a young age its what he could become.

You can walk down any major high street in the UK (particularly in London) after dark and scoop up hundreds of mentally unstable individuals who have (or are about to) commit violent crimes such as stabbings, murders, rapes, theft, etc. Many of these individuals will be off their faces on drugs and alcohol. They continue to roam the streets and make them unsafe for normal people to go about their business while this (clearly talented) hacker kid ends up spending life in a high security mental facility (aka, a prison).

The aforementioned criminals have nothing positive to offer society and pose an immediate threat. Meanwhile they could get this kid working in some capacity where he's helping national security (which in turn further aids public safety).

Something is not right here and people should start seeing it for what it is considering this is how their tax money is being used. Corporations are being protected with more urgency and severity than anything that involves the safety and comfort of the people.

The judge and jury have failed here, other recommendations could have been made while still maintaining public order. They have failed this kid, and they are failing the public (although the latter is nothing new).

Anyway, considering the way that some people are applauding this ruling and fail to see how ridiculous it is in the grand scheme of things, I'm glad I left the UK a long while ago. At least it's not my tax money they are chucking away like this.

Man you are so naive it is painful to read those mutterings.

Your post boils down to prison is a place with bad people, so we shouldn't lock up people who do bad things in case they do worse things. Even people who do bad things and promise to keep doing them. You can't see how stupid that is? What is this nonsense about giving him a job for the good of the country? He can't be trusted, do you not understand? If he can be rehabilitated, he is in the best place for that to happen. WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU PUT HIM? Let him go free? You can't or he will commit more crimes, remember? Can you join the dots?

If he was stuck in a regular prison then he would be in danger from inmates, so he's in a secure hospital (yes it's like a prison in the sense he can't just leave). Nor would he get the same level of mental health support he will now receive.

Attacking the jury is ridiculous, they were directed to say whether they thought he did the acts or not. They did their duty. Your thinking is extremely muddled and based on emotion rather than logic.
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Honestly at this point bite the bullet and put the kid in the fbi/national defense cyber crime division and use him like a weapon against enemy encrypted targets in return for freedom etc lol.
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Gold Member
Man you are so naive it is painful to read those mutterings.

Your post boils down to prison is a place with bad people, so we shouldn't lock up people who do bad things in case they do worse things. Even people who do bad things and promise to keep doing them. You can't see how stupid that is? What is this nonsense about giving him a job for the good of the country? He can't be trusted, do you not understand? If he can be rehabilitated, he is in the best place for that to happen. WHERE ELSE WOULD YOU PUT HIM? Let him go free? You can't or he will commit more crimes, remember? Can you join the dots?

If he was stuck in a regular prison then he would be in danger from inmates, so he's in a secure hospital (yes it's like a prison in the sense he can't just leave). Nor would he get the same level of mental health support he will now receive.

Attacking the jury is ridiculous, they were directed to say whether they thought he did the acts or not. They did their duty. Your thinking is extremely muddled and based on emotion rather than logic.

Special cases call for special circumstances. There can and should be other ways to deal with individuals like this.

But hey, as with how the judge has framed this, at least there's one less "dangerous" person who poses a "high risk theat to the public" out there on the loose. The UK is certainly safer today than it was yesterday. I might even consider returning now.

Morgan Freeman Applause GIF by The Academy Awards


Special cases call for special circumstances. There can and should be other ways to deal with individuals like this.

Such as? You can't just say that without giving a solution. Just saying 'UK BAD' doesn't cut it.

Was just reading the responses on here. Most people on r/europe think he's where he needs to be. He also isn't some elite hacker, he was caught quickly because he used methods which weren't very smart. He isn't a genius, he's just a prick. (And yes the title of the thread is misleading.)

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Gold Member
Such as? You can't just say that without giving a solution. Just saying 'UK BAD' doesn't cut it.

Like I said, I don't have all the answers, but there needs to exist the opportunity for changes to be made. If not, nothing ever changes for the better. Within the current framework he's being given the same sentence duration and being placed in the same place that they put people who stab victims beyond recognition.

Considering how that guy managed to get out (and the fact that he had over 8 priors before stabbing that poor woman), fantastic system you've got there by the way. Great job all round.

It might all make sense to you, but it doesn't to me. There needs to come a point where you can look at things happening around you and say "this doesn't seem right".
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Did you even read the articles ?

This young man is an autist with severe condition. He doesn't want to stop hacking and will resume the hour he's set free. He cannot be trialed because of his mental health, so he's been put in a mental hospital to get treatment until he's deemed fit to go outside without hacking the world.
He's part of a hacking group Lapsus$. They tried to ransom several times their victims asking millions of ransom in cryptos.
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GHG GHG It really seems like you're arguing in bad faith, you keep saying it's wrong and we should do it differently, but you refuse to say how.

Should he be detained or allowed to go free?

The last time they detained him, but gave him a long leash, he committed more crimes while he was detained, remember?

Don't just keep saying what we're doing is wrong but offer no alternatives, it isn't reasonable to demand a perfect solution to something when none exists or can exist.

Honestly your sort of far-leftist thinking is very dangerous for society, I imagine if you were on the jury you'd have let him walk free and then he'd have committed more crimes with more real victims.
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Gold Member
GHG GHG It really seems like you're arguing in bad faith, you keep saying it's wrong and we should do it differently, but you refuse to say how.

Should he be detained or allowed to go free?

The last time they detained him, but gave him a long leash, he committed more crimes while he was detained, remember?

Don't just keep saying what we're doing is wrong but offer no alternatives, it isn't reasonable to demand a perfect solution to something when none exists or can exist.

Honestly your sort of far-leftist thinking is very dangerous for society, I imagine if you were on the jury you'd have let him walk free and then he'd have committed more crimes with more real victims.

Im going to be blunt - you're back with the "leftist" bullshit label and I've not once said he should be free to reintegrate into society immediately.

There should be a solution for him to be detained under strict supervision while also having his talents developed and be put to good use.

He's said he won't stop hacking - ok fine. So the next question needs to be how do we get this kid hacking in a way that's useful to society on an immediate basis?

Instead they are going to send him to the same place that truly dangerous violent individuals with mental health issues get placed, no doubt he'll be put on some cocktail of drugs, and his activity with computers will be greatly restricted. Like I said, great job, great system.
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So let's lock him away for life because he leaked some shit about a video game that was one of the worst-kept secrets in the whole industry and will sell tens of millions of copies regardless. I am sure the CEO of R* is crying in his golden bed.
Its like giving someone a 30yr sentence for smoking one joint. I mean the guy deserves punishment, yes put him in prison, give him a $200.00 fine but to put someone for life as if he murdered 20 police officers?


Im going to be blunt - you're back with the "leftist" bullshit label and I've not once said he should be free to reintegrate into society immediately.

There should be a solution for him to be detained under strict supervision while also having his talents developed and be put to good use.

He's said he won't stop hacking - ok fine. So the next question needs to be how do we get this kid hacking in a way that's useful to society on an immediate basis?

Instead they are going to send him to the same place that truly dangerous violent individuals with mental health issues get placed, no doubt he'll be put on some cocktail of drugs, and his activity with computers will be greatly restricted. Like I said, great job, great system.

So you're saying he should be detained while he gets help to get better, well guess what, that's exactly what's happening.

Sounds like you think we should build him his own personal hospital in case he has to mix with any bad people?

The softly softly approach you apparently advocate, where he gets detained but in a nicer environment and with looser restrictions, they already tried that and he threw it back in their faces by being violent, disruptive and continuing to hack.

I don't know why you continue to say he is a genius, you have apparently formed this narrative based on emotion, despite the fact he isn't that smart, he got caught quickly and easily by much smarter people than him who already work for Microsoft or the security services.
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Gold Member
So you're saying he should be detained while he gets help to get better, well guess what, that's exactly what's happening.

Sounds like you think we should build him his own personal hospital in case he has to mix with any bad people?

The softly softly approach you apparently advocate, where he gets detained but in a nicer environment and with looser restrictions, they already tried that and he threw it back in their faces by being violent, disruptive and continuing to hack.

Considering the fact that he's being thrown into the same broken system that everyone else is in, it's really not what's happening. Unless you're going to sit there with a straight face and tell me the system works as its intended to (despite me having shown you evidence that it doesn't work and is easily manipulated)?

They detained him and tried to take away his toys, not embrace what he has the capacity to do. Huge difference.

It's not about a "softy softy approach", it's about seeing each case on an individual basis and attempting to formulate a plan that will actually be beneficial to all parties. In some cases that involve violent individuals who have nothing tangible to offer society the current framework where they get disguarded and kept away from society indefinitely can and does work, but this isn't such a case.

Yes, that might be a tad idealistic, but considering the amount of public money the UK wastes and mismanages, it should be a possibility.

I just fail to understand how you can look at all of this and say "yep, that's about right" and draw a line under it. It's absurd.


I just fail to understand how you can look at all of this and say "yep, that's about right" and draw a line under it. It's absurd.

Because in the real imperfect world, it's as good a solution as is reasonably practicable. Expecting better is what's absurd.

A reminder, he hasn't been sentenced to 'life', it will only end up being that long if he doesn't want to engage, which is his own choice. Carrot and stick, the rest is up to him. Let's not pretend he's been thrown into a Russian gulag here.


Gold Member
Because in the real imperfect world, it's as good a solution as is reasonably practicable. Expecting better is what's absurd.

A reminder, he hasn't been sentenced to 'life', it will only end up being that long if he doesn't want to engage, which is his own choice. Carrot and stick, the rest is up to him. Let's not pretend he's been thrown into a Russian gulag here.

How is it practical when there are no net-benefactors in this scenario?

If you think places like the one they are sending him to would give him the best opportunity for reform then you have far more faith in the system there than I ever have.

Also going to take the opportunity to respond to your previous edit while I'm here:

I don't know why you continue to say he is a genius, you have apparently formed this narrative based on emotion, despite the fact he isn't that smart, he got caught quickly and easily by much smarter people than him who already work for Microsoft or the security services.

The guy managed to pull off a hack while in custody for hacking by using a firestick and you want to say "he isn't that smart". The authorities who were aware of what he did took everything away from him that they thought he could use to feasibly pull off that kind of activity and he still managed to find a way.

There's also this:

The teen is so skilled at hacking—and so fast—that researchers initially thought the activity they were observing was automated, another person involved in the research said.

They were a group who deliberately didn't cover their tracks and would make public announcements because they wanted money and notoriety. It's almost as if his naivety meant he didn't care about getting caught.

Look at his comment here in response to someone else who was (at the time of his GTA leak) involved in a legal battle with Take 2 for an example:

That's a comment while he himself was allegedly in custody.

And this is how he ultimately got "caught" (he got doxxed by a rival hacker group):

The teenage hacker in England has had his personal information, including his address and information about his parents, posted online by rival hackers.

At an address listed in the leaked materials as the teen’s home near Oxford, a woman who identified herself as the boy’s mother talked with a Bloomberg reporter for about 10 minutes through a doorbell intercom system. The home is a modest terraced house on a quiet side street about five miles from Oxford University.

The woman said she was unaware of the allegations against her son or the leaked materials. She said she was disturbed that videos and pictures of her home and the teen’s father’s home were included. The mother said the teenager lives at that address and had been harassed by others, but many of the other leaked details couldn’t be confirmed.

She declined to discuss her son in any way or make him available for an interview, and said the issue was a matter for law enforcement and that she was contacting the police.

But yes, I'm being the "emotional" one.
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How is it practical when there are no net-benefactors in this scenario?

If you think places like the one they are sending him to would give him the best opportunity for reform then you have far more faith in the system there than I ever have.

So what would be better? We're going round in circles, this is pointless. Fuck him, he's where he needs to be. If he wants to get out, he has the opportunity to become a decent person and achieve that.
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Gold Member
So what would be better? We're going round in circles, this is pointless. Fuck him, he's where he needs to be. If he wants to get out, he has the opportunity to become a decent person and achieve that.

Literally anything other than the attitude you just displayed.

But that's clearly how the judge also felt, so at least you're in good company there.

Vive la Angleterre.


Literally anything other than the attitude you just displayed.

But that's clearly how the judge also felt, so at least you're in good company there.

Vive la Angleterre.

'Britain bad, judge bad, jury bad, just need to be good and virtuous like me'

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Gold Member
'Britain bad, judge bad, jury bad, just need to be good and virtuous like me'


Cringe is not being able to admit flaws in a justice system in a country rife with crime.

You have areas where a crime is committed once every ~100 minutes. But everything is fine right, no need to look at the overall system or even individual cases and assess whether the actions being taken are the correct ones.

Straight Face Trying Not To Laugh GIF


Everything isn't fine, we need to build more prisons, hire more police and have tougher sentencing. But that's outside the scope of this thread. This hacker was treated as well as any country would or could do. To treat him more leniently wouldn't work as it's already been tried. You offer no solutions, just sniping at the UK like a psycho bitter ex-girlfriend.
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