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Halo |OT10| The Calm Before The Storm

Promethean Vision is already powerful as fuck in gametypes with radar, it'd be crazy in gametypes without.

Prom vision is crazy - vision is actually cleaner than without it - it's like super visr mode - I was sniping people through the light effect In the middle of solace while they couldn't even see me.

They should make vision really blurry/ throw in static and make the spartan models harder to read rather than easy to see silliuettes. At the very least the head should be harder to distinguish
plz, I dont want to uncompetitively be "donging" on an ever-flowing sea of randoms for the next 3 years, sure its fun at first, but its just not the way its supposed to be

If im exclusively running full team lobby in MM, I expect to be paired with other full teams.


when are we expecting the IGN (oddly very early) vid?
should I have myself a sleepy?
*currently 3 am best coast time*
Psssshhhh. Ain't no party like a west coast party cuz a west coast party don't stop.
The problem is that I hate radar.

Forcing the radar upon everyone in Matchmaking is part of why I used to push for a Custom Games Browser so hard and because of this convo between you and Stinkles. I don't want to be forced to play what the playlist management team wants me to play and setting up Custom Games is an absolute chore.. Going back to radar though, that shit is a serious wall stopping good players from becoming better players and hurts the gameplay more than it helps it if you ask me..

..but I digress


at least in my mind - creeperface.jpg

And zerofire, thanks for the Waterfox recommendation! Shit is so ca$h.


343i Lead Esports Producer
Promethean Vision is already powerful as fuck in gametypes with radar, it'd be crazy in gametypes without.

Ugh. I really don't want this game to turn into Team Promethean Vision at the high level.

I'll just have to play it for myself this week.

... neither

... do


I think you misunderstood me
I was agreeing with you

"plz" as in - I certainly hope so, followed by my affirmation of your thoughts

also it was meant to say "343 plz"
my number pad was locked I guess


ok i gotcha now


Prom vision is crazy - vision is actually cleaner than without it - it's like super visr mode - I was sniping people through the light effect In the middle of solace while they couldn't even see me.

They should make vision really blurry/ throw in static and make the spartan models harder to read rather than easy to see silliuettes. At the very least the head should be harder to distinguish
They should've made it like in Shadowrun.
Halo is a much better game without the radar.
I wonder how the game would play if you only showed up on the radar if you shot your weapon, that'd be interesting.


Unconfirmed Member
I wonder how the game would play if you only showed up on the radar if you shot your weapon, that'd be interesting.
I'd really love to see that option in Halo. It's one of the few things I really like about COD.
Like COD?

Hey why not, Halo might as well take that and make it better too lol - but seriously, that's how Halo's radar should be and hopefully that's an option so maybe it'll be put into Matchmaking?

You have the loud as clanking footsteps when you're running around the map and the radar for when people shoot their weapon with its slew of admittedly cool new features. I mean Murder Miners has a sound radar.. 343pls.

Disagree, but whatever. Learn to crouch, newbs! ;)

You are the reason why Halo has turned into this:



Halo is a much better game without the radar.
I wonder how the game would play if you only showed up on the radar if you shot your weapon, that'd be interesting.

Disagree, but whatever. Learn to crouch, newbs! ;)

As for promethean vision, i really REALLY doubt they'd put that into a gametype where you have no motion tracker. That completely and utterly defeats the purpose, don't you think?

Also - One thing i HATED about MW3 was sitrep pro. S&D is about stealth and all that jazz, and a perk that amplifies my footsteps when i'm using a perk that should completely remove my footsteps is absurd. It really just turns into an 'i'm going to camp this corner and wait until i can hear someone coming' gametype.

I don't really see the motion tracker ruining halo in that regard, seeing as though killtimes are longer and you really do have time to react and out gun an opponent who has the jump on you.
Forcing the radar upon everyone in Matchmaking is part of why I used to push for a Custom Games Browser so hard and because of this convo between you and Stinkles. I don't want to be forced to play what the playlist management team wants me to play and setting up Custom Games is an absolute chore.. Going back to radar though, that shit is a serious wall stopping good players from becoming better players and hurts the gameplay more than it helps it if you ask me..
I've never understood why MLG was the only non-radar playlist. Like playing without radar doesn't make you a pro or make the game harder, necessarily. It's just another element that can make the game more tense and requires you to pay more attention to your surroundings. For the life of me I don't understand why playing without radar isn't an option to vote on under every gametype. That's how it should be. Let people choose and not be forced like said.

EDIT: tl;dr No-radar just needs to be a voting option in each playlist. Problem solved.


These would be my ideal voting options for each playlist (using slayer as an example):

  1. Slayer with radars
  2. Slayer no radars
  3. Slayer with radars - no AA's
  4. Slayer no radar - no AA's

Having custom loadouts eliminates the need to have weapon settings in the voting


I just received this message after a game:

ill be hitting u offline

Shit. What do I do guys? I'm freaking out. Does he mean physically or metaphorically? The last thing I want is to be physically beaten or my Xbox hacked, dood.


Unconfirmed Member
We don't even know if Halo 4 will allow us to vote in matchmaking.


Disagree, but whatever. Learn to crouch, newbs! ;)
Exactly. Radar forces people to crouch around if they don't want to be seen, or they just stand still so they won't show up. Without radar your movement isn't as limited and you can move around much more freely. Being one-shot and moving in a way that you're opponent didn't predict can be really satisfying ans is practically impossible in gametype without radar. Also, maps with lifts are actually playable without radar.


Is there a reason to be excited for tomorrow? Probably going to be one of the videos that have already leaked last week.


Is there a reason to be excited for tomorrow? Probably going to be one of the videos that have already leaked last week.

Thank you for reminding me. I hope they do another new map :x

Exactly. Radar forces people to crouch around if they don't want to be seen, or they just stand still so they won't show up. Without radar your movement isn't as limited and you can move around much more freely. Being one-shot and moving in a way that you're opponent didn't predict can be really satisfying ans is practically impossible in gametype without radar. Also, maps with lifts are actually playable without radar.

I really don't understand this. It's not often that i see entire teams crouchwalking and bringing games to a standstill. If someone off radar uses that to their advantage, so be it. My X is a waypoint to show where they are, use teamwork to eliminate them or focus on the rest of the map and take down other enemies to grab a lead.

Also, even without radar, i've died plenty of times from some douche camping top greenyellowred with a shotty on swordbase.

These would be my ideal voting options for each playlist (using slayer as an example):

  1. Slayer with radars
  2. Slayer no radars
  3. Slayer with radars - no AA's
  4. Slayer no radar - no AA's

Having custom loadouts eliminates the need to have weapon settings in the voting

I like these options, but I think we might be getting more along the lines of only (if voting returns):

First vote map or vice versa, then have the next one follow

  1. Map 1
  2. Map 2

  1. Infinity
  2. Classic

I really don't understand this.


Enfinit, with how blurry details have been throughout Halo 4's production this is no different lol
Completely OT and probably old news for most, but I just found this site. I guess they're making a prequel to Monsters Inc. called Monsters University and they have a site up that looks like a University web page. lol

I like these options, but I think we might be getting more along the lines of only:

First vote map or vice versa, then have the next one follow

  1. Map 1
  2. Map 2

  1. Infinity
  2. Classic
Haha I completely forgot about maps. Whoops!


In theory no radar in generall matchmaking sounds nice, but in reality it turns into a camp and assassination fest if you are not playing mlg...
(at least in Reachs "pro" matches)

Not kidding, I get enemy teams that try nothing but flanking and camping to get beatdowns on a regular basis in that gametype.
Not even flanking to shoot you from behind, just running up to you hoping you dont turn around before they get the beatdown.

Not that it is a very viable strategy to win but it makes those matches boring and frustrating.


mad feelings

I guess it's just the rift between me being competitive in a more casual way than a die hard precision weapons only kind of way.
I played my first game of MLG in ages today, and quite instantaneously hated it.
I think i spent more time in respawn screen than actually playing due to the fact that i was either sniped or rocketed 1 second off of spawn. The enemy already had 2 flags capped by the time i could actually move anywhere.

I've always had issues with spawn trapping. There should indeed be consequences for losing map control, but instantaneous death? Complete bullshit.
Oh and let me say 'i' one more time. Sorry for the abundance, just throwing out personal experiences >.<


In theory no radar in generall matchmaking sounds nice, but in reality it turns into a camp and assassination fest if you are not playing mlg...
(at least in Reachs "pro" matches)

Not kidding, I get enemy teams that try nothing but flanking and camping to get beatdowns on a regular basis in that gametype.
Not even flanking to shoot you from behind, just running up to you hoping you dont turn around before they get the beatdown.

Not that it is a very viable strategy to win but it makes those matches boring and frustrating.
I wouldn't go as far to say that it's nothing but a camp fest, but there's a ton more assassinations. However, that's natural and logical given the circumstances, it happens in SWAT and Snipers (especially in Snipers) all the time.

I played a Snipers game today where I managed to get 6 assassinations. I didn't camp or deliberately go for them, I could just pull them off more because the circumstances. It also doesn't happen nearly as much in MLG because of it being a more team-oriented and competitive playlist/gametype.

However, in Slayer Pro gametypes in Team Slayer, it's the problem of everyone choosing the Needle Rifle to spawn with stickies that occur a helluva lot more than camping or assassinations. So annoying.
In theory no radar in generall matchmaking sounds nice, but in reality it turns into a camp and assassination fest if you are not playing mlg...
(at least in Reachs "pro" matches)

Not kidding, I get enemy teams that try nothing but flanking and camping to get beatdowns on a regular basis in that gametype.
Not even flanking to shoot you from behind, just running up to you hoping you dont turn around before they get the beatdown.

Not that it is a very viable strategy to win but it makes those matches boring and frustrating.
This does not compute to me. And how many playlists outside of MLG actually has no radar? I haven't played in forever, so maybe there are more now.

Camping is much much easier and a more viable strategy with radar on. Much harder to camp when you have no idea if and when a person is going to come around the corner. Not to mention that with no radar, everyone is coming through doors straffing or at angles that give them a glimpse of what's just on the other side in the event someone is camping ( I do that regardless of radar). Bouncing grenades was an awesome defense against that kind of thing, but 4 appears to be limiting grenades. It's sound to me like the tactics that you mention are more of a result of people never playing with no radar, so they don't know what to do or are afraid to move when they actually do play without radar. Give some people time to adjust and I think the problem would be much less than ywhat you have previously experienced. Of course, that's just my own theory. So I'm not saying you're wrong or that I'm right.
I guess it's just the rift between me being competitive in a more casual way than a die hard precision weapons only kind of way.
I played my first game of MLG in ages today, and quite instantaneously hated it.
I think i spent more time in respawn screen than actually playing due to the fact that i was either sniped or rocketed 1 second off of spawn. The enemy already had 2 flags capped by the time i could actually move anywhere.

I've always had issues with spawn trapping. There should indeed be consequences for losing map control, but instantaneous death? Complete bullshit.
Oh and let me say 'i' one more time. Sorry for the abundance, just throwing out personal experiences >.<

lol "mad feelings" <3 newb, didn't mean to sound super cereal there

But yeah, in Reach I'm the same way (relatively). That game just doesn't tickle my H1-esque competitive feelz so I'm usually more of a hawt unless Froot Loops mode is triggered in my brain. That "ehh time to just sandbag" feeling hit me shortly into Halo 3's and Reach's lifespan, but it took me quite a while to get that feeling with Halo 2, even with the online problems. Never had that problem with Halo 1 though even with the overpowered Rocket abuse and glasswall bitches on XBC..

For anyone who used to play back then, TsK Sneak was the first newb to break it out in 1v1s. I remember how GODLIKE people used to think he was until glasswalls were discovered.


For the record though, Reach does allow for some great teamwork and good competition, but the gameplay just doesn't hold my interest to invest my time into learning the maps, spawns, etc. Case in point some games tonight with me, mongo, biggy and exwife. A couple of the 4-party teams we got matched up against were pretty decent at first so teamwork lockdown was required, but we just couldn't be touched! Lost interest quickly and Plasma Repeater'd (lol is this a word?) peeps..


It wouldn't surprise me if they revealed it at the Dallas MLG event right before Halo launch. That's if they can keep it from leaking until then.

Seem kinda weird since more non mlg palyers will be watching than mlg. That's me though, hoping for something at this panel this weekend.


Anyone remember that poll Sketch made on bungie.net?

Titled "Do you prefer slayer with or without radar enabled?".

Yeah, no radar won by quite a bit IIRC. Unfortunately the page is broken bungie.net so exact results can't be mentioned. A google search confirms its existence though.

I also agree that no radar should always be an option in the voting process. Why not?


Oh I thought we were talking about a skill based ranking system not a plain old. Get XP, Get Level, Unlock Shit system

Well, not sure people want. Some people want H3's system, which essentially lied to you. Halo 2's system is mathematically broken. Reach's system was too harsh for a lot of people. Retrospectively, I'm disappointed that it was made win/loss.

Anyone remember that poll Sketch made on bungie.net?

Titled "Do you prefer slayer with or without radar enabled?".

Yeah, no radar won by quite a bit IIRC. Unfortunately the page is broken bungie.net so exact results can't be mentioned. A google search confirms its existence though.

I also agree that no radar should always be an option in the voting process. Why not?

The thing about forum polls is that they represent a tiny slice of the matchmaking population, and tend to skew hardcore. Which is why they make their judgements based off actual matchmaking data.

You've got to be careful about how many voting options there are, because you don't want to be spending forever in the voting screen.


You've got to be careful about how many voting options there are, because you don't want to be spending forever in the voting screen.
If we are given 30 seconds to vote, how would adding more options affect the time spent on the voting screen? Unless I'm missing something.
Right, I think it will be closer to Reach's system as well but much more fleshed out. We'll be able to get progression points from everywhere for doing a ton of shit. I also agree that matchmaking needs to do a better job of matching randoms vs randoms and teams vs teams. It really makes a difference in the overall experience. I believe that the quit ban needs to be tweaked from Reach. I was hit with the ban like 3 times in the past 2 days because it carried over for more than 24hrs. Each time I signed in I was hit with the thin ice message. I think if the teams are uneven because a player lagged out on either team or whatever, the quit ban should not be put into effect. If I quit, I had to wait for the ban to be lifted. If I didn't quit, I had to sit through the uneven shitty host match. Neither are fun.

I think it's also important to remember that matches can last up to 15 minutes and that the quality of that experience is much more important than the quality of the experience of finding the match.

Are you saying that Promethean vision is clearly wonky for non-radar modes and that it would make no sense for it to be available in a custom gametype or specific non-radar playlist?

edit: And to answer the question why. Because I would like to play the game with everything available. All armor mods, all armor abilities. At least in this stage of my play time with the game which is 0. I'm remaining open to trying everything. The problem is that I hate radar.

In a gametype with no radar, you simply will have to restrict loadouts. You could make an argument (that wouldn't hold up) for all AA's, but some armor mods are specifically about changing/enhancing radar.

You wouldn't theoretically have to change too much, but there are a couple of restrictions that you pretty much have to make right away to play Halo 4 without radar.


If we are given 30 seconds to vote, how would adding more options affect the time spent on the voting screen? Unless I'm missing something.

It's also a fucking bummer when you have a tie and the top one gets picked by default.

It's also annoying when you have 3 voting for top, then two voting for the other two options and 1 on none of the above. Eliminating that third choice would make it better.


If we are given 30 seconds to vote, how would adding more options affect the time spent on the voting screen? Unless I'm missing something.

Too many options on the screen means people will go "too long didn't read" and just mash A. I'm assuming vetos are included.

It's also a fucking bummer when you have a tie and the top one gets picked by default.

It's also annoying when you have 3 voting for top, then two voting for the other two options and 1 on none of the above. Eliminating that third choice would make it better.

Well, any method of tiebreaking is going to be arbitrary. They do set up matchmaking to consider that top option tiebreaker, though, and also because Reach starts loading the map for the top option first. It should be noted that failed votes still get recorded and sent to 343, so it's still in your best interest to vote for what you want.
It's also a fucking bummer when you have a tie and the top one gets picked by default.

It's also annoying when you have 3 voting for top, then two voting for the other two options and 1 on none of the above. Eliminating that third choice would make it better.

Agreed. I hope Halo adopts the voting system from Gears both in format and having to press LT/RT to vote with a tie making it a random map instead, like the Halo 3 veto.

Such a good system and it meets all our demands..
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