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VGLeaks: PlayStation 4 "Orbis" Roadmap

rdrr gnr

I want a conservatively spec'd, developer-friendly machine with a base price of $300 and an emphasis on DD and things other than AAA $60 retail+$50 season pass mainstream action schlock.
No one else does, thankfully.
Sony has some of the best developers under its belt. Honestly, just ask them what kind of machine they want.
They are doing that. Sony said they would look to their 1st party developers for advice building the machine. Hopefully, that's true.
I wouldn't mind a Dual Shock 4 but... after 3 generations I'd REALLY appreciate a new controller design.
There was a tweet from a reliable source (I don't have it) that stated the next controller will be a radical departure. But I hope we still get some form of a standard controller.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
so whats faster 4GB of GDDR5 or 8gb of whatever the 720 is suppose to use
Technically not impressive. The power gap between Wii U to PS4 seems to be like PS2 to Gamecube.

And this is good! It is the only way Sony has a chance to survive in console business.


Junior Member
yea but what do you want? personally i want some changes like the L2 and R2 being better,analogs a bit tighter and bigger handles.

Thats all I want as well. The DS will be perfect if those changes are made.

Remedy is independent,it can be on ps4 too and pc like the first.

Yeah I just have a feeling it will atleast be a timed exclusive.

Technically not impressive. The power gap between Wii U to PS4 seems to be like PS2 to Gamecube.

And this is good! It is the only way Sony has a chance to survive in console business.

Joke post?


Hopefully it's 4GB instead of 2, because 4GB GDDR5 would be beastly.

Technically not impressive. The power gap between Wii U to PS4 seems to be like PS2 to Gamecube.

And this is good! It is the only way Sony has a chance to survive in console business.

Oh my goodness, please tell me you aren't serious.
yea but what do you want? personally i want some changes like the L2 and R2 being better,analogs a bit tighter and bigger handles.
I agree with this. The analogs on the PS3 were a nice step up over the PS2, but they could definitely use some tightening. It would also be nice if they could further "triggerfy" the L2 and R2 buttons to make them more like the 360's triggers. However, I love the analog placement and the general shape of the Dualshock design, so I hope they leave those aspects untouched.
Technically not impressive. The power gap between Wii U to PS4 seems to be like PS2 to Gamecube.

And this is good! It is the only way Sony has a chance to survive in console business.

so whats faster 4GB of GDDR5 or 8gb of whatever the 720 is suppose to use
from what I've read recently, DDR5 is plenty faster, and you also have to remember not all of Durango's ram will be available for games.

In the end it will somehow balance out power wise. I expect them to differ a lot of ways hardware wise, but still reach the same vicinity.
hopefully DS4's triggers arent protruding like the DS3, which is annoying when watching movies
If you even want to classify what the DS3 had as triggers lol. They weren't even concave.

EDIT: Totally agree with you btw, I hate the DS3 "triggers" especially when using Netflix.

rdrr gnr

Technically not impressive. The power gap between Wii U to PS4 seems to be like PS2 to Gamecube.

And this is good! It is the only way Sony has a chance to survive in console business.
Post history is fantastic.
hopefully DS4's triggers arent protruding like the DS3, which is annoying when watching movies
When watching movies? How about all the time. I can't even count the number of unintentional grenade throws or power activations with those stupid triggers.


I agree with this. The analogs on the PS3 were a nice step up over the PS2, but they could definitely use some tightening. It would also be nice if they could further "triggerfy" the L2 and R2 buttons to make them more like the 360's triggers. However, I love the analog placement and the general shape of the Dualshock design, so I hope they leave those aspects untouched.

The dualshock 4 needs to be more appealing to FPS fans than whatever microsoft makes. Plenty of multiconsole owners shy away from the PS3 versions of games simply because it's not as good for the most popular games of today.

It sounds stupid, but if they don't make the correct changes, they will lose the U.S. market yet again.
If they could come up with a dual move controller without the ball and have all the DS3 functionality and buttons that'll be great. Improve the triggers and analog as well.

Thinking of all kind of postures I can play in with regular controls, not waggle.
The dualshock 4 needs to be more appealing to FPS fans than whatever microsoft makes. Plenty of multiconsole owners shy away from the PS3 versions of games simply because it's not as good for the most popular games of today.

It sounds stupid, but if they don't make the correct changes, they will lose the U.S. market yet again.

I think more of that has to do with the slight performance edge the 360 versions have over the PS3 versions of multiplatform games graphically. Also Live is another factor that is more important than the controller; people prefer to play with their friends. I'm sure there are some people that prefer the 360 controller simply because they are more used to it but I wouldn't use that as a major reason for Sony to overhaul the Dualshock design.

I think the core Dualshock design is fine, they just need to do something about the wonky "triggers" and the flimsy analogs. Oh and as someone mentioned earlier; the Vita's D-pad would be a welcomed addition as well but the Dualshock has always had a D-pad advantage over the 360 controller.


I think Sony is in a better position for early internal software output for the next generation. On the software side of things we can probably expect first year PS4 titles from:

Guerrilla Games (Last major game was KZ3 in early 2011)
Sucker Punch (Last major game was Infamous 2 in mid 2011)
Naughty Dog (Last major game was Uncharted 3 in late 2011)
Evolution Studios (Last major game was MS:Apocalypse in mid 2011)

Then you also have Sony developers who are likely already working on PS4 titles but are not as far along as the above studios:

Polyphony Digital (Last major game was GT5 late 2010)
-This studio is notorious for having ridiculously long development cycles.

Sony Santa Monica (Last major game was GOWIII in early 2010)
-Stig and team #1 has been rumored to be working on a new IP since GOWIII released.

Media Molecule (Last major game was LBP2 in early 2011)
-They are also developing Teraway for PSVita

Of course, this is all based on when these studios last shipped PS3 games along with knowledge regarding how many teams each studio has as well as the timing of previous output from these studios.

Not to mention wildcards like Team ICO moving The Last Guardian to PS4 similar to Ico going PS1->PS2. There are also many "second party" deals Sony likely has in place with studios like Quantic Dream and Insomniac for PS4.

Good list. Sony is poised to make a comeback. If WiiU continues to be underwhelming I can see Sony become number 1 again.


I think more of that has to do with the slight performance edge the 360 versions have over the PS3 versions of multiplatform games graphically. Also Live is another factor that is more important than the controller; people prefer to play with their friends. I'm sure there are some people that prefer the 360 controller simply because they are more used to it but I wouldn't use that as a major reason for Sony to overhaul the Dualshock design.

I think the core Dualshock design is fine, they just need to do something about the wonky "triggers" and the flimsy analogs. Oh and as someone mentioned earlier; the Vita's D-pad would be a welcomed addition as well but the Dualshock has always had a D-pad advantage over the 360 controller.

I don't have a lot of examples, but my brother flat out will not play first person shooters on the PS3 because of the controller. He's definitely a dudebro and that group makes up a good portion of 360 owners.

My point is this - design a controller for the region, don't design it to be as generic as possible.

My simple changes would be - make it a bit larger, vita d-pad and completely change the triggers. Also, would anybody care if they removed the analog face buttons?
I think the controler discussion is also very interesting. Dual Shock is ready for a replacement, I just hope they won't go the Move route as far as the main controler is concerned. It's also going to be intesting to see what sort of PS4/Vita connectivity they have in mind.

Regarding OS, I think it's absolutely crucial to reserve a nice chunk of RAM for it and to make it as modular and upgrade-flexible. XMB has been the same core experience from 2006. while Xbox underwent a shockingly huge transformation. The current Xbox user experience is a far cry from the Blades UI.
I don't have a lot of examples, but my brother flat out will not play first person shooters on the PS3 because of the controller. He's definitely a dudebro and that group makes up a good portion of 360 owners.

My point is this - design a controller for the region, don't design it to be as generic as possible.

My simple changes would be - make it a bit larger, vita d-pad and completely change the triggers. Also, would anybody care if they removed the analog face buttons?
I see what you're saying, they could keep a modified traditional Dualshock design for Asia/JPN and Continental EU and then do a larger more 360-esque design for NA and UK. That's actually a pretty good idea. The designs would have all the same inputs so it wouldn't even affect developers.


Technically not impressive. The power gap between Wii U to PS4 seems to be like PS2 to Gamecube.

And this is good! It is the only way Sony has a chance to survive in console business.

It's okay. You can still your enjoy your Wii U and sleep soundly at night even after ps4 is out.


Post history is fantastic.

When watching movies? How about all the time. I can't even count the number of unintentional grenade throws or power activations with those stupid triggers.

If you try to make fun of someone's post history (like a 12 year old) then that's a pretty weak post to do it with...


I think it is a new IP but even if its KZ part of the charm is seeing those red eyes coming at you and shooting them. Shooting higs will be so much more fun then shooting boring ISA soldiers.

I dunno man. For me part of the charm is Helghast too BUT playing as an ISA is just boring. Part of the problem is your character Sev who is not that very interesting. He is an ok character. I honestly wish they could get some advice from ND on this....imagine a bit more hardcore Victor god damn Sullivan (a younger version) like character as the lead. Will be so good

But I would be definitely down for playing as Helghan. I will genuinely feel wronged and would be amazing to kick some rico ass

omg, yes. It would be amazing if Killzone 4 was a revenge quest by a group of elite helghast soldiers (think Inglorious Basterds in space). imagine spending 10-12 hours on an epic quest to kill Rico, Sev and the rest of the crew that made up Killzone 2 and 3. If this was a launch title, and the PS4 was at a reasonable price, say $400, then I would most likely pick up the system at launch...or at least in the launch window.

Preaach brother. That's how the SP should be. Please GG make it so!

Technically not impressive. The power gap between Wii U to PS4 seems to be like PS2 to Gamecube.

And this is good! It is the only way Sony has a chance to survive in console business.

Holy shit! 0_0 hahaha this is just amazing.

I have heard many say that the next PS (and at times the xbox) won't be that powerful and there won't be a big difference in power compared to wiiu. Granted we only have rumors so far so it could very well be true....but I think chances of that happening are slim to none at this point.
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