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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


Neo Member
What I mean, is that people are taking his tweets as official Xbox Policy, and then assigning his position as Creative Director for all of Microsoft Game Studios. He could be a Creative Director on a Kinect app that lets you try on hats for all we know, had a liquid lunch and said some stupid shit.

The end result will be the same now. It's gone too far obviously, but the context is a little different in the telling.

It's a catch-22. Either you say nothing, and you appear to be ignoring or simply not engaging the outside world in any meaningful way, or you attempt to "be yourself" and in the process, someone interprets you said differently than what you meant, and here we are. Or you can water down your comments to the point it's just useless noise that says nothing of substance.

Really unfortunate situation, all the way around.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
What I mean, is that people are taking his tweets as official Xbox Policy, and then assigning his position as Creative Director for all of Microsoft Game Studios. He could be a Creative Director on a Kinect app that lets you try on hats for all we know, had a liquid lunch and said some stupid shit.

The end result will be the same now. It's gone too far obviously, but the context is a little different in the telling.

Yeah, but he would still probably know about what the Durango is offering at this point or at least appear to which has huge weight when posting shit on Twitter..

Work for MS near a launch? Shut the fuck up like a good employee, or leak what you "know" privately.


Wouldn't they want positive news trending instead of bad news?

But that's the whole gist of it. Nothing was made official. Get people to talk and speculate about the next Xbox (even if it's negative) and then unveil with the opposite. Then it will keep trending with all the sighs of relief.
But that's the whole gist of it. Nothing was made official. Get people to talk and speculate about the next Xbox (even if it's negative) and then unveil with the opposite. Then it will keep trending with all the sighs of relief.

If so, then this would be either the smartest marketing move Microsoft has made, or the stupidest.
The only thing that could blow this whole thing up to true epic heights is if Kamiya chimes in and tweets "do you eat shit?" to his #dealwithit.


I'll put it this way. Everyone who has owned a PS3 for sure experienced more downtime doing mandatory installs for games and firmware updates when they wanted to play a game than the downtime people would have experienced had the 360 required online to play games. Look at the PS3, it still sold.

This is going to be a nonissue as far as sales for MS's next system. Sure maybe once people buy the system, consumer satisfaction goes down a decimal point and complaints go up a decimal point, but that's insignificant.


"This is my Xbox. And THIS is my axe."

So can someone tell me if this basically confirms always online then?

If that is the case my next console choice has gone from like

40% chance of buying xbox
60% chance of buying ps4


80% chance of ps4
20% chance of xbox

I have a reliable connection most the time, but i do not support this always online thing at all


I wonder if Sony do the same.

It won't be anywhere near as bad as people are worried about. I imagine it'll be akin to how the steam store operates. With an offline mode. MS can't be THAT stupid .. right? I bloody hope not or it may force me to switch platforms.

They already said that such a thing isn't happening.

Really, Microsoft are the only ones retarded enough to do this on a piece of hardware


I'll put it this way. Everyone who has owned a PS3 for sure experienced more downtime doing mandatory installs for games and firmware updates when they wanted to play a game than the downtime people would have experienced had the 360 required online to play. Look at the PS3, it still sold.

This is going to be a nonissue as far as sales for MS's next system. Sure maybe once people buy the system, consumer satisfaction goes down a decimal point and complaints go up a decimal point, but that's insignificant.

This is the most ridiculous post i´ve read all year. Thank you for the laughter good sir.


This year so far 3 times. Each outage about 12 hours long and out of the control of my ISP due to the fact as they rely on another companies infrastructure. I do not find it acceptable that my console is useless for even an hour when I've got functioning power, let alone 36 hours in 3 months. I'm ignoring minor outages like when my ISP DNS server shits itself because as a network administrator I know how to get around that. But when radius servers are down or power to exchanges is cut or an inland fiber cable is cut there is NOTHING I can do.

We are talking about a GAMING CONSOLE. it's not life or death. Read a book, smoke some hookah, pet a duck...


Yeah Microsoft is definitely doing this. I'm afraid that for all the shouting that will happen when they officially announce this "Always On" thing, it will ultimately matter not one iota. It's gonna happen and MS is first out of the door. The rest will follow. Fuck this industry.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I'll put it this way. Everyone who has owned a PS3 for sure experienced more downtime doing mandatory installs for games and firmware updates when they wanted to play a game than the downtime people would have experienced had the 360 required online to play games. Look at the PS3, it still sold.

This is going to be a nonissue as far as sales for MS's next system. Sure maybe once people buy the system, consumer satisfaction goes down a decimal point and complaints go up a decimal point, but that's insignificant.

Holy fuck dude, you are trying way WAY too hard.
I'll put it this way. Everyone who has owned a PS3 for sure experienced more downtime doing mandatory installs for games and firmware updates when they wanted to play a game than the downtime people would have experienced had the 360 required online to play games. Look at the PS3, it still sold.

This is going to be a nonissue as far as sales for MS's next system. Sure maybe once people buy the system, consumer satisfaction goes down a decimal point and complaints go up a decimal point, but that's insignificant.

Reaching way too far. Settle down.


This is the most ridiculous post i´ve read all year. Thank you for the laughter good sir.

Funny because it's true? I think all year my internet was down for no more than 10 minutes. I've spent hours of my life this year doing mandatory installs and firmware updates.

If you give the mass public the option of buying the next Xbox and playing Halo with the possibility of not being able to play your console once in a blue moon, or not buying an Xbox and not being able to play Halo at all, I'm going to guess everyone will, as that creative director puts it, "deal with it."


I'll put it this way. Everyone who has owned a PS3 for sure experienced more downtime doing mandatory installs for games and firmware updates when they wanted to play a game than the downtime people would have experienced had the 360 required online to play games. Look at the PS3, it still sold.

This is going to be a nonissue as far as sales for MS's next system. Sure maybe once people buy the system, consumer satisfaction goes down a decimal point and complaints go up a decimal point, but that's insignificant.

You are joking, right?

EDIT: I guess not


So can someone tell me if this basically confirms always online then?

If that is the case my next console choice has gone from like

40% chance of buying xbox
60% chance of buying ps4


80% chance of ps4
20% chance of xbox

I have a reliable connection most the time, but i do not support this always online thing at all

We've got the Kotaku sources, the leaked documents, the Edge stuff, this topic with the MS director and the hint from another developer.
Basically it's confirmed :p


Funny because it's true? I think all year my internet was down for no more than 10 minutes. I've spent hours of my life this year doing mandatory installs and firmware updates.

If you think your internet connection is representative of the whole world then you are just as closeminded as Mr. Orth.


Damn guys,

I thought they hadn't responded to the rumors because they were still in development, but this sounds like Microsoft already decided to make an always online machine.

This sucks. I doubt many people will pass on the console because of this, but a lot of people will experience trouble with it. Say goodbye to the good name of microsoft..

What on earth made those guys think : 'Oh, always online didn't work on ANNO or Diablo or SimCity, it will surely work on our machine!'

Hell I live in a large city, and I even get regular internet connection problems.
And you know what I would like to do when that happens? You guessed it: Play offline on my PS3.

And btw: what does 'you've been NeoGAFed' mean?


microsoft xbox event will be hilarious. They already topped sony 2006 with the worst e3 conferences two years in a row but I expect them to break new ground this year.


Funny because it's true? I think all year my internet was down for no more than 10 minutes. I've spent hours of my life this year doing mandatory installs and firmware updates.

You do know the Durango will compete with the PS4 and not the PS3, yes?


Sony's going to spoil Microsoft's E3 by resetting the router during every demonstration.

"So this is the first section of the game. You can see..."

*screen goes blank*

"Sorry about that. Okay, we're back up. Okay, I just got the new rifle and I'm..."

*screen goes blank*

"Wow." (laughs nervously) "This just isn't my day. Okay, I'm back and you can see these new maps."

*screen goes blank*



Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Funny because it's true? I think all year my internet was down for no more than 10 minutes. I've spent hours of my life this year doing mandatory installs and firmware updates.

So basically your stance is; fuck you, I gots mine!

Have some perspective.
Funny because it's true? I think all year my internet was down for no more than 10 minutes. I've spent hours of my life this year doing mandatory installs and firmware updates.

If you give the mass public the option of buying the next Xbox an playing Halo with the possibility of not being able to play your console once in a blue moon, or not buying an Xbox and not being able to play Halo at all, I'm going to guess everyone will, as that creative director puts it, "deal with it."

I wonder if you can even see how goofy you come across.
Only Gold subscribers can play offline...


"If you get the Xbox Infinity Gold Membership, you can play all your purchased games in the comfort of your own home without worrying about your obline connection! It's the future, and the future is now!

Now have some Kinect, bitches!"
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