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Sony CEO Kaz Hirai: PS4 is first and foremost a game console

Of course they are used for other things. If you clean all the debris and all the BS, you actually find that people don't mind a console that offers multiple services and entertainment. The difference is the focus.

It's amazing how everyone is stuck on this focus part like they can quantify how much each company has focus on what aspects of the system when Microsoft has only had an hour conference, and neither Sony nor Microsoft have unveiled everything about their system. There's still a lot that we don't know about the PS4 or Xbox One but yet we can make these conclusions on what the focus is when we don't even know what the focus of their respective launches are yet.


*dudebro-huddle in anticipation*


What if I all this time I was actually arguing about Cloud potential with Major Nelson.

It must feel good to pwn a corporate shill, if that were that case.
Just the thought of the possibility is making me feel uneasy.


I think he means PR agencies, like the places that email the dealership here and promise to 'improve our social network ranking' by providing positive reviews on Facebook or other websites.

In recent times, two propaganda dispensers were banned. E3 should claim more.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
As someone who really enjoys new technology i am just not that excited about Sony's system. So what...its a game system. I have already had game systems. I want a box that can do more than just play a fing game. The all-in-one appeals to me and the game system does not. If i only wanted a game system i would just get a WII U....
Kinda ironic that you like "new technology" but downplay products that are primarily game systems when they often push new technology more than any vanilla media STB does. Anything that has the power to play modern games can certainly do a lot more than that and there isn't any recent game system that hasn't gone one to do more than play games.

But you're "someone who really enjoys new technology" so you knew all that, right?


Sony, thank you.

You have realized that their IS still a market for a dedicated games-first device even if all of the mobile-backers say otherwise.

Hundreds of millions of gamers around the world still want to sit on their couch and just game. You are quickly gaining their loyalty, I feel.

We have not gone away, we have not "moved on to phone and mobile games".

We are here, waiting for a company to show us they still care enough to cater to us.

Again, thank you.


How did you come to that conclusion? A MINORITY of the XBone's resources are dedicated to "non-gaming" activities.

That's one way to spin it.

The other is that the non-gaming resources have eaten into a massive chuck of the already limited resources that should be all for gaming. Sure, they use less than half, so are a minority, but still!

10% GPU, 25% CPU and a massive 37.5% RAM of the entire consoles resources are dedicated to non-gaming applications. That's a huge amount taken away from games, no matter how you try to spin it.


So then it really doesn't matter how much RAM is reserved then because it'll always be "wasted advantage"

Only in the context of 8GB GDDR3 vs 4GB GDDR5.

There's a reason why people were hopeful that after the Sony reveal that MS was going to upgrade to 12GB of RAM.
Sorry for the derail, folks. I should know better.
You're in a position to talk about what all of us wonder. I wager that every member here hears someone who pops into every single thread on Microsoft defending the announced policies and wonder if it's a legit poster or not. I find it very hard to believe that there are people who aren't upset about it and think it's important to go around defending the practices. I have a few names in mind, but I'll leave it at that. On the Sony side, there are so many Kaz worshippers that I really don't know what to think about it all. I didn't even know he was a thing until recently...

So, IMO, you're not derailing the thread when we all wish we could be talking about what you talked about.
And that's how it should be.


I already have the following that can do media for me -

1. PS3
2. Wii U
3. My television(a "smart" TV)
4. Cable box(Comcast OnDemand)
5. Desktop computer
6. Laptop
7. Tablet

I really don't need another device that is centered around this, I'd prefer a pure gaming device. Sony is on the right track with catering to gamers and I really have no doubt in my mind there will be plenty of media opportunities with the PS4 too, but nothing that should take attention from it being a gaming console first.
I'm skeptical about Sony's status regarding DRM. If they would have made a firm statement, then I might think otherwise.
I think because they haven't, they'll be appeasing the publishers like Microsoft. Think about it, if Sony announces now that there's no DRM, it doesn't matter how good Microsoft's E3 conference is, the internet will hype down MS's conference and praise Sony's no matter how bland it is.


http://www.substance001.com/ - just as an example. Not saying anything one way or another.

Not surprised about viral marketers attempting to get in here. Stick it to 'em!

I think because they haven't, they'll be appeasing the publishers like Microsoft. Think about it, if Sony announces now that there's no DRM, it doesn't matter how good Microsoft's E3 conference is, the internet will hype down MS's conference and praise Sony's no matter how bland it is.

Very good point. I did not consider it.


Sorry for the derail, folks. I should know better.


My first post. My first Kaz.

You are off to a great start! :D Amazing work

ps: I'm going to stop with the argument about 'response' vs not a response aspect. Feel like we are just going over the same thing over and over again

On a different note, I see the 1 Billion figure brought up frequently now. Is this figure only for software development alone or does this include the creation/buying of all those new studios?


Companies perverting the spirit of public discussion forums in order to secretly hype their products?



How did you come to that conclusion? A MINORITY of the XBone's resources are dedicated to "non-gaming" activities.

Word play; it's always so interesting.

Rest easy, you need not justify your decision to buy Xbone for it will have good games and will fulfil much of the media requirements.
It's amazing how everyone is stuck on this focus part like they can quantify how much each company has focus on what aspects of the system when Microsoft has only had an hour conference, and neither Sony nor Microsoft have unveiled everything about their system. There's still a lot that we don't know about the PS4 or Xbox One but yet we can make these conclusions on what the focus is when we don't even know what the focus of their respective launches are yet.

I think it's clear what MS' focus is when they dedicate 3 GB of RAM and 2 cores to non-gaming functions.


It's amazing how everyone is stuck on this focus part like they can quantify how much each company has focus on what aspects of the system when Microsoft has only had an hour conference, and neither Sony nor Microsoft have unveiled everything about their system. There's still a lot that we don't know about the PS4 or Xbox One but yet we can make these conclusions on what the focus is when we don't even know what the focus of their respective launches are yet.

Yes, but each company decided what to unveil first and how to do it.

The first detailed message Sony unveiled was: "we want a machine that's easy and powerful to develop for".

The first detailed message of Microsoft was "Xbox television".

People judge what they see, as always. If Microsoft has an amazing E3, the tone will probably change.


I may actually be heading down for the conference so this wouldn't be feasible. Perhaps I'll drop a pre-emptive cull sometime between now and June 11 just to be done with it.

We'll see. Never mind the thread. For now.

See, that'd be still friggin awesome!
You're in a position to talk about what all of us wonder. I wager that every member here hears someone who pops into every single thread on Microsoft defending the announced policies and wonder if it's a legit poster or not. I find it very hard to believe that there are people who aren't upset about it and think it's important to go around defending the practices. I have a few names in mind, but I'll leave it at that. On the Sony side, there are so many Kaz worshippers that I really don't know what to think about it all. I didn't even know he was a thing until recently...

So, IMO, you're not derailing the thread when we all wish we could be talking about what you talked about.
You should revisit the PS Meeting thread. It was craaaaazy :D

However, other message boards actually accused us to be viral Sony marketeers. Complete bullshit if you ask me, but now I dunno lol :D
I keep bringing it up because it's relevant to show how the systems evolved and how it was easy for Microsoft to think they were sitting in a good position only to get the rug pulled out from under them. Remember when the 8GB of GDDR5 was announced, it caught EVERYONE off guard, including close developers. They preferred 4GB of GDDR5 to 8 GB of DDR3 though? Sources on that. I remember developers wishing they had 8 instead of 4. Heck as a developer myself, I think I'd prefer twice the memory despite the faster speed right now. 4 to 8 is a huge difference.

What Sony did in their design was great. They got an amazing guy to design the system and they knew what they did to developers last generation so it was the best way to reign them in with their approach to building the system. Just because they were humble and did some smart things doesn't mean that somehow Microsoft wasn't focused on games at all. They may have been arrogant and assumed if they put out a good enough box, they would be fine and in reality, the boxes are in many ways close. In reality, I think that's more about Sony being smarter, humble, and in many ways desperate which is what got them what they have now.

Yes, because everyone thought 8GB GDDR5 was batshit insane.

Devs did prefer 4GB GDDR5 over 8GB DDR3 which is slow as shit. I don't remember where I read this, but even knowledgeable people on GAF agreed that MS' solution was inferior for games.

I don't know how to make this more clear. Even MS admits around 4GB is enough for next gen games, but instead of going with GDDR5 they had to go with slow as shit DDR3 in order to get 8GB. So they could deliver all these non-gaming features. Obviously gaming was not the top priority when designing the system.
A PC is not a games machine first, it still has the broadest range of games with extra features and cheapest prices. I don't care if a machine has 1000 features above playing games if it plays games well and has a great selection.



I already have the following that can do media for me -

1. PS3
2. Wii U
3. My television(a "smart" TV)
4. Cable box(Comcast OnDemand)
5. Desktop computer
6. Laptop
7. Tablet

I really don't need another device that is centered around this, I'd prefer a pure gaming device. Sony is on the right track with catering to gamers and I really have no doubt in my mind there will be plenty of media opportunities with the PS4 too, but nothing that should take attention from it being a gaming console first.

I'm similar, but of the devices that can play back everything I throw at it (my laptop), it's also the least convenient to use.

Unless you have a HTPC hooked up to your AV system, the current devices all have limitations and annoyances. A console is the ideal device to also act as a media hub, but they need to have much better support of codecs out of the box to be the one device that does everything.


Why are people surprised about hired shrills working on NeoGAF? Given NeoGAF's prominence and popularity, I'd think it would be weird if we didn't have shrills working here.
Sony, thank you.

You have realized that their IS still a market for a dedicated games-first device even if all of the mobile-backers say otherwise.

Hundreds of millions of gamers around the world still want to sit on their couch and just game. You are quickly gaining their loyalty, I feel.

We have not gone away, we have not "moved on to phone and mobile games".

We are here, waiting for a company to show us they still care enough to cater to us.

Again, thank you.
So if MS shows off more games at E3 than Sony, you'll embrace Microsoft?

Microsoft is trying to expand their userbase, not replace it. It's a smart thing to do. As long as they get all the 3rd party games, maybe an exclusive or two, and put out a decent amount of first party games... why should you care if Joe SixPack is waving his arms at his TV while he checks out his fantasy football league?

Assuming of course, Sony pulls the same DRM crap.
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