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Edge #256: Why PS4 is your next console (Shots fired, post-DRM 180)


Realistically you should never buy hardware at launch anyway. It will inevitably take 1-2 years before the hardware is actually stable enough for retail sale. Though they'll never tell you that.


Jesus christ....are you being obtuse on purpose? I wanted to buy one of the machines in day one and I can only decide which one to buy based on what games have been shown so far. Of the ones that have been shown, I prefer those on the Xbox.
You are wasting your energy thinking you will have a debate, he has a huge anti MS bias that he openly admits.
To be honest I lost interest in gaming last year and just now started getting interested again with the next gen on the horizon. I didn't hear about TLOU until after release and the hype around it. I only sold the PS3 (60GB fatty) because I knew the PS4 was coming and wanted to cash in before the announcement.

Have you even played tlou? Lol

Borrow a friend's ps3. It lives up to the hype. The titanfall of ps3


The comparisons between the PS4 and 180 exclusives is a short-term comparison. Any advantage MS currently has in exclusives likely won't last beyond the launch period.

MS's past pattern of behaviour shows a strong launch lineup to hook customers in initially, which then transitions into a reliance on yearly sequels of 3-4 high selling titles. I don't expect that to change this gen. They can't moneyhat big timed exclusives like Titanfall throughout an entire generation. They also had a drought of exclusives in the past couple of years probably because they were focussing all of their resources on 180 games.

Sony's past pattern of behaviour shows a consistent output of exclusive games with a lot of variety and new IP's. I don't expect that to change either this gen. We still haven't seen what ND, QD etc. have cooking for the PS4. We haven't seen GG's cyberpunk RPG and so on. When you look at the PS3's exclusive lineup for 2013 it's pretty clear that a lot of their top studios haven't shifted focus fully to the PS4 yet. Long story short: PS3 had the better exclusive output overall throughout the course of this gen, and PS4 will most likely have the better exclusive output overall throughout the course of next gen. You can't moneyhat nearly two decades of experience and expertise in acquiring and managing first party studios.

That's exactly how I look at things. I was going to post something similar before I read your post.
I don't care who wins the launch line up list war because the launch window does not matter to me. What matters to me is what I can expect for the rest of the ~7 year life cycle of the console and Sony checked all my boxes with their PS3 exclusives.
I don't expect this to suddenly change with the PS4.


Given the PS4's currently lacking exclusive line-up,
Compared to what? The XB1? I'd say that is an entirely subjective measuring stick in terms of how interested you are in the announced titles, and massively skewed in Sony's favor if you stack the pedigree of developers against one another. Claiming one lineup is better than the other simply because of the IPs involved seems like a myopic way to view software.

still questionable performance advantage,
Except the whole AMD's own numbers thing. I'm sure that 50% GPU horsepower edge will just disappear though. Secret sauce and all that.

conservative design (sadly, with the policy reversal a part of that has now rubbed off on Xbox One as well, yay),
I didn't realize releasing the first universally day one digital, indie self publishing console was a conservative choice. Funny. I thought the entire reason MS was claiming DRM was necessary was to implement similar features to what Sony is doing while still letting us own physical discs.

and relegation of PS4Eye to an optional peripheral, limiting its (already inferior, compared to Kinect) potential, right now I can't see any choice other than Xbox One.
Because developers proved last generation beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kinect is the way of the future right?

Sony has had camera tech with their systems for two generations now, going into their third. MS is going into their second. No one has delivered a meaningful core experience with it yet. Why continue to believe this will somehow change? And until it does I don't quite see why we should be subsidizing every unit having one, under the alleged promise that universal ownership of a peripheral results in exciting new uses for it. Go ask Nintendo how well that's worked out with the Wii U tablet.

However, I realize that's just my opinion shaped by my tastes and limited information currently available about both of these consoles, and I wouldn't dare project that on everyone else or make ridiculously premature judgments about the future market performance of those products. You see, that's the problem.
It'd EDGE's job as an enthusiast magazine to assess what they think their customers would prefer and make the argument for it. It doesn't seem far fetched at all that the article within the magazine backs up the cover they've chosen, does it? I mean, the facts are out there to make a a pretty strong pro-PS4 argument, I'd imagine anyone can see that.

But Edge needs readers badly so I can understand the reasoning behind the sensationalism. As always, it seems to be working.
Its only sensationalism if the reporting inside doesn't corroborate their claims on the cover.


Why is there a problem with believing that the Xbone has better exclusives judging by all the games we know so far?


That's exactly how I look at things. I was going to post something similar before I read your post.
I don't care who wins the launch line up list war because the launch window does not matter to me. What matters to me is what I can expect for the rest of the ~7 year life cycle of the console and Sony checked all my boxes with their PS3 exclusives.
I don't expect this to suddenly change with the PS4.
I personally care about the launch lineup because in a year's time I will almost certainly own both.

In my case one of my favorite games was infamous so I still give the nod to Sony
The PS4 preference was obviously going to shift once MS reversed - it was the only way they could save the 180 at that point.

Probably. I thought differently, but I guess I was wrong since Microsoft wouldn't have abandoned their new policies had they shared that opinion. There were hugely interesting things happening behind the closed doors, both at Sony and Microsoft, that we'll probably never be privy to, which is a shame.

You have a reasonable post here, but your other posts indicate a clear MS bias, and I'm not the only one to notice this.

I've never tried to hide that I much prefer Microsoft's franchises, the kinds of third party games that they managed to attract to Xbox 360, and their overall vision for the future of gaming and entertainment in general. That still holds, although there have been some reversals (XBLA was one of my favorite things last gen, and Sony seems to have taken the initiative in that segment lately), and nothing is set in stone.

Even in the post quoted, you felt the need to point out how preferences shifted after the policy reversal, and indirectly that the 'hardcore segment' doesn't matter in grand scheme of sales. Those statements have nothing to do with your condemnation of Edge's title except to assert that the 180 will equal or better the PS4 in sales.

I don't think that the hardcore segment doesn't matter in the grand scheme of sales, it has its importance, but it's not the be all and end all in that regard, even at launch. It's also worth noting that hardcore gamers are not a homogenous body - after all, I belong to that segment as well - and the loudest part of that group is not always the largest. If we limit ourselves on GAF, just to illustrate the point with data we're all well acquainted with, it's no secret that the popular opinion here has often been proven very wrong when it comes to gauging success of certain products, even those aimed squarely at the hardcore segment.

I fail to see how pointing out the preference shift has nothing to do with the statements on the issue's cover. They say matter-of-factly that PS4 is our only choice and that it's our next console, ignoring the fact that the increasing number of Edge's potential readers are looking elsewhere for their first next gen fix. Of course those statements are literally wrong, since not everyone was ever going to buy a PS4, but if sales of Xbox One and Xbox One core-aimed software prove to be good, the whole point Edge was trying to make (again, talking only about the cover statements) won't stand, making them look foolish.

That's not condemning Edge because they're favoring one platform over the other, but because they're making a rash decision. Still, as I said, they obviously think the increase in readership is a good tradeoff and that's fair enough.


I wouldn't say that at all. They have invested strongly going into next gen in new studios, and seem to have a lot of new IP coming.

Still not as strong as Sony in this regard and we're not sure whether they will keep it up into later in the generation, but credit where it's due.

MS shuttered multiple studios last generation, didn't open any to replace them, and are now suddenly in a mad scramble to open studios and push out early XB1 titles.

Investing strongly on the doorstep of a new generation isn't a commitment to first party software. Expanding your first party studios and supporting the console you have out with major new titles through the launch of your new console is a commitment to first party software.

Case in point: I don't know who the hell even works at Black Tusk so why would I have any interest in a game they're making? I'm not eagerly anticipating the next game from Nihilistic and they've at least made something before.

Meanwhile I know what Naughty Dog brings to the table. I know what Sucker Punch brings to the table. I know what Guerrilla Games is capable of. I know that at worst Sony has damn near a dozen very strong first party studios that turn out at least "good" games, with several of them more than capable of hitting a home run every time up to the plate.

MS could have had something like that, if they gave a shit about first party development. Instead they let Bungie walk because they just wanted a Halo cow to milk (and now have one with 343 apparently). They sunk the PGR franchise by not picking up Bizarre Creations once they were outside the X360's launch window. Shut down FASA and let Weismann take the IPs with him. Doomed Crackdown to irrelevance when they chose not to sign Realtime Worlds up for a multi-game commitment. Have had a massive talent exodus from Rare because they've changed corporate culture and restricted their freedom to create. Had a similarly massive talent exodus from Lionhead while face-stabbing the Fable brand with a mediocre 3rd game followed by a shitty Kinect spin off.

I could go on. Suffice to say these are not the actions of someone looking to build a strong first party division. Lip service and random dollar amounts thrown at the problem on the cusp of a new generation isn't enough to bait me in. Show the love all generation long if you want to claim a commitment to first party software.
Wtf kinda comparison is that, nobody has played titanfall, it could be great or it could be crap. The level of discussion is quickly spiralling down here.

It's a joke, referring back to Major Nelson saying "But have you seen TITANFALL?" in response to criticism over xbox hardware and DRM. It's practically a meme here by now.


Why is there a problem with believing that the Xbone has better exclusives judging by all the games we know so far?

No problem with someone believing that, it's the way some have treated it as an apparent fact that EDGE overlooked in order to favor the PS4 that gets a negative reaction.
Imagine if car magazines weren't allowed to recommend one car over another?

Being objective doesn't mean that you don't have an opinion, it's just that you try to make your opinion unbiased. 'Why PS4 is Your Next Console' suggests that we're going to see an article detailing why Edge believe that you should buy the PS4 over the Xbox One.

I don't see what the hell there is to get upset about.


I personally care about the launch lineup because in a year's time I will almost certainly own both.

In my case one of my favorite games was infamous so I still give the nod to Sony

Of course, if you plan to get both consoles, then the launch line up should definitely be a major factor when deciding which of the two to get on day one.
Since I'm going PS4 only, I was only considering the long term plan. :)


ADD New Gen Gamer
I am not keeping up with this thread, but can anyone point me to a summary of Edge's arguments? It wasn't in the OP.


I am not keeping up with this thread, but can anyone point me to a summary of Edge's arguments? It wasn't in the OP.
The mag comes out tomorrow. Presumably the idea is that people buy it, but I'm sure someone will post it up then. As you say, would be good to have in the OP.
Why is there a problem with believing that the Xbone has better exclusives judging by all the games we know so far?

Because that's purely based on ones preferences and opinions. How hard is that to understand? Just because you like ryse and forza doesn't mean everyone else does. Common sense. Maybe I think infamous second son and the order 1866 will blow the doors off anything MS have to offer, what's so hard to believe about that?

Rebel Leader

Why is there a problem with believing that the Xbone has better exclusives judging by all the games we know so far?

Most of which are timed =p (see: titanfall on ps4 not out of the question)

and MS's "true" exclusives are nothing to brag about
MS shuttered multiple studios last generation, didn't open any to replace them, and are now suddenly in a mad scramble to open studios and push out early XB1 titles.

Investing strongly on the doorstep of a new generation isn't a commitment to first party software. Expanding your first party studios and supporting the console you have out with major new titles through the launch of your new console is a commitment to first party software.

Case in point: I don't know who the hell even works at Black Tusk so why would I have any interest in a game they're making? I'm not eagerly anticipating the next game from Nihilistic and they've at least made something before.

Meanwhile I know what Naughty Dog brings to the table. I know what Sucker Punch brings to the table. I know what Guerrilla Games is capable of. I know that at worst Sony has damn near a dozen very strong first party studios that turn out at least "good" games, with several of them more than capable of hitting a home run every time up to the plate.

MS could have had something like that, if they gave a shit about first party development. Instead they let Bungie walk because they just wanted a Halo cow to milk (and now have one with 343 apparently). They sunk the PGR franchise by not picking up Bizarre Creations once they were outside the X360's launch window. Shut down FASA and let Weismann take the IPs with him. Doomed Crackdown to irrelevance when they chose not to sign Realtime Worlds up for a multi-game commitment. Have had a massive talent exodus from Rare because they've changed corporate culture and restricted their freedom to create. Had a similarly massive talent exodus from Lionhead while face-stabbing the Fable brand with a mediocre 3rd game followed by a shitty Kinect spin off.

I could go on. Suffice to say these are not the actions of someone looking to build a strong first party division. Lip service and random dollar amounts thrown at the problem on the cusp of a new generation isn't enough to bait me in. Show the love all generation long if you want to claim a commitment to first party software.

Excellent post I must add. Very much agree.

MS hasn't done much if anything to instil confidence in their first party efforts outside of Turn10's Forza games, and 323i's Halos. For someone not interested in Forza or Halo, MS has a lot to prove in the coming gen with its internal studios, and announcements about x number of unnamed projects (which could be Kinect crap for all we know) and nebulous claims about dollars invested doesn't suddenly mean that every one of their studios will suddenly go from never having made a meaningful game to making multimillion selling hits.

Unfortunately for MS their standard strategy of throwing money at a problem until it fixes itself won't work in games development. It isn't as easy as just gathering a bunch of people together, throwing money at them, and telling them they need to make a hit or else they're all fired. There have been countless studios this gen, whom have formed with a long list of notable big names from across the industry, and have ended up putting out steaming turkeys and getting their doors shuttered. It takes investment, time, effort, the right people, the right experience, the right management and the right culture for a studio to rise to the caliber of devs like Rockstar and Naughty Dog. Most of the biggest name devs have been running for decades. So its naive to think that some newly formed, never made a AAA game before at all, studios would suddenly start producing games that achieve >90% aggregate review scores. It's just doesn't happen that often at all.
MS shuttered multiple studios last generation, didn't open any to replace them, and are now suddenly in a mad scramble to open studios and push out early XB1 titles.

Investing strongly on the doorstep of a new generation isn't a commitment to first party software. Expanding your first party studios and supporting the console you have out with major new titles through the launch of your new console is a commitment to first party software.

I agree with what you are saying.

My point was that, at least for the start of the coming generation, it seems they have realized their mistake, but whether they will keep it up or not is anyone's guess.

I don't find that incompatible with what you are saying :)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The exclusives situation can basically be summed up as this for people that eventually plan on owning both consoles:

The exclusives (which ever system's) will ALWAYS be there throughout the gen. And as the gen goes on will become GH/PH and be available at great prices and probably in GOTY editions. Exclusives are a great reason to buy a console.

But if you are eventually going to buy both consoles regardless wouldn't it make sense to buy the less expensive and more powerful one at the start of the gen? The one where all multi-plat games will look better (whether a lot or barely at all or anything in between)? Wouldn't it make more sense to buy the more expensive and less powerful unit for exclusive down the road when both the system and those games see price drops?

And if you are planning on only buying one system for the ENTIRE generation and making that decision based on what you saw at E3 before the generation even starts... Lol. You are a fanboy. Because the only INTELLIGENT way to do that is at least a few years into the generation with software libraries and platform directions clearly established and able to be compared. Not 5 months before the systems are even released.


The comparisons between the PS4 and 180 exclusives is a short-term comparison. Any advantage MS currently has in exclusives likely won't last beyond the launch period.

MS's past pattern of behaviour shows a strong launch lineup to hook customers in initially, which then transitions into a reliance on yearly sequels of 3-4 high selling titles. I don't expect that to change this gen. They can't moneyhat big timed exclusives like Titanfall throughout an entire generation. They also had a drought of exclusives in the past couple of years probably because they were focussing all of their resources on 180 games.

Sony's past pattern of behaviour shows a consistent output of exclusive games with a lot of variety and new IP's. I don't expect that to change either this gen. We still haven't seen what ND, QD etc. have cooking for the PS4. We haven't seen GG's cyberpunk RPG and so on. When you look at the PS3's exclusive lineup for 2013 it's pretty clear that a lot of their top studios haven't shifted focus fully to the PS4 yet. Long story short: PS3 had the better exclusive output overall throughout the course of this gen, and PS4 will most likely have the better exclusive output overall throughout the course of next gen. You can't moneyhat nearly two decades of experience and expertise in acquiring and managing first party studios.

I'll be amazed if the EDGE article doesn't take this into account, just looking at Microsoft's X1 unveil and the subsequent U turn isn't looking at the bigger picture in the grand scheme of things.

Because developers proved last generation beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kinect is the way of the future right?

Sony has had camera tech with their systems for two generations now, going into their third. MS is going into their second. No one has delivered a meaningful core experience with it yet. Why continue to believe this will somehow change? And until it does I don't quite see why we should be subsidizing every unit having one, under the alleged promise that universal ownership of a peripheral results in exciting new uses for it. Go ask Nintendo how well that's worked out with the Wii U tablet.

The onus is on Microsoft to be the trailblazer with the interface, just like Nintendo is for their interfaces with the Wii for example and be hopeful that the third party follow in their footsteps, if the best they can come up with is voice commands, Kinect Sport and Drivatar as an example for the cloud, then what example is a third party who more often than not plays it safe going to do?

The bigger irony is that you would most likely see something inventive from an indie dev, who'd have to jump through hoops to even work on the system, plus them locking out the hobbyists on the PC shows that the potential in Kinect is getting smothered into nothingness for people who would think outside the box.


Buying consoles based off exclusives launch titles isn't an issue if you are indeed planning on buying both consoles anyways. But at this point, it seems like Sony is prepared to wipe the floor with exclsuives, espeically since:

1) Both consoles are launching at the same time now
2) The first party have had the advantage in terms of development time and the PS4 is more flexible snd easy to develop compared to the PS3
3) Most of Sony's big first party studios have grown to two development teams and they are pumping out great ganes

If you are more likely to roll with one console for this gen and buying a 2nd console is a maybe, then by far the PS4 is the one to roll with. We've seen history with what happened with the PS2 and PS3.. Are you really going to just ignore that and just have game envy the rest of the gen?

I mean seriously people, I've said this many times in past posts, but do you understand how stupid it is to pick your potential console for the gen based off of launch titles? Think about that for a minute..

Microsoft needs a few fresh new, quality exclusives to show gamers why it's worth it not to miss out. Kinect and TV features aren't enough to do it.


Why is there a problem with believing that the Xbone has better exclusives judging by all the games we know so far?
Because we know so very little about their timing to use them as reasons to buy the Xbox One at launch. We know for instance the PlayStation 4 will launch with Knack, Killzone and Drive CLub with the possible addition of DC Universe Online and PlanetSide 2. Microsoft has only confirmed Dead Rising 3 and Forza with the possibility of Ryse as a third game.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
You are only partially correct. Usually with new technologies the manufacturer will be the trailblazer, but with working side by side with a third party. Think Dance Central for Kinect or Nintendo in the early days of the Wii. It really isn't a good investment for EITHER company to take on the financial investment alone.

The problem today is that virtually all games MUST be multi-platform to recoup costs. This means it is near impossible to put an amazing Kinect or Gamepad feature in a game that changes the game fundamentally while having to compensate on other platforms.

A great example of this is Resident Evil 4. Truly a masterpiece. And the Wii version I would argue was revolutionary for consoles. But with all things bein equal, because the gameplay was not designed for the Wii from the ground up, difficulty by default dropped and some truly challenging areas of the game became trivial.

So that is the Kinect/Gamepad/Move problem. With tight integration for core gameplay, you stand the likely chance of imbalance or serious deficiencies. And with platform exclusive games, it's not feasible for either party to take on the cost and development themselves for new ways to integrate the technology. It will always be partnerships.. Like again Dance Central and stuff.


You are only partially correct. Usually with new technologies the manufacturer will be the trailblazer, but with working side by side with a third party. Think Dance Central for Kinect or Nintendo in the early days of the Wii. It really isn't a good investment for EITHER company to take on the financial investment alone.

The problem today is that virtually all games MUST be multi-platform to recoup costs. This means it is near impossible to put an amazing Kinect or Gamepad feature in a game that changes the game fundamentally while having to compensate on other platforms.

Ubisoft used to do this brilliantly with Splinter Cell, okay granted it was Xbox exclusive for 6 months or a year or something but the Gamecube version made use of having the Gameboy as a pretty nifty radar with some remote controlled gadgets.

It's a shame that ubisoft aren't quite at that level again, but they do occasionally throw a bone like having Assassin's Creed III content unlocked for playing AssCreed Liberation on the Vita.


People used to complain that Edge was biased against the PS3, right?

I wonder what those people are arguing in this thread.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
People used to complain that Edge was biased against the PS3, right?

I wonder what those people are arguing in this thread.

Nothing. Everyone knows that bias comes and goes even on a weekly schedule. A magazine or website can have a 'well known bias' one week that turns into 'obvious accuracy' the next week if they print good stories about your fave. Also bias and accuracy are non-commutative: you can add together bias over time to paint a picture of extreme bias, but you can't include counter-evidence in that to balance the picture out.


MS shuttered multiple studios last generation, didn't open any to replace them, and are now suddenly in a mad scramble to open studios and push out early XB1 titles.

Investing strongly on the doorstep of a new generation isn't a commitment to first party software. Expanding your first party studios and supporting the console you have out with major new titles through the launch of your new console is a commitment to first party software.

Case in point: I don't know who the hell even works at Black Tusk so why would I have any interest in a game they're making? I'm not eagerly anticipating the next game from Nihilistic and they've at least made something before.

Meanwhile I know what Naughty Dog brings to the table. I know what Sucker Punch brings to the table. I know what Guerrilla Games is capable of. I know that at worst Sony has damn near a dozen very strong first party studios that turn out at least "good" games, with several of them more than capable of hitting a home run every time up to the plate.

MS could have had something like that, if they gave a shit about first party development. Instead they let Bungie walk because they just wanted a Halo cow to milk (and now have one with 343 apparently). They sunk the PGR franchise by not picking up Bizarre Creations once they were outside the X360's launch window. Shut down FASA and let Weismann take the IPs with him. Doomed Crackdown to irrelevance when they chose not to sign Realtime Worlds up for a multi-game commitment. Have had a massive talent exodus from Rare because they've changed corporate culture and restricted their freedom to create. Had a similarly massive talent exodus from Lionhead while face-stabbing the Fable brand with a mediocre 3rd game followed by a shitty Kinect spin off.

I could go on. Suffice to say these are not the actions of someone looking to build a strong first party division. Lip service and random dollar amounts thrown at the problem on the cusp of a new generation isn't enough to bait me in. Show the love all generation long if you want to claim a commitment to first party software.

Good post buddy, with very valid points. MS has a lot to prove in the coming generation. Something I'm sure is a possibility depending on their leadership and priorities. Sony made a huge turnaround since launching the PS3, it's been done before. With what we've heard there are many games in the pipeline so we could be facing the first generation where Sony and MS are even in first party quality. But as it stands Sony is the clear winner, by a fair distance too.


Dreams in Digital
People used to complain that Edge was biased against the PS3, right?

I wonder what those people are arguing in this thread.

They are arguing that EDGE used to be biased towards the PS3. It's no that difficult to understand really. This is what makes the EDGE cover remarkable.


hide your water-based mammals
Used to be, right!

Now that they've done something pro-Sony they are no longer biased.


Who even says EDGE is biased?

Does this work in this manner when a sports magazine criticizes a rival team?

EDGE has earned a reputable image for a reason.

If it doesn't vibe with yours then too bad.
Arcade and 2D gaming fan.

Given the PS4's currently lacking exclusive line-up, still questionable performance advantage, conservative design (sadly, with the policy reversal a part of that has now rubbed off on Xbox One as well, yay), and relegation of PS4Eye to an optional peripheral, limiting its (already inferior, compared to Kinect) potential, right now I can't see any choice other than Xbox One. However, I realize that's just my opinion shaped by my tastes and limited information currently available about both of these consoles, and I wouldn't dare project that on everyone else or make ridiculously premature judgments about the future market performance of those products. You see, that's the problem.

But Edge needs readers badly so I can understand the reasoning behind the sensationalism. As always, it seems to be working.

No, I mean the basic concept of the machine. It's basically a more powerful PS3 (well, a more powerful Xbox 360 would perhaps be a more apt description) with some streaming features added on top (some of which are seemingly also coming to PS3 and Xbox 360). As far as I'm concerned, that's setting the bar too low for a next generation machine. I want deep integration of natural user interfaces with Siri-like functionality on the OS level, but especially in games, I want proper steamification of consoles (something we're not getting now that Microsoft's been forced to reverse their policies), I want better integration between gaming and non-gaming services, I want even more radical changes that neither Sony nor Microsoft are bringing us.

But it has to be said that there's one area in which PS4 seems to be the more progressive platform, and that's support for indie developers. Hopefully Microsoft catches up in that regard.

And that's why I said "currently". Who has more exclusive games in the works and when they are coming remains to be seen, but numbers alone mean nothing to me. Show your hand, and then we can talk.

Nothing has been proven whatsoever. It's not obvious from the games shown, we don't have confirmed final specifications, we don't have proper insight into all the ramifications of differing design philosophies (as someone with a bit of proper education in the field of computer system architectures, I know first hand that it's not as simple as comparing theoretical specs of separate components that make up the greater whole), and the developers who have spoken about the differences remain rather cagey and reserved on the subject.



MS shuttered multiple studios last generation, didn't open any to replace them, and are now suddenly in a mad scramble to open studios and push out early XB1 titles.

Investing strongly on the doorstep of a new generation isn't a commitment to first party software. Expanding your first party studios and supporting the console you have out with major new titles through the launch of your new console is a commitment to first party software.

Case in point: I don't know who the hell even works at Black Tusk so why would I have any interest in a game they're making? I'm not eagerly anticipating the next game from Nihilistic and they've at least made something before.

Meanwhile I know what Naughty Dog brings to the table. I know what Sucker Punch brings to the table. I know what Guerrilla Games is capable of. I know that at worst Sony has damn near a dozen very strong first party studios that turn out at least "good" games, with several of them more than capable of hitting a home run every time up to the plate.

MS could have had something like that, if they gave a shit about first party development. Instead they let Bungie walk because they just wanted a Halo cow to milk (and now have one with 343 apparently). They sunk the PGR franchise by not picking up Bizarre Creations once they were outside the X360's launch window. Shut down FASA and let Weismann take the IPs with him. Doomed Crackdown to irrelevance when they chose not to sign Realtime Worlds up for a multi-game commitment. Have had a massive talent exodus from Rare because they've changed corporate culture and restricted their freedom to create. Had a similarly massive talent exodus from Lionhead while face-stabbing the Fable brand with a mediocre 3rd game followed by a shitty Kinect spin off.

I could go on. Suffice to say these are not the actions of someone looking to build a strong first party division. Lip service and random dollar amounts thrown at the problem on the cusp of a new generation isn't enough to bait me in. Show the love all generation long if you want to claim a commitment to first party software.

Great post, and that's precisely the reason why I won't bite this time around. They have this whole generation to make me a believer, but they won't fool me with beginning of a generation fireworks.
MS shuttered multiple studios last generation, didn't open any to replace them, and are now suddenly in a mad scramble to open studios and push out early XB1 titles.

Investing strongly on the doorstep of a new generation isn't a commitment to first party software. Expanding your first party studios and supporting the console you have out with major new titles through the launch of your new console is a commitment to first party software.

Case in point: I don't know who the hell even works at Black Tusk so why would I have any interest in a game they're making? I'm not eagerly anticipating the next game from Nihilistic and they've at least made something before.

Meanwhile I know what Naughty Dog brings to the table. I know what Sucker Punch brings to the table. I know what Guerrilla Games is capable of. I know that at worst Sony has damn near a dozen very strong first party studios that turn out at least "good" games, with several of them more than capable of hitting a home run every time up to the plate.

MS could have had something like that, if they gave a shit about first party development. Instead they let Bungie walk because they just wanted a Halo cow to milk (and now have one with 343 apparently). They sunk the PGR franchise by not picking up Bizarre Creations once they were outside the X360's launch window. Shut down FASA and let Weismann take the IPs with him. Doomed Crackdown to irrelevance when they chose not to sign Realtime Worlds up for a multi-game commitment. Have had a massive talent exodus from Rare because they've changed corporate culture and restricted their freedom to create. Had a similarly massive talent exodus from Lionhead while face-stabbing the Fable brand with a mediocre 3rd game followed by a shitty Kinect spin off.

I could go on. Suffice to say these are not the actions of someone looking to build a strong first party division. Lip service and random dollar amounts thrown at the problem on the cusp of a new generation isn't enough to bait me in. Show the love all generation long if you want to claim a commitment to first party software.
So much THIS.

I'd never had much interest in owning an Xbox console, but Microsoft was seriously drawing me in around 2007-2008. They had the deal with Mistwalker, and Banjo & Kazooie looked like a whole heap of fun. The thought of some of my favorite PC developers (Ensemble and FASA) working on the console was also very attractive.

Microsoft's decisions since then have done nothing but turn me off, with this whole PR debacle being the icing on the cake. Ensemble and FASA dead, Mistwalker working with Nintendo, and Rare working solely with Kinect have made me lose interest in their line up, and all these new studios with unannounced IPs obviously don't make up for that.


Dreams in Digital
Used to be, right!

Now that they've done something pro-Sony they are no longer biased.


A bias isn't an all or nothing situation, it's just an imbalance of views over a given time. You could be right in that this may just be the small percent of none biased that emerges occasionally, BUT the cover is extraordinary nevertheless. It is the same as Polygon (you know, the site that gave TLOU 7.5), when they were less than kind about MSs DRM.

What makes this so remarkable is that it's laying out their stalls very early. We could be looking at a change of bias in favour of Sony (as opposed to not 'for' Sony). That's not the same as a biased towards another console by the way. That would be fanboyism. Just because you love something doesn't mean you automatically have to hate something else and visa versa.
MS shuttered multiple studios last generation, didn't open any to replace them, and are now suddenly in a mad scramble to open studios and push out early XB1 titles.

Investing strongly on the doorstep of a new generation isn't a commitment to first party software. Expanding your first party studios and supporting the console you have out with major new titles through the launch of your new console is a commitment to first party software.

Case in point: I don't know who the hell even works at Black Tusk so why would I have any interest in a game they're making? I'm not eagerly anticipating the next game from Nihilistic and they've at least made something before.

Meanwhile I know what Naughty Dog brings to the table. I know what Sucker Punch brings to the table. I know what Guerrilla Games is capable of. I know that at worst Sony has damn near a dozen very strong first party studios that turn out at least "good" games, with several of them more than capable of hitting a home run every time up to the plate.

MS could have had something like that, if they gave a shit about first party development. Instead they let Bungie walk because they just wanted a Halo cow to milk (and now have one with 343 apparently). They sunk the PGR franchise by not picking up Bizarre Creations once they were outside the X360's launch window. Shut down FASA and let Weismann take the IPs with him. Doomed Crackdown to irrelevance when they chose not to sign Realtime Worlds up for a multi-game commitment. Have had a massive talent exodus from Rare because they've changed corporate culture and restricted their freedom to create. Had a similarly massive talent exodus from Lionhead while face-stabbing the Fable brand with a mediocre 3rd game followed by a shitty Kinect spin off.

I could go on. Suffice to say these are not the actions of someone looking to build a strong first party division. Lip service and random dollar amounts thrown at the problem on the cusp of a new generation isn't enough to bait me in. Show the love all generation long if you want to claim a commitment to first party software.

Wrapped up a lot of what I was feeling in a great post.


Who even says EDGE is biased?

Does this work in this manner when a sports magazine criticizes a rival team?

EDGE has earned a reputable image for a reason.

If it doesn't vibe with yours then too bad.
But the cover doesn't criticize a rival team. What it does is overly promoting one team.

To me this comes of as fanboyish.
MS shuttered multiple studios last generation, didn't open any to replace them, and are now suddenly in a mad scramble to open studios and push out early XB1 titles.

I'm not sure if they closed as many studios as Sony did. Everyone was hit hard :(

Investing strongly on the doorstep of a new generation isn't a commitment to first party software. Expanding your first party studios and supporting the console you have out with major new titles through the launch of your new console is a commitment to first party software.

I completely agree. I hope that this investment is an investment that keeps giving instead of a one-time investment.

Case in point: I don't know who the hell even works at Black Tusk so why would I have any interest in a game they're making? I'm not eagerly anticipating the next game from Nihilistic and they've at least made something before.

Meanwhile I know what Naughty Dog brings to the table. I know what Sucker Punch brings to the table. I know what Guerrilla Games is capable of. I know that at worst Sony has damn near a dozen very strong first party studios that turn out at least "good" games, with several of them more than capable of hitting a home run every time up to the plate.

I didn't know what Rocksteady brought to the table before Arkham. Naughty Dog made really shitty 3DO games before Crash. Past history or lack of history doesn't always directly correlate with future quality. Insomniac made All 4 One and Fuse. I could go on and on and on...
MS shuttered multiple studios last generation, didn't open any to replace them, and are now suddenly in a mad scramble to open studios and push out early XB1 titles.

Investing strongly on the doorstep of a new generation isn't a commitment to first party software. Expanding your first party studios and supporting the console you have out with major new titles through the launch of your new console is a commitment to first party software.

Case in point: I don't know who the hell even works at Black Tusk so why would I have any interest in a game they're making? I'm not eagerly anticipating the next game from Nihilistic and they've at least made something before.

Meanwhile I know what Naughty Dog brings to the table. I know what Sucker Punch brings to the table. I know what Guerrilla Games is capable of. I know that at worst Sony has damn near a dozen very strong first party studios that turn out at least "good" games, with several of them more than capable of hitting a home run every time up to the plate.

MS could have had something like that, if they gave a shit about first party development. Instead they let Bungie walk because they just wanted a Halo cow to milk (and now have one with 343 apparently). They sunk the PGR franchise by not picking up Bizarre Creations once they were outside the X360's launch window. Shut down FASA and let Weismann take the IPs with him. Doomed Crackdown to irrelevance when they chose not to sign Realtime Worlds up for a multi-game commitment. Have had a massive talent exodus from Rare because they've changed corporate culture and restricted their freedom to create. Had a similarly massive talent exodus from Lionhead while face-stabbing the Fable brand with a mediocre 3rd game followed by a shitty Kinect spin off.

I could go on. Suffice to say these are not the actions of someone looking to build a strong first party division. Lip service and random dollar amounts thrown at the problem on the cusp of a new generation isn't enough to bait me in. Show the love all generation long if you want to claim a commitment to first party software.

Well said. I don't think I ever stopped to realize all this has happened in just one gen.

Dave Long

Microsoft seems to think that 3rd party games are really all they need, because they can put exclusives on them (mostly timed ones) and they think that's enough.

I think Nintendo specifically has proven that you must have strong first-party development to succeed long term in videogames as a console provider. Sony a little less so, but definitely they have learned from Nintendo too.

Microsoft is going to find out now whether they can get by without a lot of in house game development. I think they can't, but time will tell.
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