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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Free! 03
Good episode. Compact with its story telling while also creating the right openings for future content. This show is moving at the right pace, doing an alright job with its jokes, and just generally being enjoyable.
Sailor Moon 16

So someones getting married! MARRIED YO! And making wedding dresses is serious business. Serious enough to counteract the Rei episode last time and making her look like a bitch this episode by trying to manipulate Usagi's mother into making a wedding dress for her. We saw what was under your skirt Rei, you can't be married anymore.

Speaking of which, end of the episode confirmed that Ami will be the next one married.


Uchouten Kazoku 01-02

Hey, this show is pretty great. I had no expectations and it's piqued my interest quite a bit. I'd discuss this more but I'm tired.

Dat Benten though.
School Days - 6

Ugh, I feel so bad for Katsura. She seems to genuinely like Makoto now. Too bad he didn't realize what true love meant until it was too damn late!

All he needed to do, was dump Katsura when he was tired of her first. She would have been okay with it. It wasn't going too great for her. Then he shows his true love to Sekai for the next girl, falls in love with her instead, and boom! Problem solved.

Instead, this show is pulling a "The Room" on everyone and having Katsura being cheated on without Makoto breaking it off the right way before someone gets hurt.

I just dread when she finds ou-OH NO. What are you doing? Don't throw that it'll hit the f-OH LORD ITS EVERYWHERE.


[Uchouten Kazoku] - 2

So this episode is pretty darn good too, making this show two for two. That's promising, especially for a a show which I casually disregarded during the pre-season show discussion. As this is a show set in the present with a heavy focus on the supernatural I'm sure people want to do the obvious and compare it to Natsume Yūjin-chō but that would be an error. Natsume is a series about how a loner learns to make friends, whether it be with supernatural entities or other regular humans - the focus is on how his normal life compares to the abnormal world that he sees around him. Uchoten Kazoku is quite different because it's not grounded by a boring, human cast member. All the major players are supernatural in nature which allows for a very different kind of storytelling to something like Natsume.


Yes! Precure 5 - 04

We really are getting through these villains pretty quickly, aren't we? Mantis dude stuck around for two episodes before Nightmare decided to take him off the case, Toadboy got defeated once and then decided he'd had enough...so now we have our third villain, a spider-woman named Arachnea. Despite the fact that she's a spider and tying up their prey is what spiders do, she didn't actually restrain the three existing Cures so that a fourth would have to rescue them! Instead she actually restrained the one girl who wasn't a Cure yet, so that she could...rescue herself? (Well, the butterfly did most of the rescuing. The whole spider world is laughing at you right now, Arachnea, you got owned by a butterfly.)

Anyway, now we have our fourth out of five Precure, Cure Mint, and so the four of them get to stand around laughing knowingly while Karen is all "?????" Poor Karen, all left out. I'm sure that won't last too long though. Give it what, another episode?

Incidentally, Cure Mint's super-special-move isn't just a generic attack beam like the other girls' are! It's...a magic shield. Okay, I guess that's pretty generic too, but at least we're seeing some variety!


Amachan 1-2

Welp, zeroshiki didn't lie, I really liked the first two episodes. The setting is great, I'm a sucker for picturesque small towns like these...
And the MC is so damn cute.
Free! 03

I'm still really digging Free!, it's a great show and Rei-chan just makes it even better.


Ama-sensei is probably going to kill someone...

Also totally Rei-chan x Nagisa.


Free! 3

Good pacing for the story and it's a good watch so far. Love how Gou goes crazy for boys arms. Glad they got Glasses to join and
seems like he is going to learn the butterfly technique.

Teacher needs more screen time.


Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 15

I fucking hate Naru now. Was Eureka Seven always this attached to children's stories? Like, I mean, PFoR had Peter Pan, and Astral Ocean has Pied Piper and Goldilocks.

So, this show, when it is doing its own thing, is a modestly good show that follows basic giant robot tropes about fighting space aliens, whilst having a great animation and music budget. The problems are two fold, thus far:

1) The tie in to Eureka Seven. As with Pocket Full of Rainbows, there hasn't been any real need to tie this in to E7 yet. It's better than PFoR, I guess, in that Ao's story establishes the tie, but that tie is still tenuous at best. The
time travel aspect
is also incredibly grating, as well. The threat of retconing various aspects of E7's world to explain the cliches in this show's is also not something to get me enthused.

2)Truth, and to a lesser extent, Naru. Truth has no importance to the plot whatsoever, and I'm half way through the series. In fact, if he were removed altogether, the show would be much better, all events occurring in a more mysterious fashion and, most importantly, the impact of
finally speaking with a Secret
would be more meaningful. I rag and rag and rag on Kaworu Nagisa from Evangelion, but Truth has essentially spelled out to me what the original series did right with his character.
The Angels were an incomprehensible adversary the entire series until they at last took human form in Kaworu to speak with Shinji and the audience.
Eureka Seven does this same thing just as well
The Coralians are an incomprehensible force until we meet Sakuya, who explains some important stuff.
But this time around they blew the load like, 5 episodes in and so
speaking to a Secret
is cheapened by the fact that Truth has been prancing his white haired pretty boy ass all over.

And seriously, if he gets some kind of redemption or proven kind after the slaughter he's done, I'ma be pissed.


Subete no aware
Maybe people who liked Joshiraku would find this interesting. lol
But anyway, one of the news broadcasts here does a special interest thing at the end of the show every night, and yesterday they did a piece on a Canadian who is the only foreign born rakugo professional in Japan, Katsura Sunshine:

He performs in both English and Japanese, although the samples he has of his English work inevitably end up poking fun at the oddities of the Japanese language:
Loan words.
Saying Thank You
His take on the Jugemu story
A short bit on sitting seiza

He also appears on Japanese TV apparently, including doing tourism bits for Ise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UMmiPVIFq84

Of course, I wonder how much of his success is due to his novelty - much like how Dashan is probably the most famous Canadian in China because he is one of the only foreigners who does crosstalk - but I suppose the flip side is that being a random guy from Canada and begging some famous rakugo performer to take you on as an apprentice is probably not the easiest thing to do either, so fair enough. lol

And randomly, because I know animegaf, one of the related videos was a woman performing rakugo in English as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acdFIbbPQpM


Tragic victim of fan death
Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 15

I fucking hate Naru now. Was Eureka Seven always this attached to children's stories? Like, I mean, PFoR had Peter Pan, and Astral Ocean has Pied Piper and Goldilocks.

So, this show, when it is doing its own thing, is a modestly good show that follows basic giant robot tropes about fighting space aliens, whilst having a great animation and music budget. The problems are two fold, thus far:

1) The tie in to Eureka Seven. As with Pocket Full of Rainbows, there hasn't been any real need to tie this in to E7 yet. It's better than PFoR, I guess, in that Ao's story establishes the tie, but that tie is still tenuous at best. The
time travel aspect
is also incredibly grating, as well. The threat of retconing various aspects of E7's world to explain the cliches in this show's is also not something to get me enthused.

2)Truth, and to a lesser extent, Naru. Truth has no importance to the plot whatsoever, and I'm half way through the series. In fact, if he were removed altogether, the show would be much better, all events occurring in a more mysterious fashion and, most importantly, the impact of
finally speaking with a Secret
would be more meaningful. I rag and rag and rag on Kaworu Nagisa from Evangelion, but Truth has essentially spelled out to me what the original series did right with his character.
The Angels were an incomprehensible adversary the entire series until they at last took human form in Kaworu to speak with Shinji and the audience.
Eureka Seven does this same thing just as well
The Coralians are an incomprehensible force until we meet Sakuya, who explains some important stuff.
But this time around they blew the load like, 5 episodes in and so
speaking to a Secret
is cheapened by the fact that Truth has been prancing his white haired pretty boy ass all over.

And seriously, if he gets some kind of redemption or proven kind after the slaughter he's done, I'ma be pissed.

I can't wait for you to watch episode 24 and 25. Note that we had to wait months for that shit to air btw. lol.


Free! 3

Rin meets Gou? Rin meets other people? This blows the Rin is a ghost theory out of the water. It does however bolster the Rin is a zombie theory!

Seriously though, it's really nice how pleasant this show is. Between the fan wanking over the CM, the jokes about such, and the shamelessness of the opening episode, this is a nice surprise.


The Devil is a Part Timer 4

Ahh, sweet, delicious action sequences. It was kinda nice to get some explanations about all that jazz out of the way, although Miki-T is still the big mystery, cuz the lady seems to know stuff and stuff. Also I'm still pretty boggled by Maou's complacency. It was good last episode to see Emi's reason for hating him explained, but it really does leave something of a large question mark for his own particular motivations. I mean, how is this relaxed, harem protag idiot hero also supposed to be the Dark Lord we saw at the beginning of the series? Unless of course he had just become bored with all that power and only conquered the worlds on a whim?

Also something of a nit pick but I don't think he had the cloven hooves in the first episode, did he? Unless he was just wearing human boots?
Tamayura ~hitotose~ - 02

The way they talk about tamayuras looks like they are talking about a lottery prize.
Dougou-sensei is the dajare king, I sure didn't expect a dajare using
seto no hanayome
Potte suggests a sleepover at her place, however, on the day of the sleepover, Dougou asks Kaoru to help out with making bamboo figures, so Potte and the others decide to help. As the girls finally resume their sleepover, Sayomi appears, telling him that Dougou(heart of gold) had Kaoru's loneliness in mind when he asked her for help and she gives Potte her thanks for returning to this town.

Mo~tto Ojamajo Doremi - 09

For all the indiference Masaru feign to have he is pretty emotional, again.
I love how Momo-chan always goes back to english when she is nervous

Mo~tto Ojamajo Doremi - 10

A nice story about growning up physicaly. I would post screens of adult Doremi but I'm on mobile.

Mo~tto Ojamajo Doremi - 11

This is why you throw a chalk in the students first and ask questions later, Nishizawa-sensei.

Mo~tto Ojamajo Doremi - 12

Igarashi-seeeeeenpaaaaaaai! Kyaa~<3
Kotake-kun got all da garlz going after him, what a playboy.



You know, I guess I forgot to ask last week... but is there a reason why they need to have a relay team and why Gou/Kou is a manager instead of a swimmer herself?

  • I assume they need the relay aspect so there's the whole teamwork angle rather than a bunch of individual events.
  • She can't ogle UPPER BODY if she's busy swimming.


Casshern Sins 3

This show is brutally depressing. Like, even cheerful, happy things serve to make you feel more depressed. It's like, "Brutal Depression: The Animated Series." Poor Mega Man.


Im at a military base watching a production called Twilight tattoo. However whats really awesome is the Army blues just played Tank from Cowboy Bebop!! I totally didnt expect that but it was so badass. They rocked it too.


Dammit you guys this talk of how Casshern Sins is all crazy depressing and shit is making me really curious and now I want to watch that. LIKE HELL I HAVE TIME TO WATCH THAT. Stop making me want to watch anime what is this an anime thread or something jeez.

That rakugo gaijin guy was pretty entertaining though. I listened to the four English ones firehawk linked and then found one that he did in Japanese and listened to that too (it was like 20 minutes long >.>) and he really is pretty good in both languages.

ANYWAY what was I doing before all that rakugo madness. Oh yeah, I was watching this.

Yes! Precure 5 - 05

Episode 5 means Precure number...oh wait, maybe not. Guess we'll have to wait until episode 6 for that. Thanks, by the way, episode preview, for leaving no doubt in that matter. Actually I was pretty sure Karen wasn't going to transform this time right from the start of the episode, because the episode title wasn't all OMG YOU GUYS FIFTH PRECURE GET. Thanks Toei you're so spoilery even your lack of spoilers is spoiling me now.

Either way though you could kind of see it wasn't going to happen that easily just from Karen's attitude. She's troubled, this one. Trying too hard to take responsibility for everything. Stressing herself out to no end. So when she tried to become a Precure with the same attitude of "well, I suppose I have to"...yeah, that was never going to work. You gotta put some feeling in it, girl! Lighten up a little!

Meanwhile the villains continue to cycle through their ranks at an outrageous pace. Arachnia got down-the-chute-ified like mantis-man after just one failure. Their boss really is not messing around here. As he proves by immediately stepping out to do the dirty work himself. I gotta admit, I was not expecting someone who looked as high-ranking as him to be getting in on the action already in the fifth episode. Does he have a name? I didn't catch a name. "Boss-guy" it is then.

Anyway, he proves relatively competent inasmuch as he acts pretty intimidating and poses something of a challenge for the Cures. The Kowaina he creates from a gazebo is quite creepy with its long, gazebo-ish legs. Also he manages to capture a Pinky that the Cures were trying to capture, but I can't really give him too much credit for that. I mean, there are supposed to be how many Pinkies? 55? So in the exchange rate of plot coupons, one Pinky is worth, like, less than a quarter of a Heartiel. Even less than a Miracle Drop. They're basically small change.
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