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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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And really, if there's nothing of substance in a work beyond the plot it can't be a top-notch work.

By that logic, neither can anything that has substance in everything but its plot, unless you actually aren't implying that all aspects of a work need to be top-notch for it to count as a top-notch work.

I think there's definitely a place for "plot-less" stories, but I'm surprised you consider them such easy recommendations when you yourself say people get caught up in whether anything happens or not.
The real challenge for the new Ippo anime will be navigating through the morass of post-New Challenger content (and it's not like NC was great). In short: it sucks.

But the material the new series would be adapting is generally pretty strong. Seeing Sawamura show up in the anime is something I'm really looking forward to. I don't recall too many issues cropping up in the manga until well past what a 26 episode season would be adapting.


Ojamajo Doremi 32

Mwahahahahaha seeing Reika lose was so great. And not only did she lose, she got her ass STOMPED! Maybe it's because Masaharu impressed everybody at the end, but I like to think everybody was just pretending to support Reika just so they could get cookies and shit. Best part, he offered to step out of the race and give it up to her, and she declined, because she's so lodged up her own ass she wanted to win the contest and be announced. Pride's gotta be awful sore now, huh?


Yes! Precure 5 - 25

Nozomi da bestest.

A very lighthearted, antics-y episode to wind down after the last two episodes of srsbsns. The summer holidays are here, and Nozomi thinks it would be a great idea to hold a PRECURE TRAINING CAMP (read: group vacation). And since it turns out Karen has a handy villa just begging to be used for such purposes (just a modest villa, mind you! It's only a small island!), this plan is very much KETTEI~~~~! Just goes to show that every group of friends needs its very own Mugi.

But it looks like the beach holidaytraining camp itself will have to wait until next episode, because this one is all about preparations. And when I say "preparations" what I actually mean is "buying a veritable mountain of snacks". A worthy effort indeed! And it seems nobody can resist adding their own favourites to the mountain. Even Karen, who seems dead set on including a grape-flavoured drink (for everyone's sake, not just her own, of course!) ...Karen, you have good taste. Grape is best flavour.

Arachnea shows up partway through to crash the party, of course, and even comes up with a more dangerous Kowaina than usual - created from a cassette recorder, it can absorb ("record") the Cures' attacks and then "playback" their destructive power right at the Cures. What it wasn't prepared for was Nozomi summoning a miniature version of the butterfly-plane-mech-thing from last episode and using it to unleash a new special attack: PRECURE CRYSTAL SHOOT! Because in the face of enemy strategy, the answer is always MORE FIREPOWER. True story.

Also there was some touching stuff about how Nozomi was planning to use the cassette recorder at their training camp to record everyone's voices so that they would never lose sight of their friendship ever again. But everyone decides this isn't necessary in the end because the only proof of their friendship they need is IN THEIR HEARTS. Awwwwwww. I LOVE YOU GUYS GROUP HUUUUUUUG.
The more cnet posts about Precure, the more I'll be severely disappointed if Tsubomi doesn't get the same treatment
especially with Erika as competition


The more cnet posts about Precure, the more I'll be severely disappointed if Tsubomi doesn't get the same treatment
especially with Erika as competition

Tsubomi is a Precure MC, so judging by the clear pattern demonstrated so far, it seems fairly inevitable that I will end up adoring her.

But we'll see.
Tsubomi is a Precure MC, so judging by the clear pattern demonstrated so far, it seems fairly inevitable that I will end up adoring her.

But we'll see.

Well she's fairly different (actually, the most different) MC out of everyone though (personally speaking, I think it was for the best).


Well she's fairly different (actually, the most different) MC out of everyone though (personally speaking, I think it was for the best).

Out of the seasons I've watched so far, I think Tsubomi's nerves and "weakness" actually made her one of the best Main Cures. She actually developed instead of just getting more and more powerful.



Noooooo, not bars of spoilers gais, you'll make me tempted to click >.>

Gatchaman Crowds 7

borrowed some scissors
. And there was adorableness in large quantities.

decided to take the all-out battle route
. And there was much rejoicing, and delicious action, and drama, and general badassery.

. And the viewers looked upon it, and they saw that it was gooooood.

And then Hajime
spoke to Berg Katze
. And suddenly everything got that bit more interesting.

I know I just said earlier that Servant x Service is the show of the season, but this show is putting up a good argument for taking that position as well. Help! I can't choose! ...And this is while I'm deliberately ignoring the existence of Monogatari, too. If I put all three of them side by side and try to choose a victor for the season, I think my head might explode. Comparing things that are all SOGOOOOOOD is just painful.

There's only one clear conclusion I can draw here: this is a damn fine season.


Ojamajo Doremi 33

Why did that runner pick up Bunyu-chan (I'm totally just going to call her this from now on) before he slipped and slammed her into the ground? Makeshift baton?

I thought these cursed cards were supposed to be rare. They're turning up pretty frequently now.
By that logic, neither can anything that has substance in everything but its plot, unless you actually aren't implying that all aspects of a work need to be top-notch for it to count as a top-notch work.

That was not exactly my line of thought. Rather, my thinking is that a masterpiece cannot be boiled down to a plot synopsis. It must derive meaning not from merely what happens but also (or even only, in some cases) from how it happens.

I think there's definitely a place for "plot-less" stories, but I'm surprised you consider them such easy recommendations when you yourself say people get caught up in whether anything happens or not.

I have no problem recommending great works. Whether people are able to appreciate them is their problem.

(But of course, if someone was asking for recommendations based on certain criteria, or when I know that person's tastes, I would take that into account in any recommendations I make to them specifically.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
So much near racism in the Little Witch Academia manga. Surprised they didn't just have Diana call Akko a Chinawoman.


Yes! Precure 5 - 26


The canon shipping just levelled up. Nozomi got a romantic dancing-under-the-stars scene with Coco, complete with almost-kiss. Komachi got a couple of VERY SPECIAL MOMENTS with Nuts, where he had the opportunity to demonstrate his caring side and Komachi got to blush a lot due to BLOSSOMING FEELINGS. Even Milk got a little bonding scene with Karen.

Meanwhile toad-boy had washed up on the shore of the exact same island where the Cures were having their beach holidaytraining camp. MASSIVE COINCIDENCE AHOY! And he summoned a Kowaina that was surprisingly epic in scale - large enough to threaten the entire island. But that was all the prompting Komachi needed to awaken her NEW SPECIAL ATTACK, which is...a shield that looks just like the old one. But BIGGER! That's two Cures with attack upgrades now, three to go.
Yes! Precure 5 - 26


The canon shipping just levelled up. Nozomi got a romantic dancing-under-the-stars scene with Coco, complete with almost-kiss. Komachi got a couple of VERY SPECIAL MOMENTS with Nuts, where he had the opportunity to demonstrate his caring side and Komachi got to blush a lot due to BLOSSOMING FEELINGS. Even Milk got a little bonding scene with Karen.

Meanwhile toad-boy had washed up on the shore of the exact same island where the Cures were having their beach holidaytraining camp. MASSIVE COINCIDENCE AHOY! And he summoned a Kowaina that was surprisingly epic in scale - large enough to threaten the entire island. But that was all the prompting Komachi needed to awaken her NEW SPECIAL ATTACK, which is...a shield that looks just like the old one. But BIGGER! That's two Cures with attack upgrades now, three to go.

Komachi is just a believer that Nuts need a little ribcage to protect them since taking a hit really fucking hurts.


Ojamajo Doremi 34

There are few sadder sights in this world than a child who blames him/herself for their parents' marriage falling apart. Pretty shitty of her father to tell her mother that she was putting the old people ahead of her own daughter. Aren't you doing the same thing with your cab riders then, buddy? I know, traditional gender roles and all that, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say her job is more important than yours. Also shitty of him to hide the letters to her from her mom. I understand what he was trying to do, but again, come on. Your daughter deserves to see them if she wants. On the plus side, Aiko rebounds very quickly when she gets upset. One minute she's crying about her mother remarrying and having a baby (misunderstanding, btw), the next she's teaching Doremi and Hadzuki about "Bitchy Bitchy Beach".

Also good to see that old couple is still hot for each other. Let that flame burn on, guys.
Gintama - 1-7

The pilot two-parter was great, and really whetted my appetite. The only problem now is that these early episodes before everyone's been introduced properly aren't anywhere near as zany as the pilot.

Nevertheless, I'm sticking with it, because I know it's supposed to get pretty good in just a few more episodes.
servant x service 8


man, i miss cheap lunches like this in asia. too bad they don't sell these here that aren't shitty frozen food.

skirt to work vs date.

hard choices in life :S
I'm still holding out for the Monogatari series.

How many cocks do I need to suck for it to happen?

This is definitely one of the series I would like to read. Seeing as that series is coming a end there may be hope.

Yeah. Though what I'd want is folks like Yen press to also support the eBook market. I don't actually have much interest in owning physical books of this type.

Yen Press has certain titles that are only eBooks. I am not certain on all of the series or what eReaders are supported, but I am still hoping for a physical release of the Another light novel.
Gatchaman 7

Holy shit, this episode didn't look like complete shit! In fact, it looked good! And there was actually a fight! Well ass-whooping more like it, but still!


Love Lab 8

A fun episode. Laughed quite a bit at the terrible impressions.

Gatchaman Crowds 7

*Rui's continually getting the crap beaten out of him and is screaming* Sugane: "I can't watch this any longer!" Jo: "Wait. Are you sure that's the guy I was talking about? Don't fight him. Let me talk really slowly about how I'm the one who's gonna fight him (while Rui is still getting pummeled). And now let me walk really slowly over there before I transform.


Gatchaman Crowds 7

*Rui's continually getting the crap beaten out of him and is screaming* Sugane: "I can't watch this any longer!" Jo: "Wait. Are you sure that's the guy I was talking about? Don't fight him. Let me talk really slowly about how I'm the one who's gonna fight him (while Rui is still getting pummeled). And now let me walk really slowly over there before I transform.

I think that actually highlights respective character flaws. Sugane wants to do the hero thing but is a slave to duty and the chian of command meanwhile Jou embraces the cool hero thing to a fault. It's like everyone but Hajime lacks any sort of genre savvy.
Love Lab 8

As a black man, I am totally okay with this. In fact, I died laughing right here with the soul singing. Nevermind Girly Riko after finding out that she was called "The Wild One" 8 episodes later (and then realized what Wine really meant) which led to her imitating Maki (until Makio went into play, surprised this is getting used more often than not).

Had a lot of laughs from the bad impressions, and enjoyed this episode
but that ending

If only if that was before 5.


Ojamajo Doremi 35

Like, I know Onpu-chan is the apprentice of Majo Ruka, who's evil and all, and she used mind control to win her audition (that's really potent shit; the others used all of their magic spheres trying to figure out what a person was thinking to no avail. But to change it? Jesus), so I probably should be viewing her as a villain and rooting against her. But Reika's father does have a point. She is really cute. Also yeah, haha Reika, even your dad didn't vote for you. Yeah he was controlled by magic, but still. Rejected by your own father. Go away now.

Speaking of Reika, she's been a lot more prominent lately. Can she go away for a while? It's fun watching her smug ass lose, but she's annoying as hell, and she's starting to get on my nerves.
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