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TheSameCoin Rumor: DriveClub delayed till 2014

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Oh, really. You really said that to someone.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

"Ah ohhh...sounds like someones unsure about his pre-order!"

"PS4 lineup is weak, Xbox One has a nice lineup though."

"Which of these indie launch games look "truly awesome" to you?"

On top of this stuff, you were just in that xbox one thread yesterday about the free dedicated servers saying things like

despite saying

on the console power. This is all found within the last 2 pages of your post history, and I don't even care to look more into it.

Now you're in this thread calling people Xbots.

You can't fool the GAF.


Nicely performed


To be frank, both console's launch line ups are terrible. There's no excuse for this to be the case anymore after all these generations. And there's especially no excuse for Sony to do this. This is their only serious flaw though with anything PS4 related, it could be worse like it is for MS.

Really? The One's lineup is fantastic and this just comes across incredibly bitter.

I would have said a lack of games is a pretty serious flaw for a games console launching in a month.


Then (again) why buy one at launch; that is if you are going to?

Wouldn't it make more sense to just wait a year or so, especially when the games and probably the console will be cheaper?

Multiplattform titles with a better console, smoother UI and a better infrastructure and features might be one of the arguments as well.


Ahahaha. You know both the PGR games on 360 rated in the 90s across many media outlets, yes? This is, for all intents and purposes, a PGR game.

Ahahaha you do know that scores dont just automatically carry over from some game they once made to their next, yes?

You do know that the only racing game from them that averaged a 90 was in 2003, 10 years ago.? So your entire argument completely falls apart. First we are to believe that the quality will carry over and then we are to believe they will make a game of Forza, Gran Turismo or Mario Kart quality.


I mean I get it. I thought when DriveClub was at launch the lineup was fine (I mean I still thought it was lame but I hate all launch lineups, it should be said), because it's simply bad business to have all these exclusives for such a limited audience.

But without DriveClub, the prospects shifted a bit. They still obviously don't require it to do well, there's plenty of games... but it's not what Sony wanted at this eleventh hour.

And what do you think the vast majority of Sony's first party studios are up to? They actually have 30 PS4 Sony WWS projects as of E3. And many of Sony's first party studios/tewams were finishing up their final PS3 projects and will be moving to full PS4 development shortly.

Exactly what do you think they are all going to be doing? And you don't even need to consider the teams moving off PS3 recently... there's just so many Sony first party studios unaccounted for. The argument would be either

a.) They are working on nothing
b.) You think that despite the fact many have been working on their PS4 projects for up to two years or more by the end of 2014, most of them still won't be ready (remember, PS4 is the easiest console to develop for in this new gen, and is significantly faster dev time versus Sony's immediate predecessor console)?
c.) You think they are working on more PS3 projects?

I think Sony are going to space out thier games better. There's no way they're going to release so many AAA games in one year. However they may release thier equivalent of games like Project Spark or Kinect Sports.

But in terms of AAA, I'd say:

The Order
Uncharted 4

Will be what Sony release next year.


You still didn't say how it is a blow to them. They just have to replace the game on PS+ and that's it. No impact on the sales of the PS4 whatsoever.

I didn't say it would impact sales/pre-order numbers of the PS4. It's impossible for us to know if this delay could influence that. It's a PR blow and Sony will address it accordingly. They won't simply announce it and leave it at that.


Random family won't be getting one at launch - just like you said. So, why is it a blow again?

It's not a blow to the console as to say down the long haul.....but it's not going to make launch numbers look as pretty as to say.

I know 2 buddies who only wanted drive club (full version) and they went in today and cancelled.....thankfully I have more than 2 friends lol.

Plus my little bro doesn't play racing games so I can't dissapoint him by not getting it and not letting him borrow my games.

Although watch dogs was his HUGE PS4 title that he wanted.....which is sadly now delayed bleh.


Oh, really. You really said that to someone.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

"Ah ohhh...sounds like someones unsure about his pre-order!"

"PS4 lineup is weak, Xbox One has a nice lineup though."

"Which of these indie launch games look "truly awesome" to you?"

On top of this stuff, you were just in that xbox one thread yesterday about the free dedicated servers saying things like

despite saying

on the console power. This is all found within the last 2 pages of your post history, and I don't even care to look more into it.

Now you're in this thread calling people Xbots.



I think Sony are going to space out thier games better. There's no way they're going to release so many AAA games in one year. However they may release thier equivalent of games like Project Spark or Kinect Sports.

But in terms of AAA, I'd say:

The Order
Uncharted 4

Will be what Sony release next year.

4 Sony WWS games for all 2014? lol

Yeah, you're going to be wrong for a fact. I can already think of other games that will definitely be out in 2014. Their MLB game, for example.

Sony is not going to have 4 Sony WWS games in 2014. Not even if Mt. Doom erupted in the middle of Japan.


So with Watch dogs and news of driveclub as well being delayed, I take it games are going gold this week most likely?

So if nothing else is delayed by next week we can assume nothing will?

I would say that's a fair assumption. If you're going to delay something it typically is before you go gold unless you're Ragman Legends. I think over the weekend and through next week we'll see a lot of "has gone gold" tweets.


Nothing! I said nothing!
Sony WWS announced games:

Everybody's gone to the rapture
Shadow of the beast
The Order 1866

Probably missed some so maybe 8 more games to be announced this year, likely candidates:

Media molecule
ND/SSM (1 of)
SCE Bend
Sony Japan

Likely 4 more AAA games there as well as Bluepoint working on a sony franchise with WWS help. for a total of 5 more AAA.

so 10 AAA and 10 Digital titles all from First party in the first year, plus loads of other stuff like deep down of course.

A lot of them are not Sony developed games.


Suffering From Success
Its the ps3 launch all over all that horsepower and nothing to play. I played the waiting game with the ps3 not gonna do it again.

This isn't like that at all. It's not even in the ballpark of the situation WiiU is having, because we already know first half of 2014 is going to be packed.
Delays snowballing would be pretty wild stuff.

If you've seen the supposed Madden 25 next-gen footage then you know how bad (Madden 06) level this is going to be.

Nevermind the fact that NBA Live has been postponed for 3 years and now hasn't been shown a single time despite the fact that its' launch is 33 days away.
Oh, really. You really said that to someone.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

"Ah ohhh...sounds like someones unsure about his pre-order!"

"PS4 lineup is weak, Xbox One has a nice lineup though."

"Which of these indie launch games look "truly awesome" to you?"

On top of this stuff, you were just in that xbox one thread yesterday about the free dedicated servers saying things like

despite saying

on the console power. This is all found within the last 2 pages of your post history, and I don't even care to look more into it.

Now you're in this thread calling people Xbots.

Then why buy one at launch?

I'm also loving the sudden decreased importance of the PS4 being the cheaper console to play multiplats in recent discussions. Just seems like a few weeks ago when that was the BIG reason why the PS4 was going to crush everything else.

In terms of the watchdogs delay though? "Oh no man... Doesn't matter at all.".

Why not buy one at launch? I'm hyped for the console. There are games I wanna play. The point I was trying to make is I don't put too much stock in what is released the first year. It's a long generation.

Edit: I agree with the $400 price tag helping with people who enjoy multiplatform games and don't care about exclusives


hide your water-based mammals
XB1's 2014 is going to be incredibly strong. In fact it might be strongest year in terms of exclusives for the Xbox platform ever. Just look at that list:


Halo 5

Quantum Break

Sunset Overdrive

Kinect Sports



Definitely looking into the bold games. TitanFall is a PC game and the rest is unproven. Below is the best indie game on Xbone so far.
Hell even NBA live has NO FOOTAGE out there and we are the same distance away from launch...........I'm damn sure EA is going to announce some delays as well......this launch is going to be riddled with them.
Has EA shown any next gen footage at all, other than Titanfall which isn't launch)
It's not a blow to the console as to say down the long haul.....but it's not going to make launch numbers look as pretty as to say.

I know 2 buddies who only wanted drive club (full version) and they went in today and cancelled.....thankfully I have more than 2 friends lol.

Plus my little bro doesn't play racing games so I can't dissapoint him by not getting it and not letting him borrow my games.

Although watch dogs was his HUGE PS4 title that he wanted.....which is sadly now delayed bleh.

PS4 is sold out everywhere until next year so the numbers will look the same.

And get NFS for him. Plus, I'm sure he'll be busy with GT6.
Has this even been officially confirmed as yet?

No reason to be upset over something that is still an unproven rumor.

Oh, really. You really said that to someone.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

"Ah ohhh...sounds like someones unsure about his pre-order!"

"PS4 lineup is weak, Xbox One has a nice lineup though."

"Which of these indie launch games look "truly awesome" to you?"

On top of this stuff, you were just in that xbox one thread yesterday about the free dedicated servers saying things like

despite saying

on the console power. This is all found within the last 2 pages of your post history, and I don't even care to look more into it.

Now you're in this thread calling people Xbots.



4 Sony WWS games for all 2014? lol

Yeah, you're going to be wrong for a fact. I can already think of other games that will definitely be out in 2014. Their MLB game, for example.

Sony is not going to have 4 Sony WWS games in 2014. Not even if Mt. Doom erupted in the middle of Japan.

I expect Sony London to release a new casual centric IP, and maybe Media Molecules Move game will be released.

Any game requires usually 9 months of press so whatever Sony have for next year needs to be announced soon.
Why not buy one at launch? I'm hyped for the console. There are games I wanna play. The point I was trying to make is I don't put too much stock in what is released the first year. It's a long generation.
This. Exactly this. Anyone who buys a console on launch is an early adopter and really is buying into the future potential of the system. Plus the benefit of "oooohhh, shiny new toy!"
Then (again) why buy one at launch; that is if you are going to?

Wouldn't it make more sense to just wait a year or so, especially when the games and probably the console will be cheaper?

I have one preordered but I'm not sure if I keep the preorder.
I'd like to play Killzone, but thats it basically.
I can play all the multiplats on my 360 and there are also some good releases on 3DS and Vita coming and then there is GT6 on Ps3. I don't see myself having nothing to play, even if I buy neither of the two next gen consoles at launch.

On the other hand I'm pretty excited for Killzone since Mercenary on the Vita is a ton of fun and I'd like to play games like Battlefield on more powerful hardware(I don't have a PC).
I also think that I have to pay the same amount of money if I buy a Ps4 next year. I don't think its going to go down soon. Thats why I'm still keeping the preorder.
I really can't believe that people are actually totally ready to dump the PS4 platform all together because DC got delayed 4-6 months. What's even funnier (if they're serious) are the dudes dumping it for the XB1. Like DC was the one and only thing swinging their decision. Yes, let's only look at the first 6 months of the life of a console and solely make our purchasing decisions based on that.

Gamers are a fickle bunch.


XB1's 2014 is going to be incredibly strong. In fact it might be strongest year in terms of exclusives for the Xbox platform ever. Just look at that list:


Halo 5

Quantum Break

Sunset Overdrive

Kinect Sports



I would be willing to bet Halo 5 and Quantum Break get pushed to 2015. It just doesn't seem like enough time has passed from Halo 4 for 343i to make a quality Halo game and Remedy is well...Remedy.


Junior Member
i just had a talk with bishoptl through PM and he said i should apologize for Rushy regarding my post.

which is why i am posting in this thread again.

sorry dude if you ever read this thread and found what i said offensive.

Do not take it personally. sorry again.


Sony will announce another first-party game shortly before launch. Shortly after the world series if I remember correctly.

MLB 14 the Show is one of those unannounced 20 WWS titles.


I think Sony are going to space out thier games better. There's no way they're going to release so many AAA games in one year. However they may release thier equivalent of games like Project Spark or Kinect Sports.

But in terms of AAA, I'd say:

The Order
Uncharted 4

Will be what Sony release next year.

Yeah I remember reading that they are gonna try to space them out by releasing one every quarter; and actually it might have been here where I read it. That being said, they didn't expect Driveclub to be delayed meaning they would have had another game filling the spot for one of the quarters. The way I see it is now they probably have 5 titles for 2014 and one may get pushed into 2015 unless they just release them all in the next year and continue with whatever roadmap they had planned.


XB1's 2014 is going to be incredibly strong. In fact it might be strongest year in terms of exclusives for the Xbox platform ever. Just look at that list:


Halo 5

Quantum Break

Sunset Overdrive

Kinect Sports



What makes you think that QB and SO will release in 2014...?


I think Sony are going to space out thier games better. There's no way they're going to release so many AAA games in one year. However they may release thier equivalent of games like Project Spark or Kinect Sports.

But in terms of AAA, I'd say:

The Order
Uncharted 4

Will be what Sony release next year.
Sony has to step up their output now.

They have two GG teams, three SSM teams, two ND teams, SP, Evolution, MM, QD (third party, but we know they're publishing through Sony), PD and whatever is going on in Japan Studio.

That's at least 13 'AAA' teams, four games a year isn't going to cut it.


This isn't like that at all. It's not even in the ballpark of the situation WiiU is having, because we already know first half of 2014 is going to be packed.

Lol dat waiting. What's the odds of driveclub being delayed and still not hitting 60 fps. I say very good.
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