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New Killzone: Shadow Fall story trailer [new footage]


Stunning. Really. Beats everything visually.


Rain or no rain lets not go crazy


Aftershock LA
Every time I see that city in screenshots it hurts me even more that we won't get to explore it. It physically hurts me.

You and me both. I want a Deus Ex game in a city that big. Packed full of NPCs and hidden things to explore.

On topic of Killzone, I want a Killzone game, first person, but like Mass Effect/Fallout: New Vegas. Where the player can choose Helghan or ISA factions, and go through the story and explore. As much as I love KZ, one of the things that has disappointed me the most is the lack of exposition. It has such a rich, deep, and compelling history and backstory, that it's a fricking shame the game's barely touch all of that. There is just so much damn potential wasted in making this "just" an FPS.

Also, I'm wondering, this game is titled "Killzone: Shadowfall." Are they leaving the door open to do a 'true" Killzone 4? Or can we just expect, on the new hardware, to start over again with numbers, since SF isn't continuing the story of Killzone 3?



Just Amazing

Edit: Maybe it's just water falling off from a roof of sorts. Maybe it did rain and this is afterwards.
On topic of Killzone, I want a Killzone game, first person, but like Mass Effect/Fallout: New Vegas. Where the player can choose Helghan or ISA factions, and go through the story and explore. As much as I love KZ, one of the things that has disappointed me the most is the lack of exposition. It has such a rich, deep, and compelling history and backstory, that it's a fricking shame the game's barely touch all of that. There is just so much damn potential wasted in making this "just" an FPS.

I like your ideas here, Figboy. I like them a lot.

Remember PS3's launch FPS?


Don't get me wrong- I loved Resistance and there were certain elements (like the snow and window damage details) that just blew me away and made me feel like it was 'next gen', but holy shit did things get so much more impressive in the following years.

Admittedly GG has a bit more technical prowess than Insomniac (no offense to you and your pals, jstevenson), but it still makes me very excited for what we'll be seeing even in a year or so (not to mention the end of the gen).



You and me both. I want a Deus Ex game in a city that big. Packed full of NPCs and hidden things to explore.

On topic of Killzone, I want a Killzone game, first person, but like Mass Effect/Fallout: New Vegas. Where the player can choose Helghan or ISA factions, and go through the story and explore. As much as I love KZ, one of the things that has disappointed me the most is the lack of exposition. It has such a rich, deep, and compelling history and backstory, that it's a fricking shame the game's barely touch all of that. There is just so much damn potential wasted in making this "just" an FPS.

Also, I'm wondering, this game is titled "Killzone: Shadowfall." Are they leaving the door open to do a 'true" Killzone 4? Or can we just expect, on the new hardware, to start over again with numbers, since SF isn't continuing the story of Killzone 3?

Maybe your wish is granted with GG secret project everyone saying is a WRPG?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
If this is the quality of AA they've achieved here, that blows the previous FXAA out of water. I was really impressed with the AA solution used in latest Ryse trailer, but this looks to be about the same kind of AA, with very high amount of coverage, only in higher resolution, so it's not blurry looking at all.


These Higs on the side not moving is lame... They look like cardboard cutouts.

Yea, it's just nitpicky stuff but at least change some of the guys stances. Not that hard and really helps the player suspend disbelief. A minor gripe for an amazing trailer.


There should be more tampons in gaming
Once again I'm being "corrected" by someone who has completely missed the point of my objection. I know this is supposed to be an emotionally arousing speech. I didn't miss that. At all.

Maybe you didn't read carefully, but I said you can "slaughter people." I wasn't saying "you can't say 'slaughter' unless it's about animals!"

The choice of the word "slaughter" is not the problem. It's used to describe the killing of human beings all the time. The problem is that you do not "slaughter lives." The transitive verb "to slaughter" does not take the word "lives" as an object. English speakers do not say this. They could have instead said "Slaughter of a billion Helghast." That is how the word slaughter works grammatically.

...But isn't "lives" just being used in place of the word "people"? They are synonymous so I don't see what the issue is. To my ears it sounds better than saying "slaughtering a billion Helghast people", but hey you have your opinion and I have mine.

The Goat

If it is that, it would go hand in hand with my theory that characters' heads follow you around while they're talking. In that case they'd need this kind of solution instead of mocap or manual animation.

Possibly. Usually a generated lipsync / facial solution is used so that you can knock out localization, while still having semi-accurate lipsync per region. Some devs spend the time to make it look good, at least certain languages, while others fall to the wayside with no love. This would make sense for a game launching in so many territories at once. I'm not a fan of it, but I understand the time savings.


The story seems really interesting to me. I am so excited. I really hope that the Killzone series gets some recognition with this game, assuming it's as good as it look.


Aftershock LA
I like your ideas here, Figboy. I like them a lot.

Thanks! I didn't hop onto the Killzone train until KZ2 hit, but then I went back and played KZ1 before 2 came out, and beat that one, then beat 2, then read up on the timeline on the KZ site, and was very disappointed in all the fascinating stuff they never touched upon in the actual game.

Killzone 1-3, and Liberation, had the chance to do for Killzone what Valve did with Half Life and Portal, and that was have a narrative in the first person shooter genre that wasn't just there to serve as a convenient reason to have people blowing each other's faces off. Reading up on how the Helghast came to be, why they feel the way they feel, you can't help but feel some kind of sympathy and understanding. Which makes them a great "antagonist" for the series. After reading that timeline, I was furious with the ISA, and was totally on Team Helghast. They eventually went too far, but I could still understand their motivations.

The game has none of that, and the Helghast just come of as generic (yet still wickedly awesome looking) villains.

Guerilla clearly knows how to craft a solid, believable world, they just need to let us see more of it/experience more of it. Being able to walk the streets of New Vekta, and interact with the citizens both Helghan and Human, would be amazing. Hell, let us choose to play as a normal man or woman, who gets somehow caught up in the shenanigans of the ISA and Helghast.


On the bright side, this generation is just beginning. But while I'm dreaming, give me a sequel to Killzone: Liberation on the Vita (although Mercenaries is amazing, and I recommend it to my fellow Vita bros and brodettes who like Killzone; or awesome FPSes).

Maybe your wish is granted with GG secret project everyone saying is a WRPG?

That would certainly be awesome. I think GG is one of Sony's underrated developers in terms of their talent. I just think their focus on "pure" FPSes is selling them short. Their game tech is fricking excellent.
So having just seen the better quality footage, clearly there is a a bright light source on the woman's face. It even has a honeycomb effect to it that you can see on her face. Wonder if it's the gun's torch?

Also... Loving the look of Miss Visari. Seriously dig that.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Is that green room part of some kind of of drugged moment scene? Everything looks so flickery and wavy in it, different than anywhere else in the trailer? Look at the rug on the floor, and how it moves in waves. Light seems to constantly flicker in and out as well.
I'm not doubting it anymore after getting a good look at the screen grabs on the previous page. I imagine it will be pretty damn close. Seriously, just imagine it on your screen. This game is going to pop like all hell just broke loose.

Yeah. Wasn't coming down on you, just trying to offer my thoughts about what was going on based on my experience with doing photography using the real-world, physical versions of the lenses they are using here, and my knowledge of lighting.

As real-world photographer/cinematographer/camera operators/ect look at this new generation, it's really exciting to us how realistic these virtual cameras/lenses are getting and how closely the developers can get to the performance of the tools of our trades. I'm not personally a big fan of the extremes of the anamorphic lens look, (or even the idea of seeing "first-person" stuff through what are obviously "lenses" with all the accociated lens effects like lens flair, ect. that seems to be so prevalent these days in gaming, for that matter,) but I can see the increased influence of Blade Runner on the art direction here, so it makes total sense artistically. That look is a gigantic part of the aesthetic of the film.

Is that green room part of some kind of of drugged moment scene? Everything looks so flickery and wavy in it, different than anywhere else in the trailer? Look at the rug on the floor, and how it moves in waves. Light seems to constantly flicker in and out as well.

More Blade Runner influence.


benevolent sexism
...But isn't "lives" just being used in place of the word "people"? They are synonymous so I don't see what the issue is. To my ears it sounds better than saying "slaughtering a billion Helghast people", but hey you have your opinion and I have mine.

"The slaughter of a billion Helghast people" would be technically correct, whatever you think of it aesthetically. "Lives" and "people" are not perfectly synonymous. That's exactly the issue.

I'm going to try to stop posting about this now.


The trailer was incredibly hit-and-miss for me. I'm not sure I've ever felt so flip floppy about something before.


As everyone has mentioned, the leaf-blower-in-face closeup was pretty awful (although admittedly looks better in the Gamersyde quality video), and the rain is still pretty bad.

With that said, there was also a lot of things that blew me away, such as the gorgeous lighting in the following shots:


Preorder kept, but my expectations have been tempered.


Looks really good, for the most part. No surprise some parts seem weaker than others - sacrifices have to be made to get things out for launch windows. Sucks. I hate launches.

But, damn, for a launch game... the shit that's going to come out on these systems in a few years. Christ. My imagination cannot even contain the visual splendor.
Looks really good, for the most part. No surprise some parts seem weaker than others - sacrifices have to be made to get things out for launch windows. Sucks. I hate launches.

But, damn, for a launch game... the shit that's going to come out on these systems in a few years. Christ. My imagination cannot even contain the visual splendor.

I'm glad I'm not the only one realizing this is just a launch game. I don't care at all about the rain or some suspect facial animations when overall I'm blown away.


How much does "range" matter if the performance is junk? Because there is one scene with Tess in TLOU where she does something so believably human that it's hard to process that they key framed it, and I've never seen anything as convincing from a mo-capped actor in any other game.

I agree. I would love to have ND stick to hand animation due to the fact that sometimes the exaggerated touches of having it animated by hand sell the emotion a lot more than something performance capture can produce.
Looks really good, for the most part. No surprise some parts seem weaker than others - sacrifices have to be made to get things out for launch windows. Sucks. I hate launches.

But, damn, for a launch game... the shit that's going to come out on these systems in a few years. Christ. My imagination cannot even contain the visual splendor.

GTAV & Gear 3 visuals with full AA & 1080p *drool*.


The trailer was incredibly hit-and-miss for me. I'm not sure I've ever felt so flip floppy about something before.


As everyone has mentioned, the leaf-blower-in-face closeup was pretty awful (although admittedly looks better in the Gamersyde quality video), and the rain is still pretty bad.

With that said, there was also a lot of things that blew me away, such as the gorgeous lighting in the following shots:


Preorder kept, but my expectations have been tempered.

I think that top scene is just a bad shot because the lighting right on the face is washing out all the detail. Those gifs look incredible!!
I may be a bit biased but, this trailer just cemented my excitement. MP looks good and has always looked good, but I was worried SP would suffer. While the rain looks meh, everything else looks damn good to me.

The hype. It consumes me.


Looks really good, for the most part. No surprise some parts seem weaker than others - sacrifices have to be made to get things out for launch windows. Sucks. I hate launches.

But, damn, for a launch game... the shit that's going to come out on these systems in a few years. Christ. My imagination cannot even contain the visual splendor.

Yes. There are a few parts that make me think, "ARGH! If they just had a couple more months to polish up some rough spots."
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