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Wii Fit U | OT | Don't Forget to Breathe!


Gonna download this now and join the GAF Community.

I think i'm gonna wait til Dec. 13 as well and just get the Fit Board + Fit Meter, instead of just the Fit Meter.


The Fit Meter syncing seems to work really well. In the altitude graph it was really obvious when I was home, because I live in a third-floor apartment. Meanwhile, the starbucks I'm in right now is 12 ft below water! o_o


Glad to join the EuroGaf fitness group!


Still waiting on my fit meter but saw in the menu you can register it to a dog?
Yep. If you have £20 to spare, and want to monitor the altitude of your dog, this is a great investment.


Junior Member
I used prisjakt to check it, and it appeared that CDON had it, but when I went to their page, it says they don't have it yet. Sneaky bastards.

Wait. I just checked again. Yesterday they had a "alert me when we recieve this" type page, but today I can buy it. Thanks for the tip! :)

Poop. I should've bought it while I checked it. Now it's unavailable again :(


Hey everybody, just join the EuroGAF community !

Just have a question : I don't understand how to add another player (my girlfriend) to Wii Fit ?? Do I have to create a new profile in the Wii U ?? Seems really complicated...
Hey everybody, just join the EuroGAF community !

Just have a question : I don't understand how to add another player (my girlfriend) to Wii Fit ?? Do I have to create a new profile in the Wii U ?? Seems really complicated...

Yeah she needs another user account. Doesn't take too long though. Once it's done it's easy to switch between users.
OK, so I'm at the GameStop off 410 in San Antonio. The girl behind the counter had no idea what I was talking about we hen I was asking for a fit meter. She told me that "since Wii Fit has been out for so many years, they won't carry any of the old peripherals."

So... There's that...


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
It's pretty great having someone else to participate in Wii Fit with. It's like rediscovering the game all over again. My GF just made a routine and is doing it now, 53 minutes and an estimate of 110 burned calories. We are both normal BMI, but it could be beneficial for both of us to constantly weigh ourselves and realizing how hard (and time consuming it can be) to burn calories. That's the best thing about Wii Fit really, just constantly making you aware of what you are putting into your body compared to what you are burning. Having to weight yourself every week makes those sweets a little less tempting. The routines you create and the fun mini-games available are just icing on the cake (IMO).

Anyways, I'm going to be posting some of my highscores for Luge today on the NA GAF community. That game is killer work on the abs, but fun as hell. Excited to make my routine also, lots of push-ups (with side planks) along with luges and jogging in place is the plan! The Wii Fit version of HIIT!
OK, so I'm at the GameStop off 410 in San Antonio. The girl behind the counter had no idea what I was talking about we hen I was asking for a fit meter. She told me that "since Wii Fit has been out for so many years, they won't carry any of the old peripherals."

So... There's that...

man nintendo really is dropping the ball


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
man nintendo really is dropping the ball

Fit meter is only available online at Gamestop and only the trail version of Wii Fit U is currently available. I'm sure they will start to advertise the Wii Fit U once the retail version is available in December.


...hate me...
Fit meter is only available online at Gamestop and only the trail version of Wii Fit U is currently available. I'm sure they will start to advertise the Wii Fit U once the retail version is available in December.
Shouldn't they start it now to guilt trip Wii + Wii Fit owners into upgrading ASAP?


Today I have learned you can compare high scores with community players when viewing training history. Better than nothing..

Also did first 31min custom routine, feels good man.

I need a shower.


Today I have learned you can compare high scores with community players when viewing training history. Better than nothing..

Also did first 31min custom routine, feels good man.

I need a shower.

Would have been awesome if you could share routines within communities.


Lead Community Manager, Outpost Games
Keep forgetting that I downloaded this. I am so damn lazy these days, I am worried I'll never give this a shot. Have to get motivated cuz the usual videogame industry employee gut is starting to come back.
Fit meter is only available online at Gamestop and only the trail version of Wii Fit U is currently available. I'm sure they will start to advertise the Wii Fit U once the retail version is available in December.
The Gamestop website says the fit meter isn't available online, and my local ToysRUs has them in inventory but can't find them. They had to report a loss for the shipment... So... I'll try next weekend...


It was at highest I think #18 but is 27 and dropping which is to be expected. I hope it sold a lot and not that Nintendo gave Amazon such little quantity.

Yeah that is a missed opportunity for sure. Maybe you can take a screenshot?

I can't right now but can you post screenshots in the private community?


I just tried it and you can post screenshots.


so we can post our routines if we want.


Yeah she needs another user account. Doesn't take too long though. Once it's done it's easy to switch between users.

Thanks for the tips, just did it, was pretty fast indeed !

From what I've seen for the moment, it seems that Wii Fit U is very similar to the original, and I found quite funny how they "emulate" the pointer command with the touchscreen, that should certainly give hope to the people who want exactly that in the Wii mode of the console...


You can set daily goals for a weight increase if you want! it won't stop you from making a goal for something like +5lbs in 2 weeks.

In terms of sport that won't burn pounds, you have the yoga and muscle exercises that focus on toning your muscles and improving your balance and figure. The Balance games for the most part are more about physical fun, rather than making you work hard. The only one category you might want to avoid is the athletic exercises. Though if you want something that pushes you a little without knocking too much off, the Step games and Rhythm Boxing are pretty good go-to's

My best suggestion would be to look at the "Wii Fit U Routines" panel in the training section, they have mini routines for many things other than just weight loss. The "Vitality" section might be of most interest to you - it includes routines for circulation if your sitting down a lot, The "lifestyle" section has routines for relaxing physical exercises and warm ups. That can help you identify the kind of work outs that'll be best for you, then you can make your own routine.
I'm gonna quote this one just so I can easily find this advice when I get Wii Fit U myself. I'm probably not underweight but I could probably do with toning muscles and keeping myself active after a long day of sitting.


My first Wii Fit product.


That tree form is no joke, lemme tell ya

Is there a way to change the measurements from kg to pounds? I'm I'm canada, we weigh ourselves as pounds here Nintendo!
I'm trying to figure that out too, after a quick search you may need to change your country in settings from Canada to US - but that was for the original Wii and if you do that on your WiiU it doesn't let you go online.

I'm gonna tough it out on kg for now.


So I downloaded Wii Fit U yesterday. Today, the console will not boot--the gamepad gives me a "Preparing..." message with an eternally spinning progress circle.

Anybody have a solution? I've rebooted a couple of times, to no avail. Thanks.

Edit: It appears Wii Fit U installed to the USB thumb drive with some kind of problem. I am moving all data to the internal memory and re-downloading Wii Fit U.

In other news, I went to Target today looking for a Fit Meter (saw in this thread that Target might stock them) and the electronics guy said "I don't think we carry that anymore." Had no idea there was a new Wii Fit for the Wii U, much less that Nintendo's selling a meter to go with it.


Does the demo start when you first boot the game, or when you downloaded it?

I pulled it down Friday night but have yet to boot it. Figured I'd save it for tomorrow morning's weigh-in.


Subete no aware
Is there a way to change the measurements from kg to pounds? I'm I'm canada, we weigh ourselves as pounds here Nintendo!

I'm trying to figure that out too, after a quick search you may need to change your country in settings from Canada to US - but that was for the original Wii and if you do that on your WiiU it doesn't let you go online.

I'm gonna tough it out on kg for now.

Ugh, really? Why would Nintendo STILL do this? It makes no sense. Is it so hard to let people choose what measurements they want to use?

Also, how do you join a community?
So I downloaded Wii Fit U yesterday. Today, the console will not boot--the gamepad gives me a "Preparing..." message with an eternally spinning progress circle.

Anybody have a solution? I've rebooted a couple of times, to no avail. Thanks.

Edit: It appears Wii Fit U installed to the USB thumb drive with some kind of problem. I am moving all data to the internal memory and re-downloading Wii Fit U.

In other news, I went to Target today looking for a Fit Meter (saw in this thread that Target might stock them) and the electronics guy said "I don't think we carry that anymore." Had no idea there was a new Wii Fit for the Wii U, much less that Nintendo's selling a meter to go with it.

Thumb drives aren't recommended.


Anyone got the code for the NEOGAF community?

Really impressed with the game. Love all the changes/additions. I would have had a hard time shelling out another 50 bucks for this, but 20 plus a trip to bestbuy for a pedometer isnt bad at all.

edit: whats wiifit plus worth these days? Guess I have no use for the disc now..lol


Is it so hard to let people choose what measurements they want to use?
Each Wii U profile should be able to choose 12- or 24-hour time, date format, and British Imperial or metric units of measure.

Get with the program, Nintendo. This is not rocket science.


...hate me...
Anyone got the code for the NEOGAF community?

Really impressed with the game. Love all the changes/additions. I would have had a hard time shelling out another 50 bucks for this, but 20 plus a trip to bestbuy for a pedometer isnt bad at all.

edit: whats wiifit plus worth these days? Guess I have no use for the disc now..lol
Well a month ago I bought a copy for dirt cheap from a dude. Still in the wrapping paper... 5€. That would be 5 bux.

But maybe the market in the US has a different demand for it so I dunno.
I downloaded the game an hour ago and had a wake up call....I'm 20 pounds fatter than I thought I was *sigh* (first time using Wii Fit)

I love the Wii U gamepad specific games, the waiter activity was cute, and the biking level with the Wii remote was pretty intense. Playing the demo made me buy the Fit Meter, I'm going to make an effort to run everyday with it.


Well a month ago I bought a copy for dirt cheap from a dude. Still in the wrapping paper... 5€. That would be 5 bux.

But maybe the market in the US has a different demand for it so I dunno.

Yeah, I will probably just get a few bucks for It I guess


Just joined the NA community :3

Don't make fun if my fat Mii! D:

My mii is obese! Borrowed my sisters balance board. Did a couple games. 15 minutes worth. Fuck. Lol. Gonna see if I'll use it daily for the next week then I'll invest in a fit meter. If I don't use it daily then there's no point as I know I won't stick to it. Though I really want to. Some of excersises were a bit darn tricky and the fit trainer is super optimistic. Ugh. I had no idea what I was doing for 7 out of 15 reps. Lol


I really like the personal trainer. I just have to set my exercise routine time and let it randomly select activities. It really makes exercise different every time I use it, and not so routine and same 'ol same 'ol every time.

I saw someone with a Statue of Liberty shirt. I'm guessing that unlocks by completing the altitude challenge in the Fit Meter menu. Good job! ;)

The Miis in the community background are all skinny, even if your Mii on your screen is plump looking. No need to worry about people knowing how unrealistic the fit test has judged you.


So maybe this is a dumb question but how exactly do you unlock outfits?

I'm not sure if there's other way(probably there are) but on my experience, I unlocked outfits by doing the Wii Fit Meter challenge. Try checking that and you'll see the challenge.

I saw someone with a Statue of Liberty shirt. I'm guessing that unlocks by completing the altitude challenge in the Fit Meter menu. Good job! ;)

Hey, that's me XD


Just joined the NA community :3

Don't make fun if my fat Mii! D:
If your mii shows up on another console it will look thin, to help protect weight info...neoGAF isnt all as skinny as the community tab makes it seem!

So maybe this is a dumb question but how exactly do you unlock outfits?

I got the scuba costume by doing well in the advanced scuba (10 mins) balance game.


The fit meter activities are such a great motivator. I used to run every day, but stopped for a couple reasons. For some reason, seeing the miis jogging through Tokyo or up the pyramid has rekindled the spark for running.


I don't know if I want to get this because I already have a Kinect and have Your Shape 2012. I'm under the impression that the balance board, and thus Wii Fit U, is a downgrade from what I already have. Is this true?

Also, does the Fit Meter record for only 1 day max? What is the max amount of days it can record without syncing to the Wii U?
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